01:02:48 who's here? 01:03:16 anybody using btcpay server with Monero should just turn it off 01:04:14 Mochi101 why, what's up? 01:04:25 Mochi101: MAGIC runs one. Is there a zero-day exploit? 01:04:41 let me rephrase 01:05:03 anybody using btcpay server with a digitally deliverable product and Monero should just turn it off 01:07:03 anybody intimate with that community? 01:08:37 who is seth? 01:08:48 as in sethforprivacy 01:10:17 seth has left the building 01:11:04 man... he's everywhere... but nowehre 04:13:11 i recreated the bug after 3 days with zmq / monero-lws 2022-11-19 13:36:12.620 E thrown at scanner.cpp:800: Too many open files 04:14:12 reproduced rather* will test the PR that fixes it selsta 08:58:38 "so use monero-lws" <- The another issue is in the way how I want it to run. By default I want it to be light-weight and not require a full node/indexer (like monero-lws, which still works with 1 wallet only) installed locally. But if a user has a full node, they would just point it to their full node's RPC. But by default it could use some well-known RPCs. 08:58:38 BTCPay has monero support currently but they are limited to 1 wallet per server! which is not what I want, I want to support unlimited number of wallets on same instance like we do with other coins 09:48:26 * bit_thanos[m] uploaded an image: (82KiB) < https://libera.ems.host/_matrix/media/v3/download/matrix.org/pdIvXbyokTsFjIbvhSXOeKRY/Screenshot_20221120-094601_1.png > 09:48:27 Our friend is still trying... 10:20:05 "Screenshot_20221120-094601_1.png" <- Who is that guy? 10:20:05 It's true that Dero's elliptic curve (Barreto-Naehrig) isn't that strong, it archieves ~90-100 bits of security (versus Monero's elliptic curve Ed25519 which has 128-bit security), but I don't think it's still that easy to break it 10:20:49 He's a troll 10:20:56 He's "testing his code locally to not burn thousands of dollars on proxies". We will never understand 10:21:40 https://libera.monerologs.net/monero-dev/20221119#c161348 10:23:59 I consider such things always win-win: They win, we will be able to eliminate a weakness or exploit; we win, they fall on their face. 10:24:46 I don't see how DDoSing seed nodes would put Monero at danger and cause a chain split 10:24:50 Of course posting the problem on HackerOne would be even better, if there is one, but can't have all. 10:26:27 "i'm still working on poisoning xmr peerlists" https://twitter.com/chainrx/status/1593930333665345537 11:31:25 "He's a troll" <- fireice_uk wannabe 11:31:47 Oh come on, not that shit in -dev again please. 11:32:48 sowry sowry, ill show myself out :3 15:18:38 Sir, I have a feature suggestion about monero gui. After clicking the create new wallet tab in monero gui, 25 new private keys will appear. I don't think it should be. I think there should be a password entry after clicking the create new wallet tab. private keys should appear censored after password entry (like metamask). Private keys may appear after clicking OK. With this feature, there will be no waste in creating new words and 15:18:38 it will be better. 16:55:44 Chesterfield sir, why did you react like that? 17:01:06 #monero-gui 20:05:26 Anybody here also part of the BTCPay community? 21:41:54 Seems Monero is not liked by some of the main devs over in BTCPay community. 21:42:34 if anybody wants to try and fix it please contact me 21:43:05 Well I try to create an alternative, but for now I came to conclusion that the easiest way is to disable payouts feature for monero because it's too complex to implement in a multi-walet environment 21:43:17 Accepting payments part is clear on how to implement for me having only a daemon RPC connection 21:43:28 mrnaif, should be an easy fix 21:43:36 How? 21:43:55 https://github.com/btcpayserver/btcpayserver/blob/bbe1442c284f32a133aafb548756b403a144013e/BTCPayServer/Services/Altcoins/Monero/Payments/MoneroLikePaymentData.cs#L36 21:44:06 check lock against height 21:44:21 I'm no programmer though 21:44:37 Well no, they use wallet-rpc, which limits them to only one wallet per server. That's why I want it to work with only daemon RPC connection and nothing else, removing the limitation 21:44:55 oh... you're doing something different... fml 21:45:05 rip btcpay server users 21:46:27 I found the following options:... (full message at ) 21:46:55 sorry... I don't know about that 21:47:40 when you create a wallet.... 21:47:53 I think there's an option to just trust that it's 0 21:48:08 rather than going through the chain 21:48:53 Well, to send transactions I need outputs fetched at least, plus craft that transaction object. But transaction object can be crafted only by wallet2's cpp code it looks like. 21:49:24 set restore height to -100 blocks or something 21:49:32 -10 21:49:42 think outside the box 21:49:57 But what if it has incorrect outputs data? The balance would be less than expected and it won't send? 21:50:10 I mean, if it doesn't read older data it won't know about balance at all 21:50:35 I thought you were creating a NEW wallet 21:50:44 not restoring an old one 21:50:53 yeah.. there's a tax there 21:50:57 Well, user can enter anything they want in UI I think 21:51:00 no way around it 21:51:26 I think mymonero let users upload something to make it easier 21:51:26 well, maybe good idea to state that as limitation, hmm, thanks for another approach 21:51:53 like an export of outputs 21:51:55 Well, after digging through mymonero code they probably still call that cpp function to create transaction, not sure 21:52:17 yeah 21:52:21 well.. good luck 21:52:34 Why do you want to use BTCPay server anyways? 21:53:52 I don't. I am creating my own solution, basically adding monero support to the main btcpay's competitor in opensource space (: 21:55:26 ok 23:48:55 "I don't. I am creating my own..." <- Who is their primary competitor? 23:49:13 mrnaif Mochi101 you could just ask me. i wrote or ported virtually all of the mymonero code 23:49:17 client side 23:49:34 endogenic, for btcpay server? 23:49:42 mymonero 23:49:48 oooh 23:49:50 right 23:49:54 ? 23:49:59 ran it for four years 23:50:00 yknow 23:50:05 Yeah, I forgot. 23:50:12 lol 23:50:25 and then there was the "unprofessional" moment? 23:50:30 Still curious... 23:50:32 no 23:50:35 there were many before that 23:50:39 lol 23:50:41 i merely disclosed them 23:50:50 you must not have forgotten then 23:50:59 you guys still astound me 23:51:05 letting people lie to you 23:51:17 anyway i guess you cant do anything about it 23:51:30 Truthfylly I have no idea what it's all about. 23:51:37 I just remember reading some things. 23:51:43 i'm not safe or i'd tell you 23:51:49 i've been threatened 23:51:59 there's so much the monero community needs to know 23:52:00 by who? 23:52:10 so much influence has occurred 23:52:11 oh man 23:52:22 it's sad watching monero be kept back 23:52:28 but i'm working on it 23:52:47 Web Wallet? 23:52:52 i went into virtual hiding for years. slept with a gun 23:52:58 and went into debt 23:53:31 frankly even before i left mm 23:53:35 so. 23:53:49 gonna get back to it. dont forget about my story tho 23:53:57 you guys need to kniw 23:54:15 come to the dark side... -pools is always open 23:54:37 better to talk there