00:01:27 If you're realy here to investigate 00:01:28 then shouldnt you be more doing that in private, trying to get in the dm of anyone to get their opinion and stuff 00:01:30 instead of announcing yourself and instantly making people biased about you? 00:01:40 do it 00:01:43 you really dont know how to play role playing game qbit 00:01:52 come play dnd with me one day 00:04:44 bro didnt hire bots, he hired trolls 00:09:30 https://www.getmonero.org/community/merchants/ 00:09:37 remove from here 00:09:49 or attack is never ending 00:10:05 yeah forreal 00:10:12 ofnrxmr 00:10:19 more alts yay 00:10:24 less like the city of cold 00:10:34 more like the city of gold 00:10:59 remove basic swank dex 00:11:18 banner hammer wont be spooken 00:11:43 remove all best well be destroyed 00:12:17 scam scam sam ofrnxmr, monerobull, luigi1111, plowsoff 00:12:25 scam scam scam ofrnxmr, monerobull, luigi1111, plowsoff 00:12:31 RetoSwap scam 00:12:49 RetoSwap scam monerobull 00:12:56 reddit tskeover 00:13:08 warning due course 00:13:30 fluffypony god interview, you are summoned 00:14:13 Aloha = not scam, right? 00:14:14 What about servers.guru? 00:14:25 reddit /r/monero/ scam 00:14:30 everything is scam obv 00:14:30 monero is a scam too 00:14:32 Send a pr 00:14:34 i only trust wownero 00:14:43 monero scma pics or doesnt exist 00:14:56 monero scam pics or doesnt exist 00:15:09 remember he dosent know how to use git 00:15:13 monero. not qunatum resistant 00:15:14 so sending a whole pr?? 00:15:22 monero scam 00:15:38 yea you can replace what u said with btc 00:15:40 monero drug lord not happy 00:15:45 btc not quantum resistant 00:15:46 btc scam 00:15:51 Is servers.guru a scam too? 00:15:52 scam what we need 00:15:56 no more funds 00:16:02 he same no more funds 00:16:11 he say no more funds 00:16:20 our lord 00:16:43 PowerUpPrivacy 00:16:46 MajesticBan 00:16:48 Wut 00:16:54 We'll be kings forever 00:17:06 fulling kings forever 00:17:19 we went to avalon 00:17:42 someone trying to shake us down mob style? 00:17:48 whats ur dealer cuz damn u high 00:17:58 we'll be kings forever 00:18:04 felling so much better 00:18:11 when everything was gone 00:18:24 we went to avalon 00:19:38 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIhgVhTmrks 00:20:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> monerobullplowsof ban this scammy prick 00:21:13 ban this scamming coin 00:21:23 We'll win 00:21:37 The wonderful world of truth 00:21:50 We went to avalon 00:21:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> BanhammerMonero 00:22:09 BAN HAMMER HAS SPOKEN 00:22:16 TLDR on that yt link please 00:22:28 THE SENSORSHIP HAS BEGUN 00:22:49 we'll be kings forever 00:22:52 its a music? just openend it in tor not played tho 00:23:05 we'll. be kings forever 00:23:13 We have you fluffy 00:23:24 CID 00:23:34 Congrats 00:23:50 On your slip up on 25th December 00:24:00 Princess 00:24:07 Have it christmas day 00:24:26 everyday is thanksgiving 00:24:28 I dont even understand what are you on about 00:24:30 Monerobull 00:24:39 Full name and address 00:25:11 Registering full name and address of your new domain 00:25:31 Nameheap 00:25:42 Nice privacy 00:25:52 Check the ICANN report 00:26:02 please try #monero-complaints 00:26:11 Why rf is monerobull 00:26:15 When everthing thing was gone we went to avalon 00:26:18 who* tf* 00:27:04 Who* The* Fuck* is* Rickordo* Spagni* 00:27:20 my brother 00:27:28 And wen aloha? 00:27:30 We went to **Avalon** 00:27:36 CID 00:27:40 FBI 00:27:45 MI6 00:27:46 idk wha you're trying to do here reeally im so lost u make no sense 00:27:50 Interpol 00:27:56 Have everything 00:28:27 I am with the nsa, and yes we have everything 00:28:31 Full addresss DOXD 00:28:47 No need for Airbnb Fluffy 00:28:58 You've been tracke 00:29:02 You've been tracked 00:29:10 he wants syn to pay him 50xmr 00:29:12 Idk why he started so low, but he offered 24hrs to decide 00:29:14 RATTED\ 00:29:18 PO box 420; New North Korea; 60609 00:29:28 come on over 00:29:30 LITERALLY ratted 00:29:35 we celebrate 00:29:41 No more getmonero.org 00:29:59 .bbl 00:30:15 Possession of Homeland Securit 00:30:16 Possession of Homeland Securiy 00:30:22 Possession of Homeland Security 00:30:32 Gandi nvmore 00:30:37 Gandi no more 00:30:49 Gandi wandi 00:31:36 MATRIC SECURE BRO JOIN HERE 00:31:39 Ur IP safe 00:31:57 continue trading 00:32:13 hhahahahahahahah 00:32:34 Redddit not monitored 00:32:50 can you, for everyone sanity, just shut up 00:32:52 reddit safe bro join retoswap! 00:33:05 put your your personal info 00:33:12 Is safe dw 00:33:37 bank details and more! 00:33:42 name and surname 00:33:49 all secure by retoswank 00:33:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> dont respond to them 00:34:08 assured by monerobull 00:34:24 annd plowsoff 00:34:30 who jusgt moved conoutry 00:34:38 I fell sorry for the kifs 00:34:42 sorry plowsoff 00:34:48 kids 00:35:06 You must have worked hard for those kids 00:35:30 escpecally with the small penis in your icloud 00:35:51 OH shit sorry we're not supposed to access thar 00:36:05 I hope you settleed in well 00:36:25 Fluffy, the timing attack got you good 00:36:39 damn son 00:36:51 that watch got you back in trouble 00:37:14 you cant help yourself browsing 00:37:31 still trying to get a good deal 00:37:46 is 168,000 XMR not enough? 00:38:34 oh no 00:38:38 its not 00:39:30 boop 00:39:48 gotta go spread the news 00:42:20 So it seems everyone thinks matrix is secure 00:42:31 WE CREATED IT 00:42:43 Did you check the source code? 00:43:24 HiddenServiceNonAnonymousMode 0 00:43:40 Thanks tor project 00:43:56 HiddenServiceSingleHopMode 1 00:44:17 cry cry 00:44:21 ooops 00:44:44 yes 00:44:49 you did oopsie 00:44:54 awww 00:45:33 cross check? 00:45:36 quick 00:45:41 before raid 00:45:51 try to change 00:46:07 you might survive 00:46:48 YOLO MI6 00:47:39 access to all haveno trades 00:48:04 archetypr sad 00:48:13 archetype sad 00:48:21 crypto.new 00:48:23 crypto.news 00:48:52 cryptonews.com 04:34:11 happy holidays 04:34:26 merry xmas 04:48:22 happy holidays 07:02:11 Did I miss something? 07:04:31 It seems there is some strong christmas spirit going on. 07:08:21 It seems there is some strong christmas spirit going on here. 07:12:40 peak Christmas drunk party be like: 08:43:57 Mm? I set up the call so of course I was there. It was on my servers. 09:07:45 Omw to Hamburg now. 13:33:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I'll let BND know 19:00:05 Revuo Monero Issue 222: December 12 - 26, 2024. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-222/ 20:47:23 [CCS Proposals] rottenwheel closed merge request #533: Revuo Monero Maintenance 2025 Q1 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/533 20:47:55 ignore^ fixing repo 20:54:26 [CCS Proposals] rottenwheel closed merge request #534: Revuo Monero Maintenance 2025 Q1 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/534 21:08:55 a break from being called retarded, finally 21:09:38 the who? 21:10:09 who was being called the (gasp!) R word!? 21:37:21 Not to dignify any of the above, which is spam by an unreliable narrator, but what's this claim? Who is using Serai? Why is that notable? 21:40:55 what does isb mean? 21:49:13 isb = is 21:49:22 Maybe 21:49:59 Youre responding to a kewbit spam lol 21:50:44 Claimed haveno was spyware, that basicswap ships malware, and that serai is bljwbele 21:50:59 Buncha gibberish not worth entertaining 21:52:02 ofrnxmr: I'm aware of the presuned context for all of this. That doesn't change I'm curious the specific allegation made around my work. 21:52:37 the context is spam 21:52:39 There is no context ser 21:52:41 kayabanerve, there are no seriousness or worth the interest when it comes to kewbit allegations 21:52:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> jsut ignore 21:53:03 he accuse just like he breath 21:53:06 <3​21bob321:monero.social> leave trollz under the bridge 21:53:52 and im sure there are not any fundamental lie or thoughts when he said this 21:54:06 just Serai is bad, for the sake of being bad 21:54:35 Y'all have produced more messages saying why we shouldn't engage than I did by asking for clarification, all without clarifying for me as I'm curious what bad assumptions people make so I can better update my position to not incline people to those bad assumptions. 21:54:53 (see people thinking monero-serai means the lib was for Serai, not by Serai) 21:54:58 He even attacked woodser's work lol 21:55:16 That's what im saying sorry for not being clear. There are no bad assumptions that you can clarify 21:55:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> in the mod world you ignore trollz talking shit and they disappear. Why engage with them to give them validity. 21:56:02 That's what im saying sorry for not being clear. There are no bad assumptions that you can clarify. Not just that this is bad assumptions, there are no assumptions for his allegations to begin with. 21:56:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> its like using twatter dont respond 21:56:11 Theres nothing you can do aside from not creating anything. He's using a fake account to attack legitimate projects, because his is illegitimate 21:56:40 So.. if he's attacking you, that means youre doing good work 21:56:56 <3​21bob321:monero.social> tbh who cares what people think 21:57:01 Y'all are now officially annoying me more than the original spammer. 21:57:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> you do you 21:57:25 especially who cares what sockpuppets think. 21:57:54 <3​21bob321:monero.social> there was no point to his claim. Does that answer your question 21:57:57 I'm not further engaging with y'all on this, here and now, because you don't get my point and are just throwing even more noise on the pile. 21:58:00 C'y'all 21:58:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> lol 21:58:10 I don't know in which lang I can translate it to you. We don't know what he is talking about, and when it comes to his allegations they are done on no basis or premises that could be proved wrong. 21:58:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> the world is turning into wetpaper bags 21:58:35 https://matrix.to/#/!eBgZCVRnRRkKchiYzS:monero.social/$nvzcZWpp_g2o9YFAuVGeYd0jzz_ZdRm_4uU5wJW56B4?via=xmr.mx&via=matrix.org&via=monero.social kayabanerve @kayabanerve:matrix.org 21:58:49 <3​21bob321:monero.social> people caring what people say about them 21:59:00 Good 21:59:17 Guess that settles the convo 🫡 21:59:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> tbh this is the dumbest convo i seen 22:00:29 Agreed. And i've been involved in some pretty dumb ones 22:00:46 like.. there are 3 monderbulls for a reason 22:08:32 shfff 22:08:37 shhhhh 22:11:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> anyways 22:22:51 So, what’s up with the usernames 22:23:10 what 22:23:18 you never heard about monderbull and Siron 22:23:35 and Syntbhebird ? 22:23:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> whos that 22:24:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> only know allan 22:24:11 it's me 22:24:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> sus 22:24:20 tldr they are all 1 person, xmas ruined 22:26:53 Yes 22:29:51 its us 22:33:47 they are not doing mentorships either for those curious 23:32:04 qtip again? 23:58:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> yes they succeeded