06:09:37 👇♦FREE 🎁 GIFT FOR THERE♦👇 06:09:38 Come to my telegram group 06:09:40 To make some money 💰 06:09:42 Make money essay 06:09:44 I promise you all 👉NO SCAM ❌ 06:09:46 NO PAYMENT FEES ❌ 06:09:48 I PROMISE YOU ALL 💟 06:09:50 👇JOIN OUR TELEGRAM GROUP 👇 06:09:52 https://t.me/+ioqje81ziAYyYTc0 06:09:54 https://t.me/+ioqje81ziAYyYTc0 06:09:56 @everyone @everyone 06:09:58 👇♦FREE 🎁 GIFT FOR THERE♦👇 06:10:00 Come to my telegram group 06:10:02 To make some money 💰 06:10:04 Make money essay 06:48:01 <3​21bob321:monero.social> thanks mbll 06:48:07 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ^ 07:46:23 nope 07:52:14 file $XMRBKK.pdf too big to download (7265711 > allowed size: 1000000) 07:52:14 $XMRBKK.pdf 08:24:35 is this sus 08:26:07 this seems sus 08:26:17 explain what this is or ill ban for malware 08:26:54 it didnt open in the sandbox so i am suspicious 08:27:32 Delete then ask questions 08:43:50 Sorry just a concept which isn't complete 12:28:49 Great to see progress on multi recipient URI, looking forward to that! https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/9756 12:57:58 FiatDemise not excited about @MoneroAfrica? 13:06:04 You follow me on X? Nice 13:08:01 Yeah, that guy is just latest in long string of scammers. Worst is psyman169, that guy just doesn't give up 14:36:37 Just realised that Monero is #20 in the Halal cryptocurrency marketcap charts. keep up the good work people. (https://coinranking.com/coins/halal) 14:40:07 the fuck is this list 14:40:18 how on earth are scams like XRP halal? 14:40:51 doge is a dog meme, aren't dogs haram? 14:41:59 monerobull: please moderate this blasphemy 14:42:32 or we will all suffer the WRATH 14:43:02 also wasnt beldex the "first halal certified" coin? 14:46:55 mashallah-ero midipoet 🙏 15:23:00 lmfao 15:38:40 does anybody recommend a specific API for historic prices/market caps (e.g., coinranking.com API or coinmarketcap.com API, etc), or are those two suitable enough? - research question, not explicit price talk 15:54:10 midipoet: What are your data needs? Which coins, how frequent, and how far back in time? 15:59:22 Bitcoin, Monero, Firo, ZCash. probably 5Y timelines (as i understand it at the moment). also wondering if it is possible to filter by exchange and/or trading pair, which might also be beneficial. I am assuming that coinranking and coinmarketcap APIs provide this ability, but maybe they don't. 16:01:45 The aggregators will charge you for detailed historical data. You can try that, but I haven't yet. Kraken, which I've used, has maximum granularity for the coins it lists. 16:02:44 that helps - thanks rucknium 16:03:27 You can get every single trade on Kraken at https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047543791-Downloadable-historical-market-data-time-and-sales- 16:04:01 And one-minute granularity for candles is here: https://support.kraken.com/hc/en-us/articles/360047124832-Downloadable-historical-OHLCVT-Open-High-Low-Close-Volume-Trades-data 16:05:55 ideally the .csv would be downloaded / parsed by scripts, iirc ive done this for monero with coinmarket caps csv 16:06:32 (open,close,market cap) if you dont need the advanced stuff as above 16:40:07 midipoet: What are you using the data for, by the way? 16:50:54 Are these trades actual monero transactions? There's no way right. It's just them internally book keeping their reserve right? 16:53:01 every trade that happened on kraken 16:53:22 ohchase: AFAIK, all CEXes perform trades on their internal order book. No on-chain txs. On-chain txs are needed for deposits and withdrawals to/from user accounts, of course. 17:32:28 I guess for monero it's almost "good" they are not on chain. Also now I'm curious and this might be me still not understanding the whole monero functionality (working on it... just a complex project); but they're obviously sending valid transactions because my wallet running monerod from source detects the output all find and dandy, and they have the right and responsibility proba 17:32:28 bly to document that transaction. BUT, is there any way to check if they're creating their transactions like how monerod is? For example could an outside observer with no inside information of Kraken just watch the chain and go, oh yeah that's definitely a kraken withdraw 17:35:38 Yes. They can stuff shit in tx-extra or use non-standard fees 17:36:50 Some swappers do this, making it obvious when a swap is coming from their service 17:36:53 But that would be the CEX, i'm just saying as a total outside observer with no knowledge from the CEXs, go and do a couple withdraws and then kinda reverse engineer indicators? 17:37:00 Even haveno atm uses elevated fees when the tx pool is empty. Those are a standard fee tier, but still differ from what everyone else is doing 17:38:05 Not sure what youre asking 17:38:39 Maybe i don't know what i'm asking either lol 17:38:49 ohchase: Yes. This has been done before. If a CEX or other service uses nonstandard wallet code and makes a mistake (intentionally or not), then this can be done 17:38:51 If standars fee is 20000/byte, and someone is using 15000 or 25000, then its obvious for any outside observer to see the difference 17:39:07 Is a standard 1/2 tx is ~ 1.5kb, but someone is producing 1.6-1.7kb tx, that is also obvious 17:39:38 It has been done before for nonstandard code for user-facing wallets, too. **I** have done it. 17:39:54 On Exodus, for example. 17:41:12 MRL is trying to figure out ways to prevent these fingerprints from appearing 17:41:31 by making it impossible to relay a txs that is nonstandard 17:41:34 Interesting, so could be of value for traders to detect withdraws and maybe use that for pricing speculation 17:42:46 You don't have amounts public like with other coins, so it would be much less useful to traders than the exchange fingerprints on transparent coins' txs 17:42:48 Imo node should drop/no-relay tx that are non standard 17:44:04 And it is much easier to figure out when those coins are coming from those CEXes because they are close to the exchange's known wallets on the transparent tx graph of transparent coins. 17:44:19 Monero's fee algorithm is at the root of our scaling, using something else should be essentially "banned" 17:45:08 Similar logic to not allowing someone to create non-16 ring tx 17:46:02 gotcha, im seeing now there is a desire to totally remove tx_extra. I was just getting into the community when I started reading about the whole reducing tx_extra size because it was decided that the nft stuff wasn't desired 17:47:22 gotcha, im seeing now there is a case/discussion to totally remove tx\_extra. I was just getting into the community when I started reading about the whole reducing tx\_extra size because it was decided that the nft stuff wasn't desired 17:47:31 You could create 1/2 transactions that were 100kb. 3 of these takes up a whole block, and as decoys are obviously not the real spends 17:48:12 It's very hard, if not impossible, to prevent someone from embedding data deliberately in a tx even if tx_extra is removed. Basically, cryptographic signatures have free bytes you can insert data into. 17:48:26 But you can make it harder to accidentally create fingerprinted txs 17:49:24 Yeah but you cant exceed the data thresholds of the expected data 17:50:24 I'd prefer 1.5gb of steg > 1.5kb of tx + 98kb of jpeg 17:50:26 Kb*