00:26:01 have to admit it sounded like a nice idea but I couldn't be bothered to activae it on my public node 00:26:24 and now I don't have public RPC at all because wallets ate too much of my bandwidth 07:23:18 I support removal of RPC pay *in the wallet code*, let someone code up a third-party wallet library that supports it 07:23:31 but no need to remove it on the node side, since the node has mining code anyway 11:06:03 makes sense 21:33:16 Hi, im almost whole day trying to understand encrypted seed in monero. I dont know why on sites like monerotech .info or xmr.llcoins when im using same seed with same passphrase i get other spend key than monero cli, gui or feather wallet. Was seed encryption alghorithm recently changed? How is it done? 21:35:30 monero-wallet-cli adds the keys. This is one of the schemes llcoins.net uses. 21:35:53 Add to encrypt, subtract to decrypt. IIRC llcoins.net has several schemes to choose from. 21:38:14 Might be called offset, sc_add, add. 21:46:23 every time i get other encrypted seed in llcoins and cli wallet with same input data 21:47:51 Possibly the hashing is different. 21:48:13 molera[m]: if you have a seed, then recover the spend key with `crypto::ElectrumWords::words_to_bytes(electrum_seed, nominal_entropy, seed_language) -> entropy = cryptonote::decrypt_key(nominal_entropy, seed_password) -> sc_reduce32(entropy)` 21:48:14 Monero most likely uses keccak with some magic/salt. 21:48:28 if you have a seed and seed passphrase * 21:50:00 then you get the view key with `keccak(spendkey, 32, viewkey, 32) -> sc_reduce32(viewkey)` 21:57:46 Thank you 22:12:43 do / can we have way of getting balance of locked but safe funds 22:14:11 No idea what this means. Rephrase. 22:15:32 when you make transfer from the wallet, change is "trusted" amount on your balance 22:16:11 while incoming transfer can't be trusted that way since it can be double spent, low fee, what else 22:16:25 Are you asking "how to get the total of change that's still locked" ? 22:17:08 yep, how much of change is in locked balance 22:19:08 You should be able to get that by adapting wallet2::balance_per_subaddress, IIRC (not 100% sure) "strict" means "on chain", non strict means allowing change from yourself. 22:23:49 might try that ty