09:16:13 imagine if it's KYC records that end up revealing who Satoshi is/was: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1887154636190093696.html 11:01:16 v1docq47 has posted his December-and January update https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/517#note_28675 11:02:34 15.2 xmr of work completed. 11.42 xmr raised https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/v1docq47-monerotopia-2024-voiceovers-and-working-on-xmr.ru.html 11:03:50 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/542 would donate 15 xmr (amount can be dropped if its physically sent) (repurposed) to v1docq47 13:20:57 Didn't i remember seeing a BBC report a few years ago where a developer logged in to his system and verified his cryptographic signature as Satoshi? An Australian guy if i remember. 13:20:58 I heard his government was pursuing him for the taxes based on this proof. Whatever hsppened to this story? 13:23:03 Are you referring to The Real Satoshis tribute band? 'formally named The Craig Wrights? 13:24:45 https://youtu.be/5DCAC1j2HTY?si=8xyJIorpQ6brjSH0 13:25:09 I've just outed Satoshi. 🤣😅😂 13:26:24 ... alert the... err... press 13:44:00 Stupid Question Alert: what does CCS stand for? 13:48:58 community crowdfunding system 14:07:04 cuprate conquest system 14:12:15 'Cuprate' nice! You guys are smart. 14:13:17 thx thx, i'll make sure you give you department of government efficiency when i'll takeover Monero 14:13:31 thx thx, i'll make sure to give you the department of government efficiency when i'll takeover Monero 16:05:02 XMRChat - a service for content creators to receive messages and tips in Monero. has moved to funding! https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/xmrchat.html 16:06:06 thx n1oc 16:11:26 🥲 16:27:53 What’s the goal ? Milestones? 16:36:59 sgp_ @sgp_:monero.social can you find out exactly how much xmr MAGIC has received from the fcmp++ research ccs? 16:37:21 that ccs accounting is terrible and we have no idea how much has been spent or remains 17:06:12 Hi everyone, is not now the ccs meeting? 17:06:54 hey lovera, usually ever other saturday (this saturday) not yet posted the agenda 17:07:11 but word on the grape vine is you have forgot to close out your previous ccs? :) 17:07:58 Yes I have! 😅 I need to close it But I wanted to mention it here at the meeting. 17:10:14 I hope I can participate in each meeting again. I swear it was today 12/02 🤔 17:10:16 I'll write it down for this Saturday 17:15:08 would anyone like a meeting now 17:15:52 greetings, we've just had some activity on the ccs repo, as nioc announced 17:16:30 70 XMR and 38.5 XMR 17:16:35 sgp_ please don't forget the 10k$ request for MAGIC->veridise 17:17:08 I still haven't made that because we haven't been billed yet 17:17:16 Should I make it asap? 17:17:45 in that case, there is no rush, but it won't hurt to just announce it so it looks like its not forgotten and i look busier 17:18:23 My preference is to make the request once we see the exact amount in the bill 17:19:19 yes that would be sane, the 10~ number was an approximation, sorry for stating it as final 17:20:22 next item on the agenda, 70.56 has been sent to XMRchat. repurposed from TIpXMR https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/xmrchat.html 17:22:12 15 XMR will soon be transferred to v1docq47 (who left a 💗 emoji reaction to make the request _official_) , the note has been added already https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/v1docq47-monerotopia-2024-voiceovers-and-working-on-xmr.ru.html 17:23:42 hopefully kayabanerve can help us with https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/528#note_27834 17:41:02 No, i was only asking about stuff thats beed paid 17:41:08 Been* 17:41:44 Np** 17:42:06 after segmented milestones the pay outs can be listed, clear as day 17:42:15 I'd hold off on repurposing anything else at all atm. For, reasons 17:42:24 and the progress bar will move 🤯 17:43:22 (re v1doc) 17:44:56 already transferred 17:45:10 any other business? 17:45:55 Monopoly is a fun game. that is all 17:46:25 the progress bars are no perfectly in sync https://ccs.getmonero.org/funding-required/ 17:46:29 now* 17:46:31 While he's in there he should probably do some regular payments as well 17:46:42 Thanks plow 17:50:50 thanks mbll , thank you all for attending, we can end this earlier than usual 18:42:53 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Lol 18:43:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Spreadsheet optional 18:47:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Just put " condoms for Palestine" 18:55:46 How much are CfP? 20:00:27 FiatDemise: congrats. https://x.com/MoneroSpace/status/1889766178064638184 || https://nitter.net/MoneroSpace/status/1889766178064638184 20:10:27 I just checked my wallet and do not see any new funds. Is this the address the XMRChat funds were sent to? https://x.com/FiatDemise/status/1765420171357777958 20:14:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> I don't think it has been sent 20:15:11 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Just merged ? 20:15:17 They where transferred back to the CCS cold wallet 20:15:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Escrow 20:15:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> You will make 110% on investment 20:17:26 Ah, OK, so it has been sent to the CCS wallet then, not yet to XMRChat. 20:18:22 I was real worried there for a bit that funds were sent to wrong place and lost. 20:26:44 can we tip using a wallet other than cake? 20:29:02 Yes, any Monero wallet can be used for sending tips with XMRChat. You can tip with BTC or LTC too, and it'll swap to Monero via Trocador, and the content creator will receive XMR. 20:31:23 why did you only mention cake in your tweet? 20:32:45 No, has to be cake /s 20:33:47 I don't have a twitter account so maybe I am missing something 20:35:45 Cake wallet has a feature specific to X, called birdpay. It allows people using Cake Wallet to enter the X address. Cake then looks at the bio and pinned tweet of that X account, and if it sees a Monero address, it'll grab it and populate it for you. 20:46:18 Should post the ccs address like that 20:48:41 sounds private lol 20:51:45 oh wait, it's about the masses 20:51:56 I can’t remember if this was figured out in the research fallout after the flood attack—is there a limit/performance hit as you increase the number of subaddresses? Like if you were to add, say…..10 billion subaddresses, would that actually have an effect on the wallet? 20:52:52 Let’s assume we do literally as much as we can to remove the absolute overhead of having 10 billion subaddresses known on one system and we spread it across multiple systems—would there be any side effects? 20:54:20 put all your txs on someone else's db 20:54:58 i m sure i m missing something 20:56:52 Basically I’m imagining somebody making some sort of *very centralized* L2 where you just deposit your Monero into a subaddress which you can then use within their little “orbit” of stuff, and can then be sent money back to you directly through the main wallet 20:57:33 Is this a good idea at scale? If you like to see heist stories, sure 😂 Otherwise….well someone is going to do it eventually if they aren’t warned in advance 21:15:48 Finish this sentence...'if i wanted to explode Monero use I'd..? ' 🤔 21:15:59 I'll start... 21:17:23 If i wanted to explode Monero, i'd contact Pornhub and write a custom Monero app based on their specific payment needs. 21:18:05 you missed me kewbit 21:18:12 Porn drives almost all tech innovation. 🤣😅😂 21:20:10 I might actually do this. Anyone more experienced wish to join me? Teach me Padawan... 21:23:15 plowsof ban him please 21:23:30 Pornhub were banished by the Payment Gatewys and the Card Processors. They use a third-party Cryptocoin payment processor now. XMR would be perfect for them. 21:23:32 Afterall who wants Porn to show up on their bank statements? 21:23:34 Isnt it called xmrchat ? 21:23:54 xmrchat.com 21:24:14 I thought that was for Twitter? 21:24:35 its for whatever streaming platform you want 21:24:39 Doesn't it use a Cake / Twitter protocol? 21:24:52 No 21:24:55 JFC 21:26:02 I'm sure Pornhub could utilize something built around their specific payment needs? 21:27:53 This isnt a dev room btw 21:27:55 Maybe an xmrchat fork then... 21:28:04 Contact em and shill xmrchat 21:28:15 Its self hostable ..xx. 21:28:27 What's the dev room? 21:31:18 #monero-dev 21:34:23 No 21:34:32 Thats for core development 21:34:59 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-YBDTqX_ZU 21:48:30 Hello @plowsof. I saw your message asking to share my progress at my ccs thread. I am still pretty busy with other things. My plan for the next six months or so is to slowly improve the moneroinflation.com as the Python code and libraries are pretty outdated (it doesnt work with a python version greater than 3.9 apparently), a big cleanup and review would be nice too and I would l ike to create the prove/verify functions for fcmp++ to understand how it works. Anyway, I still cant commit regularly to anything in the next six months. Feel free to distribute the funds. P.S. I'm still scanning the blockchain with my tools and I haven’t noticed anything strange until now :) 22:03:21 chaser @chaser:monero.social: 22:11:19 Thanks for sharing this dangerousfreedom 👍 23:33:57 J0J0XMR: the status on btcpayserver ccs is that the proposers dont seem to have finger on pulse 23:35:02 > As far as I know, there is no support from version 2.1 onward, and there is no blocker here. 23:35:02 but as per btcpayserver devs 23:35:04 > As for the BTCPay Server team, our priority is to release version 2.1 with a Monero plugin that works as it does today, minimizing disruptions for our merchants. What happens beyond this is up to you. 23:35:06 and source to btcpayservers plugin is here https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver-monero-plugin 23:36:20 The ccs says 23:36:20 > we identified the need to realign our efforts on the plugin migration to ensure continued support for Monero within BTCPay Server 23:36:22 but this is cannot be a goal of the ccs, since this duty has been taken on by the btcpayserver devs 23:37:38 > The funds will be used to support the development of the plugin, including the creation of a proof of concept and a minimum viable product. 23:37:38 again, btcpayserver devs have taken taken on this duty and there will be no disruption in service for monero 23:38:17 Wait so BTCPayServer devs will maintain the XMR plugin? 23:38:19 Adding all the stuff we want? 23:39:16 No, they are releasing full support for current features and ensuring seamless migration for monero users in btcpayserver 2.1 23:39:30 Anything extra is on us 23:40:19 As sgp said 23:40:20 > "I think there's not much to do at this stage. Nicolas is doing us a big favor by making the initial plugin with the same features and better testing for BTCPay 2.1. After that, then a maintainer needs to be picked and then the main goals need to be established and worked on" 23:42:51 OK so we still need a maintainer. 23:43:13 And basically this CCS needs to be closed and re-opened after they pass it on to the community. 23:44:25 Yea. Imo the ccs is good, just too early 23:49:13 what's up? 23:50:07 thought this might be interesting to you