05:45:34 Hey guys not sure where to ask that. Sorry if this is a stupid question. I'm working on adding XMR support to bitcartcc 05:46:10 however, it is a non custodial payment gateway. I working with https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-python 05:46:44 but, correct me if i'm wrong, it seems i cannot retrieve balance or incoming transaction of a wallet if that wallet have not been directly created by me 05:47:11 is there a way i'm missing where i could collect wallet address + public key of user and access balance and incoming transaction ? 05:49:05 Not sure what you mean, but if you have a Monero wallet, and there are incoming transactions, you never see where they come from, quite in general, from the transaction alone: It does not carry an origin address 05:49:37 i mean, i need to check balance and incoming transaction of a random wallet. How would i do that ? 05:49:54 With wallet, do you mean wallet file, or do you mean address? 05:50:14 i mean address 05:50:19 i don't have the wallet file 05:50:44 my issue is i don't have a wallet rpc to connect to 05:50:57 Well, if you don't have the secret keys that belong to the wallet, in Monero it's impossible to see the balance. That's the whole point of being a privacy coin :) 05:51:16 ok, so the only i can do that is by being custodial ? 05:51:23 creating the wallet, on the server ? 05:51:58 You can ask for view keys 05:52:07 not spend ones, just view wallet 05:52:19 with the view key i can see the balance ? and the incoming transation ? 05:52:23 the address has view public key, spend public key 05:52:39 the private view key allows you to see incoming transactions and balance 05:52:49 but not spend or view of transactions have been spent 05:53:10 so you do not know the real balance, aka, if they have spent outputs, just that they have gotten X 05:53:24 ok 05:53:34 in that key i would connect to a local wallet rpc ? 05:53:47 But I don't understand your use case yet. You say you want to implement something like bitcartcc, but for XMR, or extend bitcartcc to be able to use XMR, right? 05:53:53 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/moneropedia/viewkey.html 05:54:13 Read documentation otherwise :) 05:54:32 So if *I* want to accept Monero payments on *my* website, with the payments going into *my* wallet, I would use your software. Correct? 05:55:10 https://www.getmonero.org/resources/user-guides/view_only.html 05:55:31 yeah that's the idea 05:55:34 but api wise i seem to need to connect to wallet rpc in order to view balance 05:56:16 So where is the problem? Of course *I* have the file for my own wallet, and the password for it, so with monero-rpc your software can correctly log into that wallet and do everything. 05:57:04 i would not ask for the file or password. Only the view key and address. 05:57:24 Why? 05:57:26 i can't seem to find in the documentation how to view the balance / incoming without connection to a wallet 05:57:50 rbrunner: because it's private information and also it's the way bitcartcc is built 05:58:10 i'm just trying to add xmr support following the existing structure 05:58:42 That's why I asked so stupidly, to make sure we don't misunderstand and don't talk past each other. *My* own wallet is *not* problematic private info. 05:59:20 if you give it to me ? 05:59:37 Why to you? Where is that bitcartcc hosted then? I assumed self-hosting. 06:00:25 yeah it is self hosted. But it can provide support as a payment gateway for different store and user. 06:00:48 you can use it as a payment gateway for multiple merchants. It's not self hosted anymore 06:00:53 If I wanted you to see my incoming transactions and incoming balance, I could give you a view-only wallet file 06:01:04 (or address and view keys, it is the same) 06:01:18 You can build a wallet file from address and view keys 06:01:37 this has other privacy implications like being able to generate subaddresses 06:02:07 that's more what i'm trying to work with 06:02:11 (btcpayserver for example asks for a view-only wallet in a similar way, for self hosting) 06:02:37 how would i go api wise to see the balance with that information ? 06:02:42 I agree. View keys is everything there is in Monero as a feature of the coin in this general direction. If you can't get it to work using those, the problem has no solution, I would say. 06:02:58 i'm checking the documentation but cannot seem to find it 06:03:28 You can't realiably check the *balance* with view keys. But you can see all incoming transactions. Maybe that's enough for your use case? 06:03:44 let's start with that :) 06:03:50 i'll run a wallet rpc locally correct ? 06:04:07 Think so, yes. 06:04:25 As part of the bitcartcc installation, so to say. 06:05:40 You could present a "sum of all incoming transactions" to make clear that it's *not* the balance of the wallet, but still a useful number, and maybe all that is needed for the merchant. 06:05:56 yeah 06:06:09 with my local rpc wallet running, how do i import the view key and address ? 06:06:16 i can't seem to find a method for that 06:06:27 You mean in those Python bindings? 06:06:46 or even in the doc 06:06:52 https://web.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#incoming_transfers 06:07:27 Viewing the “balance received of all time” slade991 requires you finding and viewing *all transactions received of all time* 06:07:41 Yes, that's the call. 06:07:54 that is how balance works as well, no direct lookup call 06:09:12 yeah but that method assume i'm connected to a wallet with monero-wallet-rpc with a wallet file and password 06:09:46 but i would only have view key and address 06:09:58 so i cannot connect to the wallet rpc with that information or am i missing something ? 06:10:35 If somebody hands the private view key to you, you have to restore, you have to build a view-only wallet file first, using that view key 06:11:00 And of course you then have full control over *that* file, because you created it yourself 06:11:40 how would i create a view-only wallet with that key ? 06:12:16 I am just now clicking through the documentation, did not yet find it ... 06:13:04 monero-wallet-rpc seems to need some information to create a wallet : https://monerodocs.org/interacting/monero-wallet-rpc-reference/#create-new-wallet 06:15:57 Hmmm, can't find it, maybe that's not implemented as part of those bindings. Could be you have to do it yourself. It's not too difficult to talk directly to the monero-wallet-rpc wallet binary using Python 06:17:16 that's what i was checking but i cannot see in the monero-wallet-rpc how to create a view-only wallet either 06:20:00 oh, i guess that would be the method : https://www.getmonero.org/resources/developer-guides/wallet-rpc.html#generate_from_keys 06:20:45 Yes: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/blob/365fd45b031b0a5c8104195dfabb786e839cb114/src/wallet/wallet_rpc_server_commands_defs.h#L2315 06:21:51 (I personally always consult the source in addition. The RPC documentation is sometimes outdated, or does not list all possible parameters.) 06:24:13 Yup, that's your call. I found the following message in the implementation that pretty much confirms that this call is able to create view-only wallets: 06:24:15 "Watch-only wallet has been generated successfully." 06:26:04 ok great. Things are clearer now :) 06:26:16 Thank a lot for the infomation i'll work on that ! 06:27:11 Welcome. And you know what would be really great and turn you into an instant hero: You implementing this call as part of monero-python and contribute it in the form of a PR :) 06:28:34 yeah i was thinking about that. if i'm heading that direction i'll probably do that 06:29:09 Splendid. Good luck for your project anyway! 06:29:19 thanks :) 11:34:26 thank you for kindly helping as always rbrunner, reg the outdated docs on -site, i have a PR that 2083 but still would recommend using the src files 15:49:18 hi, I got some errors for monero failed to deserialize Bad signature Type 6... (full message at ) 15:51:49 you have to post more information on what you are trying to do 15:52:22 selsta: ok 15:53:04 > <@jadeydi:matrix.org> hi, I got some errors for monero failed to deserialize Bad signature Type 6... (full message at ) 15:53:50 create_tx__retVals.tx_hash_string 35659e2cdc652b11e041024ac04201960265e62dc9712e99f59b4f874a166ae5 15:53:50 create_tx__retVals.tx_key_string d29d6a8d56436c267195b1383f992db765fbdfcaed81d8a7624568db2686a902 15:53:50 create_tx__retVals.tx_pub_key_string 2c8a1558cd0072564d72bebe3d8d2a59b8bfdcc1f90cdf7607f498a75b0c4f02 15:53:50 here is others fields 15:55:17 I'm trying to build a transaction from multiple address with multiple utxo, and it success signed the transaction 15:56:30 which version of mymonero-core-cpp are you using? 15:58:33 selsta: I'm using master, updated several minutes ago 15:59:07 ok, does a basic transaction work with one address? 15:59:11 what do you mean by "from multiple addresses" 16:00:14 endogenic: A transaction with 3 outputs from A, B, C 16:01:09 3 inputs to the tx from different sources you mean? 16:01:21 selsta: I didn't try it, I hacked many code, I can upload it first 16:01:51 try that first, don't start with some complex thing 16:01:59 endogenic: yeah 16:02:13 jadeydi[m]: you shouldnt have any issues with that afaik 16:02:25 (i wrote the code btw) 16:02:40 though whatever is there now is not under my control 16:02:49 i have a new lib that is private for now 16:02:53 original API 16:03:23 I will release it soon (tm). this summer i had some setbacks and had to rep monero at sbc :) 16:06:20 endogenic: Thanks you works bro 16:06:55 works now? 16:08:08 Not yet, I have uploaded codes right now, https://github.com/jadeydi/monero-mixin/blob/main/src/tx.cpp 16:08:41 I didn't write c++ before 16:10:22 hm looks like you are duplicating a lot of code which you can just import instead 16:10:42 i might suggest adding monero-core-cpp as a git submodule 16:12:31 endogenic: Will do it, maybe should make it works first 16:12:53 well, just so long as you didnt accidentally modify some of the code you've copied as that can introduce other unknowns into your experiment 16:13:22 endogenic: not duplicating, since we need sign transaction from utxos from A, B and C, so there needs some changes. 16:13:46 i dont believe so 16:14:03 if you can point out what changes you think you need, i can help verify but .. that code should be able to select any number of outputs to use as inputs to a tx 16:14:28 maybe you are trying to use outputs owned by multiple wallets in a single tx 16:14:31 i believe that is illegal in monero 16:15:10 I don't think it is. I had a PoC at some point, and I don't think I modified verification. 16:15:29 i guess one just needs to sign them all properly? 16:15:34 that's kinda neat 16:16:03 endogenic: yeah, that's we're working on, even it's illegal lol 16:16:08 jadeydi[m]: i'd be interested in collaborating with you on enhancing the monero core cpp code if you do that 16:16:19 hah i meant illegal as in not possible 16:16:31 watch out, the monero police are gonna get ya 16:16:36 *censors jadeydi[m] * 16:18:19 endogenic: I don't quite understand what you mean, just some afraid , lol 16:18:34 monero core cpp just feeds into the monero "cryptonote" code itself so in theory whatever mooo got working should work too 16:18:55 jadeydi[m]: ok well i'm interested in helping. feel free to contact me 16:22:31 Rings are signed independently. Or were when I did it. Was a while back. 16:24:45 Thanks, I'm asking help right now, what we're doing is, spending outputs (SpendableOutput) from A, B, C or more, in one transactions, with a right signature, I think monero don't care inputs from whom, so it might be works. 16:24:45 And I have the signature, tx hash etc right now, but has some error `monero failed to deserialize Bad signature Type 6` 16:25:20 moneromooo: Yeah, I'm sure it works before 16:25:56 Might be because it's using an old consensus ruleset. Make sure you're using the most recent one (well, the one you used to create that tx anyway). 16:26:38 > <@jadeydi:matrix.org> Thanks, I'm asking help right now, what we're doing is, spending outputs (SpendableOutput) from A, B, C or more, in one transactions, with a right signature, I think monero don't care inputs from whom, so it might be works. 16:26:38 > 16:26:38 > And I have the signature, tx hash etc right now, but has some error `monero failed to deserialize Bad signature Type 6` 16:26:38 I'm not sure it's best (or legal), but I have to do like this. I'm not the boss. 16:27:44 moneromooo: Will check it 16:34:51 you are the boss though jadeydi[m] 16:37:17 can you tell where that error is originating from? 16:37:36 looks like you're getting it from simplewallet 16:52:08 "can you tell where that error is..." <- Thanks endogenic, I found the error from. It's internal, I'll fix first 17:27:17 moneromooo would you be able to review https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8627 if you have time? 17:33:20 https://monero.fail/ this list is cool 17:43:04 Hello! I want to add Monero support to my opensource payment processor. The official library for python is monero-python, right? https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-python... (full message at ) 18:06:00 we don't have an official python library 18:06:17 at least https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-python isn't official, it's a community maintained library 18:07:57 I did something similar for personal wallet management, easy to implement with wallet RPC daemon with python RPC libraries or just straight up requests library with json constructed by yourself mrnaif 18:13:28 huh 18:13:52 did anyone hear anything about openssl 18:14:13 yes 18:14:37 i just read this, not sure how legitimate it is 18:14:38 What happened. 18:14:41 > OpenSSL 3.x has a huge vulnerability, probably something as large as Heartbleed... (full message at ) 18:15:15 yup 18:15:15 we use openssl 1.1.1 for release binaries so should not be relevant for us 18:17:32 good to know, worth keeping our eyes open regardless 18:18:42 https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2022/10/25/6 18:19:47 https://www.openwall.com/lists/oss-security/2022/10/27/1 20:09:34 yeah, stay current but not quite on the bleeding edge...