00:10:29 Thanks for the response! Does triptych + Arcturus allow for combining of inputs rings (not just signatures) like Omiring? The added anonyimity set if you need more than 1 ring is extremely beneficial if I understand correctly 00:13:46 AFAIK, Arcturus does, but its security proof was found to be incorrect. 00:14:28 It's not clear to me whether this is a fatal blow or if another proof might be theoretically possible. 00:16:21 Was it really? That's a bummer. Were would I be able to find resources about Arcturus's flaw? 00:19:48 https://github.com/UkoeHB/break-dual-target-dl 00:20:20 jerfo ^ 00:28:55 You can "combine rings" in Triptych too. Or CLSAG. Just not in the same way as Omniring or Arcturus do, from a size efficiency standpoint 00:29:32 For Triptych you'd pick some input set for the whole transaction, build separate proofs for each spend using that one input set, and there you go 00:29:44 Batching means you verify efficiently 00:30:14 Arcturus and Omniring had/have size benefits too, but as stated, Arcturus is broken and should not be used in production 00:44:47 Regardless of efficiency, I thought that with the current CLSAG txs that if you wanted to spend n outputs that you need n input rings. But with triptych, you can spend multiple outputs from one ring? Thanks for your time btw. Also thanks @UkoeHB 00:46:17 You can reuse input sets across proofs/signatures if you want 00:46:32 That has the same effect 00:46:42 The question becomes scaling (space and time) 01:09:03 Oh okay I think that makes sense. How does the time/space efficiency compare roughly for a CLSAG proof of 1 ring with 2n members and 2 spends vs 2 rings with n members and 1 spend each? 01:12:35 It would be twice as expensive for verification and storage, because CLSAG does not benefit from batching 02:15:09 OK and likewise, even if Triptych's proofs are log sizes, they also do not benefit from batching? 03:08:44 They do benefit from batching 03:08:56 In terms of verification complexity, that is 03:09:10 You still need one proof per spend 12:32:43 Hi 13:38:33 xmrchain on head with 7760 uptime 4d 18h 44m 10s 17:25:16 hyc: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/contrib/depends/packages/freebsd_base.mk 17:25:46 do you remember how you got to `$(package)_file_name=freebsd-base-$($(package)_version).txz` ? 17:26:09 if I download it from the URL I get base.txz as the file 17:26:34 unless I misunderstand what `$(package)_file_name` is. 17:44:05 forget it, I understand it now 18:00:51 There has been some efforts to restart the monero-community meetings. If people from dev workgroups would like to highlight recent work, plans or updates please attend 18:00:51 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/584