17:19:33 Guys I dont know if here is the best place to such guestion but I was wondering if there is a way to measure a monero node productivity? What would be the better productivy criteria? Number of connected wallets, RPC requests, network activity? 17:28:21 Maybe node being in sync with other nodes and has ports open, first of all? So it contributes to the decentralized p2p network 17:28:35 but this is not a -dev channel discussion 17:50:47 Do you know some channel where people are discussing similar issue? 17:51:43 #monero is probably the one you want. 17:52:24 Ok thank you I will ask there. 18:59:50 same thing I already told them in -pow ...\ 19:07:21 well they're gonna end up on matrix #monero, which isn't bridged to libre #monero afaik 19:07:51 Oh. lol.