01:30:47 What time are -dev meetings? Usually something like every Sunday, 17 or 18 UTC, right? 01:53:11 xmrscott[m]: I haven't noticed meetings in quite a while 01:54:27 nioc: Hmm. But when they have happened, do you remember when they usually happened? Trying to schedule something reoccuring that wouldn't be conflictive 01:54:52 xmrscott[m]: sorry I do not remember 01:59:04 No worries, you were helpful in jogging my memory for something else 02:38:40 Do you also secretly wisth your mother was Howard's groupie? https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/bxl87y/it_has_been_a_5_years_since_monero_was_released/eq7qior/ 07:48:09 xmrscott[m]: yes, 17. 10:14:03 needmoney90: Let me quote your hero. 'How do I ban FUK? AAAHHHH I don't remember. youtube.com/watch?v=mdLfkhxIH5Q Keep tryin' champion. 12:09:10 Did you know that all witdraw-buyer-seller-depoist chains are trackable in Monero? No? You should have read Breaking Monero. How many people are you endangering with your 'privacy' coin? 14:34:37 test 14:57:17 test failed 19:19:55 When Tari finally comes out, will you dump your Monero to buy it? Will others?