00:05:01 s​yntheticbird: i don't think it's specific enough 00:05:13 but i like it 00:06:40 same 00:08:54 i think it completely misses the issue, which was mods, not users 00:08:55 Mods who mod using their feelings, who need to be moderated and/or replaced 00:10:24 There are a lot of mods who are MIA for things that need to be modded, who would only appear when they wanted to mute/kick/ban people they dont get along with 00:10:44 The COC puts a leash and collar on users, does nothing about mods 00:11:32 And user behavior is a top-down thing. When you have shit people muting bridges because solely they dont like the topic, thats not a user issue 00:12:01 When you have shit people muting users who appeal bans of other people, same goes, not a user issue 00:12:55 When you have shit people enforcing their feelings and opinions, everything else follows. You cant expect a respectful environment when the ones in charge are shit people 00:13:55 You can expect rebellion and disrespect though. 00:14:28 syntheticbird: it might be worth adding a point about deliberately inflammatory language. some people can't seem to get a sentence out without sprinkling in a dozen adjectives that distract from any real attempts at discussion. 00:14:42 example: at the time that issue was made, there were 20s of users, some of them alts of mods, spamming this room trying to prevent my unban 00:16:01 i said shit person. Thats 1 adjective 00:16:03 And youre one of the shit mods 00:16:29 Muted the off-topic bridge and more 00:17:29 Not sure whay adjective youd like to identify as 00:17:31 Trash? 00:17:32 Useless? 00:17:42 Simply calling you a mod is a disrespect to real mods 00:20:04 Here we go again. 00:20:25 I'm going to need a popcorn sticker with the amount of drama per days 00:20:45 I'm going to need a popcorn sticker with the amount of "drama" per days 00:21:33 This is >1yr old nonsense 00:26:53 Like, much more than 1yr 00:27:46 For years monero's been infected with 🚮 leadership 00:28:08 Oh, okay. I'm missing context. 00:29:20 Luigi is still on his island somewhere. He's become complacent. 00:29:53 I'm sure there are others. 00:29:57 I'm not even referring to core here 00:31:36 Core team doesnt influence the project anymore, these chatrooms do 00:31:45 🤔 00:32:32 core are not mods 00:32:56 these chatrooms are the only reason the price goes up 00:33:07 lol 00:33:15 lol 00:33:20 I don't see why you're overreacting about the CoC. As long as you're being respectful, everything should be okay. You can still suggest changes to mods even with a CoC in place. 00:33:20 🍿🍿🍿 00:33:21 They dont lead anything. 00:34:26 Every major or professional project has a CoC. Why should Monero be an exception? 00:34:40 The coc is completely unnecessary 00:34:51 And again, i'm anything but reapectfuk 00:35:15 Diego told kewbit to shut the fuck up, syntheticn said some rude shit as well. 00:35:42 I dont respect shitbags and you shouldn't either 00:36:26 I don't think the CoC prohibits that behavior. The CoC explicitly states what it does prohibit, which includes trolling, spamming, harassment, doxxing, etc. but not swear words. 00:36:41 Just because some bad actors want to give other bad actors some official soft dealing doesnt mean monero should be so lenient 00:37:35 Cornfeed just told syn to add my adjectives 00:37:36 And cornfeed banned the entire offtopic bridge becsuse he didnt like people talking about covid 00:37:39 He also kicked juliu repeatedly 00:38:11 we are not professional 00:38:20 are we major? 00:38:29 shrug 00:38:41 Well, if that were to be added, I'd agree the CoC would be ridiculous. However, I think the CoC is acceptable as it stands. 00:38:51 Guys come on 00:38:56 idk maybe to drugs dealer 00:39:13 where are we going diego? 00:39:22 Mods need to be moderated. When plowsof ran this room, everybody was respectful. It wasnt until other mods started banning people and overruling plowsof did mods start being disrespected directly 00:39:23 s/banned/muted/ the bridge 00:39:25 Monero is reportedly worth $4 billion now. I think that's significant. 00:39:34 1 day without shit slinging please 00:40:16 :D lolol 00:40:17 No price talk #ban 00:40:21 does dog wif hat still have a latger MC than us 00:40:36 Not anymore. 00:40:42 those are professionals 00:41:18 Who are these mods exactly? 00:41:25 I don't get the context. 00:42:05 The temperature in this room is consistently high and it sucks. 00:42:25 From my perspective, there is a CoC pending in response to all the recent trolling, impersonation, and harassment that has been occurring lately. This will provide moderators with a clear direction on how to handle all that. 00:42:32 I have been in constant pain for 2 weeks, I can only read charts 00:42:33 Simple. 00:43:20 No 00:43:57 the coc predates my unban 00:43:58 And the issue the the coc references is about mods overstepping 00:46:25 Atm, functionally, at don't have a consistent coc that the mods use. Also nobody is currently banned or muted. 00:46:25 All slights, perceived or otherwise based on previous decisions have no grounds in the present. 00:46:37 We don't * 00:48:19 I realize everyone isn't happy for different reasons. Everyone thinks everyone else is a bad actor and doesn't deserve a place at the table. 00:49:27 Everyone has flimsy, circumstantial proof of everyone else's bad actorness 00:50:39 Can the peanut gallery please go do some work or otherwise be productive with your lives rather than bitching about each other for a while, please? 00:51:52 Peanut gallery. I like that. 00:54:45 The blunt truth is that a CoC was indeed adopted many years ago by the core team at the time. For code and community. The code for example has c4. It was never consistently enforced. 00:55:20 Anonimal (rightfully) pointed this out back in the day too. This isn't a new conversation. 00:55:45 This leads some mods to try to enforce it. With reason. Because it's there. Because officially its adopted. 00:56:14 But if it was inconsistently enforced back then, it is even more so now that we have 2.5 functional core team members 00:56:50 This has led the mod team floundering a bit. The people enforcing certain rules have "official written backing". 00:57:50 Scott is not at fault for reading the rules and making a ruling as an appointed mod. 00:58:23 Neither are the people wrong for pointing out how unjust it is for these rulings to be wielded non-uniformly, making things seem targeted. 00:59:26 For any of you feeling purposefully oppressed, or deliberately silenced, the honest truth is you're probably not important enough for that. The truth is much more mundane. Namely core haphazardly adopted a code of conduct for things back in the day that they never really made honest attempts to enforce. 01:00:50 When I see something I don’t like, I mute or move on 01:01:03 The cracks in core's laid back way of dealing with things has been evident over the past years. It's not perfect, and I'm not saying we should continue like this, but rest assured if things were more heavy handed there would be complaints too. 01:01:04 I just don’t care for spam and phishing 01:01:40 The fact that we lost -pools, such a long standing community gives me pause though that perhaps things have indeed been too laid back in regards to enforcement. 01:01:44 That's a really sad blow imo 01:03:08 ofrn was referring to this: https://web.archive.org/web/20240524142346/https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/457 01:03:09 Targeted attacks that you can't really mute or move on from. 01:04:17 Have you been mia for 2yrs? 01:05:24 Are you forgetting timeline?? Lmao 01:05:25 I was banned by ERC 01:05:30 ERC was fired promptly, even sgp agreed that erc was acting in bad faith 01:05:37 `As soon as ofrnxmr touched Monero, the price dropped significantly. If the market hates ofrnxmr, why should we accept this proposal?` 01:06:26 Inspiring. 01:06:33 When Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) Backup went to resolutions to ask for my unban in the rooms that erc banned me in, dan was promptly muted 01:06:38 I called scott a bitch for that, and scott banhammered me 01:06:48 I didn't say he banned you dude. 01:06:56 He made rulings regarding upholding things. 01:07:38 I'm also not saying I agree with Scott's every decision. 01:07:49 scott did ban me 01:08:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wasnt me 01:08:25 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Siren and i are mute buddies 01:08:27 Then the timeline indeed is not something I'm the most up to date on. But it doesn't really matter or invalidate everything I've been saying. 01:08:37 Erc didnt banhammer me. And scott literally made up lies like claiming that i threatened peoples lives 01:08:56 which was in response to selsta asking for my unban in gui 01:09:31 Ruck invited me to beef, and scott banned me from beef. Ruck unbanned me and scott rebanned, so ruck left the room altogether. 01:09:49 The tweet he was talking about that said "it's on sight" was indeed not you. 01:10:01 That doesn't change the fact that none of the above matters. 01:10:26 Because as I said, as a mod he had a right to make rulings. And the unban and reban is a result of the inconsistency for the reasons I described above. 01:10:51 Youre saying scott was upholding something, thats nonsense. He was just being a bitch, mad that he couldnt do it to rotten anymore 01:11:02 I'm clarifying the situation as to why things happened as they did. 01:11:05 This is your assertion. 01:11:07 No, the unban and reban was scott being a bitch 01:11:23 This is your assertion. 01:11:25 Scott banned because he wanted to be a bitch and mute people in resolutions 01:11:33 sigh. it's exhausting how incendiary your language is. this channel's temperature could be so much lower without it. 01:11:45 and could still discuss the same exact stuff 01:11:48 I wonder how all of this will look on IRC. It must be a nightmare. 01:12:00 I disagreed with Scott's decision and unbanned. I also disagree with your assertion. 01:12:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why we talking about banning? 01:12:39 No, thats literally a fact 01:12:43 Dan asked scott to reverse erc's bam, and scott mutes him and told him to tell me to request screenshots from jwinterm if i need to get work done 01:12:52 c​ornfeedhobo You're overreacting. Ironically, pointing this out raises the temperature in this channel. Just let Diego handle it. 01:13:10 Erc had stepped down as mod and sgp and luigi knew that erc was acting in bad faith 01:14:07 Scott didnt uphold anything, he literally muted someone for respectfully requesting that my ban be reversed 01:14:18 I think erc was acting alongside his values. Unfortunately I don't think his values were very compatible with this community. 01:14:40 It is possible for someone to act in line with their values, which differ from yours, and not be acting in bad faith. 01:14:42 no 01:15:27 Erc banned me for saying "erc broke the room" 01:15:31 He came to my dm and said "ive banmed you in every room that i admin" and left 01:16:18 Luigi promptly unbanned me on irc and erc stepped down and left the rooms on matrix 01:16:19 Then dan asked in resolutions for another mod to unban me in -site and -translation (rooms erc banned me), and dan was muted 01:16:28 This may indeed be the straw that broke the camels back, but does not mean there were not other reasons. 01:16:42 Fwiw I also disagree with erc if this was his final reason for banning 01:16:57 🍿 01:17:13 The primary issue here is immediately leaping to "bad faith" for reasons why things are done. 01:17:29 From many many in this community. 01:17:31 I used to watch springer now I watch this 01:17:48 non stop 🎆 01:17:50 It was 01:17:51 ccs was down. Ccs restarted. i wrote the merge list and sent to luigi 01:18:28 Then you're preaching to the choir in this regard. I agree with you here. 01:18:30 Erciccione was on merge list, incl backpay 01:18:32 Erc decided he wanted to be angry about me writing the list and closed his ccs 01:18:34 Every other ccs was funded almost instantly 01:18:43 And once again the fact that you're unbanned means I agree with you in general about how this was handled. 01:19:17 But no, Scott remaining on the mod team is not a threat to the monero community at large, and I'm not in a hurry to ask him to resign. 01:19:18 Erc got mad and started disrespecting plowsof and luigi. I was busy fixing matrix rooms (just finished fixing haveno room with pigeons). I pointed out that it wss broken because erc downed the homeserver, and that otherrooms are the same 01:19:25 If you think this makes me naive then so be it. 01:19:31 cornfeedhobo just take a glance at the beautiful stuff he was sending to xmrscott via PM, that he himself posted on X, on his profile. 😂👌 https://nitter.poast.org/pic/orig/media%2FGKIwiiYWwAA5GIM.jpg 01:19:43 And then erc banned me 01:19:48 Source: https://nitter.poast.org/ofrnxmr/status/1775034577196560643 01:20:27 Ok, well my 7 months ban was because dan asked for the erc ban to be reversed on matrix. Plowsof didn't have ops in site or tl 01:20:59 There's more. 😂 https://nitter.poast.org/ofrnxmr/status/1774085262450004335 01:21:39 This was after my ban, and *shocker* i sent it to him and he never read it, so i posted it publicly 01:21:46 Fwiw, ofrnxmr @ofrnxmr:xmr.mx i realize you probably stand by all your words here since you're not one to back down, but things like this definitely make me roll my eyes when you triple down on your behavior being justified. 01:22:36 It's not threatening of life but it is just on the "right" side of subtle of violence). 01:22:37 I'm not justifying post-ban behavior. It is what it is 01:23:00 Not only that, but Diego and Core has knowledge of him trying to use sock puppets to delete my Matrix account 🤣 01:23:01 If you're being attacked by hundreds of sockpuppets, banned from all channels (including joke ones like off-topic and beef), and having all your CCS requests rejected for no valid reason, I can understand why ofrn acted like this... 01:23:37 It doesn't justify it, though. I can see where he came from. 01:23:49 Diego, is this true? 01:23:51 I assert you were being a bitch to Scott being a bitch. Let he who has not bitched cast the first stone. 01:24:32 Because anybody with half a brain would know that ive never used any socks 01:24:33 This isnt simply a baseless allegation, its absolutely hilarious 01:24:41 God, all parties making me reveal all my cards all at once. 01:24:46 rottenwheel If I'm missing any context, please let me know. I obtained my information from ofrn himself. 01:25:04 🤣🤣🤣🤣 01:25:26 Go easy on me. I'm new... 01:25:45 g​ooglemozilla: not justify it is key here. they can behave that way somewhere else. it certainly shouldn't be the behavior of someone that accepts money from the community or could be seen as a community representative 01:25:49 Everyone accuses everyone of socks and always has circumstantial evidence of proof. 01:25:49 Please do sir 01:25:50 I have NEVER used a sock 01:26:21 I take great offense to you even thinking i have, and worse, to "authority" figures claiming that i did 01:26:23 Explains why you got it all wrong. Going to pm with ofrn is like letting yourself into the most manipulative, megalomaniac, twisted individual I ever had the disgraceful chance of talking to, ever in my life. Note that I used ever, twice. 01:26:35 Don't you look at the shit he types on pm with Scott? 01:26:54 I stand on principle. I'm not a pussy 01:27:00 He deliberately twists stuff to his own benefit and in the process, he sprinkles slurs left and right. It is unhinged. 01:27:03 My card in this instance which may be upsetting to both sides here is that I don't think the circumstantial evidence that both sides have provided here is damning enough to take definitive action. 01:27:22 He sent me screenshots and archive links to support his claims. Please forgive me if I chose to believe them. 01:27:24 I dont upvote myself or do cowardly bullshit. I would never use a sock 01:27:36 Anything i have to say, i say from my own mouth 01:27:48 I don't need to forgive anything, just laugh at how effective his manipulatively unhinged antics are. 01:28:18 I couldn't care less what happens to the dude. He's blocked everywhere and will stay blocked till the end of days, that's guaranteed. 01:28:59 I don't get it. I wish there was a SyntheticBird-style blog about this :) 01:29:11 But since things seem to be coming to a head here, perhaps the can can't be kicked down the road much longer indeed. 01:29:18 Its the coc 01:29:39 Replies? I haven't read them. 01:29:41 Both ofrn has sent me accusations and evidence over PM of Scott using socks, and vice versa. 01:30:08 Ill take some time to actually dig further. 01:30:40 I don't appreciate it being "known" that i used socks 01:30:41 Ive literally NEVER in my mufakkn life 01:30:48 Thats some weak shit. diego, you spoke to me privatelt and knew how i was living 01:30:58 According to ofrn, plowsof obtained IP addresses and emails of all the sock puppets. Surely, this could easily expose who it was? 01:31:33 I literally said I didn't give credence to either accusation. That's not weak shit. It's giving both sides the benefit of the doubt. 01:31:36 I wasnt even active in the damn chatrooms. Was dealing with my own real life grass 01:32:02 Don't twist my words. I didn't say I believed him and didn't tell you, you doofus. 01:32:43 its _obvious_ that someone created _multiple_ sock puppets and claimed to do so to defend scott and sgp 01:32:45 _he_ said you did 01:33:14 Yes, most were yasabi 01:33:33 HE said we have evidence (that he gave us) of sock shenanigans. 01:33:48 People are allowed to submit evidence. You have also submitted evidence to me of the contrary. 01:33:52 Calm the fuck down. 01:34:28 Yasabi deleted their github btw. Also, scott popped up like 5mibs after yasabi on the CoC 01:34:38 /me taps sign 01:34:43 /me taps sign 01:34:51 Evidence does not mean irrefutable proof that is immediately believed. 01:35:05 You're a piece of work yourself and I DM you on occasion. 01:35:21 I'm calm 01:35:34 Oh yeah? Why am I a piece of work myself? Do share. 01:35:48 Also quick to raise temperature and throw shit around. 01:35:56 But sir, when it comes to ofrn, i dont do socks. Khx 01:35:59 Glass houses blah blah 01:36:21 🤔 And that makes me a piece of work... alrighty then. 😂 01:36:40 I mean it in the most loving way, sir 01:36:43 Cuz ask anyone who's ever dealt with you 01:37:08 Same with you. Most loving way. 01:37:09 And I do as well, just laughing. Finding it stupid for that to be the reasoning behind the adjective! 01:37:27 I've done much worse than that! Maybe I'll help you back up your case a bit better next time! 01:38:13 Especially when you are the wordsmith yourself! I was expecting a complex word like... You have a temper! You have some tumultuous days yourself! But no, it was a bit too simple for your usual dialect. 01:38:34 The "prickly 3" thorns in my side are ofrn, rotten, and the big g 01:39:04 Not saying you all are bad actors. But goodness you guys can cause an otherwise calm conversation to escalate to 100 in no time flat. 01:39:29 Appreciate all the work you guys put in. Sincerely. But goodness gracious. 01:40:25 I'm always on 120 01:41:04 So those on 80 can help me average out a bit 01:41:34 A badge of honor for you guys that you make me work to keep the fires down, I guess. A firefighter would be out of a job otherwise. 01:45:36 TL;DR ofrn does not sue socks but I hope he uses some boxers for that coc 01:46:19 Convos like this and IRC<->Matrix DMs would be good to have with the new puppeting bridge / relay :( 01:46:47 :D 😆 01:46:54 DataHoarder double puppeting bridges are so snappy and convenient. I dig. ++ 02:57:41 what the ever loving hell guys 02:59:21 +1 03:22:45 If Kewbit is paid, we're done with Monero. 03:23:18 I didn't get to attend the meeting, but this is my opinion on the matter. 03:48:48 vthor: hi, you got a new PR in XMRSigner repository to fix the top file of the XMRSigner proposed case for the Pi! https://github.com/XmrSigner/xmrsigner/pull/14 03:50:09 hey dukenukem, thank you for the information, will look in the next hour into it. :) 03:53:48 was luckily an easy task :) done 04:51:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Allergic to nuts 05:55:32 selsta good luck sir. https://x.com/MoneroSpace/status/1865998578063130819 05:55:46 nitter: https://xcancel.com/MoneroSpace/status/1865998578063130819 05:56:17 [@fiatdemise:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@fiatdemise:matrix.org) good luck sir. https://x.com/MoneroSpace/status/1865998380519821496 05:56:17 nitter: https://xcancel.com/MoneroSpace/status/1865998380519821496 06:05:12 Wrong link 06:05:39 Supposed to wait for the funding link 06:05:55 What good is sharing if nobody can donate 06:08:12 (Sel's) 06:42:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund-Elections/issues/10 06:42:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol 06:42:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Next level of stupid 08:57:48 cornfeedhobo: ack, will try to make a point on inflammatory language. 08:57:49 ofrnxmr: I didn't made this CoC just because they were alt in the room + There is literally part of the CoC talking about mods responsibilities and how they have to review community ejection requests. 08:57:51 Between people fearing politic interference, *You're not strong enough* and *Just mute him*, I just wanna say in respective order, 1. Read the document before commenting. 2. The same people considering themself strong enough are also the same one that are unlikely to invest their time and money into the project because they are used to the drama. 3. The community isn't yours. When a newcomer arrive I don't wanna have to explain to him why he should prepare himself to mute people wrongfully trashing them like we were on Telegram or something. 09:10:11 this is the backlog we need but do not deserve 09:28:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Welcome to the fringe of the interwebz 09:31:18 This pertains only to sign-up details used to register on the CCS's gitlab - many accounts shared the same heuristics e.g. sign up email format, and those where banned and blocked. one of which was pro-ofrnxmr, but the majority where against. which makes me think it was just some troll fanning the flames more details in this comment https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-pr 09:31:19 oposals/-/merge_requests/457#note_24484 09:32:28 plowsof the detective! 09:33:24 Erc also gave an at-length monologue, basically shouting at the peanut gallery to explain how he was not pleased with his proposal not being merged when he had been a contributor for so many years etc 09:34:13 the reason for it not being merged was simply, the usual delays / people busy but yeah 09:35:27 Fun fact: ErCiccione had blocked me from the Haveno DEX organization on GitHub and once I was unable to submit a PR for the site or docs, can't remember. woodser figured it out weeks later, saying he didn't know how or why I was blocked in the first place. More than obvious to decipher who it had been. Haha. 09:35:49 We love you, dear ErCiccione, wherever it is the world has you these days! <3 09:38:26 reading the comments, the community had some issues with the language used in the proposal (extending the usual delays of merge) https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/416#note_23112 , the website workgroup supported the merge of ercciccone (myself included) , 09:38:32 1 year ago, how time flies 09:40:30 a ccs proposal made off the back of extreme inactivity* where the previous one remained dormant before being "completed" delays are to be expected... but special treatment was expected 09:58:32 totally forgot he made the proposal around the time the CCS wallet was hacked https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/920 lol 09:59:25 when i was looking on, not on the protected list (core devs/researchers where allowed to work on and be funded out of the general fund while the issue was being figured out) 09:59:58 reading him hsout at the peanut gallery for a 2 month delay, the ego there was truly astounding but alas 10:01:56 sorry to go on about this fine detail , i understand not many are interested, bare with me: erc made proposal 14th October. 1st meeting to discuss 18th October https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/912 10:04:09 made 18th* first meeting 28th* CCS wallet incident Nov 2nd https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/916 , now read his comment after he closed his ccs ok sorry for spamming 10:15:31 > For any of you feeling purposefully oppressed, or deliberately silenced, the honest truth is you're probably not important enough for that. <<<< word 10:16:05 have to admit, i missed Diego 10:41:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why bring this up for ? 10:44:25 people get sentimental around the holidays 10:44:41 it's all the pig in blankets 10:53:13 Youre remembering wrong 10:53:27 ccs was down. When ccs restarted i had written merge list, confirmed with you and sent to luigi 10:54:24 I posted the list publicly after luigi only merged like 2 proposals (didnt merge fcmp or erc, for example) 10:59:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Arh when he rq 11:02:02 luigi legit tried to block more than 1 proposal https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$x8PEmgUAVqK4AdZAbuQjGySpQoDh9Mr5-quejndaxzk?via=xmr.mx&via=matrix.org&via=monero.social 11:02:51 Calking xmruw retro monero laundering (cuz its russian) 11:02:53 xmr.ru* 11:04:02 https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$oi_XAhKN2VnYBV0yvp8_ulRJHx1PEDn1X8IUiEXj3UI?via=xmr.mx&via=matrix.org&via=monero.social 11:05:31 Literally tried not to merge fcmp 11:10:27 https://matrix.to/#/!WzzKmkfUkXPHFERgvm:matrix.org/$N6hO8mabviL-9niRMXixJekkfCGRq1mArOyPS4T7ekA?via=xmr.mx&via=matrix.org&via=monero.social 11:11:08 Heres when erc decided to quit 11:12:03 Why is one person behind the financials for Monero? 11:12:19 CCS* 11:37:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Core* 11:37:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> read the rules of ccs 11:37:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> “Core” decides disputes 11:40:54 I see no proof of that. I just see people running to L to find out what he wants done 11:41:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wdym 11:41:48 See no elections. Does seem like a dictatorship 11:42:59 core team is invite-only 11:43:18 Divine rights do not require voting 11:43:28 L = 1/3 core team members 11:43:30 also if you want elections you can see https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund-Elections 11:43:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Elections are for magic 11:44:33 Even mods here are invite-only 11:44:34 Example: nobody ever chose scott 11:44:51 Magic owns the git repo? 11:44:51 Plus IIRC Magic projects require KYC and tax ids or something 11:44:57 Wait until he hears about shadow IT workers and the possibility of kewbit being north korean 11:45:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Magic are the monero commumity leaders 11:45:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ^ plz confirm nioc 11:46:17 That only fund via tax IDs 11:46:35 Which git repo? 11:46:40 monerod 11:46:54 Kewbit is too stupid (no offense) to be a North Korean shadow worker. 11:46:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Monero repo 11:47:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or are they playing stupid 11:47:22 If you aren't aware, the CCS is a gold mine for North Koreans. 11:47:23 https://youtu.be/QebpXFM1ha0 11:47:25 https://www.sentinelone.com/labs/dprk-it-workers-a-network-of-active-front-companies-and-their-links-to-china/ 11:47:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Nioc can confirm or deny 11:47:56 Have you seen the accounts that follow him and vice versa on github? 11:48:22 He was good enough to fool and claim some minestones 11:49:00 Yes, what's the problem? 11:49:13 https://github.com/KewbitXMR?tab=followers 11:49:18 Weak community. 11:49:27 Siren: wanna place bets whether he had deadline extended vs paid vs closed vs closed and banned 11:49:43 It's what happens when bad actors gain too much control. 11:50:21 This sets a precedent. 11:50:32 scott was chosen 11:50:45 wen polymarket for xmr 11:50:57 It was just a very long time ago 11:51:26 When will the decision be made? I can propose this on Polymarket. 11:51:27 When needmoney90 was head/lead mod with a few others as support, sgp and diego included 11:51:49 Also, charuto, erc, etc 11:51:53 Although it is easy for Luigi to scam us if we open one. 11:51:59 He wasnt chosen for a lot of ghe rooms that hed admin of today 11:52:15 Sgp promoted him when he (sgp) stepped down 11:52:24 i don't think moderation team was done on a per room basis. it was just mod or not 11:52:35 He's admin of, i think, every room now 11:52:54 Sure, but he was also a mod of every room back then 11:53:10 Difficult to guess. If they know more about each other, probably extended and not banned. If not, should be closed and banned since he cared about xmr.ru (I believe there's some truth to the money laundering claim). 11:53:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/0xAu/chainlit 11:53:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thats one of the people 11:53:39 As he was a designated mod. Some mods were more active than others, but they were still mods. When needmoney90 left there was a huge vacuum and that needed to be filled. 11:53:49 He really doesn't wanna facilitate some people, else he will draw government attention to the CCS. 11:54:32 Kewbit doesn't follow them, though. It doesn't matter. 11:54:53 And the word was elected. Not sure if i rephrased improperly, but this was about "invite-only" vs "elected" 11:54:54 Any bad actor can follow someone's account. 11:54:57 Sorry, i mean kewbit 11:56:12 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/0xAu 11:56:14 Yeah my message was about kewbit. There's a possibility that woodser or luigi know more about him than all of us. Why else did everyone skip the competency check and due diligence? 11:56:29 Are you talking about mods? 11:56:53 But yeah, i don't think there was an election process. When has it been a rule they have to be elected? 11:56:57 https://github.com/0xAu?tab=followers 11:57:11 Usually a request went out for mods and someone would volunteer, that was it 11:57:21 If there were objections, they would be raised. 11:57:44 Usually there weren't objections cause the vast majority of people were rational adults 11:57:57 Not saying that's not the case now, but you get the drift 11:58:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> What repo did they fork? 11:58:40 @ofrnxmr are you saying there should be mod elections for every room independently? 11:59:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://github.com/RunnyBabbit?tab=following 11:59:05 <3​21bob321:monero.social> This is a good one 11:59:07 We'll need some sort of policy for that, i would imagine. Rules for election, re-election, removal, etc 11:59:18 Maybe it could go in the CoC? 11:59:36 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We should create the monero policy alliance 11:59:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Like the atlantic alliance 12:00:01 the minimum competency checks where less than adequate because it was a re purposing of funds for an 'actively being worked on bounty' with alot of hype / community support that aligned with the creation of the proposal 12:00:31 hypothetical: midi, who do you think should have the final say over who is banned from -GUI? 12:00:33 I don't want to get banned because of doxxing but his GitHub account has a very strange detail 12:00:34 <3​21bob321:monero.social> He showed work down i think 12:01:07 heres a reddit thread announcing the completion of the milestone https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1g5amco/significant_milestone_completed_for_haveno/ 12:01:15 Plowsof, also the bounty was claimed to be pretty much complete 12:01:19 80k views (?) 12:01:28 So the ccs was assumed to already have an MVP 12:01:42 shared in community and announced on revuo https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20241015#c445383 12:01:58 So an oligarchy 12:02:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> They like open ai ? 12:02:11 You can share with me and ill take the ban 12:02:43 Who are the other two? 12:02:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Beavus and butthead 12:03:36 Ofrn's sock puppet accounts. 12:03:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Split personality 12:05:25 Binary fate (generfund), and artic mine (scaling. Doesnt get involved in the management / logistics) 12:23:50 so y'all ready to give me the mod responsibility or what then? 12:26:41 The mods! 12:28:02 So scott have veto over selsta? 12:29:20 (Which is precisely what happened) 12:29:22 Also vetoed ruck in -beef 12:29:32 I would simply listen to community feedback but preferably engage people in conflict resolution instead of bans 12:30:05 If selsta is a mod, then they should find consensus between them. If selsta is not a mod, then selsta should defer to the mod's decision 12:31:05 Again, i believe that scott shouldnt be admin of gui. But he is, and as a result he rebanned me and replied to selsta's unban request that plow and him cannot do so because i supposed threatened lives 12:31:06 I don't think selsta (in this example) should be worrying about conflict resolution 12:31:59 Gui is sel's room. Scott shouldnt be a mod there. 12:32:10 Plow is an admin there, and unbanned me for reasons that i don't know. I was rebanned because scott felt like it 12:32:30 What do you mean selsta's room? 12:32:49 sel is monero-gui dev 12:33:03 sounds like y'all need a mediator 12:33:41 Its not a chatroom, its a development room 12:35:20 people still have conflicts. clearly 12:41:20 I'm unbanned 12:42:19 s/mediator/moderator ... 12:48:32 Yes, i understand that. But i am not sure if portaying it as his room is correct 12:49:17 It's a room facilitating comms for gui development. That's it. 12:50:24 the only active dev in the room, and the lead dev. Scott shouldnt dictate who sel can work with 12:53:43 Im my view, the admins of that room should be sel and plow, with banhammer as mod 12:54:13 Just like ruck should be admin in mrl, not scott and charuto 12:54:43 hey I already volunteered. I've been here for years and have no enemies. just sayin 12:55:24 plus I'd listen to selsta obviously 12:56:46 sorry, positions are filled indefinitely 12:58:36 womp 12:59:02 I'll just talk to whats his face he's probably tired of the flak anyway 13:00:08 Power tripping? Nah, most of them love it 13:00:28 Its like, the only power that they have in this world 13:07:35 My mod / admin guidelines went something like: 13:07:35 1. Under most circumsstances, admins should be related to the room. Researches in mrl, devs in dev etc. 13:07:37 2. Admins arent required to moderate, but should have power to overrule mods in the rooms that they admin (unbanning ooo in mrl or ofrn in support) 13:07:39 3. When a mod uses banhammer to bans other than spam/bots etc, the message should include the mods handle (no hiding behind banhammer) 13:37:05 It's confirmed. 13:37:11 !cSwJDzxRuWndmFUZTd:haveno.network 13:53:22 Will make edits i agree with your points 13:54:37 For those who aren't bothered checking the Haveno channel, Kewbit has reappeared with another coincidence (look closely): 13:54:37 https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund-Elections/issues/10 13:57:49 He has transformed from blue to red, and from good to evil. 13:58:02 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/kzSSlatIwthSLswMDJDEkzTe 13:58:27 okay now thats ridiculous 13:58:45 how old are they, thats high school behavior at best 13:59:07 He's trying to make it obvious for some people. 14:02:39 @luigi1111:monero.social 14:07:11 What 14:07:34 he just quit the room 14:08:17 whats up luigi1111 pls tell us you keep a finger on the big situation 14:08:59 Is this big situation in the room with us now? 14:09:07 Luigi, wen merge selsta 14:09:07 (lets start with the good news) 14:09:22 Very soon 14:09:36 LOUUUU EEEE GEEEE 14:10:09 Thanks sir 14:11:26 <0​xfffc:monero.social> I am always on the side of devs. But we all know the world is competitive. 14:11:27 <0​xfffc:monero.social> We have to have no BS policy. 14:11:29 <0​xfffc:monero.social> “You are not releasing source code of the project? , while getting funded by CCS” 14:11:31 <0​xfffc:monero.social> Banned! 14:11:33 <0​xfffc:monero.social> As simple as that. 14:11:51 <0​xfffc:monero.social> Monero community is extremely careful. I have 0 BS tolerance policy. 14:12:24 <0​xfffc:monero.social> While everyone would admit, I am always on the side of devs. 14:13:07 If i speak, luigi might want to find a middle ground between what i say and what kewbit wants. So i'll defer to syn 14:14:25 <0​xfffc:monero.social> As long as there is *workaround*, I support devs getting paid. 14:14:43 <0​xfffc:monero.social> We all have responsibilities. 14:15:14 luigi1111 literally EVERYONE IN THE MATRIX/IRC space sees kewbit as a bad actor. He have impacted not only haveno but cuprate and monero-serai as well. Finding a middle ground with a scammer is endorsing bullshit and believe it or not, this time its not just ofrnxmr who will lose trust 14:16:32 He continues his bullshit even right now clearly showing malicious intents and you just want to wait and maybe pay him at the end? 14:19:16 hey I already volunteered. I've been here for years and have no enemies. just sayin <<>> well you have the name for it 14:19:30 Hmm I don't think that is my position. 14:20:58 What position are you? Kinky 14:21:04 OS or GTFO. But I didn't see a need to "resolve" it ASAP. That could be the wrong position tho, granted. 14:21:49 Who elected plowsof as mod? When did that happen?! 14:22:14 There is no resolution 14:22:15 Ban from ccs, close ccs, ban from bounty 14:22:34 What bounty 14:22:37 Community did, repeatedly. Not in an election, but by vote of confidence whenever the question of "who" was brought up 14:22:45 luigi1111 glad to hear make more sense even tho agree with ofrnxmr. He needs to be ban 14:24:08 https://bounties.monero.social/posts/126/36-655m-building-an-open-source-android-app-for-haveno-dex 14:25:08 Scott was also voted in through confidence. Just before plowsof and many years ago. Scott also has MANY years of "successful" modding behind them. It's only now there are a few dissenters, and mainly they dissent as they feel they have been "wronged" or "targeted" 14:25:49 @ofrnxmr you seem to think that these rooms didn't exist for years before you arrived 14:25:52 k midi, another time 14:26:17 Fair enough. 14:26:57 and i mean from all bountys and ccs. He's a squatter and imposter. Has been trying to get away with all sorts of fuckery (omg ofrn swore, pls ban) 14:29:27 Ok. If anyone has feedback to the contrary please share it in the next few days 14:30:47 nobody does. Woodser wants to proceed if kewbit provides code, everyone else wants kewbit axed and ccs closed 14:31:56 But there is no excuse for kewbits actions outside of ccs. misrepresentation / impersonation on Codeberg.org/HavenoDEX, haveno.com, whonix forum 14:33:55 woodser has not commented on the state of the ccs, only to test the code for viability regardless 14:56:44 Ok good job everybody. Maybe we can have a pizza party 15:03:40 i'm a vegan 15:05:32 So am I and we get excellent vegan pizza in India. 15:08:24 And v cakes and ice creams and everything. 15:08:33 *vegan 15:09:10 They are expensive though. 15:09:47 India is the best place for vegan. Vegan Indian food is delicious and very affordable. 15:10:16 India is the best place for vegans. Vegan Indian food is delicious and very affordable. 15:10:54 Nice 15:11:35 Any vegan restaurants that accept xmr? 15:12:04 ofrnxmr link the f*cking doc 15:12:37 I'm sleeping 15:13:22 SyntheticBird i need francais help in Monero Docs 15:13:51 Need to tell user to check `status` to make sure they have incoming connections, and also to add the banlist 15:13:55 luigi1111: see https://librejo.monerodevs.org/SyntheticBird/kewbit-drama for summary of everything discovered pre meeting. I also have a list post-meeting: 15:13:55 - cuprate crates deletions 15:13:57 - Deleted reddit post calling monero core corrupted/ conspiracy 15:13:59 - Gatekeeping pub.dev: haveno, i2p, bisq and trezor package 15:14:01 - owning of 15:14:03 - https://moneroecosystem.com/ 15:14:05 - https://haveno.wiki/ 15:14:07 - https://monero-wallet-rpc.com/ 15:14:09 - Moderation request that got censored on codeberg: https://codeberg.org/HavenoDEX/haveno-app/issues/1 15:14:11 - Kewbit impersonation of haveno team on Whonix forum: https://forums.whonix.org/t/installing-haveno-in-whonix/20014/13 15:14:13 > I am one of the core Haveno team, 15:19:34 No but you can convert XMR to PhobePe balance which works almost everywhere. 15:19:53 > <@ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Any vegan restaurants that accept xmr? 15:19:53 No but you can convert XMR to PhonePe balance which works almost everywhere. 15:20:50 How 15:21:20 i want vegan pizza now 15:23:10 vegan pizza is whack 15:23:31 at least the fake cheese on the one at last monerokon was not great 15:27:03 midipoet the moderator initiation ceremony was pretty low key to be honest, no valet parking.. barely a 3 course meal and just the 1 sacrifice 15:33:13 SyntheticBird: you can add that the code delivered and payed for the first milestone is not working, and neither the code of his app. Also tried to get payed to putting a working example, then said he will write one and never did. 16:14:35 Sentry telemetry is torified or else rejected in kewbits app, how else can you catch errors? None of your other point are valid grounds 16:15:29 Hi qtip 16:15:35 You censored him on Reddit also he was only whistleblowing 16:16:06 hi kewbit 16:16:32 yk you proposed that USERS REPORT BUGS right 16:16:59 You just seem quite corrupt @SyntheticBird 16:17:54 Bitflipped 16:18:04 If its open source, and first parts of document let him defend himself you you are scamming it'd simple 16:18:22 HavenoDEX 16:18:26 im so corrupted I don't need upvote bots on github and reddit 16:18:27 If its open source, and first parts of document let him defend himself otherwise you are scamming it'd simple 16:18:31 what a shame 16:19:23 Its simple as this he did the work, he get paid for the work otherwise why should we donate anymore to monero fund 16:20:16 Cuz we're the devil 16:20:21 Its not right 16:20:32 It's perfect 16:20:35 Not good at all 16:20:43 Amazing 16:21:27 I think you guys involved should really be ashamed of yourself 16:21:55 I hope justice is served someway 16:22:12 You should know that I am shameless 16:22:36 And proud? 16:22:38 Justice is decided by the victors 16:23:14 And you are monero core team? 16:23:15 Moral 101 16:23:26 JoshDoesCode : im not sure what you mean about justice? given this scenario: kewbits ccs closed, what will happen to kewbit? well , he has threatened to keep it closed source and sell it to a higher bidder? so win win? 16:23:30 Seems like I have a story to cover 16:24:05 love the AI generated selfie 16:24:12 you looks gorgeous 16:24:16 You have a CCS open 16:24:29 It's rendered 16:24:37 also ofrnxmr dm ffs 16:24:46 I am ofrnxmr to the core team 16:25:37 Do you really think is acceptable to not pay someone for the amount of work in there 16:26:01 Of course this will affect reputation of monero tho? 16:26:19 It is a large sum 16:28:20 Who made the decision? There is a chat with many reputable developers in his defence 16:28:42 More than 40 people 16:29:01 Previous contributors etc 16:30:17 How will you respond to an open letter about this 16:30:36 I won't 16:30:56 I see only 5 people raise his complaint 16:31:04 Many more against it 16:31:34 be aware AI men, your glasses are broken its actually the opposite 16:32:00 We will pause development on other project for now 16:32:30 We? take the meds 16:33:08 Excuse? 16:33:18 yourself 16:33:35 I see 16:33:43 HavenoDEX? 16:33:44 through broken glasses 16:34:06 codeberg.org/HavenoDEX 16:34:37 So the reason is 2 manipulators speaking for an entire community 16:34:41 I like codeberg 16:34:45 1 16:34:47 do you like codeberg ofrnxmr? 16:34:55 Yes 16:34:58 Just to be clear 16:35:02 codeberg is great 16:35:10 codeberg is great 16:35:14 Very great 16:35:26 got an account and all 16:35:35 Just to be clear 16:35:39 i also think they should rename forgejo to frogejo 16:35:41 OK on that basis it requires community action then 16:36:04 🎥 16:36:11 🎬 16:37:01 ofrnxmr , put that camera away, cinema is dead 16:42:05 But who terminated it, because it'd still active officially on the website? 16:42:25 As work in progress 16:42:50 huh saaar you're misinformed, the CCS is not terminated yet 16:42:56 you know it since you're supposed to be working on it 16:43:05 write dart not english 16:43:28 Has he even been informed officially of it 16:44:31 Hella goofington 16:45:36 If he is working on Haveno he can register with codeburg there is no issue 16:46:16 He can own any domain if he buy 16:46:29 Same as you 16:47:02 do you think he can pay people on fiverr for this shit 16:47:23 like people literlaly accepting 5$ to go on matrix and complain 16:47:35 best to move this to #haveno:monero.social (related rooms) unless the previous contributors have something to tell luigi https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20241209#c473255 16:47:46 opinions are weighted 16:48:21 Its not a comedy to most people especially development community 16:48:23 Very serious 16:52:00 if you are kewbit or his colleague - this is terrible public relations - the community is tired of talking / teasers - thinly veiled threats of open letters and damages to the reputation of monero are not going to get you anywhere 16:55:03 Its just common sense 16:55:41 How many times do you claim we pay CCS 16:55:52 We are the trusted ones we don't need to trust you 16:56:27 It needs to be known 16:56:35 The is already a large portion of the community disinvesting due to 64% issue 16:57:48 Which is being covered by an expert in a video 16:57:58 He is the owner of Monero, midi. He calls every little shot around here by just being an erratic asshole all the time. 16:58:01 Also it already has the attention of coffeezilla on YouTube 16:58:28 This is likely the cause of drop in price 16:58:43 Damage control guys 16:59:48 If he really covers this monero is done for 16:59:53 We already told him about missing funds 16:59:57 [@joshdoesdart:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@joshdoesdart:matrix.org) can you shut the fuck up and type it all in a single message, please? 17:00:00 2000 xmr 17:00:02 You are spamming the room like a classic iOS user. 17:00:15 \* check out xmr price \* 17:00:15 \* usual 3% loss at beginning of the week \* 17:00:17 \> drop in price? 17:00:22 community nodes on 2000 xmr 17:00:27 notes* 17:01:04 The majority of nodes seem to be hosted by core team also 17:01:13 LMFAO 17:01:20 we forgot to celebrate the anniversary https://x.com/WatchFund/status/1732391070216908886 17:02:18 Where is the transparency report on how much was spent on servers from the fund 17:02:36 https://xcancel.com/WatchFund/status/1732391070216908886 17:03:29 misinformed 17:03:31 misinformed 17:03:36 misinformed 17:03:40 WOW 1 FUCKING MINUTE TO SEND THE MESSAGE 17:04:01 Remains a joke to the sadists clearly we can separate those out from the rest now then 17:04:31 Josh needs to be in core 17:04:36 so its funny to plowsoff, rottenwheel, PsychoticBird, ofrnxmr 17:04:47 actually i'm ofrnxmr 17:04:52 we're the same person 17:04:58 I'm just making notes for research 17:05:41 Once we have enough story it will go out 17:06:20 If anyone has any evidence of wrong doing you can submit it to me 17:06:40 s​yntheticbird complaining about matrix again? 17:06:54 class action lawsuit , the 2nd in recent memory (MJ vs the people being the first) 17:06:57 nioCat Im on the verge of turning into IRC for real 17:07:08 1 minute to send a message is illegal 17:09:13 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.baermail.fr/VgrRhEjFzgrWcHLBrkJqrRmB 17:09:23 Don't feed the troll. 17:11:35 Louis is known to make false claims about kewbits code being obfuscated 17:12:07 Its a testament to his ability to understand Dart 17:13:09 He thinks dart protoc codegen is obfuscated code. 17:13:59 I would be seriously concerned if he worked at my company 17:14:35 and what is your company kind sir concerned over the project 17:15:22 do you guys remember the ssh (via liblzma) attack about a year ago? this reminds me of that. innocent guy comes along to "help", then another character pops up to shame maintainers that don't accept the help quickly. I don't think a client for a fringe exchange is worth all this drama. 17:15:49 The fact you will not defend his honour and entertain pick up his work shows what kind of person you are too 17:16:52 Its not quite drama 17:17:34 Rather its a complete scam from the core of the monero community 17:17:38 you'll notice how they keep switching gears - attacking, but also working for journalistic integrity (to what journal?). 17:17:57 There is quite a substantial difference 17:18:12 don't feed the AI 17:18:28 And having 64% coordinated hashrate is devastating 17:18:29 yeah, i've said my peace. returning to work. good luck and good day everyone :) 17:19:13 have a nice day cornfeedhobo 17:19:32 *the* core of the monero community 17:19:38 plowsof: ban him its an AI 17:19:58 literally Llama shit plugged in and sending shit at random interval 17:20:10 I am working on this case, and releasing news. I have found enough of the people caused the problem and noted already 17:20:27 don't forget me 17:20:38 Meow. 17:20:40 Purrrr. 17:20:42 see, he isn't interfered by what we say 17:22:39 TIL how to instantly scrollback to the beginning of new posts 17:22:59 I am nothing if not slow :D 17:23:16 nioCat Meeoowww 17:23:18 but I do beat the hare 18:28:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Its good to have a person in control of ccs to have finger on the pulse and clearly has no idea of whats going on 19:02:27 Was finally able to do this, new proposal at: https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/524 19:19:32 That was the most obvious thing in the history of obvipus things. 19:19:48 Any actual journalist would say "this guy claims this thing, what do you all have to say?" 19:20:12 The fact that he came here knowing firmly what he believed is very telling and quite funny. 19:47:28 *So, as you can see Daniel journalism in mainstream media is dead according to Diego's last comment. Very controversial yet here we are. Don't hestiate to learn more about main stream media failure in TheTruth Magazine, every sunday morning at 9**p**m* 20:35:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I will wait for observer issue to come out 20:36:41 Who had the ai newsletter plowsof @plowsof:matrix.org 20:36:57 No, it was a podcast 20:37:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah 20:38:13 <3​21bob321:monero.social> When will gui have open api ? 20:39:15 pluja 20:39:28 the link is ... 20:46:35 https://pod.xmr.fan/ 20:46:37 Ty sir 20:48:04 i m a i 20:48:07 pluja possible to get an update? 20:52:48 Also, to change the topic a bit 20:53:05 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/524 20:53:05 this has some overlap with tipxmr 20:53:35 Its live and in use on monerotopia episodes 20:54:17 By FiatDemise . Apache licensed 20:55:20 This is to say that iirc there is a ccs or bounty that this might supersede 20:57:40 Unlike qtip, the mvp should be working. 20:57:41 fiatdemise, does this use lws? Or is my memory off 20:58:40 Is there a centralized instance? And how hard to selfhost (docs?/installer?) 20:58:46 Yes, it uses LWS 20:59:52 One centralized hosted instance for many content creators. 21:01:06 but le centralization sirrrrrrrr its le bad yk, bad project cancel downvote, FiatDemise bad actor 21:01:15 just kidding 21:01:17 thx for you work 21:02:39 so its not yet possible to sefhost? 21:02:51 In my description, I tell the story of how I first tried to get a podcaster to use Shawdowchat. Offered to pay for install / setup. Busy content creators don't want that. 21:03:34 May be possible, need to check with dev, Saeed. 21:03:57 I'd imagine that ccs would want the possibility for redundancy 21:04:20 Could probably add 21:15:57 Learned anyone can self host XMRChat now. The setup instructions in readme are for both dev and prod environments. 21:25:31 fee model (unless for a centralised service) will be the issue. i see its a one time sign up fee. and its a for profit service (has anyone got a license to run the service? tipxmr are worried about this even) 21:26:04 The fee model is only for the hosted instance, i presume? 21:27:47 more technical details for the milestones "fee system" is mentioned 21:31:40 for example, i believe metronero had a free self hostable version with view keys, and a centralised service that scraped fees from transactions as a fee model 21:32:58 a one time sign up fee, is not going to be profitable, this is clearly a monero-lws multi user instance for profit. if i want to self host something i can use shadowchat IIRC 21:33:59 tipxmr are still not sure about monetisation https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/174#note_25050 21:35:20 with the qbit situation i need to confirm it is self hostable 😅 21:37:29 the noise to signal ratio is high 21:38:26 rottenwheel: i think ofrnxmr believes his day job is cleaning the shit out of cuckoo clocks. 21:41:45 Nightjob* 21:43:20 Also, rotten has me on ignore. Dont larp about noise:signal if youre going to reel rotten in for a gossip session 21:45:14 Like 8hrs after any relevant discussion, at that 21:46:02 Literally discussing non-drama ccs' atm 21:46:17 XMRChat has small initial charge for tip page creation to discourage people from squatting on many tip page URLs. I will add more on fee system to CCS. Currently we are thinking, for users that pass a threshold of XMR earned, we show a popup or email asking them to tip XMRChat. Show XMR earned last month and options 0%, 2%, 4%, remind me later. 4% gets them access to premium features. 21:46:57 Premium features free for self-host? 21:47:09 I dont think the custodial version needs to be ccs'd 21:47:43 Or rather, i think the self-hosted version should be thr focus 21:51:50 All has to be open source, so probably premium features can be self hosted too. Not sure tho, not built yet. Verified accounts, notification options for tip over certain amount, channel featured on main page when live, etc. 21:53:23 All has to be open source, so probably premium features can be self hosted too. Not sure tho, not built yet. Verified accounts, notification options for tip over certain amount, channel featured on main page when live, visual effects for higher tip tiers, etc. 21:58:54 Guys Monero is crashing. 21:59:02 Is this what kewbit warned us about? 21:59:26 Are we being punished by some higher force for not paying out 50%? 21:59:40 no 21:59:49 Punished for not closing his ccs 22:00:04 Dang it, you all get your conspiracy theories. Why can't I get mine? 22:01:17 There are always competing theories 22:02:32 monero's not really crashing tho. Alts are all down (except for wow) 22:03:26 But tell luigi to hurry and merge selsta while the sale is on 22:18:41 > 21:41 Nightjob* <<<<<< very good! 22:26:10 Thanks 22:41:08 What are you even talking about, mister bad takes? 22:42:07 plowsof what is wrong with the one-time fee model, brit? 22:46:13 cant have people making millions after paying 5$ / the disenfranchised egg farmer who can not obtain monero to pay to earn monero and such 22:46:40 [@plowsof:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@plowsof:matrix.org) still not following. 22:46:59 Must have eaten too many beans, you've started talking more nonsense than usual. 22:47:14 if theres nothing wrong with a one-time fee model , why are they exploring 'fee model' in milestone 3 22:47:34 its not profitable - need a constant stream of new users 22:47:42 I still do not see anything wrong with the one time fee model. 22:47:53 Even if they enable premium features down the road. 22:48:04 You can have both. :) 22:48:23 not "wrong", its just not sustainable 22:48:34 Also, if you read the prompt when you pay the one time fee, nobody is asking anyone to make it profitable, you moron. 22:48:54 The one time fee is to deter spammers, not flip a profit. 22:49:10 Okay, green party. ♻️ 22:49:18 why are they exploring a fee model then? 22:49:43 I am starting to wonder why you've picked on this proposal like it is your enemy from day 1... 22:50:01 Did your superiors at GHCQ disapprove of it from the get go? 22:50:23 Again, what is wrong with that is all I'm asking. 22:51:02 clearly they feel holding view keys is not adequate for some reason, and they need to explore other options 22:51:45 Still not answering my question. 22:52:07 What is wrong with a fee/for-profit model, professor plowsof? 22:52:46 you need to scrape fees in a for profit model 22:52:57 Disagree. 100%. 22:53:10 nothing wrong with it... thats why they need to explore fee models , seemingly in agreeance 22:53:14 agreement* 22:53:40 The 0.01 XMR one-time fee to deter spam makes sense to me and shouldn't be removed, regardless of them adding premium features for a cost, which is still unclear, TBD. 22:54:05 Plus, the 0.0000001 XMR one-time fee was a pittance. Like 1 cent worth. 22:54:33 Anyways, what is this other license you spoke of above? 22:54:38 did i ask for something to be removed? 22:55:01 What type of license does a service like this needs to run on, per your legal assessment, lawyer plowsof? 22:55:26 Or is that PSTD from UK being tarded and needing a loicense for everything, even breathing? 22:56:23 TipXMR "We are still not sure about monetization. We had some ideas, but are also afraid of legal aspects. We even thought about just developing TipXMR and not monetize it at all, or even not running an instance by ourselves." , i assume XMRchat have it figured out 23:14:46 getting paid a % of the funds generated by potential illegal streams can be a legal issue 23:15:01 Example: ppl who stream PPV events 23:17:46 Which is why its important for all fee scraping and other features to be self-hostable, in the event that xmrchat's hosted instance doesn't want to support ofrn's friends NSFW streams, ofrn can host for them 23:18:51 the TL from plowsof: "if its a one-time fee, i cant host this for my egirls. I need to scrape 80% of gross earnings for my new striptalk platform" 23:28:25 Personally id be more comfortable with just the retroactive payment(s) for the work done / open sourced and self hostable - it's the completed version of TipXmr as i understand it. More details on the extra deliverables needed and if this is or not funding 'of the live instance or not' (semantics) 23:34:39 The PTSD is that now every new proposal is qbit and haveno, i need time to re-adjust 23:38:14 don't let the PTSD root too much. There was several flags with qbit before it went haywire 23:38:39 non retroactive ccs are always fine as long as CCS has leverage 23:43:23 Qtip* wrong name sorry 23:45:39 normaluser8900:hello send me xmr and i make nice project that is good, and has good code, trust 23:46:18 i was trying to make a joke but i tagged myself and failed 23:46:46 im sorry to hear that 23:47:23 wtf is thankful for today doing here 23:47:25 Like the innocent Kewbit, you've banned me for no reason? Monero is going to continue dumping until you unban me and lift the ban on Kewbit. 23:47:26 plowsof: 23:48:46 Monero is done for. 23:49:14 hell yeah buying more rn 23:49:40 LETS GO We're drillin boys. Road to 0$ 23:49:57 2 manipulators speak for an entire community. Monero is captured until we see Kewbit freed. 23:50:49 did you know switzerland had xmr atms? I learned that today 23:51:03 pretty sure you can only buy XMR with cash tho, not sell to the atm 23:51:14 I left from my main account, googlemozilla, due to continued email spam from @monerobull:matrix.org. The reason is that he posted proof of him spamming me recently. 23:51:36 the company behind these ATMs categorically refuses to let people buy XMR online through their no kyc platform 23:51:44 oh shit 23:51:46 no way 23:51:48 this is outrageous 23:51:49 why 23:52:07 What 23:52:09 makes sense actually lmao FINMA 23:52:11 idk 23:52:22 don't feed the troll 23:52:38 Free Kewbit and I'll forgive you. 23:53:13 lmfao 23:53:20 completely forgot monerobull had mod right 23:57:25 anyone here around switzerland 23:57:27 and knows swissquote ?