00:42:40 .merges 00:42:40 -xmr-pr- 8682 8683 01:17:30 .merge+ 8686 8671 8653 8654 8651 8645 8643 8644 8648 8649 8640 8641 8632 01:17:30 Added 05:00:16 Breaking RSA with a Quantum Computer 05:00:16 A group of Chinese researchers have just published a paper claiming that they can—although they have not yet done so—break 2048-bit RSA. This is something to take seriously. It might not be correct, but it’s not obviously wrong. 05:00:16 https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2023/01/breaking-rsa-with-a-quantum-computer.html 12:00:11 -xmr-pr- plowsof opened pull request #8701: ci: update copyright 12:00:11 -xmr-pr- > https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8701 15:33:32 > <@mumuks:monero.social> Breaking RSA with a Quantum Computer... (full message at ) 15:35:23 xfedex[m]: No idea and I doubt anyone can tell you because this is just a bunch of Chinese saying they can do it, we do not even know how they do it or if it is true at all. 15:36:42 Mumuks: Doesn't that paper explain a faster integer factorization algorithm for quantum computers to break RSA? 15:37:27 I'm not a cryptographer but I am pretty sure cryptographers could tell if that attack is viable or not with current quantum computers 15:39:29 I can not tellyou 15:40:15 * I can not tell you 20:45:20 .merge+ 8663 20:45:20 Added 20:49:16 selsta I'm a bit under the weather at the moment, won't be looking at 8867 soon 20:54:05 hyc: np, it's not urgent for the next release anyway 20:54:37 cool 21:52:44 Get well soon hyc: