05:29:35 WalletConnect is a novel feature to add to the Monero ecosystem. Very cool 05:29:37 Ship it! 05:57:19 pastebins do exist 08:09:22 Cool but where to use? 08:09:31 There isn't a proper DeFi in Monero. 08:23:02 If you like DeFi, support XMR-ETH atomic swaps probably useful 08:36:44 a pastebin of pats draft ccs proposal (as it did not translate over to IRC) https://paste.debian.net/1330674/ 09:28:15 very cool. pat has been doing good work on the monero-ts library, like getting the dist files smaller and consolidated, and upgrading the project to the latest emscripten 10:07:17 meeting today in 4hr54~mins https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1083 10:07:58 multisig with UX++ is nearing, tobtoht shared a 'not for production' alpha built for testing 12:18:23 Matrix monero.social is down? 12:29:32 Appears to be running from this page https://matrix.monero.social/ 12:30:04 python 🤮 12:34:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Still alive 12:34:50 скунс разлогинься 13:14:01 You don't like python now? Wut. 13:14:17 Hi Illecors! What brings you over here? 🤔 Haha. 13:41:41 Why would I like a slow, dynamically typed, garbage collected, script-tier, parsed at runtime language, with the worst dependency management humankind have ever seen? 13:42:15 I've more respect for javascript, despite it being low. 13:42:30 I've more respect for javascript, despite it being very low. 13:56:29 The zoomers and their audacity... 14:24:09 who needs types 15:00:03 Meeting time https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1083 15:00:07 greetings 15:00:17 Hi 15:01:20 Alright plowsof just you and me let's go. 15:01:34 cosy 15:02:06 did you hear that tobtoht released an alpha client of feather (not for production) with multisig wallet creation? (not for production) . Contact tobtoht for more details. [tips for those with the binary](https://paste.debian.net/plainh/be005d80) / compiled the [ms branch](https://github.com/feather-wallet/feather/tree/ms) 15:02:43 i excited to test it later with some small amounts, the UX is smoothless 15:02:45 I did, yeah. Cool. 15:03:01 tobtoht you cool, man! 15:03:47 vostoemisio is going to start working on producing the intro/fcmp video for his ccs in [funding required](https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/VOSTOEMISIO-FCMP-Animated-Explainer.html). Requests final feedback (if any) 15:04:11 i think everyone is still ok with whats written in that proposal.. correct the facts in the intro video @ getmonero, refresh the graphics.. in light and dark mode 15:04:21 Plowsof can you link me the redone videos vosto did already? 15:04:45 We never redone previously, but made 3 new ones 15:04:56 Oh. Great. Can you link me those 3? 15:04:59 https://www.getmonero.org/get-started/faq/#videos 15:05:00 hey :) 15:05:04 #6,7,8 15:05:06 Just haven't seen. 15:05:32 vostos youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@VostoEmisio 15:05:49 do i see a spanish version released 10~ days ago of the randomX video? 15:06:03 Thank you! 15:06:11 hi vthor 15:06:26 hi 15:06:31 hello 15:07:39 vthor completed their xmrsigner ccs with a PR to monero gui (and core) and offline signing via QR codes (as in feather and anonero) 15:07:52 when it builds on my machine i look forward to trying xD 15:08:29 was anyone following the fake feather wallet site situation? 15:08:41 I believe you did! 15:09:53 i was late to finding the "feather - wallet . org" site. tobtoht and the community got it taken offline 15:10:18 more info here https://gist.github.com/tobtoht/4039fa3cf922d4fe8bca2f8e3ddac63b 15:11:33 any one wish to share / discuss something that has happened in the ecosystem? 15:12:43 docs.getmonero.org is now running the master branch of https://github.com/monero-project/monero-docs - ofrnxmr 15:14:21 we can jump to the ccs ideas then? 15:15:02 5. [CCS updates](https://ccs.getmonero.org/) 15:15:12 b. [Offline Signing Library for XmrSigner Production](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/495) 15:15:44 vthor iirc we where waiting for you to make some edits to the proposal after (in part) tobtohts feedback 15:15:49 those have not been made yet? 15:17:20 no, I'm down with my nerves, my energy and now busy to get monero-gui built outside QtCreator, how I expected to simply compile it, how it fails not on changes I made it drives me nuts. 15:17:48 understandable 15:18:35 i think we can postpone feedback on this proposal then? does anyone wish to comment? 15:18:56 Nothing from me. 15:19:28 wish vthor the best of look with the nightmare of making things work on other peoples machines ! moving on 15:19:32 c. [Spirobel: Robust and modular wallet-rpc library](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/501) 15:19:51 "wish vthor the best of look with the nightmare of making things work on other peoples machines ! moving on" <- :D thnak you 15:19:53 now this proposal had some major changes since the last meeting 15:20:07 @diego, im always here 😬 15:20:53 reduction in total and a deliverable, would you like to speak on the changes spirobel? 15:21:41 i had some discussions with sneurlax and others in the comments 15:21:52 regarding if monero-ts is enough or not 15:22:24 keep in mind that we have a new draft porposal of an atomic swap implementation using monero-ts 15:22:38 yes I also saw that 15:23:01 but I dont see this as an either or thing 15:23:03 monero-ts , 'javascript running in your browser' will simply never match the security benefits of your project? 15:23:11 We can clearly see the direction towards web. And I spent a lot of time building with this library 15:24:00 like this repository for example:https://github.com/spirobel/monerochan-merchant-rpc/tree/28dba7fd0b09f576753c9c0c7dda8b03012e1a50 15:24:14 I also offered to walk people line by line through the browser wallet mvp 15:24:23 to explain why a different data model is necessary 15:24:38 i dont want to paint this as a competition to monero-ts 15:25:15 it is a different thing and something that I need to bring the browser wallet and the payment gateway situation into the state that I want to see it in 15:25:32 i wouldnt propose this otherwise 15:26:23 so the proposal is a clear merge 15:27:26 would anyone like to share thoughts on this? 15:27:35 from my perspective yes. And I am open to talk with anyone who has questions 15:27:41 both publicly and privately 15:28:17 we can move on then 15:28:39 d. [Part-time Work on getmonero.org (2 Month)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/502) 15:28:40 is this something that "could" be used by projects similar to haveno? Or btcpayserver? 15:28:47 Sorry for late q 15:28:48 oh sorry, please continue 15:29:18 q for me? 15:29:22 yes 15:30:01 ( btcpayserver will add some breaking changes requiring monero plugin to be re-done btw ) 15:30:15 seems more applicable to haveno 15:30:16 Smh 15:30:32 yes it is useful for payment gateway projects 15:30:37 Btcpayserver, bitcart etc 15:30:42 Ok thanks 15:30:55 bitcart does not use wallet-rpc 15:31:11 yes. Also greenfields projects for merchants that want to verify that payments happened on a webserver 15:31:23 thats why spirobel is making this proposal , because nobody wants to use wallet rpc 15:31:29 there is a lot of potential there to reduce friction and make it more reliable 15:32:17 so we're merging hardenedsteel 15:32:25 i'd like to see potential turn into "in practice" 15:32:49 yes it will be in practice 15:32:51 i want to use this myself 15:33:10 current monero-site has few contributors, 5xmr / month for hardenedsteels contributions seem ok 15:33:18 Plowsof, im a merge as long as hardened is still working? Not sure whats going on with a couple of the active prs, if theyre still being addresses 15:33:25 the deliverables also state that 15:33:53 "still" = i mean, hardened is still on board, right? 15:34:32 no introduction required "Hi again, Its my second proposal I won't copy paste same content to here instead you can reach to my first proposal" :D 15:35:32 no newline at end of file, lets get hardenedsteels response when he's around to still being on board 15:36:15 we can move on then? 15:36:26 also, i want to clear that just bcuz of delay in process, hardened doesnt have to stop working snd wait for us 15:36:43 can work consistently and request payments accordingly 15:37:37 e. [jeffro256 full-time dev work 2024Q4](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/504) 15:37:57 had some recent changes cc Rucknium 15:38:55 Why don’t they use the light wallet server? It has some kind of webhook functionality 15:39:03 Is there any comments from tevador on this 15:39:08 as usual deferring fcmp/core proposals to NWLB/monero tech/dev/mrl meetings , but always nice to gather feedback 15:39:33 Yes I thumb-ed up after jeffro removed wallet-side FCMP tree building. 15:39:46 tevador hasn't been seen in a while 15:39:55 Jeffro's always available to push core prs and reviews, so i'm in favor regardless of carrot stuff 15:39:55 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/504#note_26463 15:40:03 Tevador has been seen tho 15:40:05 don't depend on tevador for feedback, happens rarely 15:40:08 Since j.berman is planning to work on it instead 15:40:11 Niocat. He's active on github 15:40:12 Lws has multi wallet support and is basically made to support a merchant or multi merchant scenario 15:40:46 Snowman, what are you comments on? 15:40:48 yes to jeffro, he will work on whatever is needed 15:41:19 +1 15:41:34 +1 jeffro 15:41:42 I am aware of the lightwallet server. The difference is that the hosting should be as simple as possible. This library will be a few hundred kilobytes directly embedded in the web application. There wont be a need to host a lightwallet server and it will work with remote nodes that dont run on the same machine. 15:41:45 +1 very helpful and often my go-to guy when i need something looked at 15:42:31 spirobel would we still face the issue of needing remote nodes to have CORS flags set? 15:42:33 from me too 15:42:52 merging jeffro 15:43:05 no because the requests will be sent from the backend 15:43:20 huge plus point ^ 15:43:25 cors only becomes an issue if requests gets sent from the browser 15:43:36 cors only becomes an issue if requests get sent from the browser 15:43:42 remote nodes are evil, and reducing the available pool of nodes to use is even worse 15:44:02 one major benefit over a 'javascript in browser' solution 15:44:08 thanks for clarifying 15:44:28 the remote nodes could also be self hosted at home on an old phone. 15:44:39 The issue with the current wallet-rpc is that the node practically needs to be hosted on the same machine for it to work reliably 15:44:49 so a big server needs to be rented and maintained which is daunting for beginners 15:45:40 now, we have a not yet merge requets from mainnet pat 15:45:44 f. Mainnet Pat's CCS draft: [Complete XMR-BCH atomic swaps project](https://paste.debian.net/1330674/) 15:46:39 open for feedback 15:46:41 only comment i have on this is that pat will potentially be adding bch atomic swaps to basicswap 15:47:11 Stalled for 3 weeks (so far) due to payout 15:47:29 whats 3 weeks between friends 15:47:57 well, the timeframe was ~3 weeks 15:48:01 So work would be done by now 15:48:33 hopefully we can still get it done. 15:48:35 the next round of payouts has begun luigi1111 15:48:40 IMHO, Pat needs to explain why 175 BCH wasn't enough to complete the original work in the Flipstarter. At the time of funding, 175 BCH was about 45,000 USD: https://blockchair.com/bitcoin-cash/transaction/3e33349084651ed2ed8da350a7c9389f84361e51ede31fa37662db6df9733f3c 15:49:31 the bsx work is not related to the monujo (name to be determined) wallet as i understand 15:49:46 Also needs to explain what role BCHautist has played so far. Here was the Flipstarter: https://atomic-flip.pat.mn/en 15:50:26 Great to hear that BCH<>XMR may get added to Basicswap :D 15:50:32 is that a give credits issue? 15:52:23 or to simply provide some backstory of the bch<>xmr atomic swap journey? 15:52:28 According to the Flipstarter, they were both supposed to be working on it. The progress gist hasn't been updated since January: https://gist.github.com/mainnet-pat/267fe6f0111ce2198559b3e19040ba26 15:52:38 ah i see, thank you 15:53:43 Underestimating required labor is not unusual, but we need information IMHO. 15:56:24 I assumed that the delay was because pat and Mr-Zwets were re-factoring the Cashonize wallet, which seemed to be a basis for Monujo. I may be wrong. Just was glancing at GitHub to check progress occasionally. 15:57:39 thank you for the feedback Rucknium 15:58:49 Any other business? 15:59:38 otherwise we can end it there, thank you all for attending 15:59:52 thanks 15:59:55 News: [Monero Observer](https://www.monero.observer/) - [Revuo Monero](https://revuo-xmr.com/) - [Monero Moon](https://www.themoneromoon.com/) 15:59:59 Yes 1 more 16:00:16 Overpayments to ccs and purgatory ccs, no more generalfundn 16:00:21 AFAIK, pat's contributions to monero-ts have been a nice side effect of the Flipstarter, which didn't explicitly mention monero-ts improvements, originally. 16:00:38 I want to vote on making this change officially at next meeting. Keeping funds in ccs 16:00:43 As an element of discussion ofrnxmr? 16:01:07 these funds? https://github.com/plowsof/scrape_ccs_fr/tree/main 16:01:13 yea 16:01:24 Diego Salazar: Can you work with pat to find a better name for Monujo? You can just use rejected names you came up with for Stack wallet ;) 16:01:28 And purgatory ccs 16:01:51 lol, we were originally thinking Oomph Wallet 16:02:08 for when you need a little oomph in your finances 16:02:34 I'm glad we didn't go with it, but I still kind of like it 16:03:32 Rucknium it's an atomic swap wallet? 16:04:17 It's a web/browser wallet (I don't know the technical difference) that is supposed to make atomic swaps easy. 16:04:32 rucknium - thanks! i hope we can still get it done asap 16:04:40 the recent general fund donations in theory could have been from the purgatory ccs funds sent back to the GF 16:04:48 https://github.com/mainnet-pat/monujo-quasar 16:05:05 what options for using the funds do you want to vote on i guess 16:05:35 that funds should be able to be used like haveno's. no need to make requests from GF 16:05:43 a web wallet runs in the context of a website, ( so cors rules apply and only cors open remote node works) a browser wallet is a browser extension (so no cors issues) 16:05:56 think ublock origin vs a website 16:07:14 Atomerco or Atomarco 16:07:27 Atoma is atomic in Esperanto, and Komerco is trade 16:07:40 That's if they're dead set on Esperanto stuff 16:08:39 ah so you're building a browser extension which runs wallet stuff on the host machine, not from the website in js 16:08:54 yeah that's quite a different thing than monero-ts 16:09:52 yes. Similar to metamask / backpack / phantom 16:21:57 spirobel, (of topic) but need to know, do you have from the browserapp access to the current url, access to network and would be able to modify the content of the current website or draw a own UI above? And if so on chromium based browsers and firefox? 16:25:51 yes. both in the case of a webapp and in the case of a browser extension. The difference is that in the case of a browser extension you can set a header in fetch requests and it will ignore the cors policies of the currently visited website. A browser extension also has more abilities to open popups and modify the content of any website that you visit. It is more like a trusted ap 16:25:53 p. Think of all the things that ublock origin does while you browse the web 16:25:57 current url you can get with window.location.href 16:28:29 can I speak to you later or on another day maybe on 16:28:51 yes happy to talk 16:29:11 #monero-offtopic ? 16:29:53 yes happy to talk" <- "cool :) thank you 16:31:02 my favorite topic! can also dm or email if you want 16:35:23 "can also dm or email if you want" <- finally I will anyway register some matrix account, after that I will write there a dm :) 16:48:06 ping hardenedsteel ccs payout was sent yesterday 16:48:19 Hey guys, thanks for discussing my ccs proposal draft today. I am happy to answer any questions here or on any other channel appropriate 16:50:34 vostoemisio: the only negative comment recently about the previous vids : https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-site/20240922#c433451 16:51:42 pat: here is perfect 16:52:14 I can go over the comments one by one 17:28:45 The only issues I've seen raised are cost-related 17:29:40 and not even so much that the cost is unreasonable so much as just the reasoning hasn't been presented. I think a quick overview might be all that's needed (pay per hour, hours required, potential milestones which could divide the work) 17:30:23 unless I missed something? 17:31:12 I'm just excited to be reading how the WalletConnect part works, that will be a first for Monero, right? but I won't distract the discussion with that for now... I think the meeting is "over" by now anyhow 18:10:04 So web frameworks have hope? 18:11:15 Revuo Monero Issue 211: September 12 - 26, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-211/ 18:12:44 Sorry for a slow response, it is a family weekend for me here. 18:12:45 As I have mentioned in the draft, I have underestimated the initial dev and time cost. At the time of flipstarter submission I have had a working concept, but not the solution. Running tests in vscode's console is much different from deploying a web app which does not use any coordination servers but libp2p only for orderbooks and trade message exchanges. The flipstarter have targ eted this amount to pay for effort already spent by me and BCA as well as to fund further work. BCA is a brilliant thinker and he delivered his promised part - the BCH covenant contract to enable the atomic swaps. Moreover he overdelivered by optimizing and improving the contracts and paving the way towards other BTC-like (ltc, doge, etc) swap pairs and also by continuously suppor ting me on conceptual level. BCA does not help me write code and/or otherwise help with the web app, so I am alone here. 18:12:51 Also as being mentioned, in the framework of this flipstarter I have worked on monujo wallet and improving monero-ts, which was required for my work and benefited woodser's but consumed the resources. 18:12:53 I seek additional funding to complete the project and make it ready for web. Currently I am working hard on the web app to ensure the failsafe execution of the swaps, which are prolonged multistep processes, especially in context of several concurrent ongoing swaps. Particular challenge is making libp2p-based orderbook and swap message exchange work properly in browsers and with v pns enabled. Another big topic is to support libp2p onion routing for enhanced security. 18:12:57 Let me know if you have any other questions or how could I impreve ccs draft further. 18:16:18 Pour one for the Samourai Wallet team which has officially announced they're shutting down their BTC<->XMR atomic swap ASB. RIP. Cc binarybaron 18:16:53 Public repository with latest code changes by pokkst and noosphere in today's issue, if anyone's interested. 18:27:42 Hey, just seen your message, my rate is $135/hr my proposal seeks to fund about ~1.5 months of bulk work. I plan to finish and deliver by the end of the year. 18:48:50 Now that funds have been unlocked, I'll be working with pat: for the next few weeks to get BCH integrated into basicswap cc plowsof Rucknium: CryptoGuard: 18:52:35 This doesnt exclude pat: 's ccs proposal from discussion, as the time spent on bsx will (for the most part) be during the discussion phase of the ccs. We hope to have it completed before any overlap would occur. 19:07:39 thanks for sharing ofrnxmr 19:08:42 the statement is true / ACK 19:14:49 rottenwheel: you might want to confirm the authors of the funding requires proposals :D jeffro can do it all!