18:24:20 .merges 18:24:20 -xmr-pr- 7349 7676 7683 7730 7733 7734 7738 19:43:28 luigi1111w: please also merge https://github.com/monero-project/meta/pull/578 19:47:15 ndorf would you wanna drop another approval on meta/557 if you feel so inclined? 20:55:29 .merges 20:55:29 -xmr-pr- 7349 23:23:00 Is there a mailing list to ask Core if I can assist w/ something, or is the closest thing the dev mailing list on getmonero? 23:23:54 You can ask here. Programmer or other ? 23:25:49 Other. Basically I was wondering if Core could set up a Collective that focuses on CCS on Open Collective. Given recent community commentary thought the built-in transparency reports + reoccuring donations adding some degree of stability to folk like MRL would be particularly valuable 23:26:15 Don't think this is the right channel for this. 23:26:41 Yep, figured hence why I'm asking if there's a Core mailing list 23:27:01 do you mean an email address? 23:27:29 Yeah, as in basically I send an email it goes to the 7 Core folk since there emails are no longer listed on getmonero 23:27:42 s/there/their 23:29:44 you are probably better off messaging someone from core on irc, otherwise dev⊙go most likely gets read by someone 23:30:50 Noted, will look into pinging Artic then since he's publicly disclosed he's in the same-ish timezone as myself. Thanks for the advice :) 23:52:36 /l