10:38:30 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://kewbit.org/what-is-carrot-and-why-its-important-for-monero/ 10:38:31 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Mind reader 10:39:04 I need to change that weird purple gradient 10:39:12 what even is that 10:54:10 What is plowsof's active matrix account? 10:54:56 simplifiedprivacy mentioned they where interested in creating an animated video going over 🥕 they where talking to jeffro256 about it in #revuo-xmr 10:55:31 detherminal matrix org , i will check now 10:56:37 I am not used to IRC so if you can DM me in this account it would be nice. 11:22:19 shortwavesurfer2009: could you join #monero-bounties:monero.social when you have a moment? its about the monerujo accessibility bounty 12:57:13 Lol im still banned 🥴 17:28:53 thanks for the carrot article, kewbit! 17:29:47 https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/web/blog/-/merge_requests/355 - Announcement for Arti 1.2.8 17:31:13 Just in 17:43:35 niiiice 19:36:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Good news!