02:18:45 Meeting this Saturday? 03:17:51 luigi1111 ping again for ccs 03:17:56 still awaiting payment: 03:18:02 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/469#note_28124 03:18:04 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/484#note_27936 03:18:12 new ones: 03:18:14 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/504#note_28229 03:18:17 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/522#note_28227 04:19:41 Jeffro and selstas are than 24 hrs old. Payouts never come same day, even for selsta 04:35:40 Yes 05:27:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Starving devs sir 05:31:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or has jet taken off again ? 05:55:42 https://blog.rottenwheel.com/posts/ive-got-nothing-to-hide-and-other-misunderstandings-of-privacy/ 06:43:46 Diego yes will put the meeting up soon 09:23:03 dukenuke1: is 1kg Daniel Solove? As the original blog is here: https://scribe.rip/@1kg/ive-got-nothing-to-hide-and-other-misunderstandings-of-privacy-b7ae8bf26603 09:23:40 4pm utc? 09:27:42 Yup 09:33:10 Bro plagiarised the whole post 09:35:47 > Note: This is a Medium article based on an essay of the same title, published by Daniel J. Solove from George Washington University - Law School. I am simply mirroring such article on my self-hosted blog. 09:35:47 shittiest cred ive ever seen 09:35:53 No cred to 1kg 09:39:38 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Aren't you meant to put 09:39:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Reference: name and article in the beginning? 09:40:08 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Maybe I am thinking of papers 09:41:20 Or at footer (with original reference) 09:42:46 The medium blog isnt copied word for word. rottens should say, at the top, the authors name 09:44:17 it could definitely be clearer who actually wrote the blog post. but maybe 1kg is Solove, so i am not sure 09:44:29 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/YTDeqZUgWaaxLHAzqbSsgAuq 09:44:38 Original, with credentials below the title 09:45:18 no way bro weight 1 kilogram on 2023 08 13. 09:45:38 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/xmr.mx/TPFjPadBeaqqVXzJEcaaVgrc 09:46:22 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Yeah references at the end 09:46:40 Rottens, with disclaimer put after first paragraph. 09:46:41 Should be before paragraph, and should name the author 09:48:09 Maybe 1000grams 10:16:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Supply charge 10:43:26 dEBRUYNE: 10:43:28 this is a bot comment 10:43:30 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/mxfhlCtjgXKelciZONAFIoxM 10:44:03 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/RoKmYOxWPWucdIZLYdKPpVeF 10:44:08 hm ok maybe not 10:48:56 For my blog, i have a canary style crediting system. every post has "No AI usage here". When i eventually switch i will just remove "No AI usage here" so people will know. perfect right? 10:50:01 you use old reddit? 10:50:03 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You have to prove there is no ai 10:50:29 depends yeah 10:50:51 for modding and getting informatino its way better 10:51:03 noted ill try next time i have access 10:51:08 for modding and getting information its way better 10:51:18 also reddit mod suite and REH 10:51:29 to see stuff like in the image 12:17:56 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/CVAQsTCSGYpKSSFOmkgudXLh 12:18:17 inshallah borther 12:31:07 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/vfHOkCYZvMbQgUaUdOkBchKA 12:31:18 idk, try checking downdetector 12:33:42 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/cfznNgapHugIGOkcMVrgRqfT 12:34:24 What is this garbage tier glow-work, third world cybercrime unit? 12:35:25 It's really secure 12:38:45 t r u s t 13:36:08 I reached out to Vik about Cake error when trying to send to 1 integrated address and 1 regular. He discussed with team, and they came to conclusion behavior is correct, not an issue. "integrated addresses should not be included in multiple recipient transactions, that's how Monero codebase is configured, you can even try with gui and it will give him the same error" 13:36:37 I'll try with GUI wallet later to see what happens. 13:36:43 Thats what jeffro said 13:37:18 ^ 13:38:06 Oh wait. Slight difference 13:39:26 Vik said cant use them in multi recipient tx at all 13:39:28 Try with cli 14:25:39 midipoet: I don't know, do you want to reach out to him and ask him? 14:25:39 lol 14:26:42 Bag of loudmouths. Send an e-mail to medium and then to 1kg! Plagiarism! 14:27:44 BREAKING: the Monero community is a vetted consortium of basement dwelling larpers that will proofread your mirrors and claim everything's plagiarism from their $50 Walmart PC chairs! 14:34:17 dukenuke1: no need to get salty - just a clearer reference of authorship is recommended. only fair to whomever 1KG is (as they authored the blog). The way you word it, it seems Solove did. You could just change the reference to: "This is a Medium article, originally written by 1KG, and found on [medium](https://scribe.rip/@1kg/ive-got-nothing-to-hide-and-other-misunderstandings-of-privacy-b7ae8bf26603), which in turn 14:34:17 draws inspiration from an essay of the same title, published by Daniel J. Solove, which is found [here](https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=998565). I am simply mirroring the medium article on my self-hosted blog. Larpers can go f themselves." 14:34:20 happy now? 14:39:24 midipoet: No lol. 14:39:32 I won't change it. Thanks for your valuable feedback, proofreader. 14:42:31 fair enough. up to you if you want to mirror articles without making it explicitly clear who the author is. 14:43:58 midipoet: I believe non-retards visit the blog. 14:44:13 That'll be enough for me, thanks for your valuable feedback yet again. <3 14:45:17 you're welcome honey bunny 14:45:25 xoxo 14:48:49 Not a good look 14:50:17 Mirrors content -> removes authorship 14:55:21 even if you follow the links, it sounds like rottensqueal is claiming to be 1kg and is reposting his own article 14:59:22 Midipoet, even with your suggested change, i'd still say that the authorship/"note" should come before the first paragraph. Not written as if its a part if the article 15:16:57 Tried w GUI, didn't work. "Error Can't create transaction: transaction was not constructed" 15:50:54 hinto: sorry I ran out of funds and need to get more 15:55:27 +1 15:56:27 futures are a bitch /s 16:20:26 LMAO 16:21:03 Im missing so much gold post 😭 17:02:30 You can with `wallet2`, not sure why it isn't allowed in Cake 17:07:06 hinto its been 48 hours since initial review comments , you can spend time on that instead of collecting payout requests https://github.com/Cuprate/cuprate/pull/355 17:20:48 plowsof, hinto have probably written more lines of correct code in 3 months that you will ever write in your life + he didn't stopped working and is actually doing multiple important things. I think he it isn't wrong to say your comment is a little misplaced here. 17:21:49 If you wanna just say to hinto to avoid urging luigi, say "Hinto, please stop urging luigi, he knows" 17:23:39 Hinto stop pinging luigi every day 17:23:47 Especially for other people 17:24:08 that's better phrasing thx 17:24:15 Synbhebird (Crodyceps infected 🍄☣️) is that better 17:24:27 ❤️ ty me 17:27:43 Doesn't work with GUI either, I tried earlier today. What is wallet2? 17:28:22 that is reassuring to hear Synbhebird (Crodyceps infected 🍄☣️) . it was already mentioned there is a curated list https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20250111#c485964 , boogs review awaits ! 17:28:45 Really? That's weird. I'll check it out. Maybe I'm wrong about this 17:34:34 wallet2 is like the base for all other Monero wallets, if some feature does not exist there, it's often hard or impossible to add outside of it. Here is the source code https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp 17:35:29 Integrated addresses are deprecated anyway 17:37:10 Is there documentation saying that? 17:37:20 FiatDemise should say what he/she is trying to accomplish, especially if it is related to XMRChat. Because it could be an XY problem 17:37:29 Very likely 17:37:58 Xyproblem.info :D 17:40:51 I have been talking with Podcast 2.0 community, Adam Curry's Value for Value. They use Bitcoin Lightning. It allows them to split a payment among multiple recipients. They are interested in Monero and want to do the same with that. 17:41:20 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/7889 17:41:21 not phased out (as to not break apps) 17:41:23 > Technically, payment processors would be still able to use integrated addresses without official support as long as the senders' wallets support it and they don't care about fingerprinting their transactions. 17:41:25 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/7889#issuecomment-2096823219 17:42:10 Use subaddresses(?) 17:43:40 I was thinking that XMRChat is actually one good use case for a Monero payment channel network like BTClightning because it skips the 10 block lock and you can have the creators and users all connected to each other. Waiting 20 minutes to do another chat is probably annoying. But of course no PCN for Monero has been built yet. 17:43:54 Need a unique identifer, a payment ID, so they can know which podcast, which show, and for the ability to assign a comment from a fan with the payment 17:45:51 Need a unique identifer, a payment ID, so they can know which podcast, which episode, and for the ability to assign a comment from a fan with the payment 17:49:18 Subaccounts work 17:49:23 Is this because you are using a LWS backend without subaddress support? Subaddresses are a unique identifier. 17:50:13 lws supports subaddresses 17:54:00 Guess I need to learn about sub address unique identifiers now. We are using LWS for XMRChat but I don't know enough to really answer your question, would need to ping Saeed when he's available. 17:56:12 Subaddresses ARE unique identifiers 17:57:32 instead of just a few chars on the end of the main address, the entire subaddress is the identifier 18:29:01 midipoet: did you ever read anywhere in the linked medium article, the user 1kg claiming authorship of it? 🤔 18:29:20 or was it just that it was the profile it was published under? 🤔 18:29:40 did you check 1kg's post history, maybe? 🤔 18:31:32 dukenukem: no, but if you read the blog and the paper, there are substantial differences between them, which is why i questioned whether they were the same author 18:32:16 You seemed to suggest they were the same author (mainly as the reference sentence wasn't that clear in your own blog), which is why i asked. 18:32:25 hmm... no? 18:32:36 > Note: This is a Medium article based on an essay of the same title, published by Daniel J. Solove from George Washington University - Law School. I am simply mirroring such article on my self-hosted blog. 18:32:47 how does that suggest they are both written by the same person? 18:32:55 please, quote it out. 18:33:12 It says "...of the same title" 18:33:16 not same author? lol. 18:33:27 Because the commas don't separate the sentence clauses that clearly. 18:33:42 we'll hafta agree to disagree on this, comrade. 18:33:52 Your sentence does suggests they could be the same author 18:33:56 we'll hafta agree to disagree on this, comrade. 18:34:26 It's fine you disagree, i am not going to lose sleep on it. For the sake of clarity, you'd think you'd just change the reference. 18:34:38 Change the reference? 18:34:55 Yes, your reference sentence. 18:35:05 That references the original article/paper 18:35:08 Medium article, hyperlink. Essay _of same title_, hyperlink. "This is a mirror" 18:35:16 Plagiarism! Not a good look! Rottensqueal 18:35:19 Clowns indeed. 18:35:44 midipoet: what better "reference" than a direct link to the source? today we are slow, aren't we? 18:36:07 brb, changing the note to: absolutely written by me, rottenwheel. 19:01:17 rottenwheel 19:01:22 MEEEEEOOOOOOOWWWWWwwwwwwwwww 19:22:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Anyways 20:09:37 Always dramas in the Bahamas 20:11:52 Does anyone know about these "Unstoppable domains" .xmr wallet addresses does it have any negative affect on persons anonymity? 20:12:14 FiatDemise: i noticed that someone was able to get an instance of XMRchat up and running in #self_hosted_xmrchat:matrix.org, where any areas found that need improvement? or updated to docs made? 20:13:28 Apart from fact they dont accept $xmr as payment method 20:13:54 I think there is more work to do. They were able to load he home page, but ideally I'd like them to be able to create a tip page and successfully accept a tip too. 20:14:56 privacyx: its just a text dns entry that your wallet can look up and retrieve (or is there something more fancy and decentralised involved?) 20:15:37 thanks for putting that together FiatDemise sounds sane 20:17:37 I'm not sure not alot information provided. The fact you cant pay for it using XMR is troubling as they might be able to link your identity to your wallet address which chain anyalis would love 20:18:04 Here's an article about OpenAlias https://medium.com/@JEhrenhofer/openalias-the-best-cryptocurrency-wallet-feature-youve-never-heard-of-bbf4a991d0a8 Note: This is a Medium article created by SGP which i am mirroring here 20:18:23 Thanks 20:23:53 They are hosted on polygon 20:25:03 Unstoppable domains isnt traditional dns, its like ENS (ethereum name service) but hosted on polygon 20:26:12 The domain is owned by your polygon address, and you can inscribe your (various) wallet addresses to it 20:26:16 I put all my unstoppable domains in `tx_extra` 20:27:52 I decided to test it and unless i done something wrong it turns out you need to provide your personal information which friggin stupid. 20:32:29 Sorry my mistake unstoppable add a free domain promotion crap once I remove it I don't need to provide any information 20:32:41 Sorry my mistake unstoppable added a free domain promotion crap once I remove it I don't need to provide any information 20:50:29 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Note font size is too big 21:12:09 Dear community 21:12:28 Is anyone able to `yt-dl*`, watch *Fuck RSA* from Trail of Bits? 21:12:49 Youtube literally banned any IPs I could possible have 21:13:55 it didn't banned 21:14:09 It looks like this specific video is under special restriction 21:14:26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lElHzac8DDI 21:15:05 sure 21:15:14 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Always 21:15:37 <3​21bob321:monero.social> That's how I got the monerokon podcast audio 21:15:42 I can watch it np 21:15:49 Im cursed wtf 21:15:59 I tried VPN, Proxies and Tor 21:16:04 403 forbidden 21:16:35 probably need cookie token 21:16:55 its ig age restricted or sum 21:17:04 ooooooooh 21:17:12 you may be right 21:17:14 Tried clearnet? :D 21:17:20 yes 21:17:23 403 forbidden 21:17:34 I also tried plugging my mum as a peripheral 21:17:41 403 forbidden 21:18:02 your mum as a peripheral? 21:18:03 what your mom is a phone? 21:18:05 I also tried plugging my mum as a network card 21:18:12 wifi card 21:19:28 getting 403 on clearnet too 21:19:29 but using my cookies it work 21:19:40 just watching or also downloading 21:19:43 ~~nvm it crashed wth~~ 21:19:47 LMAO 21:19:52 LMAO 21:22:22 i can watch it but im logged to a google acocunt 21:22:30 ah 21:22:33 that must be why 21:23:12 huh 21:23:29 even with a cookies file I *just* exported I cant dl it with yt-dlp 21:25:15 https://send.vis.ee/download/58368e0f85db9693/#LMU2Jcj-_VN574IIaMux6w 21:25:20 cobalt.tools worked 21:25:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Need to be older than 18yrs ? 21:26:11 didn't know about cobalt.tools thx 21:26:19 and thx u very much for the link 21:26:47 I think yt-dlp is just broken? dunno usually it work with a cookies file 21:28:42 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wonder when ffsend will be updated 22:15:02 Is this the correct channel for discussing CCS-related topics? 22:15:27 yes 22:18:07 Could someone clarify how the funding process works? I've noticed that some proposals have been fully funded by just one or two donors, but I was under the impression that the general fund wasn't being utilized. 22:26:02 when general fund contributions are made they are announced under the proposal by binaryFate (a member of the core team) recent comments can be found at https://repo.getmonero.org/binaryFate. this is not done for every proposal and usually the contribution is 30%~. there are monero whales that we need but do not deserve who contribute alot, and as 22:26:02 you've seen, fund some proposals with just one donation 22:31:32 Appreciate the insight. I suppose these whales are anonymous. 22:34:04 if they choose to be 22:35:03 Some comment on proposals that they have or will donate, or how much 22:39:25 Okay. 22:57:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> We also get a transparency report too 22:57:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ahahahahaha I am funny person 23:03:34 Sorry for the offtopic, sagewilder: I'm curious about how you heard about the fcmp++ optimization contest, while seemingly being a newcomer. The contest was a draft and only really been discussed in meeting. But you actually never assisted to one as your question in MRL before meeting time. 23:15:34 Someone who follows KayabaNerve on GitHub shared their repository with me in October. I was content to wait for the official announcement and then participate. 23:16:57 ah alr i see, it seems niche at the time so i wonder 23:17:38 ah alr i see, it seems niche at the time so i wondered 23:20:49 What's stopping you? 23:22:11 Assurance of incentives. 23:27:36 There's no assurance in a contest 23:28:37 ofrnxmr: Please don't bother people interested in a contest, with an assured prize pool to top participants, who aren't interested if there's no prize pool at all. 23:29:19 sagewilder: I stepped back from my work on the Monero project and no one else stepped up to manage the contest. You may either open a CCS for the work you'd like to do, working as a developer for the Monero project in that regard, or unfortunately I'd write this off. 23:29:41 define top participants 23:29:49 And assured 23:30:13 And assured prize pool (value) 23:31:58 I didn't bother anyone, btw. Sage is waiting on sidelines for something that may never come to be (contest assuredness). Pretty important to make that distinction 23:33:57 my "what's stopping you" is the same damn thing you just said about opening a ccs 23:35:19 Its not me telling them to chase a unicorn. Its me asking them what, exactly, they are waiting for. A ccs, a bounty, the launch of a contest? If they feel they would win such contest, they dont need to wait for anyone. If the contest would have also had prizes for runnerups, well thats a different story 23:37:22 Theres also nothing stopping them from launching such a contest themself 23:38:20 jb said that he would have more info on the contest next week 23:39:03 ofrnxmr: The contest was going to fund a prize pool with tens of thousands of dollars with prizes for the top entries. 23:39:16 If the entry met the rules, and beat the other competitors, it'd definitively win a prize. 23:39:37 If someone makes an entry right now, and it's the best entry, it doesn't definitively win a prize. The contest wasn't funded and instantiated. 23:40:04 They'd have to then seek retroactive funding and those are always controversial proposals. 23:40:18 Or they could make a CCS in advance, which is why that was my suggestion. 23:40:30 nioc: Did they? cc jberman 23:40:51 yes in the MRL meeting 23:41:09 Only because luigi doesnt like em. Retro > failed ccs' 23:41:30 A retroactive CCS isn't guaranteed. A pre-funded prize pool, or a dedicated CCS, would be. 23:41:38 nioc: TIL, I have no context on that. 23:41:48 (well, to guaranteed to the assurances of the CCS) 23:42:37 generalfund has a lot of $. 23:43:12 theres 0 chance that an essential ccs does not get fully funded 23:43:13 Zero 23:43:33 kayabanerve I can come back next week with a stronger fleshed out proposed next steps 23:43:56 Generalfund has 800k worth of funds that were gifted for websites and refunds 23:44:05 That's not what the discussion is though 23:44:33 If I am told I may be offered a contract for 25k USD, and then before I'm offered the contract, I do all the work, I don't have a claim to 25k USD. 23:44:54 I have to actually have that contract signed before I do the work if I want to do the work knowing I'll have a claim to 25k USD. 23:45:20 If I do the work, and then I ask for the contract, it depends on if the other end wants to offer a contract *even though I've already done the work*. 23:45:30 thanks nioc https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-research-lab/20250115#c487078 23:45:31 Opening the contest, with a funded prize pool, would've been a contract. 23:45:41 Unless we have CCS wallet hack 2: Electric Boogaloo 23:46:06 For someone to do a contest entry now, despite the contest not being opened/funded, would be to not have a contract for their work. They'd be doing it with their own risk to later seek retroactive funding. 23:46:23 Sure, retroactive funding for important work may be funded. Then the risk is the work won't be declared important. 23:46:23 mrl opens their own ccs's and prefunds stuff all the time 23:46:25 and adjusts the amounts when necessary. 23:46:27 "all the time" is misspeaking* 23:46:36 If we open and fund the contract, that would be defining it as important. 23:46:40 *open and fund the contest 23:47:00 Haha 23:47:08 Been 2yrs sincr generslfund transparency report. Hopefully those monero's are still there 23:47:09 ofrnxmr: That is what the contest was. Pre-funding a prize pool and guaranteeing its distribution to competitors. 23:47:48 Suggesting anyone participate in a contest *which wasn't approved and wasn't funded* is suggesting they do work for retroactive funding *which may or may not be approved* and is what I've been trying to explain. 23:48:11 We shouldn't bother people about why they would work under a contract but won't work for the potential of retroactive funding. 23:48:42 One is a legitimate claim which would only be enabled after community discussion. One is subject to community discussion. 23:49:29 contest is different than a winner-takes-all, which is what we normally do. Either way, if sage thinks theyd be able to win the contest, then they should be speaking up, not just waiting 23:49:54 'People should speak up to participate in contests which don't exist' 23:50:09 They are speaking up to inquire about if the contest will actually exist or not. 23:50:19 I never asked that, 23:50:25 They shouldn't be bothered to work on the contest *when it doesn't exist*. 23:51:05 You did in effect. You asked what's stopping them from working on this contest *when the contest doesn't exist* 23:52:00 Not even close. You take my statement as to imply that that should start working 23:53:08 0_o 23:53:16 My statement was, in effect, that they can take the lead in regards to input on contest or viability 23:54:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hi nioc 23:54:59 bob, language is hard, it is also difficult 23:55:48 better to say what something is as opposed to what it is not 23:55:56 i have assurances that the transparency report isn't coming this weekend 23:56:29 (no /s on the report, just not this weekend) 23:58:23 I said in MRL today that I would have a set of actionable next steps for the contest by next week's MRL meeting 23:59:56 jberman i forgot this bounty : https://bounties.monero.social/posts/41/11-078m-implement-viewkey-based-background-refresh-to-significantly-reduce-wallet-sync-time