00:15:48 nope i was just confused, the long compile time makes me forget what I was doing, it's still not playing ball with my GENESIS_TX lmao 00:19:23 i'd just forgotten to erase the original .mdb between executions and ended up loading the one with the original genesis_tx accidentally 00:41:01 nope it was the genesis_tx 00:41:24 i was setting the amount to 0 this time woops 00:42:58 why is the output amount so high in the monero genesis tx btw? 00:43:57 got the max of a uint8 as the output, seems like a small data type to use for amount in monero coins 00:44:10 so does that output even refer to a pre-mine quantity? 01:18:47 wow so I got it working, with a new genesis_tx, then on another machine i pulled the git and it failed... so i was like wtf, i went back to the machine I tested it on and erased the mdb files and executed, created them fine, same code 01:18:57 so then i delete it on that machine, the git and the mdb 01:19:41 download from the git again - same code - same genesis_tx - and this time it fails to launch, some height issue on create genesis or whatever 01:19:46 this is insane 01:19:52 WTF LMAO 01:20:02 HOW can this be X'D 01:22:58 monologue? 01:33:16 i don't knwo I think the ultimatum here is that I hate monero 02:18:13 .merges 02:18:13 Merge queue empty 10:35:09 selsta, I get your point about not wanting to launch too many jobs on GH, especially after I learned how much space the caches of each job take. That said, the extremes also have to taken care of. I was thinking of 2 things: either a weekly (scheduled) and optional GH Action, that would test the extremes, or a script (Docker?) that would do this locally. I could add the results to my bi-weekly report as well. 10:48:52 Either will serve as an inspiration for PRs, that fix the specific issues, while having the default settings and versions checked on each PR, like now. 10:53:26 What do you guys think makes more sense? A scheduled GH run or all local and 10:53:38 and presented on my report? 21:43:18 mj-xmr: we already test the latest version of everything on mac CI