05:48:01 https://github.com/jadeydi/monero-mixin I have build a library for monero, sign transactions from multiple outputs of multiple address, base on mymonero, and here is the codes, everyone can use it. 08:06:52 jadeydi lack of an open source license is a bit of an issue 15:26:27 How long do I have to not message to get kicked for being idle? 15:27:05 Your nick has [m] at the end, which strongly suggests you're using matrix. Check their docs. 19:52:22 moneromooo: Is the wallet refresh concurrency the least involved (time-wise) of possible fitting tasks? 20:01:04 fitting what ? 20:04:05 OK, I found your nick in the backlog. Low level coder. I think improving wallet refresh concurrency is fairly easy. It might involve a fair bit of groping in the dark, but is conceptually easy to work on. 20:04:22 There might be other low level things that are easy, but none I can think of right now. 20:04:37 If you can think of anything else, feel free. 22:50:20 Probably the underlying randomx protocol has had some backdoors and other cruft inserted. Could be a good idea to identify those places