06:08:32 CalmrAge[m]: when it's frozen, you can break in with gdb (gdb /path/to/monerod `pidof monerod`), then: thread apply all bt 06:08:50 Then paste the whole several pages to paste.debian.net or similar and paste the URL here. 06:09:59 There's also a patch that fixes some network waits that could help on github IIRC. 07:35:21 hey, anyone with an Intel Mac, can you run "uname -a" and tell me what it reports? 07:35:28 and sw_vers 07:53:32 Hi there, who do I connect with regarding a potential collaboration? 07:54:31 If it's about monero development, here. If not, elsewhere :) 08:03:49 hyc: https://paste.debian.net/plainh/d12e5669 08:04:06 it's an older Mac so I don't run the latest OS 08:06:01 "Hi there, who do I connect..." <- I think #monero-space is what you are looking for 13:24:39 .merges 13:24:39 -xmr-pr- 8046 8220 8226 8235 8262 8277 8278 8279 13:43:13 thanks selsta 13:43:48 hyc: we have an intel mac server that you can ssh into 13:43:54 (if necessary) 13:44:14 this is probably enough info. basically says uname -r is OS version + 9. 13:44:34 that's all I needed to know 13:44:59 clang's __builtin_available() is apparently not built in at all. 13:45:44 using the newer SDK I get ___isOSVersionAtLeast() as an undefined symbol 13:45:54 when linking librandomx 13:46:38 because the check in randomx was for (11.0) and building with 10.11 SDK automatically meant the compiler could delete the check 13:47:28 but building with 11.1 SDK means the compiler has to leave the check in place, but the checking function isn't being exported by the relevant import libraries 13:47:35 piece of shit OS 15:01:06 I have created a python utility to read from the Monero database directly without requiring monerod to be running. It is highly experimental. If anyone is interested and/or has comments it is located here. https://github.com/AnonimaUzanto/py-monerodb 15:15:04 anonimauzanto[m]: using custom key comparators is a standard feature of LMDB 15:15:12 doesn't require a modified LMDB... 15:17:53 anonimauzanto: Very interesting. Thank you. Have you carried out any performance benchmarks to compare with extraction of the data through monerod? 15:22:52 Is that... humour ? I can't tell :D 15:24:44 "doesn't require a modified LMDB...." <- The main py-lmdb wrapper does not work with the Monero database. There is a forked version that I forked and updated. The fork explains: 15:24:44 > The main difference is the use of dupsort and dupfixed databases, that need custom compare functions by setting mdb_set_dupsort. 15:24:44 My understanding of c++ is very limited but the forked version of py-lmdb works on the zerokval databases but the main py-lmdb version does not work. 15:26:19 "anonimauzanto: Very interesting...." <- I have not. I am interested in the tx_extra field and wanted to verify the contents independently so I had to create a utility. I also wanted a way to independently explore the Monero database and I am only comfortable with Python. 15:27:38 Are you sure you set the compare functions correctly ? If monerod works with stock lmdb (or, at least, lmdb without relevant changes), then yours should do, if you set those fnuctions correctly. 15:28:41 Alternatively, there could be a bug in the py-lmdb layer, which messes this up. 15:28:47 hyc Do you still want that Mac OS information? 15:32:04 if it's convenient, sure 15:33:04 anonimauzanto: Are you familiar with neptune 's work here?: https://github.com/neptuneresearch/tx-extra-parse 15:51:42 @hyc https://paste.debian.net/1239928/ 15:52:11 Even older than selsta's 15:54:51 thanks 15:55:46 seems the uname -r and ProductVersion are only loosely related 18:05:54 ok, I got a gitian build for mac aarch64 running... 18:06:10 Hi, i have a liitle problem, i send my friend 0.21 xmr, i have a confirmation this transaction, my friend didn't get this monero, i also didn't have xmr in my wallet, wallet adress is correct, what can i do and where is my money?:) Help PLZ 18:06:15 dunno if I broke the mac x86-64 build or not 18:06:53 or where i must search for help 18:07:04 zibertus: make a thread on reddit @ r/monerosupport 18:07:27 thx for your help 18:09:12 Or pop blocks till right before where the tx is mined, put a breakpoint in process_new_transaction, trace through when it's called with the right txid. 18:11:40 That will be my response in the support thread, thanks xd 18:19:09 Nah. Support is for people who don't code really. Here it's -dev so it's answers for coders. 18:34:20 could use some mac users to test. http://highlandsun.com/hyc/monero-aarch64-apple-darwin11-49e7d91c2.tar.bz2 18:34:39 and http://highlandsun.com/hyc/monero-x86_64-apple-darwin11-49e7d91c2.tar.bz2 18:35:36 the unsquashed source branch is https://github.com/LMDB/bitmonero/tree/macarm 18:35:50 I'll clean it up for a PR in a while 18:39:06 I've already run the aarch64 monerod successfully here 19:06:52 "Calm rAge: when it's frozen, you..." <- moneromooo: my entire system freezes, so no, I don't think I can xD 19:06:52 Sorry for non-developement chat, I thought it might related to Monero as it caused the same audio bug which was fixable by just re-opening MPV, in previous OpenBSD release.. now with this new release (and maybe Monero update? I have no idea), I only get a freeze at the end, while exiting.. 19:14:25 moneromooo: Can you join #monero:monero.social or something? Just so we don't annoy people in here.. 19:14:25 If you have anything more to add-on, that is :) 19:20:59 Report of a freeze is dev related if you can give the gdb info. 19:21:48 Wait. monerod freezes, or your OS ? 19:22:12 If it's your entire OS, then it's an OS bug. If just monerod, then it's likely our bug. 19:22:37 moneromooo: My OS (I said system) 19:23:01 How do you know it's not monerod's fault for my OS freeze? o.o 19:23:05 OK, so you can't run gdb I guess. Even through ssh ? Might be it's X window that freezes ? 19:23:14 True. Which OS is it ? 19:23:17 Just saying.. 19:23:47 Most recent OSes run in a privileged ring/mode, and run userland processes in less privileged one. 19:24:02 moneromooo: As said - OpenBSD, release 7.1 19:24:18 This means that any crash/freeze in userland can't freeze/crash the more privileged one, or it's a bug in hte more privileged one. 19:24:46 Sorry, I missed it, or forgot. OpenBSD is good, so if it freezes, it is its bug (or a HW bug). 19:24:59 moneromooo: Well - I cannot access any of the teletype terminals, but I can move my mouse? So I am guessing not total system freeze? 19:25:52 Then you *might* be able to get info by having something along the lines of: watch -n 5 'pstack `pidof monerod` >> $HOME/stacks' 19:25:55 That is bad news to me as OpenBSD devs lack conversations skills 😭 19:26:22 Then afer revoot if you're lucky you'll have a stack pointing to what monerod was doing. With luck it'll be related to the OS freeze. 19:26:28 I won't say that I'm alone in this, but I guess I have to do the heavy lifting.. it has been months since I started tracking this bug down, as best as I can.. 19:26:52 moneromooo: There's no `watch` xD I needed it for something, too 19:27:09 And replace $HOME, it wouldn't get shell replaced with the single quotes. 19:27:15 watch is just a while loop, right? 19:27:22 Yes. while and sleep. 19:28:02 sooo `while (true); do pstack `pidof monerod` >> $HOME/stacks; sleep 5; done`? 19:28:09 s/`/$(/, s/`/)/ 19:28:18 Pretty much. 19:28:22 okie-dokies 19:28:28 I'd while while /bin/true but it that works too, sure. 19:28:55 Great.. there ain't `pstack` either 19:29:25 Some variant of "gdb -ex thread apply all bt" will do. 19:29:37 I dunno the exact syntax, see gdb help. 19:30:02 Mind, it's a long shot. 19:30:12 :d yeah 19:31:17 It's monerod, right ? Not the wallet ? 19:32:27 Yeah 19:32:30 `ptrace: Operation not permitted.` 19:32:35 From gdb 19:32:50 I did `gdb -ex thread /path/to/monerod PID` 19:34:45 Linux has a /proc flag to allow user ptrace (yama_scope). OpenBSD might have a similar system. 19:35:13 Or do it as root, which probably has the rights. Safe enough for just gdb. 19:35:30 Couldn't I just run monerod trough gdb? 19:35:31 * trough gdb in the 1st place? 19:35:55 😬 19:36:01 CalmrAge[m]: What about this, though? 19:36:06 Yes. I guess you can use GNU expect to drive it to give you traces and restart in a loop. 19:36:22 Sounds annoying though :) 19:36:38 Especially for a very long shot :D 19:37:00 I am confused.. i wonder how big of a delay there is 20:29:01 does anyone know how i would go about running my own local chain with the ./monerod and / or make my own whole new livenet chain for my own currency; what would be the command for that 20:29:11 live i have the sources and all that stuff built aswell as i changed the network ID to my own ; but how would i actually use this to make a live chain for my own currency / start from block 0/1 20:29:18 like* 20:30:10 You can run a local chain with --offline (or several daemons with --add-exclusive-peer on each). 20:30:47 If you want to make another coin out of monero, you need to study the code to understand it, then you'll known what to change. 20:31:10 But as you were told already, an easy way is to look at what another fork did, and do the same. 20:31:12 Yeah lol 20:31:49 moneromooo: Would it be helpful to have a simple Docker Compose that would spin up a closed testnet? Thought about that in the past but never circled back to it. 20:31:59 Should simplify testing out new features or code 20:32:09 I *think* someone did exactly that. 20:32:14 i know im saying what would the command be 20:32:27 as i didnt see any forks with explicit instructions on how to actually run it 20:32:37 nor did i see any tuts so im asking you guys lo, 20:32:39 lol* 20:33:05 no matter how much you look at the raw source code of another chain it still cant really explain how exactly to run it as a whole new coin 20:33:15 not command wise atleas 20:33:20 atleast* 20:33:29 Main command is "vi". 20:33:52 There's no "monerod --fork-me-another-coin-plz" command. 20:34:31 Same as there's no "build me another rocket". SpaceX had to do the work. 20:35:35 duh 20:35:52 im just asking if there is like generally a command or you have to actually like change the source code itself 20:36:27 i assumed there might have been another command for maybe starting your own chain as other chains like eth for example do **actually** have things similar to this 20:40:14 Smellyslab: lol what 20:40:23 No SkyNet pls 20:40:31 unless? 21:48:55 ok Mac folks, please test and give feedback https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8312 23:05:16 "i assumed there might have..." <- just mine a different block