02:20:35 Test 02:34:51 Unknown command 'test' Try again. 02:35:27 XD 04:05:03 after giving up on getting my monerod to work for 6 months, then seeing 5 or so stability fixes in the latest linux cli release, I gave monero another shot at syncing today and I am still running into the problem of it consuming 100% of 1 cpu core and monero.log saying: 04:05:07 2021-07-03 03:24:28.411 [P2P9] INFO global src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl:1680 Synced 2313976/2396226 (96%, 82250 left) 04:05:07 2021-07-03 03:25:26.669 [P2P9] WARNING global src/cryptonote_protocol/cryptonote_protocol_handler.inl:2910 monerod is now disconnected from the network 04:05:25 and it stops syncing 04:06:03 If anybody would like to help me track down what is going on I would love to help in any way I can 04:06:22 I am however pretty dumb so you'll have to dumb it down for me :) 05:21:25 thanks, sethsimmons 06:06:22 selsta: is it known, that the default ubuntu-latest is now 20.04? If no, should we revert to 18 explicitly? 06:15:13 (in Github actions that is) 06:29:44 Anyways, in order to be able to test various Boost versions, I need to use various Ubuntu versions explicitly anyway, since a given year's version typically only supports up to 2 Boost versions. 07:40:02 OK, now I see why we shouldn't roll back to 18.04 for now - because it doesn't build under it. I'll start a couple of PRs that address this. 08:00:25 DeanGuss: Have you already tried using a different drive to sync the blockchain to? 08:03:48 ... or an SSD? 11:26:13 HI guys, I hope you all are doing well. I want to experiment with Monero, but both faucets seem to be down. Anyone experiencing similar issues? 11:29:34 Dunno, but testnet difficulty should be tiny, you'll get blocks fast. 11:38:52 I didn't get what you meant at first, but now I do. Thanks, I will try this. 12:44:19 dEBRUYNE: no I have not tried another drive. It's a 2tb usb sata external drive... curiously I get no info when I do hdparm -I /dev/sdb 12:44:41 I will at least try moving the usb to a different port/controller 13:15:50 DeanGuss, I have bad experience with external drives like this one. Even the USB cable can be a culprit at times. 13:16:28 or for instance too little power given to the drive. 13:27:07 interesting theory mj-xmr, I will look into one of those external power cables as well. Thank you 13:31:59 DeanGuss, the 2nd case (re: power) is rather the PC's problem. I had this on some low powered fanless PCs. 13:32:09 But all of this might be a false clue. 13:32:24 Justr sth to try out. 13:33:32 That's a pretty good clue, this is an old, fanless, low power 'nettop' type pc 13:34:40 oops 13:42:05 I slapped a 220G SSD in an old Compaq laptop, x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T8100 @ 2.10GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux, running monerod, a few wallet-rpc, Apache, MySQL and some other stuff without breaking a sweat. That SSD save this old piece of junk from the scrap yard. 17:28:42 .merge+ 7762 17:28:42 Added 19:23:12 selsta: I guess my question in 7768 is somewhat hard. Do you think it makes sense to support (via CI) Ubuntu 16.04 for the next 3 months? 19:23:50 It can be removed at any time of course. 19:23:59 I mean our support. 19:32:50 I could also imagine compiling Boost from source. I have scripts for that. 19:45:06 i would use ubuntu 20.04 + boost compiled from source 19:47:59 For boost, ok. 19:48:51 selsta: 18.04 still needs to be checked, regardless of boost, to avoid problems like with 7762/. It would detect it 19:55:17 But in that case 18.04 doesn't need the "matrix", just plain old default libboost-all-dev 19:57:41 Since these are 2 separate cases, I'll create another 2 PRs and close 7768. One will be 18.04 and the other one will be 20.04 ("latest") with 2 extreme boost versions. 19:57:50 Does it sound OK?