00:32:20 is the epee http_client threadsafe? it looks like it has a bunch of locking but who knows 02:24:31 https://github.com/oxen-io/oxen-core/pull/1200 14:13:21 moneromoo can we host your monero-wallet-generator.html as-is directly on getmonero site? 14:16:19 Sure. Talk to ErCiccione, he was looking at that earlier. 14:18:15 yeah i already spoke with moo :). Won't be as-is tho. Functionality won't change 14:19:29 ok ok thanks! 14:22:13 If it changes, the signature won't check out fwiw. 14:26:51 My intention is to add it to the monero-site repo as a standalone html. Would be easy to review as the js won't change and once merged, from that moment on can be verified with the rest of the repo 19:32:57 > is the epee http_client threadsafe? it looks like it has a bunch of locking but who knows 19:32:57 That's funny, I'm also currently looking into this as well for the community node feature 19:33:36 Good thing it has 0 documentation 19:44:12 It's got mutexes guarding most methods, and I haven't seen anything that would hint to it being non-threadsafe, so I would say a tentative yes 19:46:27 > https://github.com/oxen-io/oxen-core/pull/1200 19:46:27 This could be a good move to implement this into the core project 19:47:16 The points about SSL compatibility are especially relevant, and it's so hard to get that right 21:16:26 Might be good for someone to do a preliminary assessment of the pros/cons and alternatives of replacing http_client (not me, I have way too much on my plate). 21:20:29 for me, it would be nice to A) be able to poll on a request status instead of block, B) have a clear/coherent/efficient way to do arbitrary numbers of requests from arbitrary concurrent tasks (or at least for it to be clear how the cost scales with those dimensions) 21:39:16 .merges 21:39:16 -xmr-pr- 8691 8692 8693 8697 8699 8700 8705 8706 8712 8713 8714 21:39:32 luigi1111w: do you have time for merges? 23:11:21 select_outputs.density unit test is failing on master for some reason 23:30:07 tevador: https://github.com/monero-project/monero/pull/8024 would fix it but it needs a review