20:55:02 Offline Signing Library for XmrSigner to Production is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/vThorOfflineSigningLibrary_XmrSignerToProduction.html @luigi1111 20:57:10 vthor 20:57:46 thanks for working on sunday nioCat 21:53:43 is m-relay ok DataHoarder 👀 22:08:25 Probably not since there was a huge net split just before pools was closed don 22:09:04 Sigh I want to test the new puppeting bridge but still waiting on the Monero social to be setup for further tests 22:09:18 I will kick the bridge later in the morning 22:22:33 Thank you DataHoarder 23:27:16 w0w vthor not overfunded