03:06:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1i3pmyh/openmoneroco/ 15:08:04 meeting in 53~ mins https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1141 16:00:07 meeting time https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/1141 16:00:11 greetings 16:01:47 Hello, I'm not asking for much help from the Monero community! 16:01:49 Friends, I found myself in a difficult life situation, this is the last option where I can ask about money... 16:01:51 Can someone ask for a small amount of xmr? 16:01:53 Show some sympathy. 16:01:59 tobtoht has stepped up to help with the merge list @ https://github.com/monero-project/monero 16:02:32 I laughed. Going to keep that that in the meeting log!? 16:02:47 definitely not 16:02:51 HI 16:02:55 friends, help, please🙏 16:03:42 zoom122 join Monero Offtopic 16:03:44 Were in the middle of a meeting 16:04:17 Rucknium has shared an update / milestone completion for OSPEAD recently https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/255#note_28250 16:05:01 I will probably discuss some preliminary results and methodological issues next MRL meeting 16:05:40 Hello. 16:05:48 thanks for the continued efforts on that Rucknium 16:07:54 sadly alot of phishing going on in the ecosystem, are there any other positive highlights? 16:09:16 https://www.monerokon.org/ has a fundraiser for a monero point of sale device active 16:09:30 recently funded https://pay.monerokon.org/apps/4P3tCgWYEB73Pu35H2F5cnVhwzd7/crowdfund 16:09:38 *fully funded 16:10:17 Do they have to be positive? 16:10:18 :D 16:10:19 Monero Nodo devices started arriving at their North American destinations 16:11:18 always look on the bright side. oh someone called "kewbit" was banned from the bounties site recently. requesting funds out of band to complete things and linked some fund phishing site @ https://bounties.monero.social/posts/174/development-of-a-decentralized-crowdfunding-and-proposal-governance-system-for-the-monero-ecosystem 16:11:54 cc ajs_ 👏 16:12:25 Never heard of him 16:12:25 (or her) 16:12:31 Hello, sorry for lateness. 16:12:39 welcome! 16:12:57 same, luckily the account is blocked now 16:16:39 Hello msvb 16:17:30 is fiatdemise here btw? they already shared a small update the other day for XMRchat : someone following the docs got their own xmrchat instance up and running (not without some hurdles). FD is waiting for them to show the instance is working iirc 16:17:33 sorry, reboot 16:17:39 shall we move on to the ccs merges? 16:18:59 (some people not excited about the twitter account) 16:19:10 lets 16:19:54 b. [XMRChat - a service for content creators to receive messages and tips in Monero.](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/524) 16:19:57 Yeah. Not many in attendance here today, but there have been numerous calls to delist the twitter from getmonero.org 16:20:39 plowsof: Maybe you should start reminding CCS proposers of meeting dates again so they appear. 16:21:08 yes, definitely, will do 16:21:15 XMRchat had positive sentiments and should be live on monerotopia as we speak 16:21:50 FiatDemise 16:23:02 Can anyone summarize the logistics of the proposal? Claim the remaining milestone of the previous TipXMR CCS, and then...? 16:23:37 Mostly I want to know if this is a truly retroactive CCS. 16:24:11 yes it is retroactive funding for the completion of xmrchat 16:24:25 no, it has milestones that need to be completed as well. I dont think (need to check the MS) its completed in full 16:24:26 there are other milestones for further work (including a fee model) 16:25:00 awarding them tipxmrs funds for the service MR is here https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/530 16:25:41 the outstanding amounts (including further work) will be raised via the CCS is the sentiment 16:25:55 <4​rkal:monero.social> Hello hello 16:26:13 Tipxmr's funds will go towards partially funding the proposal, and the remaining funds will come from community 16:26:44 FD mentioned that he would like for the person setting up the service from docs to not only get it up but confirm tips are actually working 16:26:59 can be followed in #self_hosted_xmrchat:matrix.org 16:27:01 For example, if this was a prospective instead of a retroactive CCS, then the architecture issue with integrated addresses and subaddresses could have been discussed at the time of proposal. That's the state reason in the CCS rules why community input beforehand is needed. 16:27:39 I think its more of a takeover of tipxmr + expanded scope 16:28:29 So do the TipXMR funds cover the "retroactive" part and the expected new donations cover the expanded scope? 16:28:34 tipxmr (with monero-lws) - which has subaddresses enabled, i should think the skills to get the service running would directly apply to enabling subaddresses 16:28:50 Anyway, it seems like they have done a good job with the software. I've used it. 16:29:23 yes, let me confirm the exact amounts 16:30:17 72-1.44=70.56 from tipxmr 16:30:21 Yes prospective imo. Its not retro, we can clarify subaddresses etc 16:31:16 milestones 1 + 2 are the retroactive parts https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/524/diffs#2503f1ea768a2d58f77949de904a55750c9d9a47_0_8 16:31:32 which total 74 xmr. 16:32:27 so 3.44 needs to be raised from the CCS to satisfy retro funding. + 40 xmr for further work 16:32:46 so it would go to funding requesting 43.44 xmr 16:32:47 (2 b verified before payout) 16:33:36 with a "figure out subaddresses" request i think most support (as theyre deprecated* and enabled in another branch / somewhere in monero-lws) 16:33:41 is this OK? 16:34:07 I would be happier if things were moved around. 3.44XMR move from milestone 2 to milestone 3. Mostly a cosmetic change. But you're not obligated to satisfy me of course :) 16:35:03 there is a small discrepancy as 1.44 ~ xmr has been paid out but not listed in the front matter @ master, so perhaps that is FD's intention to only absorb the funds for retroactive 16:35:54 seems like a sane suggestion i would also support. shall we move on? 16:36:09 Subaddresses are live on lws 16:36:46 no reason to not have them then 16:36:53 c. [NoShore: Groundwork for on-the-go offline payments](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/525) 16:37:36 FullMetalScience left some comments a week ago 16:38:12 my bad, he's not even in this room 16:39:27 I still don't see the point of this project. 16:39:31 No engagement, my close vote still stands as it being an overly complicated and unrealistic 16:39:31 > If I were to ask myself at any point "If right now I was out and had to pay something in Monero, how long would it take me, all hurdles considered?", it would rarely be less then 20-minutes. 16:39:39 Agreed. 16:39:45 Comments like this arent inspiring 16:40:35 the main thing for me in the new comments is that after i mentioned the skills required to undertake such a task are likely that of a researcher/developer with slightly more intimate knowledge of the monero transaction code base , 16:40:38 It's a solution in search of a problem. 16:40:51 he clarified that "since the entire CSS is based on RPC interaction, clearly the protocol level remains unaffected." so this will be a collection of shell scripts using monero-wallet-rpc 16:41:16 without any modifications to the protocol which could facilitate the goals 16:42:16 we can move on unless any other comments? i don't see this being merged currently 16:42:18 How about Unstoppable? Any sort of update would help them prioritize and move on to other features. 16:42:19 yeah, its just the giftcard stuff but with extra dependencies 16:42:52 4rkal: thanks for joining 16:43:03 d. [dmvp2p: Donate Monero Via P2Pool](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/531) 16:44:01 "Transaction signing: The client's offline unit (nickname "ghost") 16:44:01 Payment coordination: The merchant's point-of-sale unit (nickname "gate") 16:44:03 Transaction building: The client's online service (nickname "tower") 16:44:05 Output scanning: The client's live wallet service (nickname "sentry") 16:44:07 " 16:44:20 The user needs to run more software than lws, and still needs to reconcile somewhere (noshore) 16:44:41 gupaxx dev has left a comment on the proposal a week ago https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/531#note_28094 16:45:31 Dmvp2p, imo, should just be a gupaxx plugin. But i'm still NACK for the 0.0003xmr/12hr traceable donation spam that requires people share main addresses 16:47:38 Makes infinitely more sense to use any wallet and send a donation 🫡. And mine to your own wallet. Or possibly even the monero subscription wallet by lukeprofits if you want recurring donations 16:48:54 I posted on proposal 16:48:55 > re people like mental outlaw etc: donations via xmrchat are sending dollars worth of monero. You can see some of these donations here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxPulIjhXwg&t=5084 16:49:39 <4​rkal:monero.social> To be honest I would argue that gupax is not user friendly enough for the target audience of dmvp2p. The goal of dmvp2p is to be as easy to setup as unminable miner (a very noob friendly miner). I would highly recommend that you try the dmvp2p beta to see how it differs from gupax 16:49:41 0.0003xmr isnt a donation, its a dust attack 🙃 16:50:23 <4​rkal:monero.social> It's a micro tip 16:50:26 the gupaxx dev mentions a noob friendly version with "less tabs" is on the roadmap and welcomes pull requests in the mean time 16:51:37 i could donate to someone, and benefit from entering a bonus raffle for extra hashes @ xmrvsbeast. this is already built into gupaxx which was made for that purpose 16:52:28 4rkal, revive primo! 16:53:09 we can move on and leave this open for feedback? 16:53:34 i also wouldnt be surprised if this proposal would go over well as a bounty (add microtipping to gupaxx) 16:53:58 there are also a GO project (moneropay) who i hear might be seeking funding for further work some time, could be a place to start contributing your GO skills 16:54:34 Moneropay and metronero 16:54:54 Should be opening a MAGIC proposal within the next few week 16:55:11 sorry for being so slow at the beginning BTW, technical difficulties 16:55:13 i think we can move on with the time in mind 16:55:25 <4​rkal:monero.social> Until that noob friendly mode is implemented (if it ever is) I don't see a reason to use gupaxx. Dmvp2p has already somewhat implemented most of gupaxs functionality already (it just needs some more polishing) 16:55:56 i will make sure to test the noob friendliness 4rkal, thank you 16:56:24 f. [Revuo Monero Maintenance (2025 Q1)](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/535) 16:56:39 positive updoots and merge sentiment, any thing new here or can we move on? 16:57:15 we can return back to: e. [Funding Proposal for Unstoppable Wallet: Enabling Native Monero Integration on iOS & Android](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/532) 16:57:59 no replies by the proposer to comments 16:58:26 Any update/feedback would help the team move on and prioritize other features. 16:58:49 I think there should be some sort of requirement for projects to already have some form of Monero footprint before asking for funding. 16:59:18 Ill ping them on github or twit 16:59:24 Otherwise approving this CCS could open the flood gates for totally random projects to see CCS as "free money" for basic Monero implementations. 17:00:07 need more interaction from them (github/tweeting would actually confirm if its really for them) 17:00:34 still NACKing proposal as is. Cut the R&D milestone 17:00:36 Even if it is, as it stands I vote no. 17:00:59 definitely not a positive sentiment so far, thanks for feedback 17:01:01 moving on 17:01:02 g. [Btcpayserver plugin](https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/538) 17:01:11 The other milestoned cover the D 17:01:48 sgp mentioned MAGIC offering to take over the btcpayserver plugin repo 17:01:50 i think scope needs tk be redefined 17:02:30 Monero will already have a plugin for 2.1, and will work at launch 17:02:31 which is being completed here, by 1 developer (for 1 instance) https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-monero-plugin 17:02:50 IMHO, getting Monero in BTCPay Server 2.0 is a priority. How it should be done, and who should be involved, should be a topic of discussion. 17:03:02 Agreed. 17:03:10 Proposal is written to sound like monero support will die because btcpayserber cut us off 17:03:17 Competitive bidding, anyone? 17:03:21 Rucknium, they are doing it for us @ https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-monero-plugin 17:03:24 It already exists, we just need actual support and better features. 17:03:44 getting monero into bytcpayserver is not a question. the btcpayserver devs are making the plugin lol 17:03:54 i used a plural 17:04:01 sorry, the 1 dev 17:04:52 The MAGIC Monero Fund tentatively approved funding for a BTCPay buildathon at the Monerotopia conference, but it ended up not happening: https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund/issues/37 17:04:54 they are also working on a zcash plugin. but note that monero was first :D 17:05:09 Not happening?? 17:05:40 "Thanks to funding from the Magic Grants, we had the opportunity to meet at Monerotopia 2024 and analyze this challenge in depth. During this collaboration, we established a comprehensive roadmap and a plugin repository with CI/CD support for stable releases and development. The plugin is currently in the proof-of-concept stage, with a focus on establishing a solid foundation for the plugin." 17:06:40 sgp_ had proposed the idea of MAGIC funding one of MAGIC's staff devs (only staff dev?) to help make the plugin. That dev re-wrote the monerofund.org code that interacted with the BTCPay backend. 17:07:04 Ruck ^ 17:07:18 Well, no one else joined the buildathon except for Deverick and Napoly. 17:07:38 Ok, but it needs more features, right? 17:07:43 Officially built by btcpayserver guys 17:07:55 the proposal, will add the ability to host a service for multiple users. which btcpayserver is currently not set up for . this can be achieved with bitcart.ai though 17:08:05 Monero will be in BTCPay 2.1 because one of the main BTCPay devs has said it will be and is doing the work for that themself 17:08:15 "needs" 17:08:45 if hosting an instance for multiple merchant is a need, then yes 17:08:58 or rather : multiple wallets 17:09:51 The biggest major feature they want to add with the CCS as far as I can tell is multiple Monero wallets per BTCPay server 17:11:06 I think this proposal should be postponed, pending the release of the official plugin 17:11:41 Personally, I consider this an important feature, but I don't consider it an _essential_ feature. Especially when we don't really know if the lws implementation is going to work well or not. I think a better initial task before commiting to use lws is to very clearly (and specifically) document how exactly lws would be implemented to meet this multiuser objective 17:12:13 And then adjusted to match the actual scope. 17:12:15 replacing rpc with lws, perhaps. 17:13:19 Fwiw, I already asked that MAGIC Grants developer to review the plugin draft. They aren't familiar with C# going into this so they're learning that as they review the plugin. My goal is for MAGIC Grants to maintain this permanently 17:13:45 thanks for the feedback sgp_ (and offering MAGIC up for taking over the repo for the future) 17:13:48 https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-monero-plugin 17:14:13 Idek what this is > Integration for wallet recovery and backup functionality. 17:14:15 Its lws.. so? 17:14:32 I don't want to speak for deverick, but he suggested that instead of MAGIC Grants maintaining it, that the plugin is maintained on the monero-project repo 17:14:41 s/repo/org 17:15:24 Nah 17:15:25 Hard NACK about monero-project essentially endorsing btcpayserver 17:18:08 I think there's not much to do at this stage. Nicolas is doing us a big favor by making the initial plugin with the same features and better testing for BTCPay 2.1. After that, then a maintainer needs to be picked and then the main goals need to be established and worked on 17:18:14 monero-ecosystem would have been nice, but we all know what happened there. 17:18:52 a soft closing of this proposal until BTCPay 2.1 is up 17:19:06 I would support an immediate task to _document_ exactly how lws would work with the plugin and if there are any missing features or performance issues. That doesn't need to wait, if Napoli and deverick want to start on that 17:19:54 But the deliverable should be a very clear document for that that a developer could then implement (or a plan could then be made to improve the missing pieces at lws) 17:20:01 napoly: 17:24:39 i think we can end there? thank you all for attending if so. i will make better efforts to notify proposers to attend although Rucknium and 4rkal have, without prompt, thank you! 17:57:59 Hello 🙃 20:14:00 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Has anyone tried to test it ? 21:31:10 Dan (Is not the man & Braxman Tomsparks Qbit Advocate) Backup: well, one person is in #self_hosted_xmrchat:matrix.org , virtual desktop support was requested at one point so the docs where not up to par but they eventually got it running 21:32:16 https://x.com/monero/status/1880703759413854245 shows one particular Monero wallet in the image, i guess there are some others out there 21:32:47 oh look, a cake logo 21:33:37 sorry, didn't read your comment lol 21:33:47 We fully agree to it so i thought you should be aware 22:30:15 Is this the Official Monero OPSEC recommendation? 22:30:57 Yes 22:31:03 Use protonmain and bitwarden 22:33:41 https://xcancel.com/chaserxy/status/1880728755561529808#m 22:36:43 OK, changing entire setup, brb.