02:30:01 plowsof: I think you can close this issue; already has log posted and happened about 3 weeks ago. https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1072 02:30:35 1083 is missing log, but once you get that posted, can be closed too. Thanks. https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1083 04:06:38 As if plowsof ever needed rottenwheel to remind him of anything 04:08:28 rotten can dm asking for help 24x a day, but tries to play like he just did plowsof s favor in public, as if he couldn't have DM'd that 04:12:51 i cant be the only one wondering why rotten can be in your dm's all day asking you to covet his ass, but is quick to point out that plowsof "missed a spot", as if rotten does any work at all. 04:12:53 to more left angles, plowsof 04:12:57 No* more 04:13:41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mokllJ_Sz_g << this 06:01:44 I have quite the todo list today! 06:02:41 Have we seen https://pod.xmr.fan/ from plujo? 06:03:45 Rucknium mentioned how LLM's could be useful for community logs. Plujas* project above does a similar thing with community news sources 06:11:57 that AI podcast is crazy 06:23:26 That’s insane 06:34:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Next they will have sith lord ai on the podcast 06:35:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yalla! 12:22:28 Those aren't AI generated voices are they? 12:22:43 The dialogue seems pretty natural as well? 12:26:42 Wtf 12:27:29 > 05:12 i cant be the only one wondering why rotten can be in your dm's all day asking you to covet his ass, but is quick to point out that plowsof "missed a spot", as if rotten does any work at all. 12:27:41 ^^ sounds like what ofrnxmr does 12:28:00 we should pay rotten more 13:04:10 ? 13:04:35 Midi projectong into the mirror again? 13:07:20 i'm not in anyone DM's asking them for assistance, then running to a public space to act like my shit doesnt stink 13:08:09 Midi, i'm sure you can agree that ive never asked you for any assistance with anything, same goes for rotten. 13:09:40 If someone helps me in DM, i have the respect to help them in DM. I dont run to a town square to try to get 1 over on them. 13:13:10 Pay rotten more - lol, he works for cake, and he literally asked for a few thousand USD in donations and then proceeded to lost it all. Then he asked for people to donate to reimburse the lost xmr. And asked for more donations on top. Lol. And what does he even do? He even stopped contributing to -site. All he does is yell at mb to upload logs, and 13:13:10 bootlick plowsof to upload logs for mb. Then point out that plowsof hasnt yet closed 1 single issue. 13:15:00 Meanwhile, plowsof wrote the tool that every meeting uses for their logs. I'm quite sure he doesnt need rotten larping as his manager. Rotten even raised funds for revuo migration to hugo, them recanman did it for free 🎉 13:15:49 Also revuo hosting is sponsored by digilol 13:16:01 I received confetti upon opening this room 13:16:12 :D 13:18:17 I reopend the chat to say "basicswap has a new 100xmr offer (for ltc) and 200ltc offer (for xmr) at 4% and 2%, respectively 13:18:45 " 13:42:08 The podcast is made with Google Notebook LM 13:42:27 notebooklm.google.com 15:10:04 jeffro256 full-time development 2024Q4 is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/jeffro256-full-time-2024Q4.html @luigi1111 15:34:13 Congrats jeffro 16:15:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> To loose? 16:27:48 "Pay rotten more - lol, he works for cake, and he literally asked for a few thousand USD in donations and then proceeded to lost it all. Then he asked for people to donate to reimburse the lost xmr. And asked for more donations on top. Lol. And what does he even do? He even stopped contributing to -site. All he does is yell at mb to upload logs, and bootlick plowsof to upload logs 16:27:49 for mb. Then point out that plowsof hasnt yet closed 1 single issue." 16:27:51 Dude, quit with your obsession over me. I have you blocked everywhere, the only way I read your bullshit is through the bridge: can't ignore bridge for you, or I'll isolate the whole amount of messages, regardless of them coming from you. 16:28:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Usher song 16:28:34 I don't even pay attention or fire back with your lies and stretched truths. It gets old. Wonder why Scott et. al. don't even say a letter to your accusations and slurs? Because 1) they are false and 2) they get old very, very fast. 16:29:02 ofrnxmr you can go fuck yourself for all I care; just stop talking to me 24/7 like you are in love with me, you fucking cunt. 16:29:26 ofrnxmr you can go fuck yourself for all I care; just stop talking to me, or about me, 24/7, like you are in love with me, you fucking cunt. 16:29:28 1. How many xmr did you raise 16:29:33 2. How many xmr did you lose 16:29:48 Since when am I accountable to your retarded questioning? 16:29:59 Reread what I typed, I do not give a fuck about you. Get fucked. 16:30:25 "they are false" << the only falsr accusations are when scott accused me of threatening community members lives 16:30:50 Bla bla bla, I have said my part. Pull my name out of your mouth, sissy. 16:30:57 Scott accuses me of homophobia, but youre the one constantly calling people homophobic and racist slurs 16:31:08 Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. 16:31:25 if you dont givr a fuck, why dont you stfu 16:31:39 Because you keep mentioning my name in here, you autistic faggot. 16:31:55 I would not be pinged if you weren't talking shit about rotten everywhere you go. 16:31:59 Obsessed much? 16:32:13 Youre the one riding plowsofs nuts 16:32:32 Go play fake cop now and report my slurs while you fully ignore you've done same or much worse in the past, main reason you were banned from all channels. 16:32:46 There we go again with 'bootlicking' and 'riding'. 16:32:50 Youre obsessed with bootlicking. You dont contribute anything to any convo 16:32:53 Such a waste of time. Fuck off. 16:33:18 And you dont contribute to any thing in thee ecosystem aside from your copy-pasta newsletter 16:33:54 Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. 16:34:02 Your attempt to make yourself look useful was pathetic. Plowsof doesnt need your help posting logs or closing issies 16:34:17 Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. 16:34:28 how much donated xmr did you lose, rotten? 16:34:49 How much does cake pay you to do nothing? 16:35:07 Bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla. 16:35:49 https://kuno.anne.media/fundraiser/recb/ "That mone came straight from my savings." Do you know how to read? 16:36:07 Or you will keep 24/7/365 keep manufacturing stories in your mind and stretching truths for your convenience? 16:36:13 how much did you raise? How much did you lose? 16:36:25 Raise? 16:36:30 The loss is in the Kuno, you idiot. 16:36:32 Yeah, you saved 6.5xmr by not paying recanman 16:36:51 And? 16:36:55 Monerokon travel, kuno migration, ccs ccs kuno 16:36:57 Your point is? 16:37:04 OK, and? 16:37:10 What's your point? 16:37:18 Is that your money? No. Were those your donors? No. 16:37:20 How much did you raise vs how much did you lose 16:37:27 Then why the fuck do you care? If you are into me, say it. 16:37:37 Why are you so capable of losing 5k but needed community to fund your travel? 16:37:41 I don't know, figure it out since you are so passionately following my very steps. 16:37:49 I have much better things to do than talking to a moron. 16:37:51 Have a nice day. 16:37:55 So stop talking, moron 16:38:19 > asks a question 16:38:21 > invites the asked person to shut up 16:38:23 He is a bad actor. 16:38:26 Maybe be a chad and call me some homophobic or racist names like you would in other rooms 16:38:41 inb4 the dozens of manipulated retards praising his help with support! 16:40:33 I'm a bad actor? thats grand, coming from someone who doesnt controbute but tries to make himself look good by pointing out when contributors "missed a spot". 16:41:00 Begging ppl for DM's and phone calls, but need to go in public to make them look bad. Coward 16:41:16 So very helpful. 16:43:19 Zzz. 16:47:20 Have you looked at the US on the XMRBazaar map recently? Its got items ALL OVER IT! 16:48:52 Somehow the third best seller on xmrbazaar is someone selling cheese. 16:48:59 That's the world i want to live in 16:51:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We we 17:05:05 In b4 cheese laundering 18:22:39 Thanks Synthetic and n1oc! 18:23:40 I forked OpenBazzaar a few months ago lol 18:24:36 Then I unforked it 18:24:52 Have a look at neroshop too 18:25:27 https://matrix.to/#/!jHWTmhxxHqxwlEQxJe:matrix.org?via=monero.social&via=matrix.org&via=hackliberty.org 18:31:10 Kraken removed XMR from their ticker api 🤦‍♀️ https://api.kraken.com/0/public/Ticker?pair=XMR 18:31:11 I'll be updating the ATM to switch to something else. Maybe Coingecko. 18:57:47 Actually anyone know of a free API? else I'll have to parse HTML to get it or get people to signup with coingecko and place their keys in the config file. 19:00:57 Cryptocompare, coingecko, haveno's onion, and openapi.coinstats.app 19:02:46 nvm found coingecko's free endpoint https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=monero&vs_currencies=eur 19:03:48 nvm found coingecko's free, no-auth, endpoint https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=monero&vs\_currencies=eur 19:04:57 Its severely rate limited tho 19:05:26 We use it in basicswap, but also use cryptocompare because if the rate limiting 19:05:28 I can add Binance as a fallback for when that happens https://api.binance.com/api/v3/ticker/price?symbol=XMRUSDT 19:06:14 is there a way to do use cryptocompare without registering/api key? 19:06:25 nvm found coingecko's free, no-auth endpoint https://api.coingecko.com/api/v3/simple/price?ids=monero&vs\_currencies=eur 19:06:32 1 sec 19:09:55 is there a way to use cryptocompare without registering/api key? 19:10:58 https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/pricemultifull?fsyms=xmr&tsyms=USD 19:11:46 https://min-api.cryptocompare.com/data/pricemultifull?fsyms=xmr&tsyms=USDT,BTC 19:11:47 etc 19:12:39 awesome! thank you 20:31:19 quick and dirty small price fetching lib for usd and eur https://github.com/monero-atm/pricefetcher 20:33:15 also kraken still works, I made a typo in the browser... 20:33:45 but yeah someone was complaining about that not working in the ATM earlier so I thought it went down 23:00:06 Revuo Monero Issue 212: September 26 - October 3, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-212/ 23:02:23 Good job rotten. 23:02:25 I can now enable TTS earrape on revuo issues and go to sleep. 23:02:40 Good job rotten. 23:02:41 I can now enable TTS earrape on revuo issue and go to sleep.