00:20:25 vtnerd: for the input multisig builders? so I can do this https://github.com/UkoeHB/monero/blob/0c56c7911df82312175dbe02630966f7af966a03/src/seraphis/grootle.cpp#L617 then this https://github.com/UkoeHB/monero/blob/0c56c7911df82312175dbe02630966f7af966a03/src/seraphis/tx_validators.cpp#L404 then this https://github.com/UkoeHB/monero/blob/0c56c7911df82312175dbe02630966f7af966a03/src/seraphis/txtype_squashed_v1.cpp#L576 00:28:02 vtnerd: using a const singleton means it can't be initialized in a background thread 01:38:03 ukoehb: its identical to this: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/master/src/net/error.cpp#L97 01:38:19 the members of the class get initialized in the constructor once. 01:38:38 and since the object is const, the members are const 01:39:00 the first thread (background thread) that access the singleton initializes 01:39:56 bulletproof+ should move to that style or call_once because both are a bit faster than the current version which always acquires a lock iirc 04:23:16 vtnerd: ah I see; yes I already moved BP+2 to use call_once (new proof to use the generator factory for batching with grootle proofs): https://github.com/UkoeHB/monero/blob/0c56c7911df82312175dbe02630966f7af966a03/src/seraphis/bulletproofs_plus2.cpp#L114 06:20:24 while my wallet are synchronizing,i create an address of recive and i send the xmr to the address.after it synchronizing the address disappear.and i didn't recive the xmr how do i do? 07:55:15 just synced 90k blocks in 4:15 min 07:55:33 ok 07:56:01 oh sorry wasnt talking to you, just dropping info 07:56:44 oh 07:57:07 this isnt dev related, could you maybe post it in GUI? 07:57:22 GUI? 07:57:28 #monero-gui:monero.social 07:57:30 i found the address 07:58:01 but the xmr not arrive 07:58:23 i send xmr to wallet 07:58:35 from binance 07:59:24 * alshippd[m] uploaded an image: (238KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/r0/download/matrix.org/gFRUjUzBQmyqSaRxFQlmoCLS/image.png > 08:00:00 binance says it's success but not in monero wallet 08:05:17 Double check your refresh-from-block-height (also called restore height IIRC) is lower than the block height at which you got your tx. If it wasn't, set it so and rescan the chain. 08:05:38 And wasn't this bug fixed already ? It's happening a lot recently... 08:06:09 Oh. did you restore your wallet from seed or keys ? 08:07:36 moneromooo: yes 08:08:27 That's probably it then. Were you asked where to start it from ? 08:09:54 where's refresh-from-block-height 08:10:17 You're using the GUI ? 08:10:44 yes,i'm using the gui 08:11:14 One min... 08:11:42 Found it: < moneromooo> < woodser[m]> monero-wallet-gui > settings > info > Wallet restore height 08:12:36 Set this to a bit before when you originally created that wallet. 0 is safe but slow. 08:13:03 That also explains why your subaddress disappeared, if you nuked the data and recreated. 08:13:44 i find it, set a new restore height 08:13:56 mine is 2669025 08:14:34 the current hight is in the txhash? 08:14:41 No. 08:15:04 If your imssing tx is a few days old only, use 2660000. 08:15:26 If it's older, remove 750 for every day and you should be safe. 08:15:39 it's today 08:15:41 Then a rescan wiull find your monero. 08:15:44 i can use 2660000 too? 08:15:50 Yes. Safe for today. 08:15:56 A bit overkill but hey. 08:16:39 Oh wait. 08:16:57 Your refresh height is already low enough, looking at current blocks. 08:17:16 So maybe that is not your problem after all. Try it anyway, though. 08:17:34 i change it to 2660000 08:18:49 if it's not my problem then anyway to find the xmr back? 08:19:10 Next step, shuld have been first but... chek you're using monero 0.18.x.y. 08:19:26 If not, you need to. The network forked recently. 08:21:08 my monero version is0.17.2.3 08:21:23 should i download the newest version? 08:21:32 Yes. 08:21:47 The versoin you have cannot read new txes. 08:22:26 i see,maybe that's the problem 08:23:41 Your daemon should show not 100% synced, but 99.x% or so. After updating, it should go to 100%. 08:26:01 emm. I use the 08:26:35 have no new txes too 08:26:46 the same 08:27:44 Sigh. Debugging and fixing a bug, updating master to make a PR, and finding it's already fixed in master... 08:28:11 Is your daemon done synciung already ? Does it show 100% ? 08:28:18 (run "status" in monerod) 08:28:59 >>> status 08:28:59 [2022/8/19 16:28] 2022-08-19 08:28:32.299 I Monero 'Fluorine Fermi' (v0.18.1.0-release) 08:28:59 Height: 2688925/2688925 (100.0%) on mainnet, bootstrapping from, local height: 1 (0.0%), not mining, net hash 2.63 GH/s, v14, 0(out)+0(in) connections 08:29:04 it's 100% 08:29:52 You have no peers (ie, you are not connected to the monero p2p network). 08:30:10 Wait some more. Current height is 2692xxx 08:31:35 do i need to restore the height? 08:33:13 Your height seems fine. 08:33:40 It is often the cause, so I went there, but I was wrong. 08:34:22 2688925, ..., v14 is definitely wrong 08:34:40 you're syncing off old node 08:35:26 you have to connect to a good working node and sync again 08:35:54 how to do in the gui 08:36:48 Just wait. Unless your db is borked or you're hemmed in by sybils, monerod should eventually find a good peer. 08:37:05 Or you can exit monerod, rm ~/.bitmonero/p2pstate.bin, and restart. 08:38:11 wait until monero sync success? 08:40:10 Yes. 13:06:54 What does "Couldn't allocate RandomX cache" erro mean in monerod? Forces exit and terminal then doesn't respond 13:07:05 *error 13:09:49 Mac? Os version? What block? 13:11:24 Yes, Mac. 10.11.6 (old laptop). I am trying to sync from 2676794. Says I am 16202 blocks behind. 13:21:38 How old is the laptop? Does it support max os 10.15 13:23:45 ofrnxmr[m]: 2010, so no. It's on the latest OS it supports. It's a dual core Intel. Is 10.15 a minimum OS requirement for CLI since the recent upgrade? 14:17:01 is trezor ready yet? 14:54:24 midipoet: I believe so hyc: can you confirm? 14:54:24 Another user had the same issue. Im not sure if it was resolved 14:55:48 Trezor is ready, but iirc is a staged release (perhaps not pushed out to everyone) 15:06:29 testing #8513, I start monero-wallet-rpc with `--daemon-address=""` or no parameter at all, but monero-wallet-rpc initializes a default daemon connection if none is provided at startup, so there's no way to keep it an offline wallet unless a dummy daemon value is provided? https://github.com/woodser/monero/blob/727bc5b6878170332bf2d838f2c60d1c8dc685c8/src/wallet/wallet2.cpp#L393 15:13:30 --offline doesn't work ? 15:14:14 ah didn't try that 15:16:44 yes that works 15:16:58 Hello! How can I increase the number of peers to my node? Now I have 20 incoming and 12 outgoing connections. 15:16:58 What max peers I will get if I do not specify "--out-peers" and "--in-peers" node launch parameters (default value of this parameters =-1)? 15:17:40 --out-peers defaults to 12, --in-peers defaults to unlimited IIRC. 15:22:30 What values of these parameters should I set for the mining pool node? 19:12:00 alshippd[m]: follow the steps in this comment: https://github.com/monero-project/monero-gui/issues/3989#issuecomment-1214412781 19:12:37 midipoet: can you check out if this works? https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8504#issuecomment-1216186718 19:49:55 Is it possible to prevent rescan blockchain again when monero-wallet-rpc is starting? 19:49:55 >2022-08-19 19:48:30.309 7f8fa6e567c0 WARNING wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:2210 Received money: 5.080102295000, with tx: .... 19:51:13 Yes, --offline 19:51:28 > <@rogu157:matrix.org> Is it possible to prevent rescan blockchain again when monero-wallet-rpc is starting? 19:51:28 > 19:51:28 > >2022-08-19 19:48:30.309 7f8fa6e567c0 WARNING wallet.wallet2 src/wallet/wallet2.cpp:2210 Received money: 5.080102295000, with tx: .... 19:51:28 You shouldn't need to if you shut it down with Ctrl+c or normal terminate signal 19:51:34 I think 20:01:46 "store" saves the wallet state (close_wallet will also store before closing) 20:02:34 RTFM https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html 20:06:10 I'm using systemd to control monero-wallet-rpc. Source: https://paste.debian.net/hidden/eff126ff/ 20:06:10 After restarting monerow.service: `systemctl restart monerow`, monero-wallet-rpc start scanning blockchain again, but it did and finished it before restarting service. 20:57:47 selsta: excuse my ignorance, but to start monerod with the environment variable, is the command just "./monerod MONERO_RANDOMX_UMASK=8"? 20:58:11 other way around 20:58:18 MONERO_RANDOMX_UMASK=8 ./monerod 21:00:43 Will try now 21:14:41 seems stable so far, will let run and see if I can catch up without the error appearing. 22:01:21 I have a stagenet .keys file here from a multisig wallet created in a haveno trade, which I cannot for the life of me get to recognize the transactions sent to it. if I manually create a view-only wallet with the view key and address, it scans and finds the transactions no problem. but if I open a wallet with the .keys file, it correctly reports the address and view key, but no transactions. I've tried deleting the cache, opening with a 22:01:21 low restore height, calling rescan_spent, and rescan_blockchain, but no transactions. I don't see anything wrong when the wallet was created, but seems corrupted? 22:34:55 possibly it's because my binaries had #8513 and my peer's did not, but I don't know if the .keys file would be affected 22:40:18 vtnerd: ok I'm satisfied with this solution https://github.com/UkoeHB/monero/blob/db980b188322ae1eea8f96c83137e3b062572ace/src/seraphis/sp_generator_factory.cpp#L100 you are right that centralizing the bounds check is better