00:50:54 it has to be in the default location to be of any use, doesn't it? 00:51:05 the idea being that monero forks will look for it there. 00:51:46 the idea is for portable mode we want to disable it or move it to a different location 00:51:58 we don't want portable mode to write files out to the system 00:56:22 ah, i see. seems to me that if you're going to put it elsewhere you might as well disable it altogether. but i wouldn't be terribly shocked to find out i'm missing something 03:04:26 twitter.com/hyc_symas/status/1203709575226183683 03:04:26 Last time I got an award like that was in a primary school football team. It had three stars too and said that I'm special :') 03:04:26 I just binned it though instead of showing it off to naive groupies. What kind of preson takes a group achievement award and presents it as a proof of their individual prowess anyway? 07:11:46 Ping 08:55:36 Do you think that you are too intelligent to be in a cult? Then I would encourage you to look into how any other cult works. They aren't populated by stupid people. Aum Shinrikyo was almost exclusively university professors and graduates. For Pete's sake - they had the know-how and means to make WMDs. 08:55:37 As to Monero, I would encourage you to look at Jonestown mass-suicide. You know why Jones killed them all? Because he was afraid he is loosing control over them. People like that will burn everything around them rather than give up control. Being smart doesn't make you immune to being in a cult. This is the most valuable lesson Monero taught me. 14:49:40 Testing matrix <-> libera bridge 14:49:49 irc side 16:26:48 Remember kids. If you call project coral reef for what it is - fluffypony embezzling half a mil usd from the monero fund for a website with smaller adoption than monero woo plugin, you will get excommunicated. Why do you think charities need Teslas? They don't and Elon won't support Monero 150k will sure buy a lot of party time for those that actually do get it. 17:16:18 OK last channel I'm aware of for matrix bridging 18:35:27 vtnerd: you might know the answer to https://monero.stackexchange.com/questions/13107/how-do-i-properly-subscribe-to-zmq-events ? 18:47:14 i can answer that 18:49:43 Thanks :) 18:53:34 done 18:54:38 ^_^ 18:55:54 .merges 18:55:55 -xmr-pr- 7349 7380 7611 7612 7633 7634 7672 7739 7742 7743 7746 7749 7750 7752 19:01:29 i guess this is a good time to complain about the choice of default ZMQ REQ socket being tcp (localhost:18082) instead of local :) 19:02:10 and actually there's no way to change that currently, since there is no option to pass the whole URI (unlike the PUB socket), only the tcp port 19:22:10 ndorf: untested https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7764 19:22:19 but should work :P 19:22:26 damn that was fast 19:23:58 building it 19:25:07 .merges 19:25:07 -xmr-pr- 7349 7743 19:25:12 plz rebase ^ 19:25:15 tobtoht- 19:25:52 selsta if you want to copy 7349 and fix it we can finally get rid of it 19:28:48 luigi1111w: ok will do 19:28:52 .unlock 559956 300 19:28:53 later 19:28:55 oops 19:29:00 awkward 19:29:43 good thing those are only valid for 30 seconds 19:33:51 luigi1111w: done 19:35:46 thanks 19:58:57 Would it be helpful to add the CoC officially into the repo and add an issue/PR template? 19:58:57 Per https://github.com/monero-project/monero/community those are missing ATM. 19:59:24 I would think the templates would be quite useful, but not 100% sure what are the key points we would want to put into either ATM. 20:00:22 More info: https://docs.github.com/en/communities/setting-up-your-project-for-healthy-contributions/about-community-profiles-for-public-repositories 20:00:43 More info on templates: https://docs.github.com/en/communities/using-templates-to-encourage-useful-issues-and-pull-requests/about-issue-and-pull-request-templates 20:06:52 Admins of the repo can do it natively via the GUI if desired, as well: https://docs.github.com/en/communities/using-templates-to-encourage-useful-issues-and-pull-requests/configuring-issue-templates-for-your-repository 20:07:11 That's the currently recommended way. 20:40:33 sethsimmons: we have a CoC already 20:41:12 sethsimmons: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md 20:41:23 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md#code-of-conduct-22c41 20:43:35 Yeah I just mean as a separate doc instead of just a link. 20:43:57 Sorry that wasn't clearer. 20:48:10 Aka CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md in the root. 21:02:27 When it comes to a code repository, what does a CoC mean, other than "the rules/guidelines to contribute to this repository"? And how is that different from just the CONTRIBUTING.md document? 21:06:25 It means replacing common sense by control freak lawyers. 21:06:35 It's generally a boilerplate "don't be mean to people." Codes of conduct are often superfluous. 21:08:11 Marketing types like to pretend that officially telling people to be nice to people demonstrates that a community is welcoming, or shows they aren't responsible if there is drama. 21:10:38 It also contributes to selective illiteracy. The more fluff you give people to read, the less likely they are to read anything you put in front of them. 21:12:39 Damn, even I am not that cynical... 21:14:41 I've seen people almost killed because they were given so much useless stuff to read that they skimmed over the "Warning this device may kill you if you do X" document. 21:15:07 * I've seen people almost killed because they were given so much useless stuff to read that they skimmed over the "Warning this device may kill you if you do X" part of a document. 21:15:22 Concise documentation is sometimes a matter of life and death. 21:16:03 (says the guy who just made a wall of text) 21:20:46 That being said, I believe the monero code of conduct c4, is an exception and provides useful and practical information that is essential to the project. 21:23:40 > <@moneromooo:libera.chat> Damn, even I am not that cynical... 21:23:40 * That being said, I believe the monero code of conduct (22/C4.1), is an exception and provides useful and practical information that is essential to the project. 21:29:01 I actually really like our code of conduct. 22:27:17 oo the monero maintainer team, I like it 22:32:57 It means replacing common sense by control freak lawyers. >>> lulz