00:00:59 This PR https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8564/ should be tackling it 00:01:32 If you know a thing or two about static builds, give a shot at reviewing it! 00:03:57 Also if you want to build statically on Ubuntu 22 then `git checkout` that branch before running `make release-static` 00:04:27 jeffro256[m]: Right 07:24:09 Is there any documents for integrating monero in to a wallet, and can build the transaction from utxos with private key, didn't find in github and website 07:25:29 wallet2 does that. If you want to make another wallet, use wallet2 as a base and build your own UI. 07:26:24 (in src/wallet) 08:49:15 one-horse-wagon[: what I meant is I have published the binaries on getmonero.org, there is no need for more gitian check PRs (at least as far as I'm concerned). Thanks for yours btw 09:45:19 I'm a bit confused by building static monero binaries. I've been using my Dockerfile that builds the dependencies necessary and then `make release-static`. That worked for years until the recent problem with Ubuntu 22. I resolved using `make depends target=x86_64-linux-gnu`, which to me substituted make release-static. Now i see the pr from localmonero to fix release-static, i tried it out but it still doesn't work, while make depends work. 09:45:58 So the question is, since make depends was introduced, is that the preferred way to build static binaries or it's still monero-static? 09:46:37 if yes, is the release-static receipt still needed then? 09:47:40 there are two different things 09:48:08 make depends compiles all the dependencies for you the same we use them in release binaries 09:48:45 make release-static simply compiles a static binary, but you can use your own dependencies. 09:48:56 they are* 09:50:11 ok got it, thanks selsta. So if i'm understanding correctly, for our purpose (bundling monero binaries into Haveno) either method is fine 09:50:47 ideally use make depends so that the binaries are close to monero's binaries 09:51:35 yeah i'll keep using that one for the next future 09:53:47 though make depends doesn't work on 22.04 yet, so I'm surprised it works for you 09:54:07 i'm currently working on fixing it 09:57:58 the docker image i use still downloads and build the static dependencies, that's probably related. It didn't work on fedora for example 09:58:30 docker image based on ubuntu:latest, so 22.04 10:19:50 I don't know what docker file you are talking about, the one in our repository uses 20.04 10:23:28 nevermind i was wrong. I reverted back to bionic after noticing the issues with 22.04 and forgot about it 10:24:06 i have my own tool to build static binaries: https://github.com/erciccione/monero-static now it's mostly broken but i still use the dockerfile 10:55:20 For the wallet2, does it support build transaction from multiple account with multiple outputs, which function should i use have read the codes? not familiar with c 11:17:04 No. Single account source. 11:17:47 You don't really want to make txes with inputs from more than one account, even though it's theoretically possible. 11:22:58 "You don't really want to make..." <- Thanks. I know it can do that, is there any package in Go or c can do that (spend multiple outputs from multiple account in one tx)? 11:24:50 found this library https://github.com/mymonero/monero-core-custom, but not sure 14:47:38 hyc: any idea how to fix this protobuf cmake error? https://paste.debian.net/hidden/64475b0b/ 14:48:00 `root/monero/contrib/depends/x86_64-linux-gnu/include/google/protobuf/stubs/common.h` does not exist 14:48:16 once this is fixed `make depends` should work on Ubuntu 22.04 15:42:53 will take a look 15:44:10 looks like FindProtobuf cmake module is broken 15:47:13 to reproduce you need Ubuntu 22.04 + https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8574 applied to fix the previous Qt build error 15:47:48 ok, my laptop is currently on 22.04 15:49:12 hm mine fails immediately https://paste.debian.net/1254475/ 15:49:29 I guess it needs a HOST 15:50:15 make depends target=x86_64-linux-gnu 15:50:40 ok it's running 15:51:14 and you need gperf installed for some reason 15:51:49 hm, have that already so ok 16:08:12 had no problem with protobuf here 16:08:25 main make is proceeding normally 16:09:38 hmmm 16:11:09 https://paste.debian.net/1254481/ 16:12:02 which branch did you build? 16:12:16 pr8574 16:12:39 I have the same OS version, trying to build again from scratch 16:15:02 hyc: could it be that you have protobuf installed using apt? 16:16:41 hmm. I have libprotobuf23 [installed, automatic] 16:17:41 and python3-protobuf 16:17:56 but nothing else, in particular no -dev pkgs 16:18:25 and you can see from the output that it used the depends package that it built itself 16:18:41 line 94 and 95 16:19:12 yep, I restarted my build now and will also try to run CI on 22.04 instead of 20.04 16:33:23 Is monerod built with the docker file portable? 16:33:24 my build finished fine 16:35:49 hyc: mine did too now 16:35:53 no idea what that was... 16:39:37 duggavo[m]: did you get a build working now? 16:48:21 error: ‘-mfloat-abi=hard’: selected architecture lacks an FPU <-- this shows up when cross compiling to armv7 from ubuntu 22.04 16:48:34 but not important now 16:51:44 "duggavo: did you get a build..." <- well yes but actually not 16:52:00 i successfully built with docker, 16:52:10 but i have no idea where the monerod file is 16:52:13 its not in /bin/ 16:52:48 ok, I don't use docker myself so not sure if I can help, but we fixed `make depends target=x86_64-linux-gnu` on Ubuntu 22.04 16:53:19 you have to apply https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8574 on master branch and then it should work 16:53:21 selsta: Thank you so much! Docker is very slow at compiling because it re-compiles everything every time 16:54:00 selsta: do you mean i need to re-do git clone --recursive https://github.com/monero-project/monero? 16:54:13 git checkout master 16:54:26 git pull origin pull/8574/head 16:55:04 yeah I don't like that dockerfile. better to use depends or gitian which locally caches dependencies 17:06:27 selsta: I assume the gui builds qt itself? 17:06:43 yes 17:06:57 so it never needed the one built here? cool 17:07:29 quite sure it was copy pasted from bitcoin 17:07:39 seems likely 17:07:55 with ldns and qt removed it should speed up the build a bit 17:08:02 if nothing is cached 17:08:09 indeed 17:08:21 qt is quite a beast 17:09:45 should I also PR against release? 17:10:08 I guess it couldn't hurt. do we anticipate more 18.x releases? 17:12:12 yes, we have a couple more bugs to fix 17:14:17 then yeah, definitely 18:33:27 vtnerd: any idea? https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8199#issuecomment-1252713883 19:29:17 https://splunktool.com/zmq-resource-temporarily-unavailable-when-connecting-zmq-socket 19:30:16 zmq calls can throw exceptions, so it makes sense to add try...catch in zmq_server.cpp 19:33:53 no, wait, it's not zmq that throws an exception 19:34:19 zmq returns error EAGAIN (resource temporarily unavailable) and then MONERO_UNWRAP macro throws 19:34:34 so it should probably check for EAGAIN there and just ignore it 19:36:45 EAGAIN means non-blocking sockets can't receive/send data right now, so it should just continue with the next loop iteration instead of throwing up 19:59:56 Hello, i have question about transfer rpc. There is a way to specify fixed fee for a transaction via rpc node ? 20:11:20 Guest3257: you cannot specify your own arbitrary fee amount 20:11:39 you can specify a multiplier for the current base fee 21:12:29 selsta: responded about 30 minutes ago, some stack values need to be reset between calls to poll 22:04:30 Hello.what is the best app that buy monero on?I have been using crypto but everyone is getting away from bitcoin now 22:13:19 "Hello.what is the best app..." <- This may not be the right group for this, as this is for developer discussion You could check this website: https://kycnot.me/