10:11:25 hyc: https://reddit.com/r/monerosupport/comments/w4iihg/_/ih4120r/ this issue exists too on 10.11 10:11:58 the symbol was added in 10.12 11:08:10 since we only claim to support 10.15+, I don't see any reason to take any action on that 11:54:17 I mean 10.11 is ancient anyway at this point 11:54:37 once we have the randomx patch merged it should work on 10.12 and newer 13:51:02 we have confirmation that that alloc patch fixed 10.13? 14:34:47 not yet, have to make a binary for them to test 14:36:39 hyc: can you merge the randomx patch? 15:26:46 .merges 15:26:46 -xmr-pr- 8323 8352 8359 8379 8415 8419 8427 8428 8442 8444 8450 8451 8454 15:27:04 .merge- 8323 15:27:04 Removed 15:31:59 selsta: in randomx repo? merged now https://github.com/tevador/RandomX/pull/250 15:32:27 ok will make a binary for them to test on 10.13 17:29:03 .merge+ 8323 17:29:03 Added 20:15:39 I think we're now good to update DNS records for auto-update?