01:07:53 marasli: Check Townforge code 01:18:13 .merges 01:18:14 -xmr-pr- 7828 01:30:48 .merge+ 7884 7883 7880 7898 7899 7875 7858 7855 7823 01:30:48 Added 06:35:22 "are there any people here that..." <- AFAIK `make`, used by the CI, is the equivalence of `make release-static`. It works by installing libunbound-dev. 06:36:07 make does not run release-static by default 06:36:14 the CI actually makes a "custom" CMake command chain, but it resembles the default `make`. It builds static libs with tests. 06:36:23 I'm quite sure at least 06:37:02 It doesn't call it directly, but the only difference is, that release-static uses a generic architecture. 06:37:36 But I will gladly try out your branch on my machine. 06:41:44 mj-xmr[m]: Release is static by default here. Debug is shared by default. 06:43:55 make runs the `release-all` target by default, which does not set `-D STATIC=ON`. STATIC is false by default, as can be seen here: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/CMakeLists.txt#L468 06:45:01 You might be talking about `BUILD_SHARED_LIBS`? 06:46:43 selsta: You are right about this one, alright, but I have to look deeper on whether `-D STATIC=ON` actually makes any impact. 06:47:56 it does static linking of external libraries 06:48:18 Yeah, ok I see now. 06:49:24 Currently, static unbound is built automatically due to the submodule. If we remove the submodule it is necessary to build it manually. 06:49:58 it shouldn't be too much of a problem IMO 06:51:06 Anyway, I'm building your branch right now with `release-static`. The lib isn't being built, like it's expected. CMake complained about missing lib, which went through after installing it via apt. So far so good. 07:19:13 OK, selsta , I see the problem. I have a bunch of undefined references under Debian, even though the .deb package installed the static lib as well. 07:21:23 In that case, I'd say, that having a possibility of supplying an externally built libunbound to the system, just like we do with Boost, would be a good follow up task of your PR. 07:21:45 supplying how? 07:22:06 the boost build script? 07:22:23 -DBoost_INCLUDE_DIR="$HOME/devel/lib/boost/1.77.0/include" 07:22:23 This is how I do it. 07:22:53 selsta: An unbound build script wouldn't hurt maybe, yeah. 07:23:37 -D UNBOUND_ROOT might work 07:24:18 Therefore I think your PR isn't a blocker. 07:24:31 at least for Master 07:25:31 IMO we just should recommend to use make depends, and everyone who wants to use `make release-static` has to figure out how to compile static dependencies themselves. 07:26:47 If no one disagrees with this I will add it to merge queue tomorrow. 07:27:36 I see the main Makefile just as an example of things that you can do with CMake. I haven't used the Makefile since almost the beginning. Except for the `depends` calls of course. 07:29:03 And as long as a simple `make` works for the stop-by dev, we should be fine. 11:19:10 on building - just made https://github.com/cirocosta/monero-builds public, might be useful for folks w/ many cpus 11:19:11 many cores* 11:21:25 leverages buildkit so we can get some sweet concurrent builds of each dependency, as well as a cache mount for ccache 17:01:33 yeah, I think we can assume the casual builder just running default "make" only cares about building a binary for their own machine 17:01:45 so static is unnecessary then 21:40:36 hello 21:40:59 >No fork help, you’re on your own 21:42:57 free choice of helping or not 21:43:23 is like jab u must have the choice yes or no 21:43:43 no choice is not good thing 21:45:16 marasli: ask in #monero, that topic is not good for this channel. 21:46:38 on #monero u must log 21:46:56 i'm pro on everything free 21:47:19 if someone do bad things u just block 21:47:54 is better this than putting people to give their time for signing etc