00:59:26 Why does the Saviour of NASA take a group achievement award and present it as a proof of individual glory? twitter.com/hyc_symas/status/1203709575226183683 01:47:38 anyone need anything done? rusty programmer here, I want to dip my toes into contributing 01:48:23 monero is C++, not sure how familiar you are with that 01:48:57 as for starting contributing, the easiest is to find something you want to change / improve or look through the issue tracker 01:48:57 I have used it enough to hate it a little, but existence is pain so I'll suffer through 01:49:37 .merges 01:49:37 -xmr-pr- 7349 01:54:31 I'll have a look at the issue tracker 01:54:41 hitting the gym, brb 02:06:10 .merge+ 7380 7611 02:06:10 Added 02:22:46 .merge+ 7634 7633 7672 7739 7742 7743 7746 7749 7750 02:22:46 Added 03:18:27 .merge+ 7752 7612 03:18:27 Added 08:00:08 -xmr-pr- mj-xmr opened issue #7755: Doc: update blockchain-stats 08:00:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/7755 08:01:07 moneromooo "Mining to subaddress isn't supported yet". Is it because construct_miner_tx() doesn't handle this case? As far as I understand, it's technically possible. 08:01:42 Yes. 08:04:19 Mind if I make a PR to add support this week? 08:04:39 No. 08:05:06 IIRC the reason was that it was too invasive to justify. 08:05:14 Ah ok 08:05:36 Still some pools can do it themsemselves if they have custom code for miner tx, right? 08:05:50 Probably. 08:07:27 also it's technically possible to have many outputs in miner tx, and it's not limited by 16 outputs because it's not a bulletproof tx 08:07:40 It takes 91 byte per output last time I counted 08:07:47 I wonder why no one does it 08:08:23 Probably because nobody has a need for it that doesn't require lots more code. 08:08:29 (ie, p2pool) 08:08:46 i.e. pools could squeeze miner payouts at the cost of only 91 bytes per miner 08:08:49 so very cheap fee 08:09:03 which opens possibility for less than 0.001 XMR min pool payout 08:09:33 It'd require changing the block template creation code. 08:09:37 That's... work... 08:10:18 of course, but I've recently done some work for Wownero and their pool mining ban stuff and I don't see it as a complex work anymore 08:10:20 it's easy 08:11:15 That would only work with small payouts though (less than a block reward). Still a legit use case for small payouts 08:14:55 actually it's only 73 bytes per output if there's no TX_EXTRA_NONCE 08:15:08 -xmr-pr- mj-xmr opened issue #7756: EasyLogging: add regression tests for a new fix 08:15:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/7756 08:40:24 Did you know that all witdraw-buyer-seller-depoist chains are trackable in Monero? No? You should have read Breaking Monero. How many people are you endangering with your 'privacy' coin? 15:32:21 Did you know that all witdraw-buyer-seller-depoist chains are trackable in Monero? No? You should have read Breaking Monero. How many people are you endangering with your 'privacy' coin? 15:45:08 -xmr-pr- moneromooo-monero opened pull request #7757: protocol: fix delayed "you are now synchronized..." message 15:45:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7757 17:00:37 this macbook M1 is ridiculously unreliable. xmrig hung talking to monerod 17:00:52 took a kill -9 to clear it up 17:02:06 remind me to stick to my earlier decision never to buy apple products 17:27:36 lol 19:00:08 -xmr-pr- Malinero opened pull request #7758: Include libusb and hidapi on android 19:00:08 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7758