00:29:28 as a work opportunity? or because that final "until now" means that they found something suspicious WRT inflation? 00:31:25 The "create prove/verify functions for fcmp++ to understand how it works" part 00:32:03 Just a message I thought might sound interesting to you 00:48:46 well, I'm definitely glad to see it, in part because it's a reimplementation of core functions. it's on the way to a specification, and we need more specifications 10:06:20 shouldn't it be called 'xpay'? 12:35:25 They created the feature when X used to be Twitter. Birdpay has been around for years, the name stuck. 12:42:45 ah ok 14:25:07 Update on unstoppablewallet 14:25:08 https://x.com/unstoppablebyhs/status/1890028679821926724 14:25:10 https://xcancel.com/unstoppablebyhs/status/1890028679821926724 14:25:12 J0J0XMR: 14:27:19 Basically, use fdroid libre (& reproducible) version, and privacy + security features will be free 14:28:38 [CCS Proposals] plowsoff opened merge request #545: v1docq47: correct title monerotopia->monerokon https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/545 14:30:05 -xmr-pr- [css-proposals] plowsofff opened pull request #545: v1docq47: correct title monerotopia->monerokon 14:30:05 -xmr-pr- > https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/545 14:37:27 [CCS Proposals] plowsoff opened merge request #546: XMRChat: add tipxmr funding note https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/546 14:45:05 -xmr-pr- [css-proposals] plowsofff opened pull request #546: XMRChat: add tipxmr funding note 14:45:05 -xmr-pr- > https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/546 15:29:11 What's the link to the web dynamic monerod config builder? 15:30:12 monerosuite.org 15:30:54 It doesnt do anonymous-inbound or i2p tho 15:33:27 Okay cool thanks 15:34:25 Theres also xmr.sh 15:35:27 what's the status of this PR? https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9443 15:37:37 Clandestine usb's guys? Where can i get one? 15:38:10 They don't seem to be making them anymore. After Snowden i guess... 15:40:22 Needs testing 15:40:44 +i found a few small issues in non-code review 15:57:26 We're testing monerod with Arti (a newer Tor client) and haven't quite gotten things to work correctly yet, but we're letting it run for a bit in case the issue is just the monero network Tor nodes being difficult to reach 15:57:39 (needs code review as well ofc) 15:58:01 They arent hard to reach 15:58:27 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/srXNpkjowiCGVcfpxlvFcMBA 15:58:30 My node has like 40 tor and i2p connections, in and out (each) 15:58:39 this is what our arti logs look like rn 15:59:06 we're still trying to narrow in on the issue 15:59:17 How does your monerod sync_info or print_cn look? 16:00:13 Will get in a bit. We're running with a lit of Tor nodes as the exclusive nodes 16:00:57 Oh 16:01:03 Thats probably the reason 16:01:17 Remove all of them 16:01:27 shouldn't it still reach the tor nodes? 16:01:55 Only anonymous-inbound nodes 16:01:59 Not rpc ones 16:02:27 they all have anonymous-inbound disabled? 16:02:32 and theres no list of anonymous-inbound ones unless you pull from another nodes peerlist 16:03:16 (tldr: your list is probably rpc nodes / wrong port / potentially not anonymous inbound on any port) 16:03:47 You dont need --add-exclusive anymore, because we have seed nodes for tor/i2p 16:04:27 the main purpose of that is just trying to force tor-only connections to confirm that is _can_ work in that environment 16:05:09 just remove the exclusives, then get a real list 16:06:13 it def wont work if trying to add rpc nodes 16:07:18 (most onion rpc nodes arent configured for anonymous-inbound at all) 16:07:52 I should omit `--add-peer` as well then right? 16:08:03 Yeah 18:05:37 We got monerod syncing with --proxy to Arti 18:05:58 the exclusive peers were likely the culprit, with the anonymous inbound limitations 18:16:35 in additional to the anonymous-inbound limitations, Arti prevents connecting to onion services by default: https://tpo.pages.torproject.net/core/arti/guides/connecting-to-onion 18:17:03 hooray bleeding edge software 19:22:41 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Arti still alpha ? 19:30:55 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Has there ever been a transparency report or audit on CCS ? 19:39:03 Arti is past 1.0 but many parts of it are not fit for the most serious use 19:48:55 Prob not 19:50:03 Ccs is used like a credit card for all sorts of stuff that isnt ccs related, then is supposed to be reimbursed from gf. But who knows 19:51:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Export transaction in/out from CLI into spreadsheet 19:52:12 Yes, the last audit was the wallet hack 19:52:53 Thats not going to explain much, and gf transparency report doesnt tell us much either 19:53:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Full amount leaving and interest made on return 19:54:17 Need to export futures positions :P 19:54:35 Yes, the last audit was the wallet hack 19:54:36 couldnt have been thorough, cuz #s dont add up 19:55:46 The audit started with "we lost 2675.73 xmr" not before that :P 19:56:24 (i'm counting on my fingers atm) 19:56:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The focalboard I had would of helped cause it had closed and purgatory amounts 19:56:52 Might use some crayons if i get too high 19:57:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Abacus 19:57:54 the #s arent accurate tho 19:57:55 Too high tech 19:59:10 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Bitcorn rocks 20:20:45 dan bob, r u mining those? 20:23:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> No 20:23:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Use instead of abacus 20:39:55 We're excited to ask the community if they want monero in unstoppable wallet https://x.com/monero/status/1890125809911992617 20:41:01 Still haven't ack'd the CCS request? 20:45:28 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/532 21:13:25 Maybe x will make them do it 4 free 21:13:33 To put it bluntly, this almost has a touch of autism, making such a CCS proposal and then make *zero* reactions to a quite a healthy number of comments bringing up a number of important points. 21:14:34 "Fail out of the gate"? 21:15:39 They replied on x about their funding model faster than on github 21:15:57 said that all features (incl privacy etc) would be avail 4 free via fdroid 21:16:26 "Everything free for all" is a funding model? 21:16:50 no, they are charging $ to google play users 21:17:04 Ah. Oh well. 21:17:10 Invizible pro us like that, its a premium app on google play and free via fdroid 21:18:42 Well, what do I worry, I don't think this will go anywhere. 21:18:52 (the XMR integration) 21:19:55 I think they are pandering to xmr on x because they are realizing that most other crypto users dont use crypto on chain 21:20:32 So theyve build a nice wallet with minimal users 21:21:44 Shrug. That would be the first occurrence of X posts magically conjuring software into existence lol 21:22:20 i think theyll add xmr with or without ccs 21:47:39 Conspiracy: the ccs wasn’t going to be merged, but that Twitter acct *rly* wanted to make sure it wouldn’t be accepted by directly involving themselves with it 22:01:42 Rucknium someone asked me to ping you reg cert renewal for https://rucknium.me/donate 22:05:23 Hm, I thought I renewed it already. Checking.. 22:05:26 Thanks 22:10:28 rbrunner7: https://x.com/monero/status/1890125809911992617 https://xcancel.com/monero/status/1890125809911992617 22:10:51 Guess again! @monero is shilling them 22:11:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip acme auto renewal 22:11:31 At this point they must know that everything they touch decreases the odds of official support by like 2 thirds 22:11:43 They can’t at this point 22:12:18 We should just give the acct to kewbit and call it a day 22:12:40 True; at least he had the right spirit lol 22:17:39 Put my SSL certs in the wrong directory the first time 😅 22:24:51 👏 😄 22:25:16 "This might change as we are closing to the release." 23:19:24 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ban