08:39:03 .merges 08:39:03 -xmr-pr- 7873 7874 7886 7891 7911 7917 7964 08:39:09 .merges 08:39:09 -xmr-pr- 7873 7874 7886 7891 7911 7917 7964 11:58:24 Is #monero-dev just for development of Monero nodes/wallets or does discussion of other Monero related development go here too? 12:02:31 other stuff might get started here but I think if it gets big enough it branches out. For example p2pool is at #monero-pow and feather is on OFTC with the wownero folk 12:03:25 Thanks. 18:45:47 wasn't there a -dev meeting within a week or two? not seeing any open issue on meta. 18:45:47 to discuss bp+, 15-17 ring size bump... 18:46:03 a tentative hf. 18:53:02 the fee PR also has some consensus rule changes 19:01:02 You can have one if you want. Just announce it, and people may show up. 19:21:44 as far as a dev meeting this was posted here in -dev on Sep 15 19:21:57 @erciccione:haveno.network 19:21:57 From the meeting in -lab there seems to be support for a meeting dedicated to discuss the next hard fork and the consensus items that should go in. Is sunday 3th at 17:00 a good time for people here? 19:22:13 ErCiccione: was talking about it at last meeting, for Sunday Oct 3rd at 1700 UTC. Want to make an agenda so people can coordinate? 19:22:15 the response was a resounding silence 19:28:50 Will make an issue etc. if there is at least mild support expressed from a dev or two 19:28:51 I'll make an agenda for that time 19:28:51 I'm going to throw out Thursday September 30th 17:00 UTC and see if anyone complains about that 19:28:51 (not a dev, just trying to help get things moving) 19:29:09 If there can be very rough consensus on a date/time (two devs agree) then I'll make an issue and post logs 19:29:10 I'm going to throw out Thursday September 30th 17:00 UTC and see if anyone complains about that 19:29:20 (not a dev, just trying to help get things moving) 19:29:21 voicing support for Sunday Oct 3rd :) 19:29:21 Huh bridge seems down 19:29:31 https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/614 19:30:16 Will add more useful links shortly or other agenda items 19:31:51 Fixing the bridge ahead of that date should probably be a priority 19:36:38 It's not down, I've even seen some of your lines twice. 19:36:56 Unless there are some I've not seen at all I guess... 19:37:51 The part of the bridge that is having most difficulty is the IRC --> Matrix bridge, not the other way around, I think. 19:41:48 The second instance of my lines was sent from the matrix room before the second instance, so it took nearly 20 mins to appear from matrix->irc . not ideal for a meeting probably 19:43:15 We have implemented another suggested fix as of today that supposedly resolves the IRC -> Matrix issues (the only ones I am aware of. 19:43:18 * aware of). 19:46:23 This was done in all known Monero rooms, FWIW. 19:46:40 It appears to have made the MRL meeting go without a hitch or missed message, so hopefully this is the final change needed. 19:47:05 Please tag me or a mod/admin of a given room if you continue to have issues with the bridge and we'll do what we can. 19:50:41 What does bridging involve, if you're familiar with it ? 19:51:05 Actually, PM's better since it's not monero dev, nvm 19:51:30 <+moneromooo> You can have one if you want. Just announce it, and people may show up. 19:51:30 mfw don't know if serious or trolling. lol. 19:51:33 but noted. 19:52:09 I was being serious. If you want to discuss a topic related to monero development, you should feel free to do it here. 19:52:17 Awesome. Thanks. 20:14:37 easrng[m]: fluffypony is aware that openalias.org is offline, should soon be online again 20:47:52 .merges 20:47:52 -xmr-pr- 7873 7874 7886 7891 7911 7917 7964 22:09:06 Hi. I'm trying to fork the CCS proposals repo and got this error in GitLab “You have reached your project limit”. I think this had happened before to someone else. My user is "valldrac" 22:13:31 Fixing... 22:18:01 Fixed. 22:20:38 moneromooo: that was fast, thanks!