00:04:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> There are heaps of forms, but whether you want to spin it up or not 00:57:04 Getting fucked an leaving the community also works dude ;) 00:58:23 You’re a total nonce 00:58:34 Call for submissions to join committee already out, or still WIP? 00:58:47 We're not the one spelling decentraliSation with S, britcuck. 00:59:26 Go write about it 00:59:34 Coming out in a few minutes 01:00:30 I also have something coming out 01:00:50 I came out years ago 🌈❤️ 01:01:17 That’s beautiful darling 🦄 01:01:34 MCW after dark? 01:04:04 rottenwheel: https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund-Elections 01:04:18 dates and links updated 01:04:48 sgp_: cheers. If one gets elected to XMR Committee Fund, that doesn't prevent one from applying to say, MAGIC scholarships, right? 01:06:26 I'm going to say tentatively no, because the selection process is done without knowing names etc 01:07:25 sgp_: down. https://magicgrants.org/funds/committee_expectations/ 01:07:33 Down. https://magicgrants.org/funds/monero/monero_fund_voters/ 01:07:44 https://magicgrants.org/funds/voter_expectations/ :P 01:07:49 ok one sec 01:07:55 https://magicgrants.org/funds/voting/ jeez. np! 01:10:59 sgp_: there's zero chance of KYC-free MAGIC payouts, in any and all cases? Or there are some hedge cases where KYC-free payouts would be doable? Not asking for committee roles as those are mostly if not at all times volunteering roles, but more as a general MAGIC project question. 01:18:05 All payouts need to be to a known recipient, yes 01:20:32 :thumb-up: 02:05:36 CCS payout requests should be discussed tbh. 02:06:45 it takes very little time to check [the repo](https://github.com/KewbitXMR/haveno-app/) 03:36:27 I have regained control of my crates.io account and all crates I care about. I will note I was informed by crates.io that monero-wallet was flagged to them and it was not part of a routine check/automated sweep. Considering this has cost me several hours of time, and incredible amount of stress, and has caused one of the crates I built *and am currently having audited* to have a d 03:36:27 irty history, I do take this as an attack against me personally. The innocent argument, that someone didn't know monero-wallet existed and thought they were legitimately reporting squatting due to Cargo's change of policies, doesn't hold IMO given how monero-wallet just had an entire CCS done for it. At the least, I consider it fundamentally selfish where someone had no regard for 03:36:29 me and decided to report it for their own benefit. 03:37:10 It also directly affected the Monero protocol as the crates I registered for the FCMP++ hard fork were hit by this. 03:38:11 I have resolved my account status, and the legitimacy of my monero-* crate registrations, with the crates.io team. I'd like to extend my thanks to the monero-rs organization and boog900 for their assistance during this time. 03:39:29 I'd also like to thank kewbit for transferring monero-wallet back to me, reiterating I do not specifically know who instigated this in the first place. Solely that someone did. 04:09:48 Are these all your crates? 04:09:51 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/PsMEfLgnwRbsNpZZuTFJgaCo 04:12:51 I finished re-registering mine prior to my post here googlemozilla. 04:13:13 monero-serai/monero-wallet aren't two crates. They're a collection of several crates. 04:13:48 monero-seed, monero-polyseed, monero-payment-proofs are part of monero-wallet-util and hosted on my repo for that 04:13:53 https://github.com/kayabaNerve/monero-wallet-util 04:14:35 I'm not reserving 20 crates for future development. They're just pending audit or unable to be published until their dependencies are (and their dependencies are pending audit) 04:15:04 I'm not particularly familiar with Rust, but I assume crates are like npm? These are very important for Serai's release because installing and updating these dependencies rely on them being available in crates? It's good to see that you've got a hold of them again. Thank you again for your work. 04:16:59 Correct in that they're like npm 04:16:59 Serai doesn't have to specify crates via crates.io. This is for the purposes of mass distribution of the work I did for the community. That's why this is so incredibly trashy of whoever flagged my work. 04:18:40 Got it. 04:38:56 A bit worrying though isn’t it? Wallet libraries just able to change hands. 04:40:16 It’s almost as if they’re some sort of.. currency. 04:46:43 Perhaps a trademark of some kind would help? 04:48:04 The Monero group as an entity? 04:48:17 Is Monero project even an entity? 04:48:19 If only there were a Monero Foundation... 04:48:36 Well, it’s seems appropriate to have one. 04:48:52 And simple register trademarks for these names 04:49:02 And simply register trademarks for these names 04:49:19 I had previously suggested the idea, but it appears to be unpopular. 04:49:55 For example, ofrn prefers an anarchist approach, which involves calling out individuals who break rules. 04:50:17 You are repeatedly trying to find ways to centralize the development of Monero. 04:50:21 I would only say it would be unpopular (for me) if no one person has guaranteed a position on the board of it. 04:50:51 I don’t know if that is or isn’t the case 04:51:52 A foundation can be decentralized by having multiple members from around the world. 04:52:00 A bit like a 501(3)c I guess the public control the board so can other companies and government I think though :/ 04:52:28 That's still centralized. You have X amount of people you can put under duress to pull levers at your beck and call. 04:52:39 🤦‍♂️ 04:52:44 It is not a dichotomy 04:52:45 There won't be a XMR foundation, quit asking or proposing it. Or keep wasting your time. :shrug: 04:53:19 Monero is already centralized to a certain extent, as the majority of the CCS funds are controlled by one individual - Luigi. How can a foundation be any worse? 04:53:21 Starting from the fact Core isn't that active at all... 04:53:28 It’s the new centralized decentralization! 04:53:52 That's like saying L-BTC is decentralized because there's a conssortium of partnering companies/signers! 04:54:24 No. Having multiple members is not decentralized. If you need interested in that kind of setup, you can look at Algorand. They have a foundation, CEO and decentralized exchanges and everything you are looking for. 04:54:25 If that’s the truth, people have to have a lot of trust in each other and hope for the best. 04:54:29 The CCS and general fund pot situation should improve once multisig is feasible with FCMP++ and CARROT. 04:54:47 > <@googlemozilla:matrix.org> A foundation can be decentralized by having multiple members from around the world. 04:54:47 No. Having multiple members is not decentralized. If you are interested in that kind of setup, you can look at Algorand. They have a foundation, CEO and decentralized exchanges and everything you are looking for. 04:54:49 Go all in on Algorand boys! 04:54:49 Embracing PoS and establishing a foundation are key steps towards Monero's future, whether you agree or disagree. Unlike Bitcoin, becoming 'ossified' is not an option. We need to stay open to new ideas. 04:54:57 Hahahahahahahahahaha. 04:55:06 > foundation 04:55:12 > CoC 04:55:15 > embrace PoS 04:55:21 Please, go back to ETH. 04:55:23 PoC 04:55:41 Proof of contribution is better than proof of stake 04:55:50 PoS will likely take some time for the community to fully adapt to. Taking the first step towards this change is establishing a foundation. 04:55:52 First Monero becomes a public chain before going PoS. 04:56:00 I can bet 1000 XMR on this. Can you? 04:56:03 But it’s more complex to quantify 04:56:10 PoW is not sustainable. 04:56:18 cool story bro. 04:56:21 back to eth you go. 04:56:32 Algorand is pure PoS 04:56:40 Having a registered foundation can provide some legal protections but it isn't worth it IMO 04:57:01 (in US at least. No idea about other jurisdictions) 04:57:18 Last time some workgroup attempted to register an LLC everyone was losing their marbles. 04:57:27 Imagine if you propose doing that for the whole project instead. 04:57:28 lol 04:57:42 googlemozilla hope you got plenty of patience, because you'd get mauled day and night for weeks. 04:58:50 An LLC is a no good 04:59:03 We'd take legal advice from a brit! 04:59:11 Algorand does not support private transactions by default. Why do you think I'm here? 04:59:13 very known for their competence! 04:59:22 Just make a Marshall Islands company my good fellow 05:00:15 A top show way to organise your organisation 05:00:51 Why isn't it worth considering? I haven't heard any compelling arguments against creating a foundation, aside from the common criticism that it's 'centralized'. 05:01:29 yes top competence Brit here 05:01:58 How about this one? PoS, Foundation as well as private. Has survived Binance delisting. 05:01:59 https://sentz.foundation/ 05:02:37 Nested shells would be a good show 05:02:37 Like Sam bankman fried 05:02:42 I've done my research. Monero is the only option for now. 05:02:46 It would be hard to explain origin of funds for CCS 05:03:26 https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/f990ezb.pdf 05:04:07 The Ethereum Foundation has sold hundreds of millions of worth of ETH that it initially allocated to itself. I fail to see the issue. 05:04:18 Oh dukenukem, it must be the competence that got me an actual productive conversation started 🎩 05:04:29 Oh, okay 05:04:35 What about random people donating a bunch of XMR to CCS? 05:04:52 XMR isn’t real 05:04:59 It’s just a number 05:05:19 Additionally, I would consider potential for future legislation. If there is a 501c3 in US that is associated with The Monero Project, there could be some consequences for the board 05:05:33 And if you’re really really good at math, you can have it all. 05:05:34 If the US decides to make Monero illegal 05:05:38 Or something of this sort 05:05:44 kewbit lol. 05:06:05 Hello again dukenukem 05:06:21 Make it a non-profit organization, and we'll be fine. 05:06:42 This is never going to happen. If it did, we'd have far more pressing concerns. 05:06:45 But then they wouldn’t be able to steal funds as easily 05:06:51 Of course 05:07:07 Yeah, but consider that the org may have to explain the origin of donations 05:07:42 I'm not trying to 'prove' you wrong, trying to understand better myself. I don't know either 05:08:57 I'm not a lawyer, so I'm not sure too. 05:09:46 Btw can we all just give dukenukem a round of applause for narrowing my identity down to 69,315,317 people 05:12:42 I didn't, your decentraliSation spellings did. 05:12:56 Only beans and toast eaters do that. Weirdos. 05:13:08 The odd colOUrs of decentraliSation. 05:14:11 This graphene profile is indeed set to UK darling 05:14:47 The British are much classier than you fat corn dog bastards. 05:15:01 Assumes I'm American lolio. 05:17:33 https://files.catbox.moe/qxrzh1.jpg 05:17:57 that's weird, 404. 05:18:21 https://www.crypto-news-flash.com/ethereum-foundation-sells-100-eth-again-to-support-key-projects 05:18:21 https://cointelegraph.com/news/the-ethereum-foundation-just-sold-30m-in-ether-but-will-eth-price-fall-this-time 05:18:23 https://decrypt.co/200680/the-ethereum-foundation-just-sold-2-76-million-in-eth 05:18:25 The liquidity of ETH is primarily sourced from unknown entities, and the foundation has allocated hundreds of millions of ETH to itself, which are then regularly sold and invested into various projects. CTFC has declared that ETH a commodity as well so it's reasonable to assume that a non-profit foundation would be an acceptable model for Monero. 05:19:44 https://0x0.st/X7l8.jpg 05:20:02 How is going from ETH -> DAI using a pool with unknown, potentially non-KYC users any different from receiving anonymous donations? I may be completely wrong, so we would obviously need to get legal advice on establishing such a foundation. This is just an idea for now. 05:20:09 You dirty IP sniffer, should be banned! 05:20:54 These links haha 05:21:24 That's called libel until you can prove it, which you can't. 05:21:25 We need a bot for link removal 05:21:31 Fucker. 05:21:48 I don't know the domain, must be a scam! 05:21:52 In Thailand you guilty until proven innocent 05:22:16 You performed the action 05:22:35 With intent to identify the most secretive people on the planet 05:23:04 In our very chambers 05:35:28 thanks for transferring monero-wallet back kewbit! 05:36:57 PS if you want serai rust code wrapped for dart i have examples in pub.dev/packages/monero and its accompanying crates.io/crates/monero-rust whose sole purpose is to provide a monero-wallet FFI layer for Dart at the moment 05:37:15 or if you want to use Dart < 3.6, use irondash/cargokit instead of irondash/native_toolchain_rust. 05:37:50 No worries, good thing I happened to need it 05:39:52 You're full of coincidences kewbit. 05:41:08 Have you provided preland with binaries to finally resolve the drama, or are you waiting for the new ChatGPT model to be released? 07:04:44 Yeah it’s because I’m an exit scammer 😜 07:07:00 bruh 07:07:26 nice way to expose your unculturedness 07:07:38 imagine not knowing catbox.moe 07:10:36 Hi again RetoSwap 07:11:00 Hi everyone! I’m new in these chat, I wish I’ll able to contribute soon as a dev 07:11:18 God help you 07:11:38 What is your expertise? 07:11:46 Good with C++, Rust, both, neither? 07:11:51 kewbit.org: kewbit u are the reason why I’m here 07:12:08 Why’s that? 07:12:17 Hi, that is great! Don't get scared away by this drama haha 07:13:04 Your pro-Monero propaganda worked 07:13:05 I won’t! Actually I’m a mid in full stack development.. still learning rust so pretty junior with those language 07:13:22 Great 07:13:29 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/489#note_27571 07:13:30 Full stack, like web apps? 07:14:23 Yes 07:14:55 If you are good with frontend please contribute there 07:15:15 Making things more user-friendly with better UX would be great 07:15:40 Since you're more higher-level I would not recommend getting into the cryptography and stuff 07:15:56 Im pretty good in the backend, but can still work for the front end if needed 07:16:31 Im not a designer, but still can code what is needed if a preview is provided 07:16:33 We're not talking crappy ExpressJS APIs here... 07:17:08 That fine, what are u talking about? 07:17:13 IMO contributing to UI/UX would be best 07:17:29 Have you checked Monero source code? 07:17:36 CryptoNote whitepaper? 07:18:14 oh you want to be a monero dev? name all 400k lines of code 07:18:15 :P 07:18:17 :P indeed 07:20:26 recanman: I think I’m gonna trust the audit for the monero code lol 07:21:07 I am saying that if you'd like to contribute to something in the 'backend' you will need to familiarize yourself with Monero's cryptography 07:21:11 How are you with PHP? 07:21:17 Seriously, I’m not that senior, my contribution for the moment will be limited by my experience 07:21:40 Oh thanks. I’m strong with laravel 07:21:45 Awesome 07:21:55 Okay, here's how you could help. I've been very busy with life and trying to finalize a CCS. Two things left: 07:21:55 1. Writing documentation 07:21:57 2. Writing a few more PHP functions 07:21:59 And rly like a mentor :) 07:22:05 Let's talk in DMs? 07:22:27 Really simple 2-3 PHP functions that make calls to C FFI 07:22:45 Of course! Gonna be a busy day probably won’t be able to be here a lot 07:23:01 But let’s talk about that :) 07:33:54 you can also do an ecosystem web app 07:40:56 hell yea @manwee14:matrix.org. check out https://github.com/monero-integrations/monerophp/pull/154 and see https://github.com/MrCyjaneK/monero_c/pull/70 for the PHP impl of monero_c 07:41:16 sorry i also have not been able to contribute to that, recanman. busy with other work as well :/ 07:41:50 All good, my excuse isn't that good anyways. I've been able to at times but just have forgotten about it 07:43:39 someday i'd also like to make a poc for rust to php as opposed to the monero_c/impls/monero.php example there 07:44:14 everything needed should go thru the c++ tho and i'm confident that monero_c will be maintained thru fcmps so it's ultimately unnecessary 07:44:50 however spirobel is doing cool things with very small bin size rust tools for web wallets and that might be good to eventually repurpose for use by things other than typescript. idk if that will be feasible, havent seen that work 08:43:02 A working buildable from source app will be released today but this is like working alpha pre-release 08:43:16 googlemozilla: Monero doesn't need an org on the premise anyone can make an org to support it. 08:43:19 Like really alpha, meaning no mainnet lol 08:43:32 There is a CCS alternative, the MAGIC Monero Fund, which is an American 501c3. 09:40:34 kewbit there are alot of in-progress ccs proposals - theres not enough bandwidth to make each of them the central topic of discussion for several hours every day on multiple platforms. stop teasing releases in here and making the situation worse for yourself 09:42:24 there are also around 9 ccs proposers who have completed their milestones in full and are patiently waiting for their payouts after posting their requests 09:43:44 bruh 09:47:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> jesus 09:47:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> luigi on island time ? 09:48:56 good morning chat 09:51:39 LMFAO 09:52:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol free zone 10:52:42 i thought Monero was trademarked? https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/730 10:59:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Geonic went on a tangent a while ago about it 11:01:59 SyntheticBird: DM 11:04:24 may I request publicly why you're not dming me with kewbit.org instead? 11:04:40 I'm not kewbit 11:04:41 make a little difficult to check your identity 11:04:57 I support kewbit 11:05:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol 11:05:30 🫣 11:05:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Born yesterday i think 11:06:43 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/fqIVOQnPPrfnfXwFplogWaNj 11:07:01 mister deleted the messages btw 11:07:21 lmaooooo 11:07:45 I’m pretty new here but that’s hilarious lol 11:08:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Last part gave it away too 11:10:00 i don't know exactly what he expected. I'm under Tor, in a virtual machine. 11:11:10 Lmao 11:15:19 I'll just add that to the endless list before this saturday meeting. 11:17:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thats a serious problem trying to dox with a tracked link 11:20:20 I should have used my residential proxy instead. 11:20:34 just so that he looses his time 11:21:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Proxy chains through plowsof next timw 11:21:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Time* 11:44:41 You should add a section about how he spams matrix rooms and as proof attach the timing between his reddit posts and the spam messages here. 11:50:48 Fwiw i can't really put that in the doc because kewbit can always claim that this is not him 11:51:56 I understand. Hopefully the readers can figure this one out. 11:54:04 I'll just add that to the endless list of topic to talk about related to kewbit before this saturday meeting. 12:19:32 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/XmGvwfPfUGsNrjtOexPSlMtT 12:19:33 lol 12:22:33 lol woodser 12:23:01 This is becoming annoying and distracting. 12:23:18 I don't know how you manage to handle this all day. 12:24:30 Thats _literally_ the point 12:24:55 Be sure to vouch on my CCS if you appreciate it :) 12:25:02 cant defeat the code? try something new 12:25:33 Check out !cSwJDzxRuWndmFUZTd:haveno.network for a laugh. 12:25:57 We analyzed kewbit's 'code' that is currently public. 12:26:23 Make us fight each other. That doesnt work? Filibuster and try ti drain and discourage contributors. That doesn't work? Spam, impersonate 12:30:38 Is this carefully planned, structured like a step-by-step manual that agencies follow, or the work of a troll with too much free time? 12:31:22 Nah this is not the feds 12:31:29 They would actually be effective 12:31:51 They don't message you and calm you slurs 12:32:00 Also, they have money, this guy doesn't 12:32:28 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/adJjyfvvdABaWgwEbsFwzIiX 12:32:46 I basically responded like this when they wanted me to take down monero.town 12:32:54 This guy has 75 XMR! 12:33:19 The feds would just pay my bribe, it's a win-win /s 12:33:37 But this guy instead called me a faggot and tried to reset my Twitter password 12:35:07 I am still open to bribes btw 12:35:07 Don't you get their IP from password requests? 12:35:36 As long as they only affect me, I won't backstab anyone for money. 12:37:57 Example of a bribe I would accept: 12:37:57 3 XMR per day for not interacting with Monero at all (pay me to touch grass) 12:37:59 Example of a bribe I wouldn't accept: 3000 XMR for monerosupplies customer data (I delete everything as soon as shipped so this wouldn't even be very effective, I don't have a list of addresses) 12:46:54 Hey everyone! 12:46:55 We're finally ready to share our FCMP video Thanks to the generous community who funded the video. Produced by us & xenu 12:46:57 Youtube: https://youtu.be/jc8Kc0WogAI 12:46:59 X: https://x.com/VOSTOEMISIO/status/1865014306607350128 12:47:01 Video file: https://drive.proton.me/urls/8KE2EJ97PW#RaZojGqSMSrq 12:51:30 Personally, for those wondering, i'm also accepting bribes. Money up front of course, 87WfCvFET33Uh6uPmjpVvuF16aDMWd25acYmbNQhhTXpTeDgo8Z34GNUgegvXhkJv2aJQxgdu9XzZ68sMFYF7PcWLBVT6tv 12:52:10 I'll accept anything above 0.6xmr. Please send requests after making payment. Thanks! 13:16:47 nice vostoemisio 💪 is the light version in the video file link? 13:17:58 No that one isn't ready yet but we'll make one for the website np 13:18:39 what do you mean "np" 😄 thats required "This is slightly higher than our initial proposal since we agreed to extend the scope to include both dark and light backgrounds." 13:18:49 looking forward to it 13:20:21 Plowsof pressure 13:20:54 No problem as in np we haven't forgotten about it. Doesn't make sense to share 2 versions simultaneously for marketing purposes 13:22:14 This comment would make more sense if I asked / requested payment IMO 13:23:19 This whole time plowsof thought i was saying "nope" when i said "np" 13:25:57 for marketing purposes the light version can go on getmonero 13:27:20 Yeah that's the plan 😆 14:10:39 nice video 14:10:56 fresh and crisp with notes of blueberry overlaid on just a soupcon of vanilla 14:10:57 my compliments to the chef 14:23:41 I think it's a bad idea for Monero as a whole to try and make a foundation. That's why we have the MAGIC Monero Fund as a supporting committee underneath a 501(c)(3), which very much sits on the side in a supporting role only 15:15:34 This is horrible. Why don't have ever heard about Monero soup kitchen before. 15:15:35 (excellent video, tho i feel a bit too technical for public) 15:32:01 Who created this bounty? 15:32:01 https://bounties.monero.social/posts/159/10-734m-foss-monero-point-of-sale-android-app 15:32:24 monerokon / ajs 15:32:54 #monero-bounties:monero.social 15:35:40 ajs: I have a small christmas gift for you 15:42:30 @ajs-xmr:matrix.org: I have a small christmas gift for you. 15:42:31 Check DM 15:49:16 In fact, 2 other monero projects also received such gifts. 15:49:56 [@user2570:unredacted.org](https://matrix.to/#/@user2570:unredacted.org) nice! You decided to join me on unredacted.org. 😁 15:50:17 yes 15:50:46 Ajs matrix.org account left all XMR matrix rooms not long ago, he might've deleted that account, don't know why. Guess we'll find out if he monitors monero.social one at all soon. 15:51:09 otherwise ping him in #monerokon:matrix.org 15:52:55 [@plowsof:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@plowsof:matrix.org) no u. 17:40:27 so uh, have there been any changes made to how you guys work to prevent another kewbit from happening again? 17:42:32 (on the other hand, the optimal amount of fraud is non-zero, so perhaps the value of doing so isn't worth the cost) 17:43:06 mesaoptimizer there hasn't been a community workgroup meeting yet to discuss officially. And tbh kewbit has been cordial and helpful when he arrived so you can imagine the confusion 17:44:01 some are now auditing the code he delivered, ig there are improvements at this point on verification of deliverables over amendment of rule 4 (source code on a regular basis) 17:44:12 btw very much appreciate getting this up: https://librejo.monerodevs.org/SyntheticBird/kewbit-drama 17:45:28 no problem. I was literally made aware of his behavior two weeks ago. Was time someone took the pen and call out this pos 17:46:23 That exists? Shame on you dude. 17:46:56 Hope you feel that was your time well spent 17:47:20 Check this out guys 17:47:26 Call it bad timing much 17:48:34 file ima_95f7c2c.jpeg too big to download (3423559 > allowed size: 1000000) 17:48:35 ima_95f7c2c.jpeg 17:48:59 I have pretty much fixed all errors in one of the biggest coded bases ready to push for you guys blood sweat and tears 17:49:18 1 error left 17:49:49 I have just finished all of the documentation which took me days weeks 17:50:02 I have written a guide on how to build it yourself today 17:50:33 file ima_f4f92ab.jpeg too big to download (6560023 > allowed size: 1000000) 17:50:34 ima_f4f92ab.jpeg 17:52:08 I have gone above and beyond even what was expected of me and build docker containers so that people can easily deploy anything in the haveno stack, and avoid technicalities completely just one line of code to be setup 17:52:25 file ima_c75ab1b.jpeg too big to download (3207813 > allowed size: 1000000) 17:52:25 ima_c75ab1b.jpeg 17:52:56 sidenote, it would actually be pretty cool if the monerologs.net logs was aware of matrix users and therefore had a "view" that converted m-relay messages into ones that seem to be from the users in question 17:53:02 I just spent hours writing a CCS update 17:53:22 helps with readability. I don't expect anyone to do it anytime soon, but writing out ideas has zero cost 17:53:33 file ima_99323c4.jpeg too big to download (5704569 > allowed size: 1000000) 17:53:33 ima_99323c4.jpeg 17:54:04 You're squatting havenodex on docker hub 🤦‍♀️ 17:54:21 Omg 17:54:29 Seriously dude 17:54:41 That’s what you took from that 17:55:15 I have my finger in the button and it’s people like you that stop me pressing it out of principle 17:56:02 Interesting turns of events, I guess you did really wanted to keep the code for yourself after all that, not just hide its non existence. Next meeting promises to be exceptional. 17:56:17 You and PsychoticBird disgust me dude, you’re the most toxic people here I swear. 17:56:46 anyway, this is a supply chain vulnerability at this point 17:57:01 can all discussion on this move to a different channel 17:57:03 I have me finger on the button for a a full release and I just don’t want to press it 17:57:04 First respond accordingly to every point I called you out about then maybe I'll revise my opinion of you 17:57:37 You want me to do everything? 17:57:43 https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20241206#c470583 17:57:51 Sgo_ this very relevant this channel 17:58:04 Sgp_ this very relevant this channel 17:59:09 I’m sending photos which you probably can’t see on IRC plowsoff 17:59:23 Hi res 17:59:31 High res 17:59:48 Is that why you shared the link? 17:59:49 okay, dumb question, but I got interested in this because I knew that haveno is different from haveno-reto 18:00:08 Go for it 18:00:34 can someone explain if haveno is eventually going to launch a network, or is haveno-reto now considered the 'official' haveno implementation network? 18:01:26 mesaoptimizer. haveno, the software, is never going to endorse or run an 'official' network. Reto just happen to be standard because its the only one working at the moment 18:01:48 Never an official network 18:02:00 That’s for sure mesaoptimizer 18:02:04 and reto isn't an implementation btw, just an adaptation of the original software necessary for the network to work 18:02:12 Only test networks 18:02:40 I see, thanks 18:04:51 So you want me to go through and respond to your book of me PsycoticBird, it seems like I don’t have a choice 18:07:46 stfu with english and write dart 18:09:06 then ig you can proceed to try sending me other ip grabbing link to dox me or write ai generated personal attacks or bullshit args over the timeline 18:10:51 ? 18:11:55 I don’t even know to respond to that 18:12:28 Yes I can see selective clipping of conversations. How long did you spend doing this? 18:12:51 You can prove him wrong by releasing source code 18:12:53 It’s huge and most can be explained, just with the truth 18:13:07 That would be the ultimate response 18:13:15 I’m inclined to release the source 18:13:44 the only thing he can prove me wrong is that he have a source code that I thought non existent. The rest still hold 18:13:57 Only because it works enough now for a pre-release but I’m not inclined to meet your abusive demands 18:15:02 You need ego suppression or something 18:15:30 Like a demotion from being able to influence this so effectively 18:16:13 It’s really toxic dude 18:16:52 5 lines? im not reading, write dart 18:16:57 I’m am so shocked you made time for a manipulating post, because it does only selectively choose 18:17:46 Like for example I said no to the rust think I was doing for haveno but I learned it was apart of something bigger and handed it over, you snipped the bad bit when I said no 18:17:56 Regarding the rust crate 18:18:27 If 99 people call you out for weeks and 1 doesn't, who is right? The mob or the loner? 🤔 18:18:36 Doesn't take too many braincells to figure that one out, lad. 18:18:41 `monero-wallet` ? oh yeah don't worry I'll inform the community accordingly 18:18:46 Stfu and put up already. 18:20:26 We should open a polymarket for whether kewbit releases the code or not. 18:20:45 And then there is another person that didn’t understand gRPC serialisation and codegen works and concluded that some base64 representation of a gRPC endpoint was obfuscated code that was malicious. But you can literally decode it and see it’s just binary which is for protobuf communicates, in order to be efficient 18:20:57 Yes 18:21:29 So I have less experienced developer reviewing my work, then perpetuating their ignorance 18:21:51 What does that mean? 18:21:58 Geez…. Just ignore this guy until code is released. He’s obviously mentally ill 18:22:50 So that you can just your snippets to convince me not to get paid for it 18:23:03 So that you can just your snippets to convince me not to get paid for it 18:23:18 aremor: it's not like there hasn't been provocation, to be fair. provocateurs elect in here. 18:23:43 Even after code releases, I think I've done my part, he will 100% make a post with fallacious arguments on some of my points, playing with date and then call all I said to be shit, because hey, I released the source code. Supposing he do eventually. I'll just be here for the meeting tomorrow, but after that I don't think I'll give much a fuck about him. 18:24:11 Polymarkets, interesting 18:25:04 midipoet I'd bet 10 XMR he won't. 18:25:13 Ooof 18:25:24 I am very tempted 18:29:55 It’s comments like this that prove that I shouldn’t, as you’re tending to represent everyone as no one seems to counter you. I would have clicked the button an hour ago if I didn’t realise there was a book written about me. Apologies if principle means too much to me. But what’s the consensus on this behaviour…. People just sit and watch it. 18:30:24 Which model of ChatGPT is that? 18:30:35 What? 18:31:05 I want to know if everyone else is like you 18:31:38 Or accepts the way you talk and regard people 18:31:49 They must do if you’re mod 18:32:06 plowsof how much would you charge for a bribe to have this fool banned? Asking for a cousin. 18:32:49 Me 18:32:50 Syn is my other account 18:33:02 Interesting 18:33:27 So you’re both the same so you make it look worse than it is 18:34:05 tsmt 18:34:57 How much did you donate to the CCS for the front end ofrnxmr? 18:36:12 containment channel wen 18:36:13 200xmr 18:36:17 me too obviously 18:36:22 Txn id and view key? 18:36:30 Federal question 18:36:48 Not in this case lol 18:37:13 I don’t have IP logs of the entire internet 18:37:22 Would be cool to have though 18:37:28 containment channel ++ mebbe? 18:37:38 Heres the real question 18:37:40 How much did anybody donate to your proposal? 18:37:42 say to admin to re-open #monero-beef 18:38:04 I think a physical fight would settle this 18:38:18 Steel cage match 18:38:31 And then I would be satisfied to release despite your abuse. 18:39:16 I’m serious, I would expose my identity for the opertunity to destroy you in a fight and have it recorded for the internet. 18:39:37 2 more weeks before release 18:39:41 that physical fight would be abuse 18:39:43 Just stick to one account 18:40:01 no 18:40:23 It would be real abuse, the kind of abuse you get for disrespecting people not being behind a keyboard 18:40:44 ^^ 18:40:45 Yes, i like my own comments and reply to myself 18:41:08 image.png 18:41:21 who is admin? 18:41:22 even after years I don't know 18:41:34 absolutely 18:41:52 I wish to request #monero-beef, blue 18:42:05 waste no time cooking get it here now 18:43:06 I wont join that roon 18:43:07 No one is, anything goes, you’re in this room and you’re not an Anarcho-syndicalist? 18:43:09 because scotts a bitch and the room not allowed to be used for disputes like this 18:43:10 Cat is napping and not reading any of this 18:43:15 Scott rebanned me from -beef repeatedly 18:43:30 Xmrscott 18:43:49 why are you giving info to yourself? 18:43:51 You can abuse as much as you want I think the only rule is no doxing 18:44:33 xmrscott: I wish to place an order for #monero-beef with a large fries and lemon water to drink 18:45:26 Chatgpt can't fight bro 18:45:54 Here’s what I’m going to do, we can wait until tomorrow so I can actually do something like watch movie for the first time in 3 months, you can present your book. Based on the results, we’ll go from there. 18:46:17 sirs this is boring enough without keyboard warrior internet tough guy routine please i beg you 18:46:18 Wrong. Scott's rules for beef is literally "if you fight, we'll perm-ban you" 18:46:19 beef is more like "synthetic soy beef" 18:47:22 Banning unless blatant spam bots that adds no value is pointless 18:48:27 Right? The only this becomes relevant is if were placing bets and making a real event out of this 18:48:28 Only way* this becomes 18:51:06 Let’s do that then 18:51:30 Who escrows? 18:52:29 syntheticbird 18:52:34 xmrscott: xmrscott-backup xmrscott beef please 18:53:12 I’ll bet anyone 200 XMR its released either now or tomorrow morning depending on if I get an apology and a removal of that book. 18:53:37 i need a nice comfy jacket and a nice padded room for my dear friends 18:54:26 there will be no removal 18:56:47 Btw who registered Haveno.app? That would have prevented me buying haveno.com for €5000 18:57:19 Defo someone in this room 18:57:40 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/FMJwcYjlodVhLsRzwDyUNmTy 18:59:13 That’s enough social time for me today 19:01:03 what 19:01:43 you won't, you can make your release tomorrow 19:01:56 and contradict what you said this morning 19:03:59 2 more weeks 19:05:37 by tomorrow, does snybidy think we will see: 19:05:37 1. missing code for "foss" projects (haveno crate) 19:05:39 2. Misrepresentation and squatting of other peoples works (haveno.com basicswap.net) 19:05:41 3. Released source for the milestones that he wanted 50% payment for 19:06:30 Useless speculation 19:06:33 I mean.. does anybody think these will be remedied ** 19:06:53 The guy is dead to me until code released 19:07:35 Until then, there’s a million other more important things to think about 19:07:43 Oy, thats le bad. He have principles you have to be kind to receive muh source code 19:08:21 Don’t give two shits about that app anyway 19:12:02 You won’t see the missing code for the Haveno create because it’s on my laptop which I don’t have, so don’t get your hopes of for that, it doesn’t bare any relevance yet anyway. 19:12:36 Regarding the domains, completely out of scope and discussion. 19:13:17 50% after source release is kinda reasonable I think. Don’t you? 🤔 19:14:01 ban kewbit from this room yes/no 19:14:20 Yes. 19:14:21 No worries 19:14:36 Yes 19:14:40 Oh no 19:14:52 sorry for the lack of moderation here. physical threats even 19:14:56 He's left for the 11th time! 19:15:18 where is my entertainment of the evening? 19:15:20 No 19:15:26 He has to come to meeting tomorrow 19:16:01 Is this a forfeiture of the CCS? 19:16:02 Ban him from ccs** 19:16:11 did we get scammed again by being too lenient with the rules 19:16:19 soloptxmr style 19:16:31 RYO fireice style 19:16:45 Who was threatened 👀👀 19:17:33 if he really was the spammer, he tried to break into my accounts 19:17:40 I mean. I've list 13 points he need to answer before any decent human being can consider his CCS still meaningful and ethical 19:17:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/mmQIBfNhSWGaEAjuVKeWeotV 19:18:02 take popcorn guys, tomorrow meeting is going to be long 19:18:04 Omg is this kewbit soap drama still going this what season now? 19:18:08 Mj-xmr development ccs, paid out after confirmed scamming. Definitely too soft 19:18:43 send some screenshots of vscode, apparently have finished an alpha pre-release but Oy we're naughty boy and not kind with him so muh source code will release tomorrow, its your fault not mine i have principles 19:19:20 I dont check my email, so i dont even know if anyone tried me 19:19:24 ^ 19:20:20 S1E6 19:20:55 "Crazy Handful of Nothin'" ? 19:21:04 Geez I actually believed him initially but the evidence is showing he got nothing to release. Which is pretty fucked up. I really hope im wrong 19:21:05 How many seasons there will be? 19:21:07 Seven or something? 19:21:14 1 19:21:25 Show cancelled. Bad ratings 19:21:46 credits tomorrow tho 19:24:26 So is there going to be vote on this CSS? 19:25:01 officially no. 19:25:03 realistically yes. 19:28:11 plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org put on agenda please 19:28:16 Can we get his name taken off the bounty also so maybe someone else can have a go at it? 19:28:57 Very true 19:29:07 so a 7hr meeting tomorrow? 19:29:25 "vote to cancel haveno app ccs" 19:30:02 No, just a yay/nay 19:30:03 Nothing to discuss any further 19:30:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thats shorter then monerotalk 19:30:21 Yay 19:30:23 Either by tomorrow, we will see: 19:30:23 1. missing code for "foss" projects (haveno crate) 19:30:25 2. Misrepresentation and squatting of other peoples works (haveno.com basicswap.net) 19:30:27 3. Released source for the milestones that he wanted 50% payment for 19:31:01 I've 13 points you have only 3 19:31:55 Or we close the ccs due to ethics. Ccs shouldnt support bad actors who misrepresent and cheat their way through 19:32:46 Also, kewbit's ccs has 0 donors. Just like the exceptional circumstance of being prefunded before going up, an equally exception circumstance of refunding the prefunding. 19:33:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why vote, foss it or toss it 19:33:59 My 3 points are still 3 too many 19:34:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Steal syns and you have 16 decoys 19:36:43 I don't hate kewbit 19:36:48 I hate scammers 19:36:57 kewbits update https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/489#note_27599 19:37:07 Same here 19:37:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We are inclusive 19:38:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So next milestone we have to go through this again ? 19:38:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Fck that 19:40:44 So wants 50% payout before release of code for testing or i have misunderstood him? 19:41:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah 19:41:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plz pay me and i’ll show you its epic 19:42:41 Thats bullshit unacceptable 19:42:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol the nerve using local/share/com.haveno.haveno 19:43:15 https://codeberg.org/HavenoDEX/haveno-app/src/branch/development 19:43:15 Any confusion with an official Haveno git account would be a mistake bro i swear 19:43:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://codeberg.org/HavenoDEX 19:43:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ummm 19:43:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Logo and name 19:44:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Missrepresenting 19:44:37 privacyx: the note suggests that one can build from source, so presumably the code _has_ been released - or maybe I'm missing something? 19:45:17 cornfeedhobo development branch on codeberg or gitlab repository have new commits dating from 5 days ago 19:45:39 impersonation 19:45:43 it's been 5 days he has been lurking doing nothing 19:45:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/HavenoDEX/haveno-app 19:45:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 404 19:46:07 I dont see anything at all just comments no code 19:46:19 honestly that lines up with my suspicions anyways - i mean .. that grpc code looks to be almost entirely auto-generated. 19:46:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Is there a thing to test code for gpt 19:46:55 huh you're right 19:47:00 the codeberg repository don't have any code commit 19:47:19 hold on guys maybe he has put the CCS response before pushing the code 19:47:22 that would be hilarious 19:47:33 Maybe.... 19:47:39 Lol 19:48:12 https://git.haveno.com/haveno/haveno-app 19:48:26 First link 19:48:36 > https://codeberg.org/HavenoDEX/haveno-app/src/branch/development 19:48:44 yea... i don't get how anyone can "build from source" if it hasn't been published https://github.com/KewbitXMR/haveno-app/branches 19:48:49 all this is months old 19:48:49 https://github.com/KewbitXMR/haveno-app #2 19:48:54 > You need to sign in or sign up before continuing. 19:49:00 Can't access le gitlab 19:49:05 https://codeberg.org/HavenoDEX/haveno-app #3 19:49:08 i'm getting exhausted of this run around. 19:49:20 https://github.com/HavenoDEX/haveno-app #4 19:49:39 He made the gitlab sign only 19:49:42 what level of FOSS is that 19:49:57 All links are dead ends 19:50:07 yeah, this is all dead ends from what i can tell 19:51:03 my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined 19:51:56 404 dead end 19:52:17 I think we wasting our time he playing us with his little kid games 19:52:57 i think at this point this ccs should be closed. this is too much annoying stuff. i really tried to mediate the other day and it was clear that kew was playing games, responding only to _how people talked_ instead of anything of substance. 19:53:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Free of code 19:53:45 i still wish the temperature of the room had been lower - i think it gave them room to play these games, but either way, this is too weird. 19:53:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I’d paused that ccs and blacklist kewbit 19:54:21 Id close the ccs 19:54:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Add to jetfund? 19:55:07 .. and blacklist kewbit from any future ones, incl bounties 19:55:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I will tell border security on monero island 19:55:51 Return to jetfund 75xmr lighter 19:56:03 I vote close css 19:56:16 And remove kewbit from bounty also 19:56:22 for real. they had enough expertise to publish 20+ repos, register multiple domains, and boot strap an entire identity since September, but pretend to be stressed out by all this work? 19:56:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ahaha 19:57:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Cause chatgpt cant do that 19:57:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Manual labour 19:57:10 syntheticbird, you do know that luigi has several people fingering the pulse and relaying information in real time to his subconscious 19:57:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> So luigi is looking out the window? 19:57:33 I didn't know he had *several* people 19:57:42 thx for precising 19:57:52 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Deigo and plowsof with 5 alts 19:58:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plowsof is run on k8s 19:58:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We scale them up when needed 19:59:30 Last time i tried to finger luigi, he told me to fuck off and mind my business 19:59:45 that was probably luigi1111w 20:00:03 I thought it was kinky tbh 20:00:24 just quoting the inscription on the first us penny 20:01:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Got up on wrong side of bed 20:01:29 So haveno.com and Aloha-haveno are all kewbit? 20:01:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I think its all the ones rbrunner found too 20:02:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> It was on redit somewhere 20:02:22 Aloha is trash repo 20:02:23 no evidence on aloha aside kewbit shilling aloha and both repository and owner incompetent 20:02:25 So... probably 20:02:27 is kewbit techleaks? 20:02:44 Same victim mentality, same terrible usage of git 20:02:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Git it ???? 20:03:07 Same personality attributes 20:03:13 git pull my hair out amirite 20:03:16 s​yntheticbird: it's similar language. "increase decentralization" 20:03:25 Lol 20:04:07 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/yeOoRBfgqragOHIyJRJSaHSM 20:05:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Doesnt respond to questions asked 20:05:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Fingering of the print 20:06:25 https://github.com/The-Aloha-Project/haveno-aloha.com/commit/699680ccd33fc79d104d863a405c21af0278298e 20:07:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 30% 20:07:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> not 50 ? 20:08:02 changed back to 0 20:08:08 messy ass repo 20:08:32 https://github.com/The-Aloha-Project/haveno-aloha.com/commit/30368cb7b8cbac3975c1b66088c3d5d3cfe419cc 20:08:33 What a mess 😂 20:10:05 @irc theres a matrix poll above: "close kewbit ccs" yay or nay 20:10:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Probably going to use his app too 20:19:32 Syn, your poll got botted 20:19:34 oh shit it goes to the bottom 20:19:43 I am the bots 20:20:35 I voted no 20:20:53 I believe you 20:21:48 Thanks. I would have felt bad for voting yes 20:26:58 there is a saying in academia, publish or perish 20:28:58 Can i perish first? Then leave publishing in my will? 20:33:40 No first i pay you 50% of total then release 20:51:16 ok thx 21:04:56 WTF!!! 21:04:59 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/yDnpLQwoNJUiYKDIxLpiGsjJ 21:12:11 Maverick has always has been a piece of shit who believes in Monero as a political instrumentation. 21:12:22 His twitter account is literally only this 21:13:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why vote, foss it or toss it 21:22:18 Why he trying make out its a war Retoswap against haveno app fucking sounds stupid 21:22:57 Yea i blocked him he posts stupid shit alot of time 21:23:34 Braindead people feeling to be powerful by making their own war and then claim to be the good side 21:40:20 If a (valid) competitor to Reto comes out, what will be your reaction? 21:41:54 I'll be happy 21:42:04 Same 21:42:44 Honestly if a competitor doesn’t come out idk if I will keep doing dev work for Haveno (after my current obligations are finished ofc) 21:44:03 It's surprising. Haveno have took so many expectations from the communnity that it is know a battlefield between bad actors and contributors 21:44:16 now a battlefield* 21:45:20 I think there are a lot of lessons from what happened with Haveno that can be learned 21:46:16 The biggest one being that sometimes its not the code that screws things up; its everything else. 23:03:18 I wont mind I be happy competition is healthy