00:14:28 afaics rpc traffic is not limited 00:14:48 that's why I had to turn off public rpc on my linode, was eating all my bandwidth quota 00:18:27 RPC traffic has been really high on my nodes lately, luckily Hetzner has 20TB / month bandwidth 00:47:27 i think an rpc limit would be appreciated :) 01:47:04 I'll help 10 individuals on how to earn $25,000 in just 72 hours from the crypto/forex market. But you will pay me 10% commission when you receive your profit. if interested send me a direct message via Whatsapp by asking me HOW for more details on how to get started.. +1 (570) 801-0862 01:48:17 Not sure if this means anything, but I'm just so super happy about this latest fork. The devs did a fantastic job in all respects 01:48:28 Congratulations, and thank you 02:52:54 Hello ! 11:19:43 "i think an rpc limit would be..." <- What does an rpc limit imply? Is it about limiting incoming transactions to our node? 11:20:02 Limit connection speed 12:47:21 Hello! I want to deploy my own node for a stratum servers. 12:47:21 1) What are the system requirements for the server? 12:47:21 2) What monerod parameters do I need to pay attention to in order to use all the server resources and get maximum performance? 12:47:21 Thank you. 12:52:00 For performance, --db-sync-mode (or similar name). It is somewhat conservative by default IIRC. Maybe not the best. 12:53:06 1) Fast SSD + a lot of RAM 12:53:38 2) p2pool recommends --disable-dns-checkpoints --enable-dns-blocklist 12:54:40 Is 32GB of RAM enough? 12:55:05 Yes. 12:55:08 This node is for personal use? 12:56:03 stratum server = I assume for pool mining 12:56:57 The node is for my own pool implementation. About 10 servers will pull for a block template each 0.01 sec. 12:58:05 it's better to use ZMQ instead of polling 100 times/second 12:59:49 Does the roc of node somehow cache the response to receiving a new template block? 12:59:49 For example, if the blocktemplate has not changed, then it returns the cached version. 12:59:49 Because of this pooling (100 times/second), can there be a heavy load on the node? 13:00:07 ZMQ block notification is sent immediately when a new block is received 13:00:15 getblocktemplate does use internal caching 13:00:35 IIRC it caches the result for 1 second, but the cache is cleared when a new block is received 13:02:24 Can you tell me exactly the caching time? Or suggest a place in the source code where I can look myself. 13:02:24 I want to try to pick up the pooling time in my current implementation. 13:02:24 And ofc I will try to see ZMQ. 13:02:53 ZMQ is much better than any polling 13:03:09 it'll get you a new block template faster than even 0.001 sec polling 13:04:16 what do you mean by "my own pool implementation"? New software, or just your private pool? 13:05:31 I will do research in my university. The topic is my own implementation of monero mining pool) 13:05:48 Want to get best performance in all aspects) 13:08:22 then check p2pool for how to work with ZMQ 13:09:38 moneromooo: The default value of "db-sync-mode" is `fast:async:250000000bytes`. 13:09:39 Should I use "fastes:async:"? 13:09:39 BTW should I use `--prune-blockchain` or it is not suitable for a node of mining pool? 13:09:57 mining pool can work with pruned blockchain 13:10:00 sech1: yeap. Thank you, bro! 13:10:27 db-sync-mode doesn't matter much once you're synced and mining 13:11:11 Good connectivity to the rest of the network is much more important for mining pool 13:11:26 First of all, connectivity to other major pools' nodes 13:11:58 How to choose "nbytes_per_sync" parameter? 13:12:06 And having own nodes in different regions (US east, west, Europe, Asia are bare minimum for a pool) 13:13:01 > Good connectivity to the rest of the network is much more important for mining pool 13:13:01 Yes, I know it. But I do not know how to connect to the nodes of other pools, I did not find information about this on the Internet. 13:13:01 Usually these are private nodes, as I understand it. 13:13:18 pools hide their nodes to avoid DDoS 13:13:41 but usually you can narrow it down to a single datacenter in each region 13:13:41 yep, it's logical) 13:14:22 and just run a node in the same datacenter and connect to everything that's listening on port 18080 there :) 13:14:28 But how can I get a good connectivity in terms of monerod parameters? For example, try to increase node peers counts and etc? 13:14:55 --add-priority-node IP:port 13:15:10 --add-priority-node=IP:port 13:17:03 After restarting a node, does it lose all the peers to which it has a connection? 13:17:03 I thought if I want to add some parameters (like `add-priority-node`), I will need to restart the node.... 13:17:36 I don't know how to choose the --db-sync-node size. RAM size is ill advised though. 13:19:16 Hello, what to do is, I sent monero to my GUI wallet, but nothing comes, there is a hash of the transaction 13:19:34 Update your wallet 13:20:50 (Ensure gui version is v0.18.0.0 or higher) 13:22:28 All sockets/connections are interruptde on process end. 13:23:08 I have a patch somewhere which allows you to connect/disconnect a node at runtime. Not sure how current though. 13:23:28 Will monerod restore it after starting or not? 13:23:50 After restart, monreod will connect again, but not necessarily to the smae ones you had. 13:23:51 it will connect to known peers, but not necessarily the smae 13:24:02 lol, same typo :D 13:24:47 Must improve opsec... 13:26:05 IIRC there's a "whitelist" and a "greylist" of peers 13:26:16 whitelist is 1000 peers, it can try to connect to any of them 15:28:51 re: rpc traffic - I seem to be a broken record, said almost verbatim a year ago https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/7388#issuecomment-922392476 16:48:32 selsta: started the review yesterday, will complete today 16:48:55 vtnerd: which patch? 16:49:27 the multisig "force" patch you pointed at yesterday 16:50:05 I think someone else linked this but seems important, yes 16:50:48 ah crap it was the author koe lol 16:51:18 its hard to read the poster when I mentioned due to the color schemes on this terminal 16:51:25 *when Im mentioned 16:51:50 just assumed it was you, nvm, but ukoehb ^ 17:00:43 thanks vtnerd