00:28:54 mrnaif you can record your presentation and do a remote talk, talk to ajs or MoneroKon people. Paging dadajo or franciscom if they are in this room on Matrix. 04:38:19 alright matrix.monero.social maintenance for about 10 minutes 04:44:57 checking if its back 04:45:33 looks like it is back 12:22:19 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/goDTKHrOqIiWlnVJwtqFEwYY 12:22:22 WTF 12:22:35 Synbhebird (Crodyceps infected 🍄☣️): monerobull what is this fucking mod abuse? 12:23:45 shut the fuck up, highlighting important community stuff is part of our job 12:24:10 NAH YOU DO THIS TO GET MORE KARMA AND VIEWS ON YOUR POST 12:24:49 im not even getting paid anymore, why do i have to deal with this shit 12:25:23 m o d a b u s e 12:25:43 nah thats it 12:26:16 you're in luck 12:26:56 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/monero.social/YjFQycfrcJcJBdVSRIgleEyM 12:27:10 next time im using the banhammer 13:27:06 YES YES 13:27:08 ITS ME 13:27:12 IM THE MOD ABUSE 13:27:21 IVE ABUSED FOR KARMA 13:27:24 IM A DICTATOR 13:27:29 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/qFIGVcYZgAIdVyKySsuLVQcj 13:27:34 guy couldnt handle the heat in here 14:15:58 https://rucknium.me/donate/ 14:16:10 thanks ruck for all that you do 14:17:02 I just realized monerobull is schizo 14:17:21 lol 14:17:36 i did an entire performance 14:17:42 and you didnt even notice? 14:17:53 yeah that's to say how good acting was 14:18:01 (i thought it was another impersonation) 14:24:29 haha 19:22:43 speaking of moderation: https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/1j45xkp/seeking_monero_supplier_5k/ 19:23:57 geonic: an issue with this thread maybe ? 19:25:36 idunno, looks like it's either a scam or someone begging to be scammed 19:27:03 fyi I approved this post because there has been other post approved in the same vein: "Need to transact to or from XMR enormous amounts" 19:27:26 and generally comments were insightful 19:28:04 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Free speech syn 19:28:09 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Vote 1 19:28:30 yeah comments weren't bad. although I wonder about a few of the offers. who knows.. 19:29:37 maybe a pinned mod comment that says: offers to trade on this subreddit are likely a scam? 19:30:18 tread with caution, etc 19:32:29 well except the P2P TG recommendation or the two "I can sell it to you" without upvotes it's not that bad. I don't think its necessary 19:33:24 okie 19:38:52 Purchasing threads definitely need a tread with caution comment. Especially for amounts dipping into AML/KYC territory 19:39:19 Any excuse to plug haveno though right? 19:53:27 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Mbll ^ 22:08:19 by any means necessary