00:01:12 Make us proud syncbird 00:01:33 nioc: 🫡 00:26:19 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rip plowsof 00:27:58 🦀 00:28:09 Guys, I am stupid asf, I downloaded monero last version on windows, then moved it in wsl after unzip and I didn't see monerod file inside, I surfed the internet for 2 hours and then I realized that my antivirus deleted it when I unziped it 00:29:08 that's because monero is a virus 00:29:12 defender is right 00:29:18 it's a malware don't use it! 00:44:27 method is working properly now, thx very much guys 00:44:47 this is was crazy 01:15:18 from the time I unzip it until the time I add an exclusion nothing gets deleted, win 10 01:15:46 think of all the friends you are going to make along the way thebone32 after finding us all here 01:16:16 "thebone32 has quit" 😭 01:42:40 yea, sorry, it's a little too late, 03:42 am 02:23:47 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Feather wallet avoids this 07:44:56 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/eJcdcSTzqhXHbVMjiuUXXqcu 07:45:00 not today, fed /s 07:45:42 account is already deleted so wont be approving this 07:49:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Blockchain is praised for transparency ? 07:52:20 yes? 09:08:09 yo, guys, are you sitting just here for 24/7 hours? Or you are some kind of collective intelligence? 10:20:42 define collective intelligence. 10:43:32 like decentralized decision making center 10:51:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Define intelligence 10:59:53 define Bob. 11:08:09 thebone32: there are a few highly dedicated people, but for most there is too much to keep up 24/7. Instead people read and comment whenever they have time 11:09:42 m-relay: I understand it, just jocking 11:11:00 dukenukem: You used all your definition tokens for this 24 hours 11:11:19 thebone32: what are you? the dealer in a casino now? :D 11:15:02 I am a new fee dealer in monero blockchain 11:17:16 -12 11:25:40 Does anybody know advantages of Feather Wallet over Wallet GUI? Is it just about privacy? Or there is smth else? 11:35:35 thebone32: GUI = PlayStation 1. Feather = PlayStation 4, maybe 5. 11:41:32 Metronero got rejected by MAGIC https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund/issues/41#issuecomment-2750657777 11:43:18 <3​21bob321:monero.social> No explanation 11:43:33 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sad 11:44:32 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Would be good and professional to give feedback as to why it was accepted 11:44:39 Erm we hopped on a call with the voters and they said there are alternatives and they don't need this project. I didn't get a response when I asked to name an open source alternative other than btcpayserver lol. 11:44:43 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Wasnt 11:45:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Hmm 11:45:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> CSS it is? 11:45:48 No, because CCS didn't merge it either few years ago 11:45:51 https://magicgrants.org/monerofundminutes/2024-12-24.html they even bother to reach out and support zookos BAT token 11:46:36 tbf it was a different committee 11:46:40 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Let's not make an alternative to google, cause we have google. 11:46:46 but are above supporting projects from within the community 11:47:00 Kuno fundraiser ? 11:47:28 My dayjob salary 11:47:39 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Why did CCS reject it ? 11:47:58 idk im too lazy to go fetch the gitlab discussion 11:48:01 CCS didn't respond 11:48:58 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Maybe plowsof or ofrn remembers 11:50:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Maybe they want to keep the fcmp monies 11:50:14 Nobody rejected, all the opposite, all the comments were in support, it just stalled away until digilol enterprises got their panties in a bunch and closed it. 11:50:34 Mr. Bahamas time sometimes make CCS ideas walking zombies. 11:50:56 3 months chilling in repo. Not a single letter about it. :shrug: 11:51:03 Dis is da monero way. 11:51:22 Yeah the community feedback was positive although I heard in private that there were plans to "let it rot" until we close it anyway 11:51:57 <3​21bob321:monero.social> CCS ? 11:52:04 nooo! Teleton! 11:52:13 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Telet%C3%B3n_(Mexico) 11:54:14 the weirdest part was this new glowie committee member that wasnt seen before in the Monero community 11:54:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> ? 11:54:42 ¿ 11:54:47 This guy https://github.com/MAGICGrants/Monero-Fund/issues/41#issuecomment-2689239123 11:54:53 my memory is that the community started asking for changes in the CCS, don't remember what they were or ii appropriate, and to me it looked like it was going to be a loooong process 11:55:26 Let me get the receipts... 11:55:44 Nioc: we accepted the changes, later on we got asked to revert. We changed the proposal accordingly each time. 11:56:14 thx for the memory :) 11:56:23 https://tacolopo.github.io/ dod booze allen hangillton 11:56:29 https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/353 11:56:48 7 upvotes. 11:57:03 It's like cough BTCPayserver plugin cough idea right now cough... 11:57:08 History repeats... sometimes. 11:57:21 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Never heard of them 11:57:31 Proposal idea was posted on... check notes... 11:57:35 January 10. 11:57:41 It's March 25. Still sitting there. 11:57:45 <3​21bob321:monero.social> But I think the requirement was know nick ? 11:57:54 Upvote count? Fucking 8. 11:57:58 lol, nice deja vu. 11:58:23 a compliance engineer :D 11:59:07 I don't know what happened internally but that guy quit magic before voting on the proposal 11:59:13 for some definition of compliance 11:59:24 But he was going to downvote anyway because I didn't call him on signal 11:59:40 errrm... signal? 11:59:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Ahaha 11:59:50 BTCpayserver is @ https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20250315#c510725 and https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-community/20250315#c510733 11:59:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Petty 12:00:10 also CCS is corrupt and evil discussion coming in 12:00:27 He also proceeded to have a mental breakdown in the MoneroPay room on a Friday night 12:00:38 XD 12:01:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Sounds like @monero 12:02:16 <3​21bob321:monero.social> If you read the rules core decides all 12:02:45 I mean in the case of the btcpayserver plugin the delay was also because they mentioned they wanted to find funding elsewhere 12:03:38 lmfao. 12:03:41 wtf is this. https://repo.getmonero.org/monero-project/ccs-proposals/-/merge_requests/353#note_20066 12:03:44 <3​21bob321:monero.social> How's the financial audit on CCS funds? Are we liquid ? 12:03:56 that Lithuanian weed was amazing that night! 12:04:11 Hello, M0N3R0 🔫 🛁 ⛪ 🦋 🕌 extremists 🙈, 12:04:11 Have made ✍🏼 a couple of very important changes and would love 💝 to hear 🙉 some comments. 12:04:14 With Love 😽, 12:04:16 The MoneroPay Team. 12:04:35 Monero shopping proposal was a meme at the time (although the comment is childish and patronising) 12:04:44 dukenukem: there was a proposal for Amazon Monero shopping (?) platform at the time and it was written in a crackhead manner like that. Stnby is mocking that. 12:04:53 I rememba now. 12:04:59 <3​21bob321:monero.social> https://repo.getmonero.org/Lovezoid. ? 12:05:07 Because it was receiving more attention than Metronero and it was newer. 12:05:13 monero shopping was funny 12:05:19 lol, that Amazon proposal... 12:05:20 <3​21bob321:monero.social> The eBay one ? 12:05:24 Digilol can not accept payment from CCS , moving on 12:05:29 "give us money to fund our for-profit proxystore copy" 12:05:37 lol 12:06:28 <3​21bob321:monero.social> "Condoms for Palestine " 12:06:35 plowsof: I could go personally but I don't trust that you won't ghost me again 😭 12:07:23 the flippant behaviour is a risk for me currently 12:07:50 Flippant behavior from us? 12:08:22 https://media.tenor.com/Gzq8aSfGdVcAAAAC/cat-huh-cat-uhh.gif 12:08:53 other than that, Metronero is unique, afaict there is no open source payment gateway with a realistic way for the host to scrape fees 12:09:46 not sure why MAGIC says there are alternatives that offer the same features 12:10:44 I don't see how we're flippant 12:14:16 There's NowPayments :D. If that delisted XMR we would stop accepting XMR as a business :D 12:15:50 Well we have alternative ways and entities outside EU to continue accepting XMR 12:16:45 He actually didn't know about nowpayments, he suggested people use OxaPay 12:16:58 In progress for a couple months. But EU is screwing with us each day. 14:07:02 ct remembers. Siren and stnby didn't have the track record they have now (or at least not to me) and I thought it was too ambitious. Really a shame, have a different view on it now 14:07:40 I remember 14:08:24 We paid scammer mj and kept moving goalpost on metronero week to week 14:09:10 Metronero had no downvotes, just every week was a request for changes. Changes were all made as requested 14:09:11 But the oscar movie and scamJ were priorities 14:09:16 is there are a rule stating a CCS cannot be retried after some period of time ? 14:09:28 im very english well i know 14:09:40 We couldnt get metro merged, and we could stop the scam proposals. Dark days 14:10:20 Couldnt* stop 14:11:53 mj was allowed to show up and change his milestones from "pay me for sticking around til completion" to "pay me out so solopt csn rain unfinished til at least 2025 or i'll sue you" 14:12:05 And we merged mjs milestone chsnges, but not metronero 14:13:17 We allowed oscsr bs, on premise that its marketing so the movie doesnt need to follow rule 4. even though voting on that was 50:50 and the downvotes were all in good faith 14:13:54 Midi claiming that we were gatekeepers and should let the movie that doesnt feature monero be featured on ccs 14:14:38 Meanwhile, we pushed metronero to make more and more logistic changes and seemed to intention to ever accept it. 14:15:25 Was it really? When there was a working MVP and a public code repository? Not that it matters anymore, just wanted to highlight this for people without context. 14:15:57 the selflessness and uncompensated work required upfront are a high bar, even after that there is a lot of scrutiny 14:16:18 I domt think sk 14:16:19 Winning an oscar was too ambitious 14:16:28 remember, the oscar and metronero were about the same time and amount 14:16:33 non technical work receives less scrutiny in some cases 14:16:57 Bad actors* receive less scrutiny 14:17:12 Because its easier to push around/control good actors 14:17:28 Scamj didnt have non-technical proposals 14:17:37 Again, scamj was the same time period 14:18:08 "At least not to me" = at that time I didn't pay attention to your work/ didn't recognize the name. 14:19:01 I dont remember you (ct) being critical of it at all 14:19:08 Maybe you abstained tho 14:19:56 the discourse often lacks technical depth. People throw around half truths and dont show the humility and curiosity to learn and ask deeper questions. it is what it is. to succeed in monero there is a need to be a politician in some cases and condense complex technical subjects to palatable soundbites 14:21:02 lol I wasnt against it, but I didnt do the research and also didnt vote in favor. Was at the point where I started to become a bit more active. Well can't fix the past 14:21:12 this sadly applies to people that take active part instead of just abstaining 14:21:24 it is what it is haha 14:21:52 iirc monero go predated motronero, and moneropay was around as well. so they werent slme rando nubes. Also were active. Anyway. Nodo, atm and pos all integrate moneropay in one way or another. I think magics vote was ass 14:23:34 Voters who don't actively participate in the community and who are ill informed of the ecosystem. 14:26:41 Tons of support for the project irl in MoneroTopia and online but gets rejected by these people. That's unfortunate. 16:19:31 I'm just speaking for myself not the committee (and I didn't vote on this proposal since I don't have a vote), but I think one of the main challenges is that the people who support the proposal here are not merchants who need to use this. 16:19:32 Payment processors are _relatively_ easy to make, but they are difficult to make at an _enterprise_ level and then _maintain_. That's why so many of them have been made over the years and then abandoned. They get made for (usually) a niche use-case the creator wants, not widely adopted, and then abandoned. 16:19:34 I think there's a significant risk that any processor project, particularly one that doesn't have the financial backing to pay for permanent maintenance, will struggle to get adopted. 16:19:36 If MoneroKon and/or Monerotopia don't want to use BTCPay Server, they probably need to front the costs for this for this solution. If they can't cover these costs, then the unfortunate truth is that there probably isn't enough demand to provide the resources to maintain this. 16:19:38 From the MAGIC side (not the committee), if we were to support a payment processor of our own, I wouldn't want to pay for one-off projects. I would want to hire expertise to maintain the thing fully and have full control over how the project gets developed. 16:19:40 So it's not a matter of whether a project is cool or not, but who is actually going to use it and provide the resources to maintain it. 16:33:16 magic grants should be removed from feather wallet as the committee and the organization as a whole is clearly out of touch with the community https://github.com/feather-wallet/feather/blob/7da4e90593ca419e694ac0dea135af2a1d8f73ca/src/plugins/crowdfunding/CCSWidget.cpp#L61 16:34:05 the other issue is chain analytics involved people should be banned from this community entirely. 16:40:11 "Payment processor" (POS, ATM, checkout API) of this scale took us years to make and there's a small ecosystem revolving around that now. It's not going away. We even explained our plans for offering managed hosting and sponsorship logo placement to continue funding the project during the video call. MoneroKon barely has funds to host the main event and went to CCS for support. MT 16:40:12 shows us support by collaborating on Nodo and MoneroPay. 16:49:35 [insert something that pour fuel on the fire] 16:55:04 Dev tax coming to metronero as we explore alternative funding options (this is a JOKE) 16:56:57 I'm not trying to be argumentative at all, I just want to share my perspective. And yes I know you have done more work than just Metronero and I am grateful for that other work. I do really hope to be proven wrong 17:08:35 sgp_ since i see you here, have you read my question from the other day? What makes your Moonstone research firm different from a chainanalisi company that tracks Monero users and transactions for profit? 17:10:31 yeah answer this question 17:10:45 bannable offense 17:11:20 lets get rid of this guy he clearly does not share our values 17:11:28 also would like to know about the tracking tools you have developed, as mentioned in moonstoneresearch.com 17:14:57 I don't want to ban or kick anyone, but i do think this is a question that should be answered to 17:15:13 the wording on the website seem to be quite clear: https://moonstoneresearch.com/ 17:15:55 since he is so deeply involved with Monero, i think it's fair to ask how that conciliate with running a chainanalisis company specialised in tracking Monero 17:17:14 tbf, if monero can be tracked, thats a monero problem. Personally, i'd be asking for a lot more than irs is offering 17:26:49 Me neither, there's nothing you can do except to maybe find a way to improve policies on committee member selection. I simply hope no ecosystem dev wastes time on MAGIC. We were not treated nicely as devs, we were met with strange tantrums on the smallest of roadblock, and in the end we were evaluated by people who didn't do enough research on the subject. But this is just our perspective. 17:26:55 "chain analytics involved people should be banned from this community entirely" hard disagree. Red teams are necessary for defense 17:28:04 there is a difference between good faith red teaming and "patent pending" BS sold to law enforcement 17:28:08 Is red teaming what sgp_ is doing? producing tracking tools and selling them to the best offerent including law enforcement is red teaming? 17:28:27 it's hard to take that take seriously 17:28:37 There's no benefit to red teaming without disclosure 17:28:43 fair, fair, fair 17:28:53 i do understand that there are a lot of friendship relationships within the community. It's normal 17:29:13 but that shouldn't end up in a closed circlejerk where to not see reality alternative truth are built on the spot 17:30:17 I agree with everything y'all have said except that we should kick/ban anyone not being actively malicious. I guess y'all are just arguing that they're being actively malicious 17:30:53 problem is he is using these relationships as leverage to sell what ever the fuck it is he is selling 17:31:03 to gain credibility 17:31:13 i specifically said i don't think should be banned. but i do invite people here to ask themselves some hard questions of the state of Monero if nobody gives a shit about something like this 17:32:33 I don't give a shit if he sells a magic 8 ball to law enforcement 17:33:02 I do give a shit if Monero's technological advancement is hindered in any way by blockchain analysis companies. 17:33:44 * sneurlax scurries off back to the code dungeons 17:33:56 do you think there is no risk of that kind when somebody running a chainanalisis company is so deeply involved in Monero's internals? 17:34:41 stop the fud. sgp have no involvement in "Monero's internals", he have no influence in the development and its contributions so far has been audit networking for MRL 17:35:01 audit of papers and ideas made by people unrelated to Moonstone 17:35:32 When sgp start making pull request or being a roadblack (he can't) then you can start speaking about muh involvement from the feds 17:35:49 roadblock* 17:35:59 Deeply involved? R u smoking? 17:36:48 btw i don't think that because sgp is working with old feds or is running a chainanalysis company automatically means his PR have bad intents 17:37:55 Thank you for your very good takes. sgp_ i still hope to get an answer from you about my (i think fair) concerns. 17:38:06 Sgp has PRs? reviews prs? Merges them? 17:38:30 no lmao: "his PRs would have"* 17:38:34 sry 17:39:23 Remember phone, this concern troll also told us that mymonero good, stack wallet bad 17:39:24 Remember ppl* 17:39:38 I love stack wallet 17:39:56 <3 17:40:54 o​frnxmr you remember what i said the last time about starving the primadonna? could you try that pretty please. You popping up every time i write something is flattering but i need no groupie 17:43:59 I think you said you wanted to take me on a date or smthn 17:44:42 Maybe it was a bit more X rated 17:47:31 sgp_ i'd be happy to also ask you some questions in private if you prefer. Or i cannot see it in a different way than refusing to answer since you are here. 17:48:03 How would you know that he's here 17:48:49 Honestly, if moonstone determinalistically tracks monero.. good! 17:49:33 Serves us right for being pussies 17:49:34 Meanwhile, erc has never done anything to help solve issues that havr been known about for like 8yrs 17:51:14 that must be your most generic attack so far. Getting lazy? 17:51:51 Attack? Bro feels special 18:42:46 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Rq ban 19:39:49 when are you going to make good on your promise to leave the community? 19:40:57 @erciccione ^ that is a message for you 19:46:03 you guys need a goal in life. Bothering me cannot be it. 19:46:38 i did leave btw, that's why it's called coming -back- 19:47:17 and i know you hate it, makes you very sad and bla blah blah, but deal with it. Your opinion is not a factor in my choices. kisses 19:50:15 Bro, stay gone 19:50:16 What kind of person invites themselves to a party that nobody wants them at 19:51:29 I want to believe ErC is kewbit 20:22:04 srsly 20:22:08 we need less whiney bitches, not more 20:22:43 "an attack on me is an attack on monero" lmfaooo 20:54:44 +quote magic grants should be removed from feather wallet as the committee and the organization as a whole is clearly out of touch with the community 20:57:33 bannable offense <= LOL 20:57:43 💵 For 500$ 💵 I'm committing a moderator abuseon r/Monero 🔨 on the user of your 🫵 choice. 20:57:44 Dm me if interested 🙏 20:58:05 Free speech forever 🚀 21:02:31 中共非常感谢你们的合作 21:02:33 syntheticbird go to bed. 21:03:59 随时准备帮助中共的亲密战友 👍️👍️👍️ 21:04:38 dukenukem: NO 21:04:48 syntheticbird don't make me tuck you in... 21:04:58 there are no nice stories for bad boys... 21:06:09 can i like half sleep? 21:07:36 Monero Offtopic 21:07:45 (rotten reeeee in 5 4 3) 21:07:49 syntheticbird come here bb. 21:07:59 define: half sleep. 21:09:03 im sleeping but with my eyes opened 21:09:15 also i can talk and move 21:09:24 are you a cat now? 21:09:35 always has been 21:09:39 meeeeeeeeeoooooooooowwwwwwwww 21:09:45 purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 21:10:10 syntheticbird do you also make that purring sound as you are half asleep? 21:10:15 alright sorry ofrn will stop 21:10:24 honestly this deserves its own category on archiveofourown 21:10:32 along with erc x ofrn 21:10:38 lol 21:10:45 first time hearing of "archiveofourown", such a good name 21:11:08 it's fanfic site https://archiveofourown.org/ 21:11:26 now kiss 21:11:29 apparently a sterilized kitten it is... 21:11:34 no balls to continue. 21:14:02 https://matrix.monero.social/_matrix/media/v1/download/kernal.eu/UxtcbnDUDRibmcoHdYjOCtmf 21:14:36 _the powerful elites_ 21:54:29 Monero LWS app for TrueNAS https://github.com/truenas/apps/pull/1936 22:05:31 Sgp_ does "yunohost" mean anything to you? Someone posted a monero app for that (not sure if AI) https://bounties.monero.social/posts/48/0-500m-create-a-monerod-module-on-yunohost-distribution 22:07:46 I've heard of it but have never used it 22:10:28 For LWS, we've kept it simple. Users need to use something else for encryption (nginx, cloudflare, i2p, tor, etc), and manually input allowlisted address+viewkey pairs 23:58:02 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Soon ™️ 23:58:35 <3​21bob321:monero.social> Coolify when ?