06:32:56 <***> Buffer Playback... 06:32:56 [13:10:46] I'll just leave this here: 06:32:56 [13:10:48] https://github.com/humanetech-community/awesome-humane-tech 06:32:56 [13:13:15] need to buy a case of forks with XMR 06:32:56 [13:13:24] *sporks 06:32:56 [13:59:45] more developers should have an XMR wallet for donations 06:32:56 [14:01:52] if I see some webpage where somebody is accepting donations, usually a paypal button, liberapay 06:32:56 [14:02:25] and maybe a BTC and XMR address / QR code 06:32:56 [14:04:07] if I see an XMR address, and I like their creation, they get .05 xmr orso 06:32:56 [14:04:12] Fuck paypal 06:32:56 [14:08:29] long live IRC 06:32:56 [14:08:41] afk 06:32:56 [14:24:45] lousiF: this is a developer room 06:32:56 [14:24:54] please take that to #monero or another channel 06:32:56 [14:25:05] and read the channel topic next time 06:32:56 [14:26:47] ok ric 06:32:56 [14:27:32] thanks for everything 06:32:56 [14:31:20] I am learning shit I should have known a long time ago 06:32:56 [14:32:43] been on irc since last century 06:32:56 [14:33:31] now I'm trying to develop/modify this new weird internet 06:32:56 [14:39:05] I own domains I'm still trying to figure out what to do with 06:32:56 [14:39:32] bblafk 06:32:56 [15:51:24] .merges 06:32:56 -xmr-pr- [15:51:24] 7349 7748 7753 7754 7761 7762 7764 06:32:56 [18:54:41] hey, I have no seed node specified in `net_node.inl` but one DNS seed specified in `net_node.h` is that going to be okay for my fork? 06:32:56 [18:54:45] also does anyone have any other advice for things to change in monero when creating a fork 06:32:56 [18:55:04] The IRC channel. 06:32:56 [18:55:48] (but, about the first question, you need at least one seed node in the code, or pass some --add-peer or so on the command line) 06:32:56 [22:06:29] i need to make money online fast, my father recently died and my job doesnt cover all the expenses i maxed out my credit cards and my checking has $30.87. any advice? 06:32:56 [22:08:42] You probably should ask this on #monero-offtopic:monero.social 06:32:56 [23:20:32] Is there any need for keeping the unbound submodule? Deterministic builds have packages for unbound so it should not be required for that. 06:32:56 [23:21:26] Our current unbound is extremely outdated with security issues and updating to upstream is complicated (would need cmake autotools wrapper) 06:32:56 [23:21:30] IIRC we have very little diffs there. So I think not. 06:32:56 [04:54:39] whats the deal with the monero matrix chat, is it official? 06:32:56 [04:54:52] https://app.element.io/#/room/#monero:monero.social 06:32:56 [04:55:07] I hope it's OK, if I PR a friend's patch, while mentioning him in the description? 06:32:56 [05:10:26] you can add him as the commit author 06:32:56 [05:20:55] just check one last time guys, im working on a fork of Monero, other than changing the bitmonero name, port numbers, block version numbers, hardfork history, seed ip's and seed dn's 06:32:56 [05:21:01] anything else I should be aware of? 06:32:56 [05:21:48] and having 0 seed ip's (net_node.inl) but 1 seed DNS (net_node.h) is fine right? 06:32:56 [05:22:47] luigi1111: Good idea. Thanks. 06:32:56 [05:34:52] I would assume you'd want to change the address prefixes and probably the network ID and genesis tx 06:32:56 [06:18:28] boost::uuids::uuid const NETWORK_ID = { { 06:32:56 [06:18:28] 0x12 ,0x30, 0xF1, 0x71 , 0x61, 0x04 , 0x41, 0x61, 0x17, 0x31, 0x00, 0x82, 0x16, 0xA1, 0xA1, 0x10 06:32:56 [06:18:28] } }; // Bender's nightmare 06:32:56 [06:18:45] woops sorry - thank you for pointing that out 06:32:56 [06:24:03] what kind of hash is used in this GENESIS_TX ?! 06:32:56 [06:24:30] 160 chars hex, 80 byte hash, 640 bit?! 06:32:56 [06:29:36] ZEFRON: https://monero.stackexchange.com/a/2896 06:32:56 [06:30:49] https://monero.stackexchange.com/a/8736 06:32:56 <***> Playback Complete. 06:33:35 you should also read Zero to Monero to have a better understanding how the codebase works https://www.getmonero.org/library/Zero-to-Monero-2-0-0.pdf 06:36:01 hey thanks wowario thats super helpful! 06:36:20 I do have zero to monero downloaded and intend to find the time to read it back to back soon 06:36:27 edition 2 ofc 06:37:21 originally I was going to fork bitcoin-core but it was actually kind of a mess 06:38:02 so I downloaded the monero source and it was much nicer for my desired implementation 06:38:36 bitcoin-core was okay but it had one major problem for me directly related to its OO design 06:39:04 there are a bunch of things about monero that I thought where generally better, not just the code.