02:14:44 [CCS Proposals] hinto closed merge request #539: Draft: Cuprate 2024 report + roadmap for 2025 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/539 02:15:04 what 02:15:06 is n1oc a bot ? 02:23:31 Yes 02:24:07 Are we a bot? 02:26:10 n1oc was cleaved from me 02:26:28 Tron moment 02:27:38 enabled me to increase my shitpost ratio 02:28:31 epic 12:53:49 Care to share the repo? 12:56:09 He cant see your reply 13:09:31 He’s offline? 13:13:26 Irc doesnt see "replies" 13:17:31 Elucidator can you share the repo? 13:25:32 aremor there are no repo yet 14:37:37 @aremor it's not on a non personal repo yet. I'll post as a paste when I'm on my PC 14:38:04 It's for older simplex daemon tho. 14:41:01 Thanks! Elucidator 17:54:32 Wanted to give heads up that I won't be available to attend next meeting. Rare for me to be available on weekends, always have family stuff. I agree with what was discussed last meeting (tipxmr funds for retro part, prospective for expanded scope). And we will replace the integrated addresses with subaddresses. 17:54:55 Also, XMRChat has integrated Trocador for swapping from LTC and BTC to XMR. More info on that here, https://x.com/xmr_chat/status/1877339542899834967. 19:00:05 Revuo Monero Issue 224: January 12 - 23, 2025. https://www.revuo-xmr.com/weekly/issue-224/ 21:46:02 In the light of recent presidential election, I propose we deploy our very own social network focused entirely on Monero, by monero people for monero people. The app will be written in Dart/Flutter. The first milestone of 75 XMR will be the foundation trust me guys I'm an advanced developer and know what im doing. 21:53:30 But are you a full-stack dev, with experience in blockchain and web3: 21:53:38 You could use the wownero network for messaging 21:54:03 Surprised someone hasn’t done that yet 21:54:29 The wownero block chain should be at least 100x the size of Monero 21:56:53 Or not 21:57:05 LOL 21:58:48 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bsv style 21:59:45 Use dero or xelis for messages 21:59:48 Actually, maybe even particl's smsg 22:01:30 Actual idea I had today, would be nice if there was a simple script or some easy application to run that you could run against your own monerod public node to detect any simple misconfigurations or security concerns 22:06:30 I wouldn't be suprised there is someone by accidentally having an open wallet rpc available when they just want a daemon node 22:08:44 There are these scripts ezistong 22:08:46 How do you think i solomine on ppl's unrestricted rpc ports 22:11:41 also relevant would be interesting to expand rpcs to have contact information similar to tor nodes, so you don't have to figure out from online or just word of mouth the same person is hosting multiple nodes 22:12:15 especially to alert operators if they have a vulnerability 22:15:03 wouldn't have to depend on domain names and could just have straight identity keys you trust 22:15:41 unless im being stupid and this already is possible? 22:30:14 Why? 22:30:23 Stop using random nodes 22:30:47 Why? 22:30:52 Stop having 90GB free on your disk 22:31:05 do you host your own guard, and relays when you use tor? 22:31:14 I dont want anyone contacting me to confirm that they are using my node 22:31:16 oh 22:31:18 If you didnt get it from the source, you shouldn't be using it 22:31:33 i was assuming monero node 22:31:35 not tor one 22:31:55 tho I heard you can actually have your own private tor entry guard? 22:32:27 No, and i treat tor like a centralized system 22:32:29 i mean i haven't ever done it but im sure you can specify your own tor circuits, and always use a guard you own yourself 22:32:50 Since its very much "permissioned" 22:33:12 YOU WILL EAT TRUST TORPROJECT AND BE HAPPY 22:33:15 YOU WILL TRUST TORPROJECT AND BE HAPPY 22:33:37 I host my own i2p relay when i use i2p, and i host my own monero node(s) 22:33:41 I appreciate the ultimate privacy position and understand it, but there has to be a middle ground. You can't expect all users to run their own node 22:34:20 I also use nodes that a) i setup for other ppl or b) that were given to me by other ppl 22:34:35 Nor do all users have the privacy risk that warrants it being necessary to run their own node, hell its accepted to use a light weight wallet server 22:34:58 my first wallet was mymonero 🫨 22:35:23 I dont. I expect people to use nodes that are run by ppl they trust 22:35:30 Whether that trusted person us cake, stack, feather's trusted list, seth or someone they physically know 22:36:39 yes so if monero nodes had a contact mechanism, then I could search and see oh these ones are run by goodguy foundation; and then just keep goodguy foundation's identity stowed away as my go to for remote 22:36:52 a restricted rpc is that it is indistinguishable from others on the network 22:36:53 And you trusted their server with your view keys 22:37:30 Its not really an accepted practice. Its a convenience vs privacy tradeoff 22:37:33 Correct! Because, there is a lot of information to digest and people are falliable 22:38:10 You lose almost all privacy by using mymonero 22:38:26 NOOOOOOO MYMONERO WILL DIE FOR ME 22:38:40 I know, thats why I said it was my first 22:38:41 but that was the first wallet that came up on search engines when I was just learning about the coin 22:39:13 The closest thing is https://github.com/feather-wallet/feather-nodes 22:39:55 yep just saw that earlier this week, and was like huh and thats kinda like the tor contact mechanism 23:03:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Money transmitter spotted 23:05:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Or run your own node