07:41:20 cryptocurrency haters like the one above must love present-day BTC, a toy for rich people with insane transaction fees and no real use cases. 07:55:32 Why does the Saviour of NASA take a group achievement award and present it as a proof of individual glory? https://twitter.com/hyc_symas/status/1203709575226183683 13:59:45 There are multiple psychological hooks to keep Monero community members in place. Here is one: 13:59:45 https://vimeo.com/272691039 13:59:45 Notice that Scientologists don't stand on street corners saying "Would you like to talk about our Lord and Saviour, Xenu?" 13:59:45 Put yourself instead in the shoes of someone who spent $10,000 and 2-3 years of their life on their courses 13:59:45 And you get a bunch of bad sci-fi - you have two choices: 13:59:46 - either swallow a very bitter pill that you wasted a pile of money and a portion of your life 13:59:46 - or swallow the sci-fi, and from that point on, you will swallow _anything_ they tell you. 13:59:47 In the cult trade that's called "insider doctrine". 13:59:47 Would you like to talk about our Lord and Saviour of NASA, Howard Chu? 13:59:48 https://medium.com/@crypto_ryo/senior-nasa-engineer-calls-out-howard-chu-hyc-symas-monero-developer-on-being-a-fraud-db0b46688041 15:15:22 But we do stand on street corners ranting about privacy coins. 15:20:20 Unlike other coins, we don't have a creation myth that our coin was made by the 'real Satoshi' 15:20:48 That doesn't seem like a topic for -dev. 16:09:27 so i have made xmr unbannable. what do? rehrar is stepping down, get me on board, that's your best option 16:11:17 Wrong channel ? This is about monero development. You may want #monero or #monero-community bu the looks of it. 16:12:25 or maybe not, because we have somebody on a team who knows xmr stack really well, he was working with oxen. me? i can do that too. but i guess you right, i rather post it there 16:13:38 You're being very obscure. Can you try rephrasing ? I don't get what you're asking. 16:14:11 get the most advanced god protocol to date on tari and you are set 16:14:31 aletheo can literally engineer society 16:14:33 OK, reasonably sure that's making no sense. 16:15:04 and it's unstoppable, even if all of you cia or whatever agents 16:15:19 * moneromooo loves /ignore, wonders what the table limit is 16:16:59 that's his personal choice. ok. i won't be spending too much of my time here. you will either join or join later 16:27:02 wut 16:31:31 don't bet against me 16:34:40 Now taking bets against SamPorter1984 16:43:56 kek, let's see for how long you will be able to hold that bet 20:57:39 If only one of you gave Papa ChooChoo some TLC when I wrote a faster miner, instead of ignoring him, things could have happened differently https://np.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/5lsfgt/_/dbz0jnp/