00:04:17 kewbitxmr, I'm only blocking out another ten minutes or so. I'm going to go hang with family before my trip. 00:06:03 I cant hear anyone 00:07:33 I can hear people well 00:08:21 KewbitXMR WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU 00:13:57 As I thought 00:14:04 Alright well, I waited for as long as I could. Going to go do other things now. There may or may not be still some people at that link just chilling and waiting. 00:14:17 mm? 00:14:30 I don't understand i couldn't hear anyone at some point 00:14:37 thx anyway diego 00:14:37 I appreciate you joining anyway Diego 00:14:54 Dickrider 00:14:55 It's clear ofrnxmr has too much to risk speaking 00:14:56 ah you were in there 00:15:00 probably as luigi or something 00:15:14 test passed Diego, well done 00:15:17 (kewbit) 00:15:20 literally nobody talked except me XD 00:15:22 I answered your calls everytime 00:15:35 I also don't particularly appreciate the silence when I have other things to do 00:15:52 but whatever, you guys got some of my time, I guess. 00:16:00 I tried to talk but it wasnt working 00:16:14 I'll probably be turning off notifications for Matrix for the next couple of days, so have fun figuring this out. 00:16:24 same it worked at first but then mute 00:16:35 Have nice holidays 00:16:41 now that the scandal has been exposed, we can look forward to coffeezillas video Q1 2025 00:16:47 KewbitXMR from what I gather you mad cuz things are moving slowly. It's holiday season. As far as I know some people have been asked to look over the code and are doing so, but I could be wrong. 00:16:53 safe travels Diego, enjoy 00:17:08 But again, it's Christmas time. Expect delays. 00:17:11 Either way, seeya guys! 00:19:38 Next time 00:21:17 Oh, and kewbit, since you were impersonating luigi to try to get people to talk, you were present to understand that recording wasn't happening and wasn't possible with my jitsi. :) 00:22:33 oh my 00:23:12 yeah he used the username luigi1111 00:23:25 least of your worries 00:23:31 When we all know that luigi uses luigi1111w when he's being dragged out on christmas 00:24:24 Of my worries? 00:24:27 And we all know that kewbit likes to impersonate other ppl 00:24:45 (Couldn't help but check in. Stupid curiosity., I'm a doofus) 00:24:48 All I want for christmas is ofrnxmr and all his alts 00:25:01 Oh. Got it. Nothing to do with me then. 00:25:11 So i am indeed good to go. 00:25:16 .bbl 00:25:36 Diego the contract is a bit fucked from the screen im on, I cant really see your name 00:25:43 contrast** 00:26:03 i 00:26:05 how 00:26:15 scams all the way down 00:26:16 No worries. 00:26:19 at what moment did his brain thought we care about this detail 00:26:24 cba to how tyou a screnshot 00:26:39 So it's funny how ofrnxmr and lugi1111 cant join the same call 00:26:47 interesting 00:26:52 He just wants to lie more for any reason 00:26:54 Have a good Christmas tracking down ofrn. I really have wasted enough time here. 00:27:11 Bye bye! Love you all. 00:27:12 sorry again Diego about this whole mess 00:27:18 diego safe trip 00:27:20 enjoy your holidays properly 00:27:20 It's also funny how ofrnxmr has 5-6 alts all with different types of permissions 00:27:22 Final word. Lmao 00:27:31 Yeah with lots of travel. 00:27:57 Let's try again after christmas before the biggest monero shitshow of the decade comes to light 00:28:21 yawn 00:29:21 Fluffypony continuing his fraud despite being warned by the south african CID 00:29:31 Really, boring me 00:29:50 luigi1111 = fluffypony 00:30:07 time to +q ... Silent night.... 00:30:13 yes yes 00:30:26 as normal 00:30:35 I'll come back as an alt and fuck you btw lol 00:31:00 I am working on at least one othe project as a different alt 00:31:03 tread carefully 00:31:50 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hi nioc 00:32:15 hi bob 00:39:53 what a fun backlog. If anyone wants to read past backlog, be it 15 minutes ago or years ago, AFAIK it's all here https://libera.monerologs.net/ archived 00:43:35 I see. Merry Christmas 00:45:54 New years resolution: coffeezilla 01:27:40 Wasting everyone’s time, ponder over what you are doing with your life. 02:49:52 Hey pookie doos, I don't understand matrix, can everyone see my massage even if I signed up through matrix.social ? 02:50:08 Or whatever the default matrix url is 02:50:59 Or only those that signed up through the same default can see my messages, but all those who signed up to the monero.social or whatever won't ? 02:51:23 Matrix.org my bad 03:07:48 yes 14:55:36 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/unredacted.org/ebTWxUvxCbaluBELoDPshSXS 21:20:17 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ruckniumare your nodes down ? 22:13:20 I have no idea who is @boldsuck on Librejo. But if you are reading this channel, Librejo don't have support for Actions yet 23:31:43 is this this that place to contribute to developments 23:33:29 dart and flutter with a bit of HTML and frontend 23:34:41 i saw the drama, i cant finish it with up front payment 23:34:48 i saw the drama, i can finish it with up front payment 23:35:26 hes dones pretty much all of it anyway 23:36:50 Not happening 23:36:58 25 XMR because of the the work on tranforming the protocol 23:37:11 very time cosuming 23:37:35 Then not happening 4 u 23:37:50 I notice you scam not caring :P 23:38:18 SomeOrdinaryGamers covering 23:38:22 Any potential continuation of this proposal will likely have to be 1 milestone, postpaid 23:38:32 No 23:38:34 no you 23:38:37 oh hi qbit how u doi 23:38:38 Monero Community Dev is 23:38:40 oh hi qbit how u doin 23:38:49 you destroyed xmr rep 23:39:07 congrats 23:39:36 all of serai isb being used or other project already 23:39:45 sadly for you 23:39:51 Kewbit wants me 2 pay him 50xmr. He couldnt explain why tho 23:40:42 kewbit is been scammed, he provide the evidence 23:40:54 Kewbit wants syn 2 pay him 50xmr. He never explained why tho 23:41:00 good luck finding good developer 23:41:18 for basicswapscam 23:42:14 Have 2 already 23:42:16 also we were all waiting for diego and ofrnxmr to join call, all problem no solution 23:42:28 wait wait wait how is it being scammed exactly when you accept condition about how you're going to get paid 23:42:28 you dont follow those condition but ask for your money early, 23:42:30 and so the dev team is like "well no sorry those were the condition, you didnt follow them, wwe cant send you this money in advance" 23:42:44 how is that scam 23:42:47 I will ensure the development will be known to those developer 23:43:00 PowerUpPrivacy will stop fundning 23:43:06 same with magic grant 23:43:21 or we stop working 23:43:27 simple xD 23:43:29 someone was impersonating haveno.. er, u mean, luigi 23:44:05 ofrnxmr u have serious ruined XMR community 23:44:15 no trust 23:44:30 its not about trust its about action 23:44:44 action not happen now 23:44:58 u fight the long fight 23:45:01 Youre pretty stupid aint ya 23:45:08 its going to u tube 23:45:24 more than 40 devs nows 23:45:40 stupid ye 23:45:53 explain how stupid 23:46:04 Is this going to be a daily thing now? 23:46:20 Qtip having nervous breakdowns in community? 23:46:46 qtip? 23:47:03 its not the commuity here 23:47:20 we will close down /r/Monero soon 23:47:21 how can you be that delisuonalwhen you ask money early despite strict rules 23:47:22 and despite already gotten an exeption 23:47:24 thats not action, 23:47:26 no code no money, thats all, all of this crap come down to it. no code was provided but money was asked 23:47:28 all this bs coming from u qbit cuz of that 23:47:40 its alreadyy talk with super admin 23:47:43 okay yeah idk why I keep trying to argue you're clearly a lost cause 23:48:02 its fune for new admin and mod 23:48:04 its fun for new admin and mod 23:48:21 Yeah. Yknow, "HavenoDEX" aka qtip 23:48:34 no is smallcommunity 23:48:42 monero big community 23:48:47 New super admin mod 23:48:48 its taken soon 23:49:12 lose control 23:49:22 What about interpol bro 23:49:30 U said I had 24hrs, why u acting like a bitch already, its only been 4 23:49:32 bcause of the the bad PR for reddit \ 23:49:48 Deals off! 23:49:54 we developer we strategiec hehe 23:50:01 you silly 23:50:10 try defence 23:50:12 will lose 23:50:33 time is over for the luigi and fluffy 23:50:39 bad pr for reddit? 23:50:40 u telling me u think that 1 guy complaining we didng bent to all his ask is something as big as it'd be a big pr for reddit cuz they host a community link to the same project? 23:50:42 take off the watch 23:50:44 are you 23:50:46 high? 23:50:49 sellit for some rand 23:51:03 how much rand 23:51:13 before CID 23:51:36 in fact put to XMR is safe there 23:52:28 cash better 23:52:42 live from cash not xmr 23:53:13 oh us we forget 23:53:24 merry christmas btw 23:53:29 you celebrate? 23:54:15 @syntheticbird:monero.social you should add a rule to the code of conducts u were working on 23:54:16 instant ban if you're a fucking clown 23:54:18 great comment bro 23:54:28 code of what sir 23:54:47 oh you're working? 23:54:49 haha 23:54:56 is funny to see you work 23:55:04 no scam this time right? 23:55:21 what are you on? 23:55:27 how many alt 23:55:37 hold on siron 1 2 3 4 23:55:48 ofrnxmr 23:55:50 who do you think am I a alt of? 23:55:52 basic swapdex scam 23:56:10 RAT scam on devs 23:56:11 I honestly hope this is a kewbit imposter 23:56:14 proven 23:56:20 you say u want link 23:56:22 yeah no sorry my guy I am not an alt I fear I am but a real human being 23:56:30 u silence our dev 23:56:44 he speak truth 23:56:48 wait until we morph into monderbull 23:56:50 ready to fight boom boom 23:57:13 luigi 23:57:19 plowoff 23:57:23 its time to dox 23:57:30 at this point I wish that qbit just have some form of pathology instead of just being a clown 23:57:32 if you pay no worries 23:57:42 ban come back np 23:58:12 qbit is hire us 23:58:19 to investigate u 23:58:33 is easy 23:58:46 for youtube 23:58:57 u want to ban 23:59:21 go 23:59:24 Oh, so youre rhe trash fiverr devs he hired that dont know how to use git? 23:59:25 okay then if you want investigate dont annoy everyone here, go dm idk, lurk, read the thousant of logs