04:04:46 o/ 04:15:11 -xmr-pr- cjac opened pull request #8673: removed unused refreshed bool 04:15:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8673 04:17:38 they're watching what I'm doing. 05:55:24 Hi, kinda new here - is there a way to join the public testnet if there is one? 06:26:16 Or is there a way to test monero - well specifically dandelion++ 07:28:32 run monerod --testnet, boom you're there 12:26:37 can someone kindly kick off the workflows for https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8665 ? 13:00:11 -xmr-pr- MuzuWeb opened issue #8674: Compilation takes a very long time on raspberry pi zero w 13:00:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/issues/8674 13:30:48 ""Couldn't open wallet: internal error: failed to deserialize keys buffer"" . https://old.reddit.com/r/monerosupport/comments/ziqcqf/cant_import_keys_file_to_gui_wallet/ . any ideas? 13:54:40 only thing comes to mind is version incompatiblity, or wrong password 13:54:51 but both of those have already been mentioned in that post 14:22:27 I came up with a possible way to create much shorter Monero address, which would be especially useful for Seraphis-Jamptis, and would allow customized addresses. 14:22:28 Basically, once you have a wallet with some coins in it, you send a special "TX" to the blockchain, which doesn't move money (apart from fees required). That TX would contain the full actual address, and an alias. 14:22:28 This system would allow the creation of custom human-readable addresses. 14:23:50 do you then expect the consensus software to prevent duplicate aliases? 14:24:08 we already have OpenAlias ... 14:24:25 hyc: Exactly 14:24:52 hyc: OpenAlias is centralized and not trustless. DNS controls OpenAlias addresses 14:25:24 xfedex[m]: Or just ignore them 14:27:57 ignoring them would be bad, since allowing duplicates to accumulate in the chain would make it harder to actually look up the correct one to use 14:29:04 The advantage of OpenAlias using DNS is that it's an inherently hierarchical namespace, which pretty much eliminates the possibility of collisions / duplicates 14:31:42 with your scheme, there's nothing to prevent squatters from registering well known names before their real users do 14:32:07 hyc: Not sure, but I think it's the same on Ethereum Name System 14:32:39 well... 14:32:43 s/squatters/scammers/ in this case 14:34:17 What if instead of including a custom name for address, you include in the tx the first 20 bytes of the address' keccak hash? Addresses would be shorter without the danger of "name stealing" 14:36:41 OpenAlias is neat, shame .onion doesn't have the ability for tagging arbitrary records on top 15:04:28 xfedex[m]: that would not work with monero's privacy tech (specifically the proofs we need for tx inputs) 15:05:41 UkoeHB: I think you misunderstood what I meant. Once you have a wallet with some coins in it, you send a special "TX" to the blockchain, which doesn't move money (apart from fees required). That TX would contain the full actual address, and its 20-bytes hash. 15:06:28 Any node can thus know that the 20-byte hash translates to the address, and sender node can translate that hash into actual address before sending 15:07:19 monero uses onetime addresses, which are masked user addresses (unique per enote onchain) 15:08:52 I know, in fact the 20-byte hash address would not go on-chain 15:10:08 we also have subaddresses 15:10:40 doesnt seem practical to record all users subaddresses in the chain 15:12:01 Yes, in fact only main wallet address would get stored. 15:12:06 why 15:12:48 the goal of subaddresses is to reduce address reuse 15:12:51 Another way I just thought of: instead of storing the "addresshash>address" on the blockchain, it could be stored on IPFS 15:13:21 on IPFS, fees would be zero, so subaddresses could be shortened too 15:13:23 that would probably be more appropriate than on the monero chain 15:18:24 advertising a fixed address would be ok for some things, like donation addresses I suppose 15:19:09 really the same usecases as OpenAlias 16:07:02 xfedex[m]: "OpenAlias is centralized and not trustless. DNS controls OpenAlias addresses" 16:07:44 I don't understand. DNS is not centralized. I ran my own DNS server for years, and I was free to set up whatever second-level domain I wanted 16:17:24 "I don't understand. DNS is not..." <- DNS is not centralised but the control is in your governments hands. 16:19:30 Sure. A case of finding the lesser evil. On the one side, the Swiss government that, in theory, could snuff out my domain 16:20:03 On the other hand mechanisms like IPFS with potentially grave spam problems, duplicates without clear resolution, and other niceties 16:21:55 Or bloating our blockchain with non-fungible / recognizable name-setting transactions. 17:03:23 I just saw that DNX TXT entries can have a length of up to 255 characters without any special measures. 17:03:44 So we are probably good with 200 character Jamtis addresses and OpenAlias 17:04:00 *DNS 17:09:11 OpenAlias uses a bit more glue, for example, you need "oa1:xmr recipient_address=" at the start, and maybe "; recipient_name=[...]" afterwards 17:09:36 that is another 43 characters 17:09:58 which leaves just 12 characters for recipient_name 17:10:18 why would you bother with recipient_name ? 17:11:02 you already have foo.sub.domain 17:17:28 you can have it contain the whole character set 17:17:29 > At a minimum, the recipient_address key-value must exist. 17:17:52 that is what you need, but if you want to say for example "Project ABC Donations 🐱" 17:18:18 there are also further keys, anyhow 17:18:38 tx_description / tx_payment_id / tx_amount / address_signature / checksum 17:19:29 but that would probably also grow too large even with old address scheme 17:21:13 that said those keys seem overly verbose 17:22:05 well, if it goes over 255, that's just multiple strings in most cases in the response 18:28:26 hi folks, could I get a LGTM for https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8673 ? 18:29:04 selsta: the FTBFS came from particularly strict gcc flags 18:29:34 this is the debian policy, so it's keeping debian from building. I could commit this patch to debian, but I wanted to check with you folks first. 18:30:21 https://paste.debian.net/1263691/ 18:52:16 cjac: where did you add this GCC flag? and why does it cause the compiler to get killed? 18:54:07 if you add some kind of "treat warnings as errors" flag it wouldn't kill the compiler as far as i'm aware 19:30:11 -xmr-pr- SChernykh opened pull request #8675: RingCT cache (huge block propagation speedup) 19:30:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8675 19:45:11 -xmr-pr- SChernykh opened pull request #8676: RingCT cache (huge block propagation speedup) [release-v0.18] 19:45:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8676 20:21:42 cjac: "this is the debian policy, so it's keeping debian from building." <- package maintainers are free t use whatever compiler options they like 20:22:22 you're only highlighting a warning, not an error 21:36:05 jtgrassie, selsta: no problem. I can patch the debian package, but our policy is to try to offer upstream first. If you don't want this patch, no worries.