07:22:29 This guy is upvoting his own bullshit again: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/s/ynljOK6Upg 07:43:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Please respond " nobody gives a shit" 07:57:38 If only ... 07:58:12 Reddit has quite a reach, and many readers will have no idea about the whole long, complicated and very sad backstory 08:13:11 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/FAWwvWHfPDHiFwyXINxFNUAA 08:13:19 Must be nice to have free rent 09:01:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Llm is horrid, can't even get a sentence right 10:35:17 No religious posts sorry (christmas was mentioned) 11:07:44 Is truebird>>Kwbit 11:10:54 No. 11:12:04 does `>>` mean "much greater than"? If so, hell yeah 11:12:49 Too many beers I meant to = 11:13:42 beers :D 11:13:45 Too many beers 4sure. Kewbit says truebird = ofrnxmr 11:15:50 😂 11:15:52 He thinks that you & Mbull Ddos is webpage 11:27:19 I think deleting that thread was a mistake 11:27:43 he’ll use it to cry censorship 11:45:42 Apparently the photocopy of localmonero website is Qbites as well 11:45:50 24/7 uptime 11:45:52 Openmonero i think its called 11:45:54 I'm not sure about that, but its fun 11:45:56 If its true its does represents all of shit and shifty behaviour 11:45:58 If its true its does represents all of his shit and shifty behaviour 11:46:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Just like quantum computing they too are unstable 11:46:02 gbit is just tje name of the feds agents on monero at this point 11:46:04 Im spewing though i really was looking forward to the haveno app I did try to give it a go but im not good enough coder especially in rust 11:46:06 And dart 11:46:08 He's haveno aloha 11:46:10 Which is a pretty pathetic attempt at launching a network 11:54:28 Let him cry 12:01:57 There are Twitter profiles who who tweet that its their birthday, every day (with an AI generated image)begging for engagement.Perhaps qbit could consider a similar method for outreach 12:04:32 He knows that this is where things are at : https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/489#note_27830 , no partial payout, waiting for expert witnesses to review (the work that is on pause waiting for partial payout(?)) 12:15:45 more seriously, what do he aim to gain? 12:15:46 cuz sure when css was still up, he just wanted the money, but man its been two weeks, does he really want that money that bad ?? 12:15:48 also amazing how my guy can spend his days on reddit while having feds on his ass apparently 12:18:00 The ccs is still up 12:18:37 ah right 12:35:17 Oh, Reddit post deleted? Where is the fun in that? :) Can't really object, but I as a mod probably would have let it stand. 12:42:07 Rbrunner ^ 12:42:29 I'd have left it alone if not for the artificial engagement. I wouldn't have deleted - maybe locked, but not deleted 12:50:18 "You lot haven’t been showing him any support at all, I donated 3XMR to this and if you ain’t paying the fella I want it back" :D 12:50:43 nobody donated :D 12:51:49 wdym nobody donated? Kewbit would have you believe that 500k reditors donated to his proposal 12:51:55 thanks for the utopian future AI 12:54:39 https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/haveno-frontend.html 12:54:56 those arent his donors 12:55:15 Kewbit wasnt even born yet 12:56:02 453 - 75 = 378 left 12:58:03 How much xmr from that ccs has been wasted so far 12:58:08 Like 200? 12:59:38 https://github.com/haveno-dex/haveno-meta/blob/master/monero-ccs.md 13:00:49 377 down, 378 to go 13:00:54 302+75 tipping just a hair over 50% 13:14:11 302? 13:14:45 ah 13:52:21 Anyone heard of / experience with Unstoppable Wallet? https://repo.getmonero.org/dadybayo/ccs-proposals/-/blob/unstoppable-wallet-funding/unstoppable-wallet-funding.md#overview 13:52:59 Never, first I ever hear; skimming through the draft now... 13:53:05 how many monero wallet SDK's must we fund before " - name: R&D and Core Infrastructure funds: 200" is a thing of the past? 13:53:21 We have declined other wallet proposals before because we are 'overflooded' with wallet options, just saying... 13:55:37 Think it lists Dash and ZCash, apparently lol. 13:55:39 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/unredacted.org/UHnHlsqviGOmTsaFoceOtKtb 13:55:44 s/lists/supports 13:56:47 Unstoppable 💪 13:56:53 https://z.cash/ecosystem/unstoppable/ 13:57:20 > “Unstoppable is the first multi-coin wallet that supports Bitcoin, Ethereum, and fully shielded Zcash, as well as other coins, and it has a strong, user-centric architecture in which the users own their own keys and their own privacy." 13:57:22 Zooko Wilcox-O'Hearn 13:57:24 Yeah, no... lol 13:57:57 fuck them they are a company they can fund their own shit. bet the next step is to get the monero account to retweet it and farm users and attention as well. 13:58:53 maybe they can hire kewbit to implement it for them 13:59:20 lol 14:00:21 btw here some other companies advertising on monero town https://x.com/spirobel/status/1871553764194414661 14:00:32 https://monero.town/post/5281156 have a look at this: https://feral.com/ 14:00:34 two wonderful products by the same company: Swiss banking reinvented through crypto. 14:00:36 A parallel banking identity for your business to start accepting online payments immediately through a comprehensive crypto payment gateway conjoined with non-custodial wallet pairing for absolute financial control. 14:00:38 this one is called switch 14:00:40 and HERE THE OTHER ONE: 14:00:42 CHAINLESS Blockchain forensics and search engine. 14:00:44 Mega explorer and search engine for the blockchains offering in-depth visual analysis of raw data. 14:00:46 FUCKING HELL. you cant make this shit up 14:00:48 like they even called the company feral 14:00:50 wtf 14:00:52 is this a joke 14:22:05 chainless blockchain is really funny thank you for this 14:24:23 brought to you by feral.com 15:11:31 Feral? 15:11:57 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/xwNGTRkAwEpXvGQTusLZHPsB 15:42:14 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/532 unstoppable wallet ccs for adding xmr 15:43:48 looks like they want to reinvent the wheel. I think they can likely pull from mrcyjanek's monero_c/dart, mysu/monerujo/anonero etc 15:45:46 I'd probably say the cost is justified id they _also_ added lws support in addition to full node suppoet. But i think this is intended to be a full node impl, which means it shouldnt be too difficult of of an implementation if they pull from an existing solution 16:00:05 monero.town didnt block me coming from tor today, yay 16:00:41 Holy shit 16:02:29 Nah, blocked me now 16:02:48 Mαlοri you jinxed it 16:03:13 Comments still open 16:04:04 skill issue 16:04:06 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xavi.lu/JxXbDXStsWeccUFavSXGiFoZ 16:04:48 drop that milestone fr 16:06:35 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/qnyaopkTfMvNTTCygtHGfRgY 16:06:36 It worked once 16:08:22 What is preventing monero.town from implementing some ddos protection? 16:08:49 nah its the other way around 16:08:50 they have ddos protecion 16:08:52 its just cucflare 16:09:16 which you cant really control on free plan 16:09:23 so ig they just ban all tor ip in attack mode 16:11:52 but so I understand even less why it appear to work for me 16:12:10 oh just got blocked 🫡 16:19:35 Ye it can 16:20:01 dont you have like 16:20:02 3 custom rules max? 16:20:10 I cant fully recall 16:21:28 Its set to block all known exit nodes 16:21:49 Theres also the captcha (or whatever its called) tier etc 17:23:44 Ok they need an onion service right? Should do that. 17:59:52 Federation 19:10:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> 400xmr to intergrate into wallet ? 19:39:40 Yes, I use it. This amount is a piss take though. 19:40:59 We have plenty of wallet options, and they don't even add anything new to the mix. 19:41:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thats more then we pay for jberman’s 4 months 19:43:48 "with features like transaction fee customization" - that's worth 400 XMR just for that. 19:45:22 Allowing selecting priority = 400xmr 19:46:08 R&D = wait, whats the D stand for again? 19:50:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Drama 20:25:57 I thought it meant "doodling" 20:31:27 remember rotki https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/351 20:32:32 at 400 and without 50% buffer, this is a bargain 20:34:15 > Agreed. They seem to have forgotten the decimal. /s 532xmr should be 53.2xmr 20:34:34 Honest mistake 21:32:05 It seriously looks like UW is just taking advantage of CCS. They add new coins all the time and I can't find any other fund raising requests from other communities. 21:41:33 Yup 21:44:55 > Unstoppable was one of about a dozen submissions to the Zcash Gitcoin Grants Round 1, with $25K matching available for developers. Their goal for the grant is to integrate support for REN protocol to provide non-custodial minting of RenZEC and trading of ERC20 assets. The deadline to vote on grants is November 17th, you can view their submission here. 21:49:16 But zcash is an org with a 20% dev fee 21:49:36 i doubt btc or ltc funded 1 sa/latoshi 22:20:46 fluffypony, luigi1111, plowsof: would either of you guys be happen to attend an interview on a relatively high profile youtube channel to talk about the accusations against you and others in the community. If so please DM, otherwise no worries. 22:20:55 happy to attend* 22:21:03 An interview lol. 22:21:12 fluffy isn't Core anymore, FYI. 22:21:22 Yes he is I have evidence 22:21:31 "talk about the accusations against you" lolol. 22:21:34 Which I was I've invited him 22:21:49 KewbitXMR the only evidence is that you should go fuck yourself and shut the fuck up, yeah. 22:22:02 And he is perfectly capable of making the decisition himself, not you. 22:22:07 decision* 22:22:10 Cunt. 22:22:12 kys 22:22:45 kys (keep urself self, plz dont bap me) 22:22:55 Yes, those kinds of reactions are expected of you and your alts 22:23:00 kys (keep urself safe, plz dont bap me) 22:23:25 what alt? 22:23:30 Yes, ofrnxmr, TrueBird, Malori, rottenwheel, Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Advocate) Backup and Siren are all the same person! 22:23:40 It is all one single man against you, always! 22:23:44 I am luigi1111 too! 22:23:56 I am plowsof too! 22:23:58 damn I had no idea, Im a crazy then 22:24:21 You are just my retarded cousin, Mαlοri. 22:24:31 the accusations are all true, i will try to do better moving forward, thank you 22:24:43 Kewbit, can i attend? 22:24:51 Provable sensorship of legitimate concerns sensorship of legitimate concerns on multiple occasions, fraud on multiple occasions both in crypto and in fiat, all provable evidence. 22:25:32 Better bring this evidence to the authorities! 22:25:32 Actually, plowsof is right. The accusations are all true. Carry on 22:25:39 Core participation in the ingoing 65% hashrate attack 22:25:45 *censorship :blob_nerd: 22:25:48 i think accepting the accusations is part of moving on 22:25:50 Sensorship? Is that like, when your tire pressure is bad? 22:25:56 65% hashrate attack lol. 22:26:20 i sensed these sensorships actions would be brought to light, sooner or later 22:26:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We are like the government, good at co-ordinating. 22:26:38 so the feds hired a clown to try and hinder a years old crypto's reputation? 22:26:55 so the feds hired a clown to try and hinder a years 10 year old crypto's reputation? 22:26:57 NO NO CUT THE LINE. THE PEOPLE CAN'T LEARN KEWBIT'S TRUTH ABOUT OUR ONGOING CORRUPTION!!!!!! 22:27:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Drone strike ? 22:27:23 rotten, out of, ofrnxmr, Siron any username ending in Bird, have the least credibility in this case and it's fair to say that you guys have had the most significant impact in th wrong doing. 22:27:35 Drone strike. 22:27:50 Siron makes me laugh for some reason 22:27:53 I want to give the core team a platform to either acknloedge your claims and wrongdoings or agree with it. 22:28:06 or both 22:28:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Llm fck up again 22:28:17 Ahaha fuck 22:28:26 Fluffypony isnt core 22:28:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thanks monderbull 22:28:33 Thanks monderbull 22:28:45 Thanks monderbull 22:28:52 Thanks monderbull 22:28:55 Yes, multi-account is a bit of a joke escpecially when a whow community is at stae from being accused of corrupt 22:28:56 Thanka wonderfull 22:29:07 according to our lord and savior qbit, he is, and control 65% of hashrate cuz yea ofc 22:29:14 didnt u know? 22:29:28 Unluckly for you guys, SomeOrdinaryGames, Cofeezilla, and a bunch more will be covering monero more and more as time goes on. 22:29:31 Yes. We all know 22:29:45 Bro failed to name the first youtuber 22:29:46 I help with their conent production 22:30:00 I help do ur mum every weekend too! 22:30:11 Tyyping fast cause dealing with kids presents haha 22:30:13 In that case, please tell them "Don't use Monero" 22:30:20 just letting you know the time to resolve is up 22:30:24 poor kids 22:30:32 right 22:30:42 and now you either speak publicly or I speak for you 22:30:53 But only core, 22:30:57 Amazing outreach tbh. If you really made that happen that'd be worthy of a marketing CCS but it's too late you've done fucked up with your rep. 22:31:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bazinga! 22:31:09 Speak for me 22:31:11 :D 22:31:31 Do you think core doesnt use alts too? Theyre speaking right now 22:31:32 ofrnxmr you can forgot about BasciSwapDex too lol 22:31:51 I already forgot, what's basicswapdex? 22:31:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Do you not proof read what chatgpt gives you? 22:31:56 may as well create a new alt and start fresh 22:31:58 I am a smurf account of plowsof 22:32:10 Whoever pinged me. Happy Christmas to you too. 22:32:19 LMFAO 22:32:22 happi holidays 22:32:24 Merry Xmas 22:32:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hi 22:32:45 Adn yes merry christmas to the rest of you 22:32:59 thank you qbit love you too 22:33:10 "only core". If you think luigi or binaryfate want to come on youe christmas special.. youre smoking crack cocaine 22:33:25 merry crisis 22:33:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Binary is on yatch 22:33:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Luigi is updating snap 22:33:42 Thanks qtip 22:34:04 Monero Shitposting Workgroup 22:34:20 That's greaet 22:34:21 lol 22:34:45 I need constant popcorn here 22:34:58 @plowsoff, if that is true, and you you're ready to settle milestone 2, this doesnt need to escalate, though I do worry about others that have been scammed in the same capacity 22:35:15 Escalate it please 22:35:30 In their honour at this poiint it may not make a difference whether it's paid. 22:35:33 Please sir 22:35:42 Hi Artic 22:35:59 Great time to join actually 22:36:02 We'll only release half of milestone if you escalate 22:36:04 Perfect sar, now just walk away from the screen like close your eyes 22:36:34 we spent all of the haveno funds on the Monero Shitposting Workgroup newyears party, thats why there is a delay 22:36:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Tier 2 support ? 22:36:49 WHERES MY INVITE 22:36:53 I GOT SCAMMED MY XMR 22:37:03 I go by facts, and the facts are, Woodser has tested working builds, peroid, I also have working build ready to distribute. 22:37:30 That of course would go against the AGPLv3 licence, which I am against being a FOSS adovcate. 22:37:34 You aren't getting paid. Period. 22:37:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Proof of work plz sir aloha haveno.com 22:37:43 Call your YouTuber friends! 22:37:50 I WANT TO TALK TO YOUR MANAGER 22:37:53 SELSTA 22:38:00 Proof of aloha 22:38:06 Aloha doesnt even work 😆 22:38:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Selsta’s yard time has been revoked 22:38:19 But that is what I intend to do depending on whether the ecalation goes forward, btw, the infuencer has been watching these chats for the last 15 mins. 22:38:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Qbit are you the one doing the ai podcast ? 22:38:42 Oh my gooood! 22:38:44 HI MOM 22:38:46 oh hi mom im on tv :3 22:38:47 reddit we did it 22:38:48 Whatever are we gonna do now? 22:39:02 You think it's a joke 22:39:13 So KewbitXMR how did you react when you fucking failed to select your PGP key and commited to aloha as kewbit ? 22:39:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Just you 22:39:16 You are the joke, yes. 22:39:21 I think YOU'RE a joke ** 22:39:39 "we spent all of the haveno funds on the Monero Shitposting Workgroup newyears party, thats why there is a delay " - 22:39:46 mark my words kiddo, you will never, and i mean N E V E R expose the burning bug money printer we've got going on here 22:39:50 even if it was not a joke 22:39:52 absolute anyone with a working brain can read all the backlogn and understand how a piece of shit you acted like 22:39:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Plz research githubconfig for didnt accounts 22:40:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Oops my llm fckd up 22:40:20 Syntheticbird, we're working on a project now together 22:40:32 Reto straight up scammers 22:40:44 NICE BRO 22:40:47 Aloha has been taking a load of my back 22:40:57 Didn't you try to sell me haveno.com for 10k? 22:41:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Thats what she said! 22:41:05 Now i'm a scammer? 22:41:29 oh btw meant to ask qbit, how do you find the time to talk with us for hours on end with feds on your ass as you said a while ago? 22:41:40 cuz i want that kind of knowledge 22:41:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Anyways unless its constructive and not trolling cya! 22:41:45 KewbitXMR, is your real name Allan ? 22:41:47 :monerochan-thumbsup: 22:41:49 Up* his ass 22:41:59 sythenaticbird yes 22:42:01 no doxx 22:42:03 pls 22:42:06 Allan Jones 22:42:12 lol 22:42:22 lol 22:42:22 Alex, you should have said sooner 22:42:26 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Whos that 22:42:33 yea who is that 22:42:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Allan jones 22:42:38 They exiting this is you'll probably get to heard my real voice soon haha 22:42:42 Sorry Steve 22:42:47 listen Brian 22:43:19 Shhh 22:43:28 I'm Siron 22:44:21 And wasn't you told by thr CIA to shutdown AgoraDesk completely? ofrnxmr 22:44:33 zen challenge. change your matrix nickname as "e". guaranteed 3000 notification per sec 22:44:33 I see the domain is still online 22:44:54 KewbitXMR, yes, and? 22:45:13 Still plenty of content attracting frausters, nice move on moving them to telegram though 22:45:16 Not CIA but meh 22:45:38 Well, close enough didnt want to say the real 3 letter agency 22:45:58 XXX 22:46:02 haha! 22:46:06 funny guy, 22:46:43 XMR 22:46:57 Anyway, wen aloha? 22:47:12 wen 22:47:15 Youre letting reto have a monopoly 22:47:16 ooooo 22:47:26 We leting it build up 22:47:36 Should i launch aloha too? 22:47:43 clearly the reo admind havent read the code 22:47:47 of their own project 22:48:03 or rather they havent read deep enough 22:48:16 Youre right. I havent. I just get paid 22:48:24 it's comical :D 22:48:37 Are you talking about woodser's code? 22:48:46 Yes actually 22:48:48 getting paid to do nothing but ask gpt to do ur work 22:48:50 oh wait this make me thing of someone else hmmm 22:48:54 Woodsers code 22:49:05 Nothing Kore comical than your 2000 file commits and inability fo fix 22:49:17 What, you don't like woodser's code? 22:49:18 KewbitXMR, wanna play a chess game ? 22:49:38 I have this thing in the communities I am apart of, you either love me or hate me. 22:49:45 like marmite! 22:49:59 marmitophobia. marmitophilia? 22:50:01 who loves you? 22:50:18 his meds loves him 22:50:38 But I just want it to be know as a finally christmas spirit ending leave you with 22:51:15 BasicSwapDex is confirmed to contain malware, which is being distributed via getmonero.org 22:51:20 yes christmas spirit is: epmty threat 22:51:57 No I don't bother with empty threats, waste of everyones time 22:52:27 that's all you did till now tho 22:52:36 But just know since you've taken the liberity of messing with 4 months of my life, I'll spend 4 months messing with yours. 22:52:52 yours as in monero' 22:53:02 that sounds horrible. link us to the line of code / files that contains this malware so we can remove and warn others about this 22:53:23 The binary doesnt match the code 22:53:37 What binary, ya fuckin dumbass 22:53:50 HAHAHAHAHAHAHA 22:53:51 Plowsoff I hope you're well settlled into your new place 22:54:05 Plowsof sleeps under your bed 22:54:09 with the fam 22:54:36 I love too compiling python 22:54:57 It's a shame you dont compile python 22:55:12 please like us to the lines of code that are compiled into malware 22:55:17 link* 22:55:27 Oh wait, but you do compile rust libs that hook in to it dont you 22:55:35 No 22:55:38 *smooth brain* 22:55:45 Oh really? 22:55:49 Please send link 22:55:58 Sure 22:57:15 The suspense is killing psychobird 22:59:04 bare will be 22:59:16 im more inclined to have him invite to the call\ 22:59:27 and have him explain it on the spot 22:59:34 You down? 22:59:51 "sorry, systems playing up today, technology these days!" 22:59:56 You down on sending the link? 23:00:05 yes 23:00:09 ofc lol 23:00:12 at least its honest 23:00:23 jumo on a call with me first 23:00:35 if anyone has seen the movie shutter island 23:00:40 Its on my macbook in another country 23:02:03 well dome plow, humurous reference 23:02:11 bravo 23:02:27 lol 23:02:43 how old are you qbit 23:02:46 Simplex call now? 23:02:48 35 23:03:07 why do you act like some edgy teenager then grow the fuck up lmao 23:03:34 yeah we've been through this phase already 23:03:36 Up for a simpleX call 23:03:39 He's Monero community lolcow 23:03:56 It hasn't worked out well for anyone so far 23:04:46 Alright kewbit 23:04:49 prepare simpleX 23:04:50 Let me just get my Ubuntu Pro VM setup with NordVPN 23:04:55 I'll copy the one time link 23:04:55 xD 23:05:27 DONT PROPOSE A CALL IF YOU ARE NOT REAYD 23:05:39 I am ready xD 23:06:29 https://simplex.chat/invitation#/?v=2-7&smp=smp%3A%2F%2Fhejn2gVIqNU6xjtGM3OwQeuk8ZEbDXVJXAlnSBJBWUA%3D%40smp16.simplex.im%2F_JVoNRMp3S9k3igSP3WGQsslsovT2Edv%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAPkDVdblHjWi_3My5ge93gchSxyu5JapdFe1UFSppOg4%253D%26k%3Ds%26srv%3Dp3ktngodzi6qrf7w64mmde3syuzrv57y55hxabqcq3l5p6oi7yzze6qd.onion&e2e=v%3D2-3%26x3dh%3DMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkA__XxF04uRZNFvlP4BVYuVI I can handle a manage a high functionaling physchopathic 23:06:30 K62_HM4EMaDVecUrY9qu8RbmDbfngj8CcEcCS_Pizt122TBLeCN2c%3D%2CMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkA_zyhkLOjQGobVsuWx4RNDB0-s_og2fSEqjGfEIEL1eThYGlh8a0KZQcbdZjauHiudAXX80EcgWs%3D 23:06:54 It's literally my day job 23:07:24 I wont be talking about anything regarding evidence, and I wont be talking if a voice changer is actve. 23:08:30 stfu and take the link already 23:09:12 Where is your public key hosted? 23:09:40 Are you fucking stupid? 23:09:42 And has it been hosted for at least 3 months? 23:09:46 I just sent the SimpleX one time link 23:09:48 Yes, totally. 23:10:04 I need to verify it's you :) 23:10:13 Where is your public key hosted? 23:10:19 hey dan bob, the drama you ordered is here 23:10:24 or rather the BS 23:10:26 You have several alts 23:10:40 Alright nevermind. bro managed to hype me 23:10:42 good job 23:10:43 all very adult here as you all wait for santa 23:10:48 nioCat: BS? I don't think so :) 23:10:59 The BS on core Monero scams, sure. 23:11:09 100% BS 23:11:13 and? 23:11:20 I am part of core 23:11:24 midipoet SANTA IS REAL 23:11:26 It's being dealt with though, here and when I meet Diego in Germany in a few days. 23:11:40 Hopefully midipoet is there too 23:11:55 syntheticbird: so i have been told 23:12:00 Yes 23:12:08 I don't think midipoet is going to c3 23:12:16 I will not be present at C3 23:12:19 Why :( 23:12:28 family 23:12:30 Because you're going 23:12:45 I was going to talk with you about the policy I wrote for getting Haveno legalised to an extent but we can do that over chat I guess. 23:13:11 Haveno is legal 23:13:15 Policy over 23:13:22 Switch the lights from Dark Mode to Light mode kinda thing, y'know? 23:13:29 +1 23:13:30 For monero as a whole 23:13:40 my lobbyists are bringing a bill to congress to legalize haveno, that's how it is done baby 23:13:42 Oh is it, 23:13:50 i forgot to put teeth marks on the carrot and leave a half eaten mince pie on the table brb 23:13:56 You and you underfunded team think so? 23:14:22 do Americans do mince pies? 23:14:32 not really midipoet 23:14:39 oh dear 23:14:43 mince pies? 23:14:46 thats not fun for the kids 23:14:50 No. its milk and cookies 23:14:56 Do Americans do real cream? 23:14:58 Carrot for rudolph 23:15:09 lol 23:15:23 When will someone invent chocolate bread ? 23:15:30 it exists 23:15:35 I have a large box of cookies as a gift, wish I could share it with u guz 23:15:39 there is no way 23:15:45 Chocolate croissants 23:15:49 how did i missed that 23:15:52 I had a business idea the other day. Bring 2 litre half and half to Europe/Uk/Ireland. Along with half and half chocolate milk and strawberry milk. 23:15:56 I want cookies 23:16:15 ofrnxmr Pain au chocolat or Chocolatine, isn't what I call a chocolate bread even tho this is literal traduction. 23:16:43 chocolatine 23:16:48 suddiste detecter 23:16:51 GET RAPED 23:16:54 opinion ignorer 23:16:55 ITS PAIN AU CHOCOLAT 23:16:59 haven't opened up the box, the bow is still on it 23:17:00 ALWAYS WILL BE 23:17:04 stop talking to yourself, schizobird 23:17:16 I feel we are all distracted by food 23:17:50 food is more insterested than qbit drama 23:18:00 ^^^^^^^^^^^ 23:18:00 food is more insteresting than qbit drama 23:19:05 Meow. 23:20:17 HOW 23:20:21 DO YOU MAKE THAT 23:20:45 my inner weeb just woke up 23:20:47 Stop yelling, you uncultured swine! 23:20:49 He uses nheko. That jerk... 23:20:50 stickers 23:20:55 rn trying cinny 23:20:58 support stickers too 23:21:00 xd 23:21:27 actually basically all the clients *but* element support custom stickers/emote 23:22:56 Share the QR code please synthetic 23:23:08 I cant click links 23:23:15 Let's get into it 23:23:23 Very excited 23:23:29 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/ynYaiLHnyInssHbQWPfmIvTb 23:24:39 Diego, you wanna join this one? 23:25:08 I strongly encourage plowsof to join 23:25:15 may I join, I can bring hookers and gatgirls 23:25:17 it's a one time link dumbass 23:25:19 they can't join 23:25:20 Or at least one member of core 23:25:44 encouragement is always great to have thank yo u 23:25:48 This one wll be on the record though. 23:25:55 As long as everyone is happy with being recorded 23:25:56 KewbitXMR you will never be able to even lick one core's member boot they are gonna ignore you for the rest of your life and you're gonna ask yourself if they are even real 23:26:28 I've chatted with Luigi recently 23:26:32 Mm? 23:26:32 Sure 23:26:36 Sure 23:26:52 The problem here is the ignorance, you're feeding him shit and doing the community an injustice through doing so 23:27:34 That's why I'd LOVE to ho on matrix with you mow, waiting for you, it will be on the record. 23:29:04 Where's the call? 23:29:30 there is none 23:29:57 Well, I mean I've spoken with him on the phone before. 23:30:03 Simplex, rather. 23:30:37 So if he wants a call with you and I, sure. I don't have tons of time on account of me traveling tomorrow for c3, but I'll give a bit of time. 23:31:22 KewbitXMR I'm ready. When's the call? 23:31:31 I don't think there is group call in SimpleX 23:31:41 He first asked me to jump on a call with him on simpleX 23:31:44 ignore the invite code 23:31:48 then said you should be there 23:31:59 and now is talking about matrix call 23:32:30 yeah dont think so neither 23:32:41 use signal or matrix yeah 23:32:44 Matrix calls are just jitsi. I can set up a jitsi room 23:32:55 that work too 23:33:12 Siron you make reto? 23:33:24 Or did i misread 23:34:17 You misread 23:34:19 I would be upp for a jitsi room 23:34:21 too 23:34:36 Ill set one up in 20 23:35:06 diego you are traveling on xmrmas? Blasphemy !! 23:35:19 Yes. It sucks. 23:35:25 OH NVM HE IS CALLING ME ON SIMPLEX 23:35:40 But I'm MCing the cdc cluster again 23:35:54 No answer? 23:36:11 So its gotta be done. Had Christmas today and yesterday. 23:36:19 Come on I thought you wanted a little christmas eve chat 23:36:34 KewbitXMR I've answered your call 23:36:37 you I don't hear anything 23:36:40 Kewbit no group calls in simplex. I'll set up a jitsi room in a bit 23:36:45 Been waiting for an snwer for 5 mins 23:36:53 Seems like you wont want to talk? 23:36:56 already xmas here in the land down under 23:36:56 skill issue 23:37:17 Plowsoff, care to join too, plenty to talk about with you. 23:37:38 Try me again BasicSwapDEX 23:37:41 You guys must be lonely this Christmas 23:37:48 I may join will see 23:37:48 just to lurk 23:37:49 release code, get paid 23:38:03 nahhh kids are asleep, back to business for me in UK 23:38:16 midipoet: I am taking care of sick people and sick cats 23:38:28 New code KewbitXMR. i fucked up speaker let's try again if you're not a coward: simplex:/invitation#/?v=2-7&smp=smp%3A%2F%2FesPsfRFGZd2TRyKijJDorCMo3Ld-QD8Cq8ASx8qrY_Q%3D%40simplex.hackliberty.org%2FYIp2t9_5yokVm1Dj0Bh0qnUh1PVkrIHZ%23%2F%3Fv%3D1-3%26dh%3DMCowBQYDK2VuAyEAg-SCneFYtIHekQYPW5cPs1xR78klzy-o4Bh38aqo90U%253D%26k%3Ds%26srv%3Dgstc5w42xawazcr4txrcyhitmkhiyu2vkkwy2xhwovbhlap zrccjeyad.onion&e2e=v%3D2-3%26x3dh%3DMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAdzMFzQ5ISwnyoPR1wtjrjiZv_0J-SCbJXsxgAJZa6M8u6eoo9uUCGC5fpswOZauhtLRC_samVts%3D%2CMEIwBQYDK2VvAzkAUabQo63J9IPmpNs-NhryQaSybXBa-MmT_zY9r_xpl-BD1ocVLdPPc03cU-RJxA-pta1-NUj-Ot0%3D 23:38:34 Thanks 23:38:37 Hope they get well soon 23:38:38 Let's try this one more time 23:39:03 I can only scan a QR 23:39:06 nothing more 23:39:28 I scan links, onless they have an onion in it. 23:39:58 I cant scan links unless they have an onion in it 23:39:59 ? 23:40:02 Midipoet will miss you man 23:40:04 Cat has an issue recently diagnosed and easily treatable, lucky her as part of the treatment she gets to eat more lol 23:40:12 happy Cat 23:40:21 oh 23:40:28 ok hold on rq KewbitXMR 23:40:30 I hope your cat will be fine 23:40:34 much love to her 23:40:46 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/HkCkoMfBVDzZxuPLIIUgXGiJ 23:40:48 here KewbitXMR 23:40:50 she will be, thx 23:40:50 my cats are so chungus recently 23:41:07 involved with another cat that is 17yo 23:42:00 she is doing ok rn, another happy cat :) 23:42:08 great 23:42:12 :3 23:42:15 When are you calling exactly? 23:42:30 then there are 2 people, cats are more fun lol 23:42:54 I really want to scan it just to mess with you and force you to create yet another one 23:46:11 I've been calling you and you've been accpting with your mic off 23:46:20 What can I do? 23:46:22 lol 23:47:22 Okay I'll move on to the next, clearly not balls? lol 23:47:25 I couldn't connect it was stuck on connecting 23:47:39 Why are you choosing fucked servers then? 23:47:53 I'll send you a link 23:47:58 I'm connecting to your servers anyway dumbass 23:48:05 ok let's do that 23:48:11 :blobcat_coffee_sip: 23:48:14 what hacked fucking library 23:48:38 hold on I'm ready now 23:48:48 making the jitsi room 23:49:56 Yeah sure my a room, as long as it's tor compaible and webbase doesn't use UDP 23:50:03 Yeah sure my a room, as long as it's tor compaible and webbased doesn't use UDP 23:50:18 Yeah sure make a room, as long as it's tor compaible and webbased doesn't use UDP 23:51:58 Bro is trying to edit messages on irc 23:52:00 https://jitsi.cypherstack.com/xmrlosersgetalife 23:52:02 Luii1111 this whole call mayb end up being poiintless without you in it 23:52:16 As in the same result will conclude 23:52:25 or plowsoff, just saying 23:52:37 I mean, it is christmas eve. Only a few losers are around on Monero IRC 23:52:44 Loser or not 23:52:47 jitsi room is posted 23:52:54 Depends the value fo your position I guess 23:53:00 Depends the value of your position I guess 23:53:13 plowsof only calls me 23:53:19 certain people have more to lose than others? 23:53:54 Either get involved or be a part of the problem 23:54:52 I mean, I didn't know who coffeezilla was and I looked it up. I, for one, would be happy to see him cover Monero, even if it's a scandal thing. 23:56:59 been following him for a while 23:57:00 he actually investigate and dont take for granted what the frist person tell him 23:57:02 i dont see how the fuck you think you would be seen as the good guy 23:57:30 any luck with the jitsi?