02:56:15 Just posted an approach to broadcasting txs over Tor that eliminates the circuit reuse issue. It's very simple but I might be missing something. Any feedback would be great. https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8423 10:34:18 ridauhebauye[m] ok i had a hard time reading the long matrix messages before. have you confirmed your line of thinking that there are no incoming transactions with your configuration? 10:45:02 "ridauhebauye ok i had a hard..." <- Using --proxy with --p2p-bind-ip there are no incoming connections, yes 10:47:39 The crux of the issue is that to broadcast transactions without worrying about the ISP, you need to use --tx-proxy (tor/i2p). But this allows the remote hidden services to link transactions broadcast by the same person. 10:48:11 ridauhebauye[m] i asked about transactions though 10:48:16 not connections 10:49:48 My current thinking is that I can run a second monerod instance remotely, configure it as a hidden service and use it as the exclusive node for my local monerod. 10:50:45 NorrinRadd: No I haven't confirmed that. But I've read the Dandelinon++ code and it only sends to outoging connections 10:53:08 Sorry, which configuration are you referring to? I haven't really verified any configuration in practice I've just been reading the code 10:55:32 ok a test might be in order. because that would be a flaring oversight. 10:55:42 maybe someone that worked on that feature can be tracked down 10:55:51 s/flaring/glaring 10:59:10 Well, I've read the Dandelion++ paper as well as the BIP (yes, I know that is Bitcoin) and there's very good reason to only relay transactions to outgoing connections 10:59:17 And the code isn't particularly complex, so I think I've got it right 11:02:14 Confirmation is always good though. Is there an easy way to access debug logs for this? 11:07:13 Dandelion++ sends only to ougoing connections in the stem phase 11:07:20 all nodes should see all transactions eventually 11:07:47 because when a tx enters the fluff phase, it's just broadcasted to everyone 11:09:51 ridauhebauye[m] ^ 11:15:46 I wonder what the anonymity proerties of Dandelion nodes that only relay fluffed transactions are 11:16:18 I don't think it's something I'd be comfortable relying on 11:16:30 Or is that a known case? 11:17:36 vtnerd: 11:57:00 Have to go offline but will be monitoring here. Very interested to know how the three options stack up against each other 11:57:00 1) Dandelion with --proxy 11:57:00 2) --tx-proxy with random remote nodes 11:57:00 3) --tx-proxy with singular remote node owned by us 11:57:47 * Have to go offline but will be monitoring here. Very interested to know how the three options stack up against each other 11:57:47 1. Dandelion with --proxy 11:57:47 2. --tx-proxy with random remote nodes 11:57:47 3. --tx-proxy with singular remote node owned by us (--add-exclusive-node) 12:49:02 "I wonder what the anonymity..." <- Only relay fluffed transactions? Why would you want to configure something like this? 13:04:57 ridauhebauye[m]: --tx-proxy is preferred over --proxy for sending transactions 17:14:17 dandelion++ with --proxy is a bit constrained because all traffic is going out through a smaller number of exit nodes 17:14:27 (assuming tor or eventually nym) 17:14:47 with a VPN for --proxy, everything is being routed to a single entity 17:15:44 encryption of the p2p links will help, assuming these entities do not mitm the link (this is difficult to prevent entirely for reasons, another topic entirely) 17:16:47 but even with encryption, there might be some data pattern analysis that helps identify the dandelion++ link, thats difficult to eradicate entirely without sending dummy packets. this is a rather extreme edge case but plausible 17:17:08 --tx-proxy with a single remote node, Im not sure if there are any benefits to that 17:18:23 I mean, the remote node is still doing a dandelion++, but the only benefit is that it changes which entity (ISP vs VPS provider or something) can see traffic 17:19:09 with random remote nodes, the security is basically provided by the transmission layer (tor, etc) 17:19:15 so you are limited by that basically 17:22:49 vtnerd: in case you missed it https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-dev/20221016#c151626 17:28:44 yeah I saw that, its in my calendar. did you want other people to comment and participate, or is it mainly a presentation? 17:28:49 I guess there could be a q/a session ? 17:29:37 Oh I need to know who wants to attend so I can send invite links 17:30:28 It’s not a presentation, comments and questions are welcome throughout 17:31:05 ok, then I'll assume a pm with a link sometime before the presentation 17:31:26 Yep 👍 17:31:30 I can definitely make that time slot, I'll let you know if that changes for some reason 17:31:40 Great :) 17:31:44 yeah I think the problem is limited connections with ninja thing? 17:33:03 Just don’t want to get overwhelmed by accident, since it’s an active meeting 18:43:52 "vtnerd: in case you missed it..." <- Hello! That sounds quite interesting, where would the recording be if you recorded them? 18:50:25 ghostway[m]: I guess youtube somewhere, sgp[m] any suggestions? 18:56:03 "ghostway: I guess youtube..." <- I can host on the Monero Space or Monero Community Workgroup channel if you like. Easy :) 18:57:52 UkoeHB: do you want this livestreamed, or recorded and uploaded later? I'm luckily free at 17 UTC, so I can handle either 19:08:17 oh that would be super helpful, hmm maybe recorded would be best so we can fully focus on the meeting 19:12:21 Okay. You can have me focus on the recording with vdo.ninja so you don't have to do anything 19:13:26 awesome thanks :) 22:12:15 "--tx-proxy with a single..." <- If you are using random remote nodes and want to broadcast multiple transactions then these can be linked together by the hidden service operators. I can't see anything in the code that prevents circuit reuse. I also couldn't find anywhere that hidden service connections are replaced, so this linkage is inevitable. Have I missed something? 22:29:29 "dandelion++ with --proxy is a..." <- I'm aware of this. My concern was more that with --proxy (and --p2p-bind-ip no other nodes can create outbound connections to my node. So the only transactions that my node will relay on its stem edges are already-fluffed transactions (as they're the only transactions sent out on inbound connections) and locally generated transactions. A dishonest node that I've chosen as a 22:29:29 stem would be aware of this if I'm connecting to them via a Tor exit and ultimately they would have an easier time linking my transactions together (if I'm broadcasting multiple). 22:31:29 "with a VPN for --proxy, everythi..." <- What does this mean? The monerod --help output says that --proxy is for SOCKS. Is this just how you refer to running a VPN on the same system as monerod? 22:34:03 SOCKS is an open protocol for making proxy connections. the tor daemon implements so that other apps can make outbound connections through a tor exit node 22:34:33 there is no control in _how_ the tor daemon is making the connection, only that it guarantees somehow a connection is made _through_ the tor network 22:34:40 * node will receive from other nodes and in turn relay on 22:35:02 some VPN providers also provide outgoing connections via a SOCKS approach - SSH-SOCKS is only such example Ive seen 22:35:15 you can also run a VPS that accepts SSH+SOCKS connections 22:36:18 if you are using --proxy, you can still have inbound connections especiall with a VPS (and ocassionally VPN) provider, but with tor yeah its trickier 22:36:43 in fact, I don't think its possible because you don't know the exit node address 22:37:21 Even if you did know the exit node address you couldn't connect back through it, right? 22:37:25 it might be possible with socks5 which should reply with the exit node ip, and socks allows request for inbound listening, but Im not sure if tor implements this 22:37:26 I don't think Tor allows that 22:37:42 99% sure it doesn't 22:38:02 correct, that is roughly my assessment. I've never heard of this, but I;ve also never looked 22:38:17 I think I'm going to go with the --tx-proxy option then 22:38:26 --proxy + --tx-proxy is probably useful in this situation 22:38:31 you can combine them 22:38:38 So is there anything that prevents circuit reuse? Is it something on the horizon? Could I help? 22:39:01 outgoing txes are routed to a hidden service, and all other connections are routed to some exit node(s) 22:39:32 tor has a custom control protocol, you'd have to implement this in monero somehow 22:39:55 so definitely yes you could theoretically help, although tor automatically cycles the circuits to preven this kind of issue 22:40:03 I know how to prevent circuit reuse over Tor, but I don't know how it would need to be done in monerod 22:40:23 the default behavior is probably "good enough" in many cases, but could use tweaking in ours Im sure. However, Im guessing you could make hte defaults worse too 22:40:36 Based on the anonymity network documentation, the circuit cycling isn't happening how the author thinks it is 22:40:48 in the tor repo is documentation for the connection protocol 22:40:50 Hidden service circuits are refreshed whenever data is sent out on them 22:40:54 *control protocol 22:41:35 And circuits don't die after 10 minutes, only new connections are prevented after 10 minutes 22:41:43 what do you mean? someone posted a potential attack with --tx-proxy, but its tricky because if you immediately tear down a circuit after sending a "real tx" you blow up the white noise feature 22:41:50 which maybe is useless, but its worth thinking about too 22:42:04 changing circuits manually is an event observable externally 22:42:38 yes, you could close connections periodically with --tx-proxy, that could be a good starting point 22:42:55 Yes that is the only option I believe 22:42:58 because otherwise is relying on it to happen "organically" 22:43:42 yeah Im not sure of the best place to do it, probably in `src/p2p/net_node.inl` there's a periodic event thing 22:43:46 They aren't currently dropped at all because Tor doesn't drop connections ever 22:43:56 It just prevents a circuit from being reused for future connections after a certain period of time 22:43:56 so like every few minutes just close a random tor connection to let a new one replace it 22:44:35 its easy to distinguish --tx-proxy connections because they are in a separate std::map node 22:45:47 The other thing is, what if somebody wants to transact REALLY frequently 22:45:53 its not a bad feature to have; most people are sending out txes frequently enough to matter so its not a huge difference (although still worth doing) 22:46:05 Like every few seconds 22:46:05 yeah, its always messed up in that scenario 22:46:30 its going to be noticeably externally no matter what probably, but maybe not 22:46:43 d++ with encryption maybe? otherwise dunno 22:47:03 actually no, d++ stinks for this because it uses the same route. although it mixes other txes so its harder to pinpoint 22:47:06 Is there an issue with creating a whole bunch of circuits and just using 1 at a time for broadcasting 22:47:07 Instead of broadcasting to all of them 22:47:13 in that regard d++ is preferrable because it carries potentially other txes 22:47:23 it only broadcasts to one 22:47:29 or maybe 2? not all 22:47:41 for this reason. it however changes only periodically because of the white noise feature 22:48:00 you could also detect with white noise off and round-robin, etc 22:48:13 the round-robin thing is not implemented with white noise on or off 22:49:20 iirc I limited the broadcast over tor because in most cases a txes occurs at most only every couple mins, and the white noise feature periodically changes the outgoing path 22:49:22 This is why I was asking about d++ with --proxy earlier. It's the better solution than hidden services in my opinion 22:49:36 For anyone transacting frequently 22:51:22 umm ... I dunno. you need inbound connections, otherwise nothing is gained until d++ changes the next hop 22:51:46 because the exit node is just watching only your txes, its basically the isp case moved to an exit node. 22:52:17 of course, the exit node isn't fully aware of some routing tricks you might be pulling, like having a second node connect back into yours 22:57:48 Sorry, net keeps cutting out 22:58:17 But even with no inbound connections, you are still receiving some connections due to fluffed transactions coming in, right? 22:58:24 Some transactions* 23:00:04 I think the way d++ is currently implemented, those would then get sent out the stems. That would be sufficient to fool the exit nodes 23:03:06 you need p2p encryption to fool it, hopefully soon ^tm 23:03:27 the problem is the p2p protocol has a flag to indicate stem vs fluff, and its observable unless the inner p2p conn is encrypted 23:03:46 this is why the isp case is currently a bit jacked, and p2p encryption is definitely needed 23:04:54 Any links to encryption implementation? 23:05:19 Only been looking at monero for a week or so, not too sure what 23:05:30 's on the horizon 23:10:44 How difficult would it be to get Dandelion++ working with hidden service inbounds? 23:15:04 Also just to clarify, when you refer to the white noise feature you mean the periodic dummy data that is sent over circuits every 10 - 15 seconds, right? 23:19:19 it already works with hidden service inbounds 23:19:52 so, you receive someone txes over tor, it forwards/relays over p2p with dandelion++ (instead of immediate fluff) 23:20:04 so I forgot about this setup, that could be used with --proxy to properly mix txes 23:20:20 and yes, white noise is the feature where a dummy packet is sent in randomized 10-15 second intervals 23:23:50 https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8028 23:23:57 for p2p encryption proposal 23:24:20 might change due to fingerprinting issues, theres an annoying tradeoff with zero-rtt, authentication, and fingerprinting 23:24:40 but otherwise its going to similar to that. everything should be noise for beginning to end 23:25:19 er wait. if the static key is dropped due to fingerprinting, making the first ephermal key look like "noise" is also a bit harder 23:25:30 so a couple of things going on there 23:28:59 So anonymous inbound + Tor --proxy is the best way to broadcast frequently? 23:30:57 No crazy circuit count (as would inevitably be required by --tx-proxy), no ISP leakage, d++ removes the ability for the outbound connections to link transactions as they could have arrived from the anonymous inbound 23:33:21 I made some comments https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8423 but since this conversation they now need to be changed or removed. I think the configuration I just described needs to be documented because even people who transact semi-frequently are susceptible to the transaction linking if they're using --tx-proxy 23:34:44 Actually, doesn't each zone have a separate d++ map? Meaning the anonymous inbounds would not use the same map as the --proxy? 23:44:29 the daemon stores the tor-inbound tx temporarily for a randomized amount of time (I forget interval) then forwards over d++ using a different "map" yes 23:44:41 which is what you'd want, I think 23:45:20 Yes it makes sense when not using --proxy with Tor 23:45:23 or wait - it forwards immediately if the remote side (inbounds over tor) does _not_ use whitenoise. if white noise is used the forward is randomized 23:45:47 this policy might need changing, but its primarily due to user expectations 23:45:57 the white noise feature delays the broadcast a bit, and some people find that very annoying 23:46:07 Otherwise you could have it so that it provides stem transactions for the --proxy d++ 23:54:45 When I get the chance I'll look into implementing the --tx-proxy disconnection stuff and also making it so that local transactions will never reuse the same circuit. For an immediate solution I would recommend the best way for anyone to transact frequently is to use --tx-proxy with your own exclusive node (via hidden service)