01:39:29 mj-xmr: could you review 7692, 7693, 7698, 7718 ? I want to include these cmake changes in the next release 03:25:11 also at all, I'm working on a new release, if someone has something they want to include please PR it to release branch or ping me 03:26:07 tobtoht: it would be great to include the ledger / trezor changes, afaik some patch is still pending? 04:18:09 selsta, re: Boost test yes I saw this, but do you remember, that this Mac test wasn't able to catch the Boost error, that was fixed later? 04:27:02 I'll have a closer look at these 4 PRs, although most of them are of a totally different style, that I know and use. 04:36:57 mj-xmr: the mac test did not fail because we fixed it before homebrew updated the package 04:37:12 the fix was suggested by one of the homebrew maintainers 04:38:16 unless you use gentoo / arch there will be a couple days delay between boost update and package update 04:41:02 06:27 I'll have a closer look at these 4 PRs, although most of them are of a totally different style, that I know and use. <-- thank you 05:06:54 I get your point. 05:07:42 Do you want to leave the boost build script at least? 05:08:08 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/7770/files#diff-f70e89ec0c717d177b9a312979cee9385119978a6797b406d7049ca4a5cb2051 05:10:57 I assume the script is linux only? 05:11:19 I have no idea if it would work under Mac. Can't test 05:18:44 So my Ubuntu test wouldn't auto update for sure, but you can force it, whenever a new version is out or a user reports an error. You haven't got such power over homebrew. But that's my last point. 05:20:48 You can do update it in a separate PR in one go, while master is green, checking the other potential Mac errors. 05:21:09 ... that would be unnoticed, if Mac was failing at epee. 05:22:16 Just sth. to think about. Not a necessity. 05:23:33 once a new boost version is out there is a PR for it on homebrew: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pull/75459 05:23:44 we will immediately see if monero builds / fails 05:35:12 Formerly I also didn't realize how conservative on the jobs we want/have to be. 05:37:26 Hence the CI's corner cases have to be tested rather locally. 05:49:32 .merge+ 7698 05:49:32 Added 06:06:21 7718 done. 06:06:33 selsta 06:06:52 mj-xmr: I don't think there is anything to document 06:06:58 we don't have -Werror enabled project wide 06:07:42 only in `check_c_compiler_flag` which is a function that adds a compiler flag only if the compiler supports it 06:08:29 We can handle it later, but just the things that you're saying are worth writing as a comment :) 06:08:38 *worth being written 06:09:54 I mean it won't hurt to have it undocumented for the release. 06:10:14 and I can always copy-paste it later. 06:11:57 .merge+ 7718 06:11:57 Added 06:56:12 7693 built fine. 06:56:30 I can't see why the tests would fail and I have to run errands right now. Laters. 06:57:43 thanks 06:57:49 I think I went through the list, correct? 06:57:59 .merge+ 7692 7693 06:57:59 Added 06:58:59 I think I will be able to run the reproducible builds as well. 07:00:04 it ran already on 7692 09:46:11 selsta: I'll have a PR ready later today 22:34:28 could someone allow me to make issues in the github repo? i need to report an bug 22:43:41 can you post the bug to paste.debian.net ? will open an issue for you