00:00:40 its leaking to other zmq clients that this particular node is the origin (or at the very least a manual re-broadcast) 00:01:04 might as well just publish during the "stem" phase anyway then 00:01:36 ugh, I'll just comment in PR. this behavior was as-designed by me, but I see why people don't like it 00:05:29 ah nevemrind, read the PR wrong, yeah this is an annoying bug I'll definitely have to review this pr 01:56:10 selsta: selsta https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8440 01:56:19 urgent pls!!! 01:58:23 Did you send those funds to yourself? 01:58:34 no 01:59:41 So you dont own the recipient wallet, correct? (Cant troubleshoot on the receiving end?) 01:59:41 What node did you send it from? 01:59:42 I jsut wana to recharge to binance 01:59:57 You sent to Binance from where? 02:00:20 xmrwallet.com 02:00:29 you transferred funds from a third party to another third party , one of which is linked to phishing / scams (xmrwallet) 02:00:44 I was about to say, xmrwallet.com isnt that a scam? 02:01:15 xrmwallet.com isn't a scam one 02:02:56 https://www.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/jh15e3/psa_xmrwalletcom_is_a_scam_who_steals_your_funds/ 02:04:33 I had read this article. But my situation is different with it 02:04:42 Piece of advice. 02:04:42 Running a node and using a full wallet isnt hard 02:04:42 Sorry to say, but sounds like you got scammed 02:04:55 * JakeHawkinse[m] uploaded an image: (64KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/FRkygDqGOTyZKQBgrHvKHAyY/image.png > 02:06:58 .. next time dont use some scammy web wallet. . 02:08:57 You say you tried other nodes 02:08:57 Did you try to restore your seed into a non-scam wallet ? (Monero gui, feather wallet, Cake wallet, monerujo) 02:10:12 Also, you had a different txid before you edit your issue. 02:10:12 Where is the original one from? 02:10:43 I had a another successful trx. The state "output match" is true 02:10:47 * JakeHawkinse[m] uploaded an image: (92KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/WYquriMukkRHxcSrDvgMyalh/4.PNG > 02:11:42 Id stop using that wallet 🥲 04:42:13 vtnerd__: this one would be kinda important https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8379 04:42:25 at least i don't know who else should review this 12:36:43 I've updated the checklist up to the extent of my knowledge of our readiness: https://github.com/monero-project/meta/issues/690 12:37:08 Thanks for the immense amount of work that has gone into this, everyone! Almost there 🙂 If anyone knows of something on the list being completed that I'm not aware of, please ping me or leave a comment on that issue. 12:42:24 Are there docs for the zeromq server? 12:43:19 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/docs/ZMQ.md 12:48:35 One quick question, seems like release naming changed quite a bite -- I assume `monero-arm-linux-android-*` is the new version of `monero-linux-armv8-*`? 12:49:16 no, it's 32-bit arm 12:49:19 we rename them before uploading to the website 12:49:31 https://gui.xmr.pm/files/cli/v0.18.0.0/ 12:49:43 ahh 12:49:49 Hadn't ever noticed that before. Thanks 13:00:28 are these the binaries that are gonna be uploaded? 13:02:50 Is the libunbound version min really `1.4.16`? All of my Ubuntu-based Docker builds are broken in v0.18.0.0 with libunbound errors: 13:02:50 https://paste.sethforprivacy.com/?a79e4410854deb3f#47qEn6i8SMUv9JrjoSeM5afVa9NrXovxiGTCWjMvBytd 13:03:16 Base image for these builds is Ubuntu 20.04, so libunbound-dev is `1.9.4`. 13:03:31 show your dockerfile 13:04:04 r4v3r23[m] yes, if no emergency fixes will be needed 13:05:08 selsta: https://github.com/sethforprivacy/simple-monero-wallet-rpc-docker/blob/release-v0.18.0.0/Dockerfile 13:05:47 My main image is Alpine-based and builds properly, but now need libunbound installed in the final image for the binary to run properly. 13:05:54 I'm troubleshooting that separately. 13:08:31 can you do make depends inside the dockerfile? 13:08:47 otherwise you have to compile static unbound yourself, not from package manager, see https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8439#issuecomment-1186548894 13:11:50 I can test it, this image is somewhat out of date (it doesn't match all of the changes I've made for my monerod one yet) 13:12:28 My Alpine build is working outside of needing the new lib, but will work on modernizing the broken one and just hotfix the Alpine one for now: https://github.com/sethforprivacy/simple-monerod-docker/blob/release-v0.18.0.0/Dockerfile 13:13:49 Is `make depends` run as a prior command before the actual make command for building the binaries, or does it replace that? 13:14:08 it replaces that 13:14:24 make depends target=x86_64-linux-gnu 13:14:55 Ah, yes, see the official Dockerfile does that 13:14:56 I'll play around with it, thanks selsta! 13:36:36 can I do `make depends` and keep building only the daemon with `-C build/release daemon`? 13:37:04 how can i point the monero build to my local unbound? 13:39:21 there is the `UNBOUND_ROOT` env variable, and you can set cmake `-D UNBOUND_INCLUDE_DIR=` and `-D UNBOUND_LIBRARIES=` 13:40:15 selsta: Is this for *not* using `make depends`? 13:40:27 And working around the libunbound issue? 13:40:37 i was replying to r4v3r23[m] 13:40:54 you can theoretically just build the daemon 13:41:01 Oh, sorry, have them muted. 13:41:30 `make depends` seems the more ideal solution overall anyways so I'm working on migrating to that for both my images. 13:41:31 i don't see you just building the daemon in the dockerfile 13:41:34 Will test and report back 🙂 13:42:00 selsta: Not the one I linked before, this one I do though: https://github.com/sethforprivacy/simple-monerod-docker/blob/release-v0.18.0.0/Dockerfile#L111 13:43:07 sethforprivacy: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/Makefile#L50-L51 13:43:43 copy these two steps in your dockerfile and then just build the daemon, should work similar to how you do it currently 13:44:23 Ah, interesting, will try that out 13:44:38 you have to replace target with x86_64-linux-gnu 13:44:53 Yeah, I'm doing it dynamically as this is a multi-arch image 13:44:57 Will set it via a var 13:45:13 that's a problem then 13:46:02 it's probably better for you to just compile unbound manually 13:46:07 AFAICT it should work OK doing it like this:... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/5295d70d764c132ccb4f7942983892a1dd7beff8) 13:46:16 Where MAKE_TARGET will replace target in the lines you linked 13:46:38 selsta: Maybe 😕 13:46:46 you have to test it out, i don't know if make depends works on arm 13:46:59 Ahh 13:48:19 This image works fine without building it at all, just requires bloating the final image with unbound-dev 13:48:48 Probably not really worth the headache to figure out all of the compilation just to remove that at this point. Will focus on fixing the Ubuntu build alone then. 13:49:28 "there is the `UNBOUND_ROOT..." <- in `FindUnbound.cmake` yeah? 13:49:42 unbound_root isnt working for me 13:52:10 make depend assumes x86-64 build host, but will work for all the targets 13:55:19 r4v3r23[m]: can you set the two cmake options? 14:28:08 hi selsta, the issue #8440 of github,how i can check the trx was successful or not? 14:28:10 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8440 14:30:59 I need be know which platform the problem happed,now I totoally confused 14:32:19 what does it say in xmrwallet.com as receiver address? 14:35:29 selsta: communicated with customer service of xmrwallet.com,but no response 14:36:10 but what does it say inside the wallet? there has to be a receiver? 14:36:37 I had test another trascation: i could use my own sender account and viewkey check the trx was successful,why? 14:44:40 selsta: to my knowledge, the characterstic of xmr is each txid hide the address both of sender and receiver, right ? I need the support from core team urgently!!! 15:14:30 edisonamosyox[m]: from the outside yes but the wallet should still say the receiving address assuming it's the wallet you sent the transaction from and you didn't delete the wallet cache 15:14:58 that's why I'm asking what does it say as receiver inside xmrwallet.com ? 16:41:05 Hi everyone, can anyone help me how to use open_wallet and close_wallet method of wallet-rpc properly? 16:41:15 thanks 16:49:47 HungHaVan[m]: ask in #monero 16:50:47 I found a bug in the monero-wallet-cli software, check_reserve_proof returns bad signture error when reserve proof signature has a message attached. 16:51:13 This is on Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.0.0-b6a029f22) 16:55:52 get_reserve_proof doesnt accept more than 1 word message. Weird 16:56:36 I tried `get_reserve_proof 2 "this is a message"` and got a usage error 16:57:25 could you open a github issue with description? 17:03:44 I am making one rn 17:07:47 MexicanTakeout96: did it work with v0.17? 17:21:52 same error in v0.17.3.2-release :(( 17:29:55 Hi! I have a problem with the monero daemon, I am unable to synchronize the blockchain. Yesterday my server had a power outage, after that daemon crashes on start. I suspect that blockchain file got corrupted. Is there any way to fix? I have a limited internet plan, so I would like to avoid deleting it and... (full message at https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/libera.chat/95654dfd5376657a96041e5445219e65de7ecdf9) 17:31:36 ./monerod --db-salvage 17:31:44 but most of the time it doesn't work, it only helps in some cases 17:39:13 "./monerod --db-salvage" <- No luck. I have no other option but to download the whole blockchain again? 17:43:00 alexey[m]1: if you do --prune-blockchain --sync-pruned-blocks it will use less bandwidth 17:43:11 but yes, assuming you don't have a backup 17:51:53 alexey if you expect more power outages in the future or other I/O interuptions, I recommend using db-sync-mode=safest 18:15:59 it's just --db-sync-mode=safe 18:23:17 selsta: any luck on my issue? :(( 18:23:49 I didn't look yet, I'm busy with release notes 18:24:16 can you try the GUI? 18:24:34 Can I have multiple users using their wallets to connect or use the same monero wallet rpc ? 18:24:59 kk I will try with rpc server too 18:28:04 hyc: I had to resync'd 3 times on my machine because of outages like alexey. 18:28:56 db-sync-mode=safe is very slow, so I switched back to fast mode 18:29:19 "it's just --db-sync-mode=safe" <- I am using this, does this cause a lot more io then normal mode ? 18:29:55 > it's just --db-sync-mode=safe 18:29:55 yeah you're right. The modes are safe, fast, and fastest 18:31:19 > Can I have multiple users using their wallets to connect or use the same monero wallet rpc ? 18:31:19 Are you asking about multiple monero clients connect to one remote monero-wallet-rpc instance ? 18:32:54 HungHaVan[m]: no, one wallet can only be opened one at a time for a single instance of wallet-rpc. 18:33:47 Does "--db-sync-mode=safe" produce more writes to disk? I have a blockchain on SSD, iirc lots of small writes to flash memory can wear it down pretty fast. 18:38:31 alexey[m]1: Yes. Are you using windows? 18:38:37 alexey[m]1: yes 18:39:20 ofrnxmr[m]: Linux 5.15.0-33-generic 18:40:02 Was asking because, my understanding is that windows is more likely to corrupt the database 18:45:43 sirs was trying to compile release-v0.18 and get this error ... libssl? https://pastebin.com/1ri0pqnh 18:46:35 wow, pastebin has gone full invasive with ads and shit 18:46:45 F 18:47:03 kico: you need newer openssl 18:47:09 aight 18:47:13 tks for confirming sir 18:47:57 1.1.1 or newer I think 18:48:14 you will also need newer boost as a consequence 18:48:35 I see 18:48:43 thanks selsta :) 19:29:59 selsta: you asked me once and I began looking at it, but I had to go back and familiarize myself with some of that 19:30:07 will do it now because it looks high priority 19:36:59 thanks, i just don't know who else is supposed to review this 20:17:23 > thanks, i just don't know who else is supposed to review this 20:17:23 which PR? 20:17:46 8379 21:28:47 selsta: https://i.imgur.com/epIinY6.png 21:30:49 check_reserve_proof requires the exact message to verify the proof. False advertising on this guide https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#check_reserve_proof 21:37:53 MexicanTakeout96complain in #monero-site:monero.social or make a PR on github if you feel " Should be the same message used in get_reserve_proof" is false advertising. 21:47:53 plowsof: That part I understand completely. The part that is false is that message here is not (optional), also this string message acts more like a pass phrase when revealing the proof and not like "message" passed between parties. 21:48:43 "If a message was added to 'get_reserve_proof' (optional), this message is required when using 'check_reserve_proof'" 21:53:44 That is completely different from "message - string; (Optional) Should be the same message used in get_reserve_proof." 22:09:31 Sorry I misread your text. I think yours would work better replacing this ^ text