00:49:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Next to you or in your head? 04:03:10 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/JHZHDBbDVFNfUNUFpZTYQdIW 04:03:11 running mysu v0.5.10.4 beta by anoncontributorxmr. some of the changes include: upgrade to Monero v0.18.3.4 point release, polyseed support, removal of moneroworld and Samourai Wallet-operated XMR remote node, removal of in-app donate to developer feature, monerochan disabled by default, tx. fee selection tweaks and other miscellaneous stuff. 10:05:40 lol what is this? 10:06:04 mysu 10:07:44 The best mobile wallet, of course. 10:08:02 haha looks like it 10:08:08 https://codeberg.org/anoncontributorxmr/mysu 10:09:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> A lot of hastags, elmo would be proud 11:05:42 how's your CCS going monerobull? next round of payouts is building up https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/476 11:06:24 i request payout a month or 3 after the last milestone :P 11:06:43 if that is ok with you 11:14:16 i mean im a nobody, if everyone is ok with that it should be fine. its common for people to post 1 update for multiple milestones if thats what you mean? 11:17:35 my milestones are not really interesting so i thought its fine if i only do a closing update 11:18:23 my coworker also hasnt posted any updates as far as i can tell and already received a payout 11:23:59 ive not forwarded any payout requests without an update , you might be mistaken 11:26:54 On that note can someone look at mine too, posted Sunday 11:26:55 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/489 11:38:51 no /s 12:06:27 No /s? 12:07:13 What does this notation represent? 12:14:54 I believe the /s = sarcasm 12:24:00 or actually , end sarcasm 12:24:34 indeed /s means sarcasm. Important to you use when you're not sure the person reading this won't understand it is a joke. 12:28:51 s/won't/will 12:56:47 🤔 13:06:04 I genuinely without any scarcasm or joking whatsoever hate and wish death upon people using this emoji 13:06:12 \/s 13:21:16 🤔 13:21:47 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔 syn syn syn syn syn (in the bathroom mirror with the lights off) 13:24:25 The thinking emoji? Then you're a psychopath, and a narcissistic. 13:25:25 Yes that's my name. 13:26:06 Recognition and acceptance is the first step, nice :) 13:26:13 Yes. We all know syn is a psychopath 13:27:55 Did you know in the pre-1960's each people with Autism that were actually labelled as having Autistic Psychopathy then later changed to just autism. 13:28:35 Yes. I was born pre 60s 13:28:42 I had the label 13:28:48 I WAS GOING TO SAY IT 13:29:00 lol 13:29:27 Proof that i am syn, and syn is i 13:29:33 iSyn 13:30:16 I forgot, i'm being rude 13:30:18 Hi 13:30:35 Juliu just reset 13:48:06 Juliu is one of us? 13:50:56 beep boop 13:53:26 Really nice initiative, and as you said, well overdue. I'm looking forward to your future episodes 13:55:23 beep boop.mp3 13:55:32 complete version of beep boop 13:56:44 ...ok :p 13:56:49 Yea way overdue 13:57:36 As an artifical intellgience I cannot understand any criticism. It is important to understand that humans and robots can coexist in culture. 14:01:33 joking aside: xenu I love the thumbnail because they are pretty easy to dinstinguish from the rest of youtube. great choice. 14:02:30 Lol thanks. They also hint at the topic 14:02:40 yeah I loe it 14:02:59 hopefully you can manage to squeeze more concept 14:05:31 Yeah I will. Stay tuned ;) 14:11:11 I need my pulse taken 14:11:48 I only do mouth-to-mouth and paddles 14:56:14 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/AIilHPSxNeToRximMGBjhoyi 14:56:20 Behold mortals. monerod-gui by everoddandeven 14:56:35 alpha obviously but looks good I like it 14:57:10 what's "Spans"? 15:02:11 I think they are nodes through which the daemon gets information to synchronize the blockchain (they are empty if node is synchronized). You can find it in the sync_info method in the rpc daemon documentation 15:02:51 We shilling wallets? 15:02:57 CLI 15:06:34 nioCat off-topic. its a GUI for monero daemon 15:06:39 you deserve to pet your cat 15:07:13 plowsof I think he will need a way clearer wording... Actually, no. You do you. 🤷‍♂️ 15:18:35 tested the monerod gui Synthetic "Psychopath Narcissistic" Bird , "monerod error: Failed to parse arguments: unrecognised option '--mainnet'" , back to the drawing board 15:19:06 yup only testnet works right now 15:19:16 blame France for it 15:19:29 Of course, we're talking about monerod needing a much clearer wording! 15:19:40 Sorry, I have always worked on testnet and I thought --mainnet existed 15:19:54 Right? 15:20:36 Why? People get confused with monero wallet, you say? 15:23:27 everoddandeven it's sarcasm, pay no mind. 👍 15:23:47 FORGOT THE /S 15:24:02 Aaah okok sorry 😆😆😆 15:24:15 im testing with --testnet now, it looks great, and feature packed 💪 15:25:28 Don't be like Bob. 15:25:29 Bob have disabled user naemspaces on its kernel 15:25:31 Bob fucking hate his life whenever he have to use electron apps in AppImage 15:25:33 Conclusion => Stop using web. 15:26:44 Watch your tone, lil bird. 15:27:32 Yeah, I shared they had made some substantial progress with their build in latest commits! 15:27:47 everoddandeven did you see that? :D 15:28:21 First news byte, no less haha. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-212/ 15:30:32 Ah, that was first share, then the updates. Last news byte. everoddandeven https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-213/ 15:30:43 Two consecutive issues! He's famous! 15:33:17 I hadn't seen them yet 😃😃😃 15:45:12 Any articles about my amazing Haveno Dart API yet? 🥺 16:43:54 Yes? See the last news byte here. kewbit 16:44:10 Then the second one on this one. 16:44:23 Yeyeye 16:44:37 how did I miss it 18:15:24 Idea. What if Monero went to $250? 18:15:50 Just spitballing here. Feel free to tell me it's a bad idea or offer alternatives. 18:19:39 $2500 soon as we all start using haveno and basicswap + stuff like xmrbazaar 18:20:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nioc plz confirm pump 18:21:26 Currency shouldn't be a speculative asset 18:21:34 Its not 18:21:53 150 * 18.4m = not enough to go around 18:22:16 People use fiat currencies this way too. Other countries swap to dollars or euros when possible. 18:22:21 I know 18:22:26 forex 18:22:47 forex 18:24:55 Hi 18:25:05 Actually, I somewhat take that back. I think currency shouldn't have wild price swings. I have heard that cryptocurrency being that way is due to speculation but I am not an economist so I don't actually know. 18:26:18 Upside swing is required for adoption. Volatility isnt good, but compared to USD is irrelevant. What matters is the goods and services 18:26:57 Monero supply is only 18,4m 18:28:31 Btc has ~19.5m . Which means 1xmr should be worth more than 1btc , if were strictly talking about purchasing power and not about "price" 18:30:23 If it isnt, that just meant that we "value" btc more than we do xmr. << i definitely dont. I dont see any reason to swap 300+xmr for 1btc 18:32:47 I WANT MY DEFLATION 18:33:07 WHY CANT WE BE LIKE ETHEREUM BURNING MILLIONS 18:33:13 sorry for caps 18:33:18 bcuz were not POS 18:33:30 happened before POS 18:33:35 PoW 18:33:37 Gas 18:33:56 If we were POS, the largest holders would all love to make themselges richer 18:34:40 It was a 100% premine >> pow >> 70%premine >> started burning eth >> pos == premine stays rich 18:35:10 sorry I refuse to hear criticism you're just racist 18:35:31 dont forget homophobic 18:35:37 And life threatening 18:35:50 yeah .*phobic 18:36:35 I'm not phobic, i just hate plowsof 18:39:15 plowphobic 18:39:21 once a phobic, always a phobic... 18:45:51 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nioc plz confirm pump <<>> soon™ 18:47:46 WHY CANT WE BE LIKE ETHEREUM BURNING MILLIONS <<>> maybe I open a CCS for a pump, donations would be the burning 19:41:13 Just tell everyone to stop selling their XMR. 19:55:54 New function in my `xmrpeers` R package: `newborn.nodes()`: https://github.com/rucknium/xmrpeers 19:55:55 The function polls the unrestricted RPC port of your Monero node for likely newborn peer nodes connected to your node. Newborn nodes are syncing the blockchain from the genesis block. 19:57:35 Just some interesting information about what's happening in your neighborhood of the Monero network. This function shows that even nodes with closed ports are helping new nodes sync the blockchain. 23:00:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds like nmap port scanning!