07:19:53 selsta: Will do 10:47:17 "I'm assuming a monero-wallet-rpc..." <- Yes, outputs that belong to this wallet. This line of code exports the outputs in the form of hex string: `const outputsHex = await viewOnlyWallet.exportOutputs(true)`. 12:54:26 For clients, do I still need to scan the whole blockchain to see if I have received payment? 12:54:45 Or is there some solution to not neeeding to scan the whole blockchain 13:00:03 You have to. Though you can give your secret view key to someone else to do it for you. But someone has to do it. 13:00:37 Well, if you wnt to check ONE payment if you're given a txid, technically you can scan just that one. 13:01:17 There's a feature that does it on typical block explorers. I forget what info you leak exactly, I think you do leak your secret view key too. Must do. 13:01:45 But in the general case, your secret view key is needed to scan every output. 13:02:16 Soon, that scanning will get something like 30% faster (I think) for 99% of outputs, but still need to scan it all. 13:02:59 Even something like mymonero, they scan the whole chain wiht your key (which you give them). So it seems quick, but the work is still done elsewhere. 13:03:46 Now, if you know you cannot possibly have received anything in some particular period of time, you can just skip scanning the blocks in that time. 13:04:07 If you DID receive something, it won't be found. 13:04:39 There's a system to scan just a few txes in monero-wallet-cli, not sure how to use it in practice as I didn't write it. But if you have a set of txes you know are the only things you got, that'll be lightning fast. 13:04:55 But these are special cases really. General case, need to scan it all. 13:05:32 Wait. This is -dev. Ask in #monero, assuming it wasn't a technical question abut writing scanning code. 13:12:53 Fwiw, gui added a "scan tx" feature 13:13:44 That's nice. I'm unsure how to tell it not to scan the rest. 13:14:03 ie, you're at block 1e6. The chain is at 1.5e6. You want to scan just one tx in the that range 13:14:12 Guess I should go read the source. 14:09:28 read the docs 14:16:37 For mobile clients and ux it seems that this fuzzy message detection strategy would be advantageous 14:17:05 Not sure if previous messages got sent before this one ^ 14:21:21 Looks like not. Your previous line was "Or is there some solution to not neeeding..." 14:22:58 resending: 14:22:58 @moneromoo there seems to be some research in fuzzy message detection, which is why I was checking 14:22:59 So someone powerful will scan the blockchain for you and returns a percentage of false positives 14:23:30 Ah. I believe JAMTIS will allow something like that. 14:23:47 This will probably end up in monero at about the same time as Seraphis. 14:24:14 Is there anything that is lost in terms of privacy with Jamtis? 14:27:10 read the monero-research-lab archives 14:27:16 it's all been discussed heavily 14:28:41 okay thank you 14:44:43 Guest76: Do you know this Reddit post and thread already: https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/v4wq1g/seraphis_new_view_key_method_is_problematic_for/ 14:52:24 rbrunner just checked it out and the github one of the posts links to, is very helpful. Thank you very much 15:58:08 I want to write code on twisted ecc so tried to understand monero implementation but damm i am not getting it so can anyone here help to connect the theory formula for tecc and the code implementing it. 16:03:41 You’d be better off writing a slow version from scratch using the stuff in ch2 of ztm2 16:08:58 No i don't want slow one if i wanted i could have written it from there, than there would have been no need for asking. 16:14:03 Is your problem understanding the api or how the implementation works? 16:19:11 If you aren’t trying to do anything with Monero, idk why you’d be looking at the Monero internal crypto library. Libsodium is a generic library better suited to arbitrary projects. 16:19:25 And probably way better documented 16:21:28 moneromooo: any idea what to recommend to this person? https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8477#issuecomment-1202042559 16:21:54 first they had their daemon misconfigured but now not sure what it means if it fails after 30min 16:29:44 I commented. 16:40:11 ty 23:55:13 Hi guys. I just created this report on github. I could reproduce it. Not sure if this is known, or I indeed found an issue. 23:55:13 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8480