00:00:39 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Alright, so quick brief - what do you want me to test out? 00:00:40 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Own instance include the serverside stack? 00:00:46 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Alright, so quick brief - what do you want me to test out? 00:00:48 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Own instance includes the serverside stack? 00:01:39 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> FiatDemise: 00:04:04 <m-relay> <fiatdemise:matrix.org> Test out XMRChat instructions on github, see if there's enough info there for you to set up your own instance of XMRChat. Will probably find some missing / old stuff that will need updates along the way. 00:04:29 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Kk 00:06:43 <m-relay> <fiatdemise:matrix.org> Thanks in advance for doing this, appreciate it! I'll put you in touch with Saeed too. 00:08:27 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Oh no I have to pull the whole XMR source tree. 00:08:54 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> It's my pleasure to help you burning banks down a coin at a time. 00:13:49 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> It's getting kinda late for me, so I'm just gonna let it pull (I'm on a slow connection anyway) and go get some rest. 00:13:50 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Might wake up quite soon tho, as my sleeping schedule is completely broken again. 00:37:09 <m-relay> <fiatdemise:matrix.org> I created a new room, let's continue there. Room is public if anyone else is curious about self hosted XMRChat too. 00:37:14 <m-relay> <fiatdemise:matrix.org> https://matrix.to/#/!usORyWBOqZFvtHDZUA:matrix.org?via=matrix.org 01:54:36 <Guest82> TRuly it has ben years. but does #monero-pools still exit? when i join as a guest, webchat says the nick is banned 01:54:57 <Guest82> exist 01:56:02 <Guest82> the chan was on freenode-hence the years 11:47:46 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> I guess trocador was an after thought for @monero twatter 13:59:11 <m-relay> <binomic:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/cHbbIGZrLWvIwPmRfhjcmgzB 14:10:33 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Me when someone offers me FIAT for my IT services starting this year: 14:10:54 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/gEZGFqpmcsyEvkbbHRiJRcyO 14:11:28 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Monero 14:12:03 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Noted. 15:00:03 <n1oc> Gingeropolous 1TB MRC upgrade is now fully funded! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/gingeropolous_1TB_MRC.html @luigi1111 15:00:22 <plowsof> ⛏️ 15:00:32 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> Meeting today? 15:03:47 <plowsof> yes in 1hr57 mins https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1133 15:04:00 <plowsof> i mean 57 mins 15:10:22 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> I'm completely new, so take the following with a grain of salt: 15:10:24 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> I would like to propose an agenda item. 15:10:26 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> I founda a FTBFS: 15:10:28 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9678 15:10:30 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> I'm completely new, so take the following with a grain of salt: 15:10:32 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> I would like to propose an agenda item. 15:10:34 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> I found a FTBFS: 15:10:36 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/9678 15:26:45 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Wait wut 15:27:20 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Wasnt there one last week 15:30:27 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Wut is this 15:30:48 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> dormouse community meetings arent dev meetings 15:33:35 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> No need for a meeting for that. Someone will look into it, as they do all reported issues on git 15:34:15 <m-relay> <dormouse:matrix.org> Alright then, thanks tor letting me know. 15:36:57 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> thx for report 15:39:46 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Lol, nope. I'm a week off 🫠 15:56:07 <nioc> wait until ofrn finds out that we are in a new year ಠ_ಠ 15:59:50 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> 👀👀 15:59:56 <plowsof> Meeting time https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1133 16:00:32 <plowsof> speaking of the new year, happy new year everyone, greetings! 16:00:35 <msvb-lab> Hello saluton. 16:00:46 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Happy new year! 16:01:18 * m-relay <dormouse:matrix.org> lurks and learns 16:01:40 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Merry Christmas 16:02:45 <plowsof> the floor is open to highlight any recent goings on 16:03:42 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> @monero still being a weirdo 16:04:22 <plowsof> the voting for MAGIC candidates will begin on the 6th https://magicgrants.org/funds/monero/ 16:05:18 <plowsof> this was randomly removed by reddit again and re-approved: [MiCAR and the Monero ecosystem](https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1hp1auc/micar_and_the_monero_ecosystem/) - midipoet 16:07:00 <plowsof> has @monero at least tweeted monerokons CFP? https://www.monerokon.org/ 16:07:04 <m-relay> <doedl...:zano.org> mass-reported I guess? 16:07:50 <plowsof> possibly, i've not looked into what happened there 16:08:27 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> qtip has launched 2-4 new websites (in addition to the 3-8 he already has) to try to undermine out communities and fundraising 16:08:32 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> mostly ai generated content, as one would come to expect 16:09:17 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> new proposals for funding: https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required/ 16:09:36 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> our = various ecosystem contributors 16:10:08 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> the moneronews site is ridiculous. a few of our best crustaceans 🦀 had a good lauch at the cuprate article there 16:10:16 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> laugh* 16:10:42 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> it's directly linked to a monero fund phishing site 🙅 16:11:14 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Qtip's proposal is still open afaik. Havent checked 2day 16:11:50 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/536 16:12:07 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> its tied @ 1-1 sorry 16:12:36 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> imo it really makes us look weak if we don't know how to say "no" and stand on it 16:12:44 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Its 8-1 16:12:48 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> the decision has already been made to terminate https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/536#note_28079 16:13:23 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> we voted close a month ago 16:13:57 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Whatever happens after closing is a diff discussion 16:14:33 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Yet it hasnt happened 16:14:37 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Luig did merges and seems to have forgotten to close kewbits 16:14:54 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Qtips* 16:15:06 <m-relay> <doedl...:zano.org> did ppl start to sign each others gpg keys - as a response to the "drama" ? 16:15:10 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> initial feedback from 3 separate arrived recently. basically confirming most of what the community had accused of but no official statements so far (remember, this is all a conspiracy and the contractor is being targetted by the reto cabal etc) 16:16:16 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> None of which matters. The cpde theybare reviewing is 1. A resource hog 2. Not the same codebase that he tried to get paid for 16:16:55 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> https://librejo.monerodevs.org/nahuhh/haveno-app/compare/manymen...main 16:17:58 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> heres comparison of the requested pay codebase vs the one being reviewed that was submitted after the vote 16:18:44 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Anyway, just speaking up since its being extended for like 2-3 months since the first infractions 16:18:47 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> it's terminated* all that remains is the wording of the termination to be ironed out here and there etc, a formality. but, terminated 16:19:41 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> let the record state that Rucknium was the first person to sign their ccs payout address 16:20:03 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Its not terminated for as long as its still on the WIP section of ccs.getmonero.org 16:21:35 <m-relay> <doedl...:zano.org> i get it - I m totally off with this 16:21:44 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> will get https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/536 merged asap 16:21:52 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> We can move to next subject tho 16:21:54 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> lets get into the CCS ideas instead of spending time on Q 16:22:04 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Tob, 0xffc, jberman dev ccs' were all merged and up for funding. Don't want to overshadow those 16:22:05 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> apologies 16:22:25 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> News: [Monero Observer](https://www.monero.observer/) - [Revuo Monero](https://revuo-xmr.com/) - [Monero Moon](https://www.themoneromoon.com/) 16:22:48 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> gingerops was funded too , RAM for MRL to crunch numbers with 👏 16:23:02 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> b. [tipxmr: deprecate and repurpose funds](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/530) | [XMRChat - a service for content creators to receive messages and tips in Monero.](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/524) 16:23:41 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> fiatdemise created a room #self_hosted_xmrchat:matrix.org where someone has joined to test out the setup docs 16:25:12 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> are these proposals being treated as 1 : merged together (repurposed funds + further work) OR repurposed funds awarded and treating the further work as separate? 16:26:11 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> I'm in favor of repurposing 100% of tipxmr's funds, but with our terribly track record with repurposed ccs i think verification is ideal 16:26:56 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> hi FiatDemise , has @dormouse:matrix.org had a look, does anyone know who dormouse is, forgive me, first im hearing this name 16:27:32 <m-relay> <fiatdemise:matrix.org> Dormouse is someone that Snex recommended to me 16:28:40 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Snex (banned) has contributed to the project and tested it a few months ago 16:28:43 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> path 1: 100% tipxmr funds to to xmrchat + the further work milestones go to funding 16:28:44 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> path 2: 100% tipxmr funds to go xmrchat. further work proposal is separate. 16:29:10 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> after verification (with the last time we repurposed funds in mind) 16:29:36 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Also in favor of unbanning snex. Been a long time and he contributes to the ecosystem. I havent seen strange behavior from in channels where he's activr incl simplex and basicswap 16:31:17 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> path 3. Full proposal goes to funding and is partially funded directly 16:31:43 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Dont want to advertise the ccs as if its a lower amount than it is. A donation to the ccs should be made from the jetfund in amount of tipxmr's leftovers 16:32:02 <plowsof> path3 would be == path 1 16:32:47 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Then path 1/3 16:33:30 <plowsof> verification of sources first then 16:35:12 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> oh merge path 1 immediately and payout upon verification? 16:35:24 <m-relay> <fiatdemise:matrix.org> I'm good with all verification 16:36:04 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> seems the sane option, donors can fund the outstanding amount 16:36:13 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> moving on? 16:36:40 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> yes 16:37:21 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> thanks for feedback 16:37:23 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> c. [NoShore: Groundwork for on-the-go offline payments](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/525) 16:38:18 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> I dont think this is well thought out 16:38:23 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> This one's a weird one. Not sure if I understood correctly, but what's the point in offline payments on the go? 16:38:52 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Its a no from me in current form 16:39:30 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> I agree, Seems like there is an architecture in mind but not well put. As of now i see it as LWS++ 16:39:58 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> To me, not so much "whats the point" but the the offline side needs like 3 different tools for it to work. Doesnt seem realistic at all 16:40:07 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Why not just use a normal hot wallet? What does this CCS even solve? 16:40:43 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> "User has phone in airplane mode" 16:41:06 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> He want to avoid the syncing requirement, and offload it to a backend => LWS+Broadcast for user as a service 16:41:33 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> So open your wallet before going out and let it sync. 16:41:59 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> you grand parent won't do that 16:42:02 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> > A step towards enabling our grandparents to transact Monero; 16:42:04 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> But still requires another online device to reconcile outputs 16:42:06 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Now lws tho. 16:42:08 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Not* 16:42:12 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> They probably also won't be using Monero. 16:42:16 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> yeah but in practice its the same 16:42:31 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> stop the if, a proposal and idea is always based on if 16:42:47 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> I don't see how this is more simple than just using a hot wallet. 16:42:58 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> i see the point and potential but not well put imo 16:43:16 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> you literally can pay without internet connection. 16:43:35 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> i dont see how this is simple* or viable 16:43:38 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> this could enable things like credit card 16:43:45 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Same. 16:43:51 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Or even desirable. 16:44:00 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> yup, don't see it as simple, but i see it as viable 16:44:20 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> just my two cents 16:44:22 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> I'd like to see a poc. Honestly doesnt seem like a project that will succeed in implementation due to many hurdles in usability 16:44:40 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> A demo would be useful. 16:44:56 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> I just don't see the problem that its supposed to solve. 16:45:05 <m-relay> <doedl...:zano.org> AFAIK offline signing wont work this way. 16:45:38 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> a poc seems a good suggestion for this (no reason to vote merge/close at this time?) 16:45:40 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> yo we got zano.org user 16:45:43 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> epic 16:45:55 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> I think the creation of it is simple, not the product 16:45:57 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> yes, no vote 16:45:58 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> The product is convoluted 16:46:02 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> IMHO, someone with complete knowledge of the Monero protocol like jeffro256, jberman, moneromooo, etc. should review the viability of this proposed offline payment protocol 16:46:05 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Agreed. 16:46:14 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Looks like a solution in search of a problem. 16:46:33 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> (some of this is based on a POC that plowsof made in like 4hrs) 16:46:57 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> the problem is defined - and you have to solve it - like one of those "you're in a room with x y z, figure it out" 16:47:05 <m-relay> <doedl...:zano.org> will need key image .... 16:47:10 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> why am i in a room, where am i 16:47:17 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Plowsof created a poc for this already and it works, but this proposal is overcomplicated 16:47:28 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Plowsof's doesnt require client running sentry or towerr or whatever. Just an nfc card 16:47:31 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> i think we can move on 16:47:46 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> thank you for the feedback once again 16:48:14 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> or tobtoht could be good, too. 16:48:27 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> #plowsofDoesntLikeTheSpotlight 16:48:37 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> loll 16:48:41 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> g. [dmvp2p: Donate Monero Via P2Pool](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/531) 16:48:48 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> #ofrnxmrWriteInCamelCase 16:49:12 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> This one's interesting. 16:49:24 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> i like the idea 16:49:28 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> I don't know enough about p2pool to comment though. 16:49:54 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> simple, and straightforward, worth a shot imo 16:49:58 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> i left my comments on the proposal. tldr: nobody will use this. It makes more sense to send a donation manually 16:50:33 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> users .json , a list of projects and addresses added to gupaxx is all you need imo 16:50:38 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> i left my comment against ofrnxmr here. tldr: stop being grumpy, people could use it, and nothing guarantee that it will never be 16:50:41 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> which has the bonus raffle https://xmrvsbeast.com/p2pool/ 16:51:16 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Durong kayaba's xmrchat on monerotalk ppl were donating $5+. This hopes to donate 0.0003xmr ... its spam outputs that are traceable 16:51:18 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Just mine to your own address and send the funds like a normal person 16:51:21 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> ah, xmr community always in ux spoilsport 16:51:57 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> fair point 16:52:45 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> gupaxx dev is currently unfunded (after one bounty claimed) >rust also< 16:52:51 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> p2pool mining requires ppl to share main addresses, which makes donations traceable on chain. It takes like 6-12hrs for someone with reasonable hashrate to donate 0.0003xmr 16:52:53 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> did i mention gupaxx was rust 16:53:21 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> only Rust software in the xmr ecosystem 16:54:03 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> leaving this one open for feedback and moving on? 16:54:20 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> its more private and less troublesome and more profitable if someone just mines to their own address and donates on their own 16:54:53 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Also an extra piece of software for this doesnt make sense. Why not integrate into gupax(x) 16:55:12 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> users .json > mine to address > and participate in raffle 🤷 16:55:16 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Low on time, feel free to move on 16:55:31 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> h. [Funding Proposal for Unstoppable Wallet: Enabling Native Monero Integration on iOS & Android](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/532) 16:55:51 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Drop milestone 1 (200xmr) else NACK 16:55:55 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> rbrunner7 has left a comment on this which seems to capture the overall sentiment i've seen 16:56:04 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Seems fair. 16:56:21 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> I've used Unstoppable Wallet for a year, it's a great wallet 16:56:23 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> I'll reiterate that I doubt dmvp2p would create more XMR donations than it consumes. Maybe it would have some value as an awareness tool 16:56:24 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> these guys strung us along for yrs and rejected assistance, now they want 200xmr to pay us any attn 16:56:32 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> FWIW, Unstoppable project/team are great. I just don't think the proposal is merge-worth as is. 16:56:53 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> 200 extra* 16:57:23 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> Please note, they received a payment from ElectricCoin company for ZCash integration 16:57:25 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> I don't know the back story, but 400 XMR for just another basic Monero wallet doesn't feel right. 16:57:30 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> Did they reject assistance? I am unaware 16:57:45 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> not to my knowledge 16:57:55 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> they have always put XMR in their roadmap but pushed it for years 16:58:01 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> FWIW, Unstoppable project/team are great. I just don't think the proposal is merge-worthy as is. 16:58:03 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> I had spoken to them years ago, many times, and they always pushed monero back. I still have the wallet installed and was one of my favorite (reproducible) multiwallets. 16:58:26 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> I do not like this Unstoppablke Wallet proposal and I don't think any modifications to it would change my view. 16:58:38 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> It's a great multicoin wallet. I just wouldn't use it for XMR. 16:58:40 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> (have we had confirmation from their team that they made this proposal and it isnt kewbit) 16:58:42 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> On github. Offered them assistance and they always saod theyd look into it next sprint 16:58:44 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> could start there lol 16:58:51 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> s/rejected/never accepted 16:59:28 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> So i'm NACKING the R&D portion of the proposal. The D in R&D means development, and the R was offered 16:59:39 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> funding amoutns need to be changed, definitely , moving on> 16:59:50 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> i. [Revuo Monero Maintenance (2025 Q1)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/535) 17:00:16 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> If they drop the r&d ms, its a +1 from me 17:00:24 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> im against rottenwheel 17:00:26 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> bring the guns big boy 17:00:30 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Fuzzstone has been following the requests for years as well 17:00:30 <plowsof> https://www.revuo-xmr.com/ as linked at the start of every meeting 17:01:33 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> rottenwheel threatened to push me into the backroom of MK25. 17:01:41 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> I believe this contractor have irrevocably and definitely lost trust 17:01:58 <plowsof> backroom or backrooms 17:02:03 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> both 17:02:08 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> The Unstoppable Wallet proposal could be better as a Bounty. That way, anyone could write an implementation to add it to the wallet, not just the Unstoppable Wallet team. 17:02:10 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> twice the enjoyement 17:02:12 <plowsof> :-o 17:02:25 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> @Ruck* 17:02:33 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> Rucknium: not guaranteed they accept it tho 17:02:42 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> He's a naughty kitten, likes to play a lot, so I'll be doing him in both. 😏 17:02:43 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Interesting idea. 17:03:00 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Anyways, can we actually +1 or -1 the proposal, sers? 17:03:04 <plowsof> merge/close Revuo? has positive comments and updoots 17:03:21 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> +`ed25519_base_point` 17:03:24 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> I mean, get someone who already knows how to add XMR to a wallet instead of having to train up the Unstoppable devs 17:03:26 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> are you happy ? 17:05:06 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> Rucknium i believe two reason is actually pushing unstoppable wallet to this (reasonably too expensive) proposal: 17:05:08 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> - They have always notated that XMR would cause architectural changes because of how other blockchain do not require the same scanning and tx construction as XMR. 17:05:10 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> - They actually received a ZCash fund for ZCash integration and might consider privacy coins as cash cow. 17:05:31 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> ok nobody gave revuo the +1 here , moving on 17:05:45 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> MERGE 17:05:47 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> MERGE IT I SAID +ED25519 BASE POINT 17:05:48 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Come onnnn. 17:06:00 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> ok ok 17:06:07 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> UW is a bit diff 17:06:08 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Definitely looks like a cash grab. 17:06:10 <m-relay> <rucknium:monero.social> I don't like the precedent of a CCS to add Monero to a multi-coin wallet. And the initial budget request suggests either overcharging or inexperienced devs. Or maybe the Monero codebase it really bad (which is sort of true), but there are libraries now that I hope would make it easier. And importing those libraries would avoid tx uniformity defects that custom implementations can produce. 17:06:38 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> hello monerobull btw 17:06:50 <m-relay> <monerobull:monero.social> Hello 17:06:52 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> no way monderbull is alive 17:07:01 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Nah, its because they only know utxo and evm chains 17:07:02 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> They have spent like 4yrs hallucinating about privacy 17:07:47 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> When speaking to them they were confused looking for spv. They thought monero was another btc fork 17:07:50 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> also made a draft merge request which is, well, a draft k. [Draft: Newyears resolutions](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/537) 17:08:03 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Its obvious they only know evm and utxo 17:09:10 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> AOB? 17:09:29 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Monero doesn't seem like right fit in UW, but I like the idea of making this a bounty instead of CCS. 17:09:32 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Also their wallets are multicoin abd share 12/24 word seeds. Adding monero would have to do like ledger or bsx, and derive monero private key from the main wallet seed 17:12:52 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> I requested to close my CCS https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/476 17:12:53 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Is it just me or did msg send twice 🤔 17:13:36 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> a question is still do they plan on lws for full 17:14:15 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Is it just me or did msg send twice 🤔edit: just me 17:14:44 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> I think funding wallet integrations before fcmps is a waste of funds 17:15:04 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> Since they'll definitely ask for funding again once fcmps are live 17:15:33 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> most wallets use the wallet api straight from monero 17:15:57 <plowsof> sorry for going over, and thank you all for attending, a soft ending to the meeting 17:16:07 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Its not like they have to reinvent the wheel everytime. They just update the monero dependency 17:16:52 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> The proposal sounds like a totally basic implementation, with only one advanced feature: manual fee selection. 17:17:05 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> (fcmp might be more involved, idk) 17:17:20 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Rip sdk 17:17:49 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> I hope you didn't imply I was the someone who 'bullied' you. I'd be very disappointed if you getting called out is considered bullying in your head... 17:17:53 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> thanks plowsof 17:18:02 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Manual fee selection should be 100xmr on its own frfr /s 17:18:03 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Thanks plow 17:18:04 <m-relay> <doedl...:zano.org> consider manual fee selection 17:18:09 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Would be awesome if you don't renew the proposal, if that is the case. 👍 17:18:10 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> also monerobull i left a comment 17:18:28 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Also, you shouldn't type closing... That's requesting payment... 17:18:42 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Closing out* 17:19:09 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Closing would be you giving up on the project and offering the funds to be repurposed... 17:19:30 <plowsof> closing out as our jeffro would say 17:19:32 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Thanks plowsofffff 17:19:57 <m-relay> <j0j0xmr:monero.social> Thanks. 17:20:34 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> LANGUAGE BARRIER 17:20:35 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> mbll is typing via google translate 17:21:05 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> There is openai for matrix 17:21:12 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> it wasnt meant to be accusatory but it shows that nobody really likes doing the modwork 17:21:57 <m-relay> <monerobull:matrix.org> i enjoy it every once in a while when i have nothing else to do but not to the extent that ive been doing it for the past 6 months 17:23:03 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> i agree. I think the mod coverage is too heterogeneous which means one will have to do the job of 4, get burned out by it, leave for a week, rince and repeat with every relatively active mods. 17:23:04 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> I actually enjoyed it at the beginning, but it is really taking so much time to do right. 17:23:48 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> tho i think i could have better organize myself 17:26:02 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> .seen needmoney90 17:26:20 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Plz bring Doug back sers. 17:26:22 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> The mod issue is there is no.coverage across timezones 17:26:45 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> No, austard, that's not the issue. At least not yet. 17:27:12 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> The issue is that we do not have clear guidelines on whether moderator roles should be compensated or not. 17:27:24 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> austard is an offensive word. 17:27:26 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> breaking coc 17:27:28 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> banned for oppression of minorities 17:27:30 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> thread locked 17:27:32 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Is that why we wait 4 hrs to remove a scam ? 17:27:48 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Are you mentally handicapped? 17:28:10 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Didn't you just read not one but two moderators pretty much saying they're overloaded? 17:28:16 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Plz don't project your issues 17:28:28 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Lmao 17:28:32 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Plz 17:28:35 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> I'm not projecting anything, cunt. 17:28:40 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> The spam is nothing 17:28:42 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Plz what? 17:28:48 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> You saw TNO 17:28:51 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Sign up to be a moderator then. 17:28:58 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> We can use an Australian! 17:29:05 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Pay me 30xmr 17:29:25 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> I'll give you 30 slaps bb. 17:29:34 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> On bum 17:30:14 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> PLOWSOFF 17:30:51 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> ^^ 17:30:54 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> Wes inclusive 17:30:56 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Leash your kitten 17:31:40 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> What's going to happen to SDK when fcmp appear ? 17:32:09 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Ask Oscar? 17:32:11 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> back to genesis step 1 ? 19:28:21 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> https://matrix.to/#/%23monfluo%3Amonero.social?via=monero.social 19:32:01 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> nothing says 'community engagement' like dropping an 'austard' or 'taking people's anal virginity'. Really sets the tone for outreach 💪 19:36:59 <m-relay> <malori:xavi.lu> hell missed the meeting 19:51:17 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Yeah, I'll remove that line from the proposal going forward. 19:52:00 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Let me know if you want it removed for this one and I'll do it before it gets merged, or by extension, let me know if I should close it and figure funding some other way. 19:54:15 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Absolutely ridiculous how that manipulative roach manages to play good cop and "call people out" when he is nothing but a loud mouth conmam who insults 15x more often and harsher than anyone in this community since its inception. Let's not talk about the full blown lies he consistently spreads around to gain support from newbies. 19:54:45 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> But I digress. Kindly inform me which of the two ways you'd like to resolve this 'issue', [@plowsof:matrix.org](https://matrix.to/#/@plowsof:matrix.org). Cheers. 19:58:52 <m-relay> <aremor:matrix.org> Mods have traditionally been free. Don’t see why that has to change 20:19:22 <plowsof> theres an uncounted updoot from midipoet and syntheticwords (5 updoots) which makes Revuo the highest ranked proposal in the ideas stage currently. no reason to not see its merging at the next opportunity. nor have they mentioned any issue with the proposal/your work. so the path is to do nothing and wait for merge. removing "engage with 20:19:22 <plowsof> community" and continuing to rub people the wrong way could push it to the matrix mods to handle (i was told to seriously shut the fuck up by the kayaba so im guilty myself!) but we've seen another person on the ccs mention bullying and not wanting to continue on the ccs (which i can only assume is directed at you (forgive me if it was directed at 20:19:22 <plowsof> Qbit)) which still brings it back to da ccs -> highest ranked proposal in the ideas stage 20:23:31 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Bro, am i allowed to take my gloves off, or shall i let rotten call me n*gga and roach. I insult 15x more often than who? Rotten? Dont flatter me 20:25:03 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Rotten seriously has some mental issue or drug addiction where he's oblivious to his own actions 20:25:29 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> And name a full blown lie, pussy 20:26:13 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Or a newbie whom ive gained support from such lies. Anybody who "supports" me does so because of my actions, dumb fuck 20:26:58 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> plowsof I actually asked monerobull earlier just that, that if it was referring to me and he just didn't say a word, actually. 20:27:14 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Very unclear whether he meant me or someone else, but my assumption is that it was me. 20:27:24 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> I already said my part on that right then too... 20:29:02 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> plowsof Just to be clear, I very much prefer to start removing that line from the proposals in the future; while I understand the revision in the repository and the couple callouts in here by you, I frankly would prefer to either adopt self-funded paths, or remove it and push that to Matrix mods... 20:29:51 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> But if for every time I renew for a quarter I'll have you on my butt for any playful and banterish comment I make in here, again, I rather shut it down and go look for monies elsewhere, or roll fully self-funded. 20:29:59 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Not mad about this, just speaking clearly and openly, instead of private messaging, that is. 20:31:45 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Indeed, path seems to be do nothing and wait for island time to resurface to the visible grounds! :D 20:32:11 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> lol I didn't know kayaba had told you to stfu. Mean! 20:37:48 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Hmm... did you forget the part of the chat log where mbull said he was the only active moderator in the subreddit? 20:38:17 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Or the other part where he was asking for payment of his CCS, that pretty much is 50-60% composed of... being a moderator? 20:38:30 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Or Diégo's? 20:39:40 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> So... yes, moderators have been traditionally pro-bono, not getting paid, but no, two people are on budget for modding at the moment, and we severely lack janitors as well, precisely for the things mbull brought up during meeting. 20:40:14 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> A clearer policy/guideline on moderators getting compensated or not would allow for us to shed some light on what the best path forward is. 20:40:50 <geonic> modding was never a paid position and this was confirmed by luigi in reference to diego's CCS. the fact that he/mbll included it as filler doesn't mean they're getting paid to mod 20:41:21 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> geonic Disagree. 20:41:41 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/476 20:42:00 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Moderating is right in the summary, you can read for yourself. 20:42:26 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> They are factually and provably getting paid to be janitors, regardless of your interpretation and whatever taller Mario said or didn't say. 20:43:09 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> If you check the comments section, you will see that mbull posted two reddit direct messages to prove that he was doing his work! 20:43:13 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> 😂😂😂 20:48:55 <geonic> my understanding was that monerobull's proposal was for spearheading the website workgroup... I wouldn't upvote a reddit/matrix mod proposal. it looks like he felt pressured to justify his CCS by lumping that in? 20:49:27 <geonic> https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/476#note_25273 20:50:42 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> 🤷♂️ 20:50:59 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> We'll see what Mr. CCS coordinator has to said re: moderators situation. 20:51:52 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> I find it a bit concerning that we're sitting on a subreddit of hundreds of thousands of people and the moderation team is composed of two moderators and the rest have been inactive for years by now. 20:52:24 <geonic> anyway, I think that you did bully him in the comments. I spent a year listening to accusations that I'm a scammer after my own CCS and it honestly sucks 20:52:33 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Personally, I think it is logic to revamp it all upon community deliberation. Purge inactive moderators, elect new ones and set a clear policy on compensation. 20:52:45 <geonic> no way. mods are unpaid. 20:53:05 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> pov you have never been reddit mod 20:53:08 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Right, because you call the shots in here. I forget. 20:53:10 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> 🤡 20:53:22 <geonic> no, that's just my vote 20:53:49 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Hang on, I'll go to the bathroom and need something to wipe it off with. Great timing. 20:54:03 <geonic> I thought you were trying to be taken seriously for a change? 20:54:25 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> This is George in a nutshell: instead of being part of the solution, he always attempts to worsen the problem. 20:54:40 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> I don't care what you think. 20:56:44 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> "<geonic> I thought you were trying to be taken seriously for a change?" you believed that? 20:57:04 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Once a troll, always a troll. I don't think he ever offered to be taken serious, just to stop polluting 21:00:33 <geonic> :( 21:01:43 <geonic> I think rotten is doing a good job with revue and should continue. if he can cut down on the trolling and bullying of other contributors that would be ideal 21:05:16 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> imo the widespreading insults are the worst part 21:05:23 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> He uses stuff that attacks innocent bystanders on a regular basis 21:12:37 <geonic> yes, the insults are a bad look 21:13:03 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> i wouldn't have thought that one day in my life i would agree with both ofrnxmr and geonic 21:13:23 <geonic> btw, I volunteer as an unpaid reddit mod and, if I remember correctly, midipoet has volunteered as a matrix mod (or maybe it was irc, not sure) 21:13:41 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Yikes... 21:14:11 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> plowsof: why you so silent bb? Feeling shy this lovely Saturday? 21:14:20 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Not just a bad "look" - there are a lot of anons here who are probably getting hit with stray bullets and don't want to say anything otherwise theyd reveal some part of themself 21:14:23 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> geonic contact d_EBRUYNE 21:14:37 <geonic> syntheticbird: ok, will let him know 21:15:03 <geonic> yeah it's more than a bad look 21:15:12 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> He's not allowed to talk to ofrn. Would be cheating on rotten 21:15:40 <geonic> here's an example. what does this add to the conversation? <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> plowsof: why you so silent bb? Feeling shy this lovely Saturday? 21:15:40 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> I am now a /r/moonero janitor! 21:15:45 <geonic> are you trolling, baiting, or both? 21:16:06 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Both 21:16:11 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> geonic your question is so dumb, I rather not answer it. Talk to yourself like ofrn. 21:16:14 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> geonic part of its character. I don't feel it's trolling or baiting ngl 21:16:26 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Good kitten. 21:16:30 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. 21:16:40 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> there are other moment where rottenwheel is obviously in insults and trolling 21:16:52 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> sorry, you were asking rwheeler 21:16:59 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> That mask is coming down in Prague... 🎵 21:17:12 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> cat don't wear masks 21:17:15 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> You won't be anon to moi. 21:17:40 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> #TeamMonerobull reporting for duty #PayMonerobull 21:18:41 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Synbhebird (Crodyceps infected 🍄☣️): the funny thing is that the IRC dinosaur doesn't get that I tagged plow because I kept seeing the reads but nothing coming from him. 21:19:00 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Maybe he was enjoying some delicious popcorn while reading the chat. 21:19:56 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> I am, as of today, a sworn janitor of /r/moonero. 21:19:59 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/unredacted.org/MDbEkfFnUvbSWmRRpMjHismU 21:20:03 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Onwards comrades! 21:21:25 <geonic> that's the spirit 21:27:41 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> the pulse has been fingered, support and outreach services have been rendered via the reddit platform (volunteer moderating as a bi-product :D ) , the website workgroup knows what to do, a self imposed rate reduction of 50%! Events / monerokon contributions rendered, its an open and shut case! the 4 rendered meetings for site listed are the only points lacking currently as 6 meeti<clipped message> 21:27:42 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> ngs in total are mentioned for the payout criteria! 21:29:01 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> monero.town is a self funded venture which monerobull also handles outside of the CCS 21:29:17 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> #PayMonerobull 21:30:12 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> #thanksMbll 21:32:03 <nioc> "I kept seeing the reads but nothing coming from him." <<>> you can't even read anonymously using matrix? wtf 21:32:22 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> The dinosaurs resurface! 21:32:29 <m-relay> <malori:xavi.lu> you can 21:32:38 <m-relay> <malori:xavi.lu> but by default theres read receipt 21:32:44 <nioc> thx 21:33:01 <nioc> I never resurface, i m always here 21:33:16 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> meeeeeowwwww. 21:33:31 <m-relay> <malori:xavi.lu> meow 21:33:35 * m-relay <plowsof:matrix.org> is typing..... 21:33:38 <nioc> :) 21:34:23 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Hey weirdo. Synbhebird (Crodyceps infected 🍄☣️), nioc what does it mean when a cat runs right as their room's door opens and immediately goes to my bed, sits in front of it and does a loud meow, but not long, not sweet, just making sure he was seen? 21:34:29 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> He was about to be fed too. 21:34:39 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> I just couldn't understand what his goal with that was. 21:34:59 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Right after he meowed like that, he ran off like he had just seen a ghost. 🤔 21:35:12 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Context: they are not my kittens, they're someone else's who's living with me. 21:36:02 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Especially when he knew the dude was pouring his food on bowl and he was about to eat. What is the need to go to my room and do that instead? 21:36:12 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Need to open a Kuno for a kitten pyschologist lol. 21:37:40 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> It means Monero Offtopic 21:42:42 <nioc> why haven't there been any monerokon meetings since the end of Nov? 21:56:58 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Are you in monerokon's room? 21:57:12 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> (i'm not, so idk) 22:00:47 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Lmfao. There are kon meetings every Saturday... 22:00:51 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> #monerokon 22:00:58 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Smh. 22:02:21 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> ajs_ the mk-relay-bot for matrix stopped on 31st december cc nioc 22:02:41 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> 30th November**** 22:06:49 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Ajs left the room 22:06:59 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Nvm guess he rejoined 22:12:55 <nioc> plowsof: thx for the info, glad that things are still happening 22:18:28 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> ai bot down ? 22:26:02 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> I'm excited to announce that i have been featured in a very prominent monero news site. initially i was against the site (due to the promotion of the phishing/bogus monero fund site) but im definitely reconsidering my position after such a well written article, complete with a custom illustration. 22:27:04 <m-relay> <mrcyjanek0:matrix.org> Link? 22:27:40 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> the new monero community leader 22:28:18 <nioc> assume sarcasm until proven otherwise lol 22:28:27 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> :D 22:28:47 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> nioc poo pooing on your moment 22:28:48 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> https://moneronews.net/plowsoff-monero/amp/ 22:29:09 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> commitment to the scam 22:29:31 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Qbit wrote your username as plowsoff with two f! 22:29:37 <m-relay> <rottenwheel:unredacted.org> Look at the link! 22:30:29 <nioc> looking not clicking 22:30:41 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> luigi is in good spirits now 22:30:58 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> "The community’s perception of Plowsof is generally positive" seems fake 22:31:20 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> total slander 22:32:24 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> generated by ampproject.org 22:32:48 <m-relay> <plowsof:matrix.org> i thought it was about me, damn 22:33:11 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> "This section expands on Plowsof’s role in financial oversight, which is only briefly mentioned in previous reports. As CCS Coordinator, Plowsof has demonstrated a strong commitment to ensuring the efficient allocation of community funds. For example, during the September 2024 Workgroup Meeting, they addressed the redistribution of 200 XMR from incomplete or stalled CCS proposal<clipped message> 22:33:12 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> s, such as Haveno’s project, which with all evidence considered was Plowsof’s biggest failure to address appropriately given the significance of Kewbit’s clear and considerable contribution." 22:33:14 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> there it is 22:38:21 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> just a site to push his other crap 22:38:28 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> https://moneronews.net/category/contributors/ 22:38:56 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> https://moneronews.net/magic-grants/ sgp_your famous now 22:39:04 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> sgp_ 23:18:23 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> Bro really fucking enabled cloudflare insights trackers 23:25:56 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> Have someone checked the Monero nodes on the side? 23:26:01 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> did he really bought xmr.social domain ? 23:26:41 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/yCoIioNqqNSSRvszNWClIwGL 23:27:02 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> ah yes, the famous .social Tor TLD 23:27:35 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Yea 23:28:25 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> you're right 23:28:26 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> https://bgp.he.net/dns/xmr.social#_rdap 23:28:28 <m-relay> <syntheticbird:monero.social> piece of shit 23:30:17 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Its about your gitlab sock 23:30:18 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Nov 4 :) 23:30:55 <m-relay> <ofrnxmr:xmr.mx> Long con. This shit didnt start recently, ofc 23:55:22 <m-relay> <321bob321:monero.social> same time as github account was created