09:46:17 XMRBazaar #xmr-bazaar:monero.social 12:51:00 monero was about to break out but whoopsie, 20k XMR open short interest appears <= On which exchange did this occur? 13:12:15 googlemozilla: I think Kraken still has Monero OTC, fwiw 13:57:54 where to see that break out? 14:08:32 <4​rkal:monero.social> Hello everyone 14:11:58 <4​rkal:monero.social> Would love to get some feedback on a new project I started: https://github.com/4rkal/dmvp2p. It's called Donate Monero Via P2Pool. Basically it's a simple GUI that will allow you to mine to a certain users address via p2pool mini. Think monerodevs but donating via p2pool. It's basically "cpu micro-tipping". 14:12:44 <4​rkal:monero.social> You can download a very basic beta for windows and linux here: https://github.com/4rkal/dmvp2p/releases/tag/beta-v0.01 14:48:25 Cool! 14:48:57 Definitely will need a .exe once 1.0 14:49:41 <4​rkal:monero.social> There is an exe ; ) just download the zip from the releases page and unzip it 14:50:33 oh i see 14:50:35 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/ieVlHZqmGCvNpwiURLFEmBbb 14:50:43 not obvious at all because pre-release 14:52:09 <4​rkal:monero.social> Btw if you want to test it out you will have to set the p2pool and xmrig paths in the settings tab. Still needs a lot of work to be done, but just wanted to get some feedback on it. 16:13:10 Thats such a dust attack lol. Please no 16:13:34 This is why i dont share main addr 🙃 16:14:32 Sure, someone can dust your subaddr, but at least its not public on an explorer 16:15:20 <4​rkal:monero.social> *just create a second wallet for donations* 16:15:29 You should instead, revive the Primo project for ddos mining protection 16:16:10 Obv. But that still allows someone to spy on your consolidations's co-spends 16:16:49 Youd need a separate wallet _just for p2ool donations_ if you didnt want your other donations being tracked 16:19:11 But then you'd have to hope that people only send manual donations to your subaddr, and only send p2pool to your main 16:20:09 <4​rkal:monero.social> Ok so? 16:21:28 <4​rkal:monero.social> People already create new wallets for kunos and stuff not very difficult. Also if you are already mining on p2pool you can use the same address no? 16:22:42 ^ 16:23:06 <4​rkal:monero.social> 1 p2pool share = 1 request? Lol 16:23:40 its like equix for tor, but using randomx, and the server op gets paid 16:23:52 <4​rkal:monero.social> If that address is only added to dmvp2p that shouldn't be an issue. 16:23:59 Youd submit hashes, not necessarily shares 16:24:24 Shares would take entirely too long 16:26:06 For the record I have sent 294 XMR from the General Fund to this CCS proposal: https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/monero-serai-wallet-audit.html 16:26:16 👏 16:26:31 (not reflected until 10 confs) 16:27:14 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/518#note_27425 16:27:37 <4​rkal:monero.social> Also wouldn't spending p2pool outputs separately solve this issue? 16:27:55 Does that mean the proposal is .. fully funded now? 16:29:21 0.17 to go 16:29:34 allegedly* 16:29:50 Yes I figured someone would be happy to do the last 0.17 xmr :) 16:30:32 Does the donor get a hand-signed certificate from kaya for that? :) 16:30:43 Yeah, rottenwheel will donate 16:32:14 nioCat Likely, I think I have some turkey leg leftovers somewhere in the fridge! https://nitter.poast.org/revuoxmr/status/1861976623836221910 16:33:26 $6.36 for the month of November. A bit of luck and I'll find the 2 for $2 or whatever doritos at the dollar general! 16:49:12 ... and also sent 6.66 XMR to ginger's one: https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/gingeropolous_1TB_MRC.html 16:52:32 Nice binaryFate , I know the arithmetic just worked out that way :D 17:22:36 Thank you binaryFate! 18:37:36 Thought this was interesting: https://x.com/balajis/status/1862548217986269495 18:37:37 Balaji proposing someone anonymously add private transactions to Ethereum, using zero knowledge proofs as a set of optional smart contracts. I think he helped fund ZCash, and he mentions that ZCash doesn't have the distribution of Ethereum. 18:43:26 also congrats kayabanerve , Monero folk (and Cypher Stack!) for getting the monero-serai and monero-wallet audits fully funded 🎉 18:44:22 I'm sure that 0.17 XMR is arriving any minute now 🙂 18:44:29 j​ohn_r365: just my $0.02, i would rather see a formal sidechain solution on bitcoin, maybe something like RGB, before doing anything that would ever support ethereum 18:45:11 Anyone hating world of warcraft should hate ethereum. 18:45:41 it's economic model is fubar, and they have already changed it 3 times now. it's just not a stable token 18:45:57 agreed cornfeedhobo - but if someone actually adds that to Ethereum, it would be interesting. I had to triple check Balaji had completely ignored Monero in his tweet, which of course he had. 18:55:02 Audit monero-serai and monero-wallet is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/monero-serai-wallet-audit.html @luigi1111 18:57:32 🥳 19:07:34 Diego Salazar: ^ 19:12:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ^ 19:17:08 v 19:28:43 Is serai gonna be more user friendly than haveno? 19:29:20 That's the goal. 19:29:51 Comparable to any existing instant exchanger. 19:30:04 nice 20:04:06 Woohoo! 20:19:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/515 20:19:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why was this merged ? 20:19:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Another movie again 20:20:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> No reponses to the two questions 20:24:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Tbh sly move again 20:59:59 they where answered out of band in this channel here, the proposal was pre approved in at least 1 community meeting, geonic then shared updates of the actual outreach, so it was moved to 'wip' 21:01:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> would be nice if repsonses were kept in one place so people know wtrf is going on 21:01:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> cause looking at the ccs looks like it was merged without consent 21:05:18 we're an open book here, just ask 21:06:01 we shall never forget the 11 interviews anhdres was forced to take part in 21:06:11 and those words he said 21:12:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> odd number 21:12:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> not 16 ? 21:13:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> or was this during "usage attack"? 21:27:03 Fwiw, I'm still having them. Today there was one for a newspaper and next week or so there's a round of a couple more I think. 21:44:11 a summary of how the proposal was merged on the sly. we almost got away with it if it wasn't for dan https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/515#note_27430 21:53:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> CCS Compliance officer 21:54:17 i forgot to put this update there though before the merge, sorry and thanks for bringing it up 22:39:04 Hi, question, do you know of a kotlin library for making ED25519 scalar operations? I found this one (https://github.com/andreypfau/curve25519-kotlin) but I have not been able to find all the scalar functions. 22:39:05 Most of monero kotlin/java libraries have some part of the crypto dependencies in the original language (C++) or that is what I interpreted. 22:39:29 Better to ask in #monero-community-dev:monero.social 23:43:04 d​EBRUYNE Kraken does not offer Monero OTC due to "geographic restrictions". We checked pretty recently. 23:54:01 Yeah, Kraken offers XMR but not in the EU AFAIK.