11:43:27 tor + protonmail registration works now get gitlab repo. k4r4b3y is the user from yesterday moneromooo , they use another provider which seems to be causing the issue (?) requesting manual confirmation if possible thanks x 11:54:19 That email got bounced, the server wants a fully qualified hostname. Which I'm guessing gitlab doesn't do. 11:54:32 I'll see if I can do it manually. 11:55:47 Heh. Emails to google also bounce because we're not anal enough with modern DNS records... 12:00:29 plowsof11: done 12:01:08 thank you moneromooo 18:40:05 Is anyone actually here? 18:40:30 Guest8746: no, this machine only has ghosts 18:41:49 So if I'm trying to develop with monero this would be no help? 18:42:20 lol if you ask an actual question, you might get an actual answer 18:43:56 How do I use the monero CLI on a macbook bash terminal? 18:44:00 A question related to monero development. 18:44:28 Questions related to monero usage go to #monero. 20:02:32 Hi 20:02:57 I have one idea