14:05:50 jeffro256: can you please keep me in the loop about relevant certificate work you are doing for the community nodes? I think it would be good for us to upgrade the cake connections to this method, and offer our nodes up for this. Are there existing wallet2 commands for this, or is this something you are still working on? 14:12:52 Scam sgp: 16:59:29 Hi @sgp, this is something that is actively being developed. I just wanted to gather that data from potential operators now since I can do that concurrently. For the certificate work, I just asked for it to be generated from the command `monero-gen-ssl-cert` since that's more or less guaranteed to work with our `net_ssl` code 17:00:33 I'm not so much developing new certificate code or SSL code or anything, just forcing it to be used in simple mode 17:01:52 What i am writing is code for `NodeRPCProxy` which will allow the `wallet2` code to directly connect to the community nodes (without a bootstrap daemon) thru hardcoded SSL-secured connections 17:13:13 "What i am writing is code for `..." <- This is important for us. We can upgrade Cake connections to this encrypted method at the same time 17:16:37 Does Cake Wallet connect to nodes (remote or local) with `--daemon-bootstrap-address` set to `auto`? 17:17:39 Does Cake Wallet not connect to Cake Wallet full nodes? 17:30:52 Okay I just took a look at the CakeWallet source code and it appears to use the wallet API, specifically WalletManager::createWallet and there is no way to specify SSL usage :( 17:31:14 not yet 17:31:55 Also in Wallet::init , use_ssl defaults to false :/ 17:32:31 Guess I'll add that to my list lol 17:34:12 Somebody recently claimed on Reddit that Cake Wallet on an Android phone sync significantly faster than his high-end PC: https://old.reddit.com/r/Monero/comments/yde99j/syncing_speed/ittppvo/ 17:34:33 As I am too lazy to try that myself, does anybody know something here? Is that credible? 17:35:16 Lol we were just talking about Cake Wallet 17:35:18 Maybe SSL versus no SSL for remote nodes came make something of a difference? 17:35:41 Yep, that's why I remembered that story :) Saw you writing about Cake 17:36:13 Maybe??? Probably not though, SSL is usually pretty lightweight, not enough to overcome the speed different of PC vs Android 17:37:01 Well, first question is whether that info is trustworthy in the first place, that a phone *can* be "way faster" than a PC somehow. Sounds improbable, but who knows 17:37:39 At least the same `wallet2` code is at work, right? 17:37:53 Maybe with somewhat different options, but that should be it 17:37:57 Yeah. Anyway it might be anything 17:38:06 > At least the same `wallet2` code is at work, right? 17:38:06 Yes 17:38:20 Yeah too many variables, maybe the remote node he picked for PC just sucks 17:40:13 You would think that if smartphones do tend to sync faster than high-end PCs quite often, people would notice and report. Proof by contradiction: That was the first and only such post I ever read I think 17:43:24 The below quote by the same guy: "I'm on a 500 MBit connection, PC is LAN while phone is wifi so PC has advantage. If Cake consistently manages to pick a better remote node automatically than the GUI Wallet, that's still something that isn't optimized well in the GUI wallet." hints that he is using the default settings for Cake Wallet, and using Simple mode on the GUI wallet which would explain the different. Simple mode with GUI is 17:43:24 really really slow because it's just random people's home computers most of the time. Cake Wallet's own servers are gonna have lower latency and higher computing power 17:44:42 Community nodes would fix this to non-trival extent 19:26:59 as per the user comments about sync speed - it depends on wallet2 stuff 19:27:15 it will cache creation height typically, and then just skip until that height 19:27:27 I ran into this issue when timing supercop code - the results were clearly way off 20:04:26 19:16 Does Cake Wallet connect to nodes (remote or local) with `--daemon-bootstrap-address` set to `auto`? <-- cakewallet does not use the bootstrap method, it just connects normally to a remote node 20:05:40 CakeWallet allow you to set "use SSL" in the interface when adding a remote node. 21:26:46 "As I am too lazy to try that..." <- Not credible if the phone is android 21:26:46 No comment on iosĀ  21:27:09 Cake's default settings use cake wallets nodeĀ  21:27:40 So.. id imagine the link to cake is faster than a lot of random nodes found in simple mode 23:49:15 .merges 23:49:15 -xmr-pr- 8319 8355 8516 8517 8525 8527 8529 8543 8564 8569 8570 8571 8578 8580 8590 8593 8594 23:49:16 when merges